strcmp files - Very large file size output - matlab

I'm reading in a csv file that is about 80MB - data_O3. It's about 250,000 x 5 in size. I created E, which is a little bit larger because it has all the days (data_O3 is missing some days). I want to compare the two so that if the date (saved in variable d3) and siteID (d4) are the same, the data point (column 5) is placed in E.
for j = 1:size(data_O3,1)
E(strcmp(d3,data_O3{j,3})&d4 == data_O3{j,4},5) = data_O3(j,5);
This script works fine, but for some reason, running it takes longer than expected. I've run the same code for other data that were only slightly smaller with no problem. Is this an issue with the strcmp code or something else?
The script and files used can be found here:

There are certainly see a number of ways to speed this up significantly.
First of all, read in all numeric data in as numbers. Matlab is not optimized to work with strings, and even cells should generally be avoided as much as possible. If you want to keep everything as strings, use another language (python or perl)
Once you have the state, county and site read in as numbers, then create a number instead of a string for the siteID. One approach would be to use the formula:
siteID = siteNum + 1e4*countyCode + 1e7*stateCode
That would generate unique siteIDs for all sites.
Use datenum to convert the date field into a number.
You are now in a position where the data_O3 defined on line 79 can be a purely numeric array (no cells!), as can your E matrix. That alone will make the process many times faster.
You also might want to define the E as something other than NaN. Maybe give it values of -1.
There may be more optimizations you can do in the comparison, but do the above first and I expect you will see a huge improvement.


printmat function: Decimal and percentage

I am very new to MATLAB. I am sorry if my question is basic. I am using "printmat" function to show some matrices in the command console. For example, printmat(A) and printmat(B), where A = 2.79 and B = 0.45e-7 is a scalar (for the sake of simplicity).
How do I increase the precision arbitrarily to seven decimals? For example: my output looks like 2.7943234 and B = 0.00000004563432.
How do I add a currency (say dollar) figure to the output of printmat?
How do I add a percentage figure (%) to the output of printmat?
Note: The reason I use printmat is that I can name my rows and columns. If you know a better function that can do all above, I would be glad to know.
Regards Mariam. From what I understand, you would like to display the numbers and show their full precision. I am also newbie, If I may contribute, you could convert the number data to string data (for display purposes) by using the sprintf function.
I am using the variable A=2.7943234 as example. This value will not display the full precision, instead it will display 2.7943. To show all the decimal tails, you could first convert this to string by
a = sprintf('%0.8f',A);
It will set the value a to a string '2.79432340'. The %0.8f means you want it to display 8 decimal tails. For this example,%0.7f is sufficient of course.
Another example: A=0.00000004563432, use %0.14f.
a=sprintf('%0.14f $ or %%',A);
the output should be : '0.00000004563432 $ or %'.
You could analyze further in
You could try this first. If this does not help to reach your objective, I appreciate some inputs. Thanks.
The printmat function is very obsolete now. I think table objects are its intended successor (and functions such as array2table to convert a matrix to a table of data). Tables allow you to add row and column names and format the columns in different ways. I don't think there's a way to add $ or % to each number, but you can specify the units of each column.
In general, you can also format the display precision using format. Something like this may be what you want:
format long

Using Matlab to find output at specified input values

spacing_Pin = transpose(-27:0.0001:2);
thetah_2nd = Phi_intrp3(ismembertol(spacing_Pin,P_in2nd));
With this code, I want to evaluate Phi_intrp3at indices where spacing_Pinis equal to P_in2nd
I know I have asked similar questions before. And I have got some really helpful answers already. But in this case they do not seem to apply. P_in2ndhas only 40 entries, whereas spacing_Pinhas far more. Therefore I cannot consider the absolute value of the difference of spacing_Pinand P_in2ndto find out where they are closest to equal.
so P_in2ndhas values between -25.9747 and -0.0147. The decimals have 4 digits after the dot, but these are sometimes rounded by Matlab (format short). That's the catch, I think, P_in2nd is not found in spacing_Pin. The result is an empty matrix.
Here's the first 5 entries of P_in2nd:
Now, I want to evaluate ¸Phi_intrp3at these values. For this purpose I can change spacing_Pin, but not P_in2nd. For example, when I search for the first entry of P_in2ndin spacing_Pin, I find that entry 10254 = -25,9747000000000. So I want to evaluate Phi_intrp3at this input entry.
Is there a way of doing this?

MATLAB spending an incredible amount of time writing a relatively small matrix

I have a small MATLAB script (included below) for handling data read from a CSV file with two columns and hundreds of thousands of rows. Each entry is a natural number, with zeros only occurring in the second column. This code is taking a truly incredible amount of time (hours) to run what should be achievable in at most some seconds. The profiler identifies that approximately 100% of the run time is spent writing a matrix of zeros, whose size varies depending on input, but in all usage is smaller than 1000x1000.
The code is as follows
function [data] = DataHandler(D)
n = size(D,1);
s = max(D,1);
data = zeros(s,s);
for i = 1:n
data(D(i,1),D(i,2)+1) = data(D(i,1),D(i,2)+1) + 1;
It's the data = zeros(s,s); line that takes around 100% of the runtime. I can make the code run quickly by just changing out the s's in this line for 1000, which is a sufficient upper bound to ensure it won't run into errors for any of the data I'm looking at.
Obviously there're better ways to do this, but being that I just bashed the code together to quickly format some data I wasn't too concerned. As I said, I fixed it by just replacing s with 1000 for my purposes, but I'm perplexed as to why writing that matrix would bog MATLAB down for several hours. New code runs instantaneously.
I'd be very interested if anyone has seen this kind of behaviour before, or knows why this would be happening. Its a little disconcerting, and it would be good to be able to be confident that I can initialize matrices freely without killing MATLAB.
Your call to zeros is incorrect. Looking at your code, D looks like a D x 2 array. However, your call of s = max(D,1) would actually generate another D x 2 array. By consulting the documentation for max, this is what happens when you call max in the way you used:
C = max(A,B) returns an array the same size as A and B with the largest elements taken from A or B. Either the dimensions of A and B are the same, or one can be a scalar.
Therefore, because you used max(D,1), you are essentially comparing every value in D with the value of 1, so what you're actually getting is just a copy of D in the end. Using this as input into zeros has rather undefined behaviour. What will actually happen is that for each row of s, it will allocate a temporary zeros matrix of that size and toss the temporary result. Only the dimensions of the last row of s is what is recorded. Because you have a very large matrix D, this is probably why the profiler hangs here at 100% utilization. Therefore, each parameter to zeros must be scalar, yet your call to produce s would produce a matrix.
What I believe you intended should have been:
s = max(D(:));
This finds the overall maximum of the matrix D by unrolling D into a single vector and finding the overall maximum. If you do this, your code should run faster.
As a side note, this post may interest you:
Faster way to initialize arrays via empty matrix multiplication? (Matlab)
It was shown in this post that doing zeros(n,n) is in fact slow and there are several neat tricks to initializing an array of zeros. One way is to accomplish this by empty matrix multiplication:
data = zeros(n,0)*zeros(0,n);
One of my personal favourites is that if you assume that data was not declared / initialized, you can do:
data(n,n) = 0;
If I can also comment, that for loop is quite inefficient. What you are doing is calculating a 2D histogram / accumulation of data. You can replace that for loop with a more efficient accumarray call. This also avoids allocating an array of zeros and accumarray will do that under the hood for you.
As such, your code would basically become this:
function [data] = DataHandler(D)
data = accumarray([D(:,1) D(:,2)+1], 1);
accumarray in this case will take all pairs of row and column coordinates, stored in D(i,1) and D(i,2) + 1 for i = 1, 2, ..., size(D,1) and place all that match the same row and column coordinates into a separate 2D bin, we then add up all of the occurrences and the output at this 2D bin gives you the total tally of how many values at this 2D bin which corresponds to the row and column coordinate of interest mapped to this location.

Extract a specific row from a combination matrix

Suppose I have 121 elements and want to get all combinations of 4 elements taken at a time, i.e. 121c4.
Since combnk(1:121, 4) takes a lot of time, I want to go for 2% of that combination by providing:
z = 1:50:length(121c4(:, 1))
For example: 1st row, 5th row, 100th row and so on, up to 121c4, picking only those rows from a 121c4 matrix without generating the complete combination (it's consuming too much for large numbers like 625c4).
If you haven't defined an ordering on the combinations, why not just use
where p is the number of combinations you want in your set ? With this approach you may, or may not, want to replace duplicates.
If you have defined an ordering on the combinations, tell us what it is.

Problem using the find function in MATLAB

I have two arrays of data that I'm trying to amalgamate. One contains actual latencies from an experiment in the first column (e.g. 0.345, 0.455... never more than 3 decimal places), along with other data from that experiment. The other contains what is effectively a 'look up' list of latencies ranging from 0.001 to 0.500 in 0.001 increments, along with other pieces of data. Both data sets are X-by-Y doubles.
What I'm trying to do is something like...
for i = 1:length(actual_latency)
row = find(predicted_data(:,1) == actual_latency(i))
full_set(i,1:4) = [actual_latency(i) other_info(i) predicted_info(row,2) ...
end order to find the relevant row in predicted_data where the look up latency corresponds to the actual latency. I then use this to created an amalgamated data set, full_set.
I figured this would be really simple, but the find function keeps failing by throwing up an empty matrix when looking for an actual latency that I know is in predicted_data(:,1) (as I've double-checked during debugging).
Moreover, if I replace find with a for loop to do the same job, I get a similar error. It doesn't appear to be systematic - using different participant data sets throws it up in different places.
Furthermore, during debugging mode, if I use find to try and find a hard-coded value of actual_latency, it doesn't always work. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
I'm really scratching my head over this, so if anyone has any ideas about what might be going on, I'd be really grateful.
You are likely running into a problem with floating point comparisons when you do the following:
predicted_data(:,1) == actual_latency(i)
Even though your numbers appear to only have three decimal places of precision, they may still differ by very small amounts that are not being displayed, thus giving you an empty matrix since FIND can't get an exact match.
One feature of floating point numbers is that certain numbers can't be exactly represented, since they aren't an integer power of 2. This occurs with the numbers 0.1 and 0.001. If you repeatedly add or multiply one of these numbers you can see some unexpected behavior. Amro pointed out one example in his comment: 0.3 is not exactly equal to 3*0.1. This can also be illustrated by creating your look-up list of latencies in two different ways. You can use the normal colon syntax:
vec1 = 0.001:0.001:0.5;
Or you can use LINSPACE:
vec2 = linspace(0.001,0.5,500);
You'd think these two vectors would be equal to one another, but think again!:
>> isequal(vec1,vec2)
ans =
0 %# FALSE!
This is because the two methods create the vectors by performing successive additions or multiplications of 0.001 in different ways, giving ever so slightly different values for some entries in the vector. You can take a look at this technical solution for more details.
When comparing floating point numbers, you should therefore do your comparisons using some tolerance. For example, this finds the indices of entries in the look-up list that are within 0.0001 of your actual latency:
tolerance = 0.0001;
for i = 1:length(actual_latency)
row = find(abs(predicted_data(:,1) - actual_latency(i)) < tolerance);
The topic of floating point comparison is also covered in this related question.
You may try to do the following:
row = find(abs(predicted_data(:,1) - actual_latency(i))) < eps)
EPS is accuracy of floating-point operation.
Have you tried using a tolerance rather than == ?