I tried to apply this solution to my problem, but it doesn't work. I've got a class which extends Wizard and implements INewWizard. It's called by an Activator-class. I don't have wizardDialog anywhere so I unsuccessfully tried it like this:
public SeeTableScreenWizard()
WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), this);
wizardDialog.setPageSize(800, 400);
The reason why i need it is the following: one of the pages has a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List which has many entries. Its doesn't have any consequences until i run the wizard for the second time. Its height is being set to the screen height, i suppose because it tries to set the size to that big page created at the first run.
Give me some clues please.
I'm new in GWT, and have problem with view implementation... I use MVP, and SmartGWT. I'll expose this by defining how I settle my MVP and what its weird.
In my onModule, I define class builded with UIbinder. I've declared a LayoutPanel and set it like this in the constructor of the class.
layoutPanel = binder.createAndBindUi(this);
I have container in this class:
public void setBodyLayout() {
panel.setWidgetLeftWidth(menuPanel, xx, PCT, xxx, PCT);
panel.setWidgetRightWidth(bodyPanel, xx, PCT, xx, PCT);
menuPanel and bodyPanel are both simplePanel declared in the class above(UIfield use with UIbinder). There are in LayoutPanel. For the method display of my ActivityMapper I've got this method (In reality I have two ActivityMappers, two method that like below and two containers, for menu and body)
public AcceptsOneWidget getBodyContainer() {
return new AcceptsOneWidget() {
public void setWidget(IsWidget w) {
Widget widget = Widget.asWidgetOrNull(w);
return in my onModule, I declared my ActivityMapper like this
BodyActivityMapper bodyContainerActivityMapper = new BodyActivityMapper(clientFactory);
ActivityManager bodyContainerActivityManager = new ActivityManager(bodyContainerActivityMapper, eventBus);
the same work was done with MenuActivityMapper...
when getLayoutPanel() return my layoutPanel declared in the class that I have declared above.
So, each region have its own ActivityMapper.ActivityMapper for the menu have only one activity, and "ActivityMapperBody" have sevral activities triggered by menu.
Utility of container are to settle my layout for different "action". I defined zone with it, in order to receive view started with activity.
But this configuration work only with view builded with UIbinder... In each view, I declare a Layout and return it like this
public Widget asWidget() {
return my_layout_declared;
When I return my layout, nothing works. I really don't understand why, and I figure that its worse with smartgwt. All I want its just retrieve my layout and put it in my container... Work with smartgwt can save a lot of time...
I've more detailed my issue to make sure that anyone understand. And ask to you Chris Lercher if your post can help me.
Thank for reading
The Smart GWT FAQ mentions a solution:
If you absolutely must place a Smart GWT interface inside a GWT container and you want it to
fill the container, the best approach is to listen for a window-level resize event and run
your own layout calculations that ultimately call resizeTo() on your topmost Smart GWT
However, it is wrong by saying that
...GWT containers [do not] fire events when they are resized
Layout panels (the "new" panels since GWT 2.0, which was released on Dec 08, 2009) actually do (see the ProvidesResize and RequiresResize interfaces). So if you have such a panel as your MVP body container (and if its parents are also LayoutPanels up to a top RootLayoutPanel), then you can also override the body container's onResize() method instead of listening to the Window resize event.
So how can you solve your concrete problem?
You need to call resizeTo(width, height) on your topmost Smart GWT layout
When you put in a (new) Smart GWT layout, e.g. maybe you put in a new one when the Place changes.
When the window resizes, or when other things happen that change the size of the container (alternatively, if you're using Layout Panels, you can use its onResize())
For the resizeTo(width, height) call, you'll have to determine the width and height by asking the surrounding container, e.g. by using
I know this has probably been ask one billion times, but I am still finding it difficult in getting a straight forward answer.
Where do you put the code under? Can you just add it through the GUI builder-if so how? Or do you have to 'manually' add it in the code? If so do you put it under public class or just class? How to you write it?
Though I would personally prefer if there was a way to add the photo through the GUI builder.
Also, if I added an imagine to a JLabel, would it be possible for me to set it as a background so all the other JLabels or Buttons etc in the GUI is overlapping the picture?
Netbeans version 6.9.1
In Netbeans it is a little bit difficult to do this but still it could be done (not as easy as VS). You just have to follow the following steps:
Create the new JPanel object using the wizard
Go to the Source mode and paste the following text
public NewJPanel() { //this is the contsructor , so change the name apropriately
try {
image = ImageIO.read(new File("c:\\1.png")); //path to your image
} catch (IOException ex) {
private BufferedImage image;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); //image drawing properties
Import all apropriate libs
Save the NewJPanel file.
Now go to your JFrame and drag and drop a Panel Object from the Swing Container list
Right click on the new jPanel object and select Customize Code from the menu
In the Code Customizer box select Custom creation and enter the following code. see image below
jPanel1 = new NewJPanel();
By doing this you replace the standard JPanel object with the one you created in the first steps
Click ok and then run your JFrame. You should see the image inside the JPanel now
PS: My Netbeans version is 7.2.1
I really need a possibility to run some code after the whole sorting of the DataGrid is finished. Especially after the little arrow which shows if the column is sorted ascending or descending is displayed, because i need to manipulate the CSS of this arrow after it is displayed. I couldn't find the place where the arrow is really set. I tried something like this:
ListHandler<String> columnSortHandler = new ListHandler<String>(list) {
public void onColumnSort( ColumnSortEvent event ) {
super.onColumnSort( event );
// My Code here
but the code runs also before sorting finishes.
Thanks for any suggestions how to solve this problem. I am searching for a long time now but cannot find anything that helps.
EDIT: I already override the original DataGrid.Resources to provide a custom arrow-picture. I also have a complex custom header of AbstractCell<String> which supports runtime-operations and is rendered with DIV's and Image.
As you're using a ListHandler, and thus probably a ListDataProvider that will update the CellTable live (setRowData); because both ListDataProvider and CellTable (via the inner HasDataPresenter) use Scheduler#scheduleFinally(), then using Scheduler#scheduleDeferred() should be enough to guarantee that you run after them, but then you'll risk some flicker.
You could, in your custom ListHandler flush() the ListDataProvider, which will bypass one scheduleFinally and then use scheduleFinally to execute after the one of the CellTable (because flush() will call setRowData on the CellTable which will schedule the command; your command wil be scheduled after, so will run after).
You can manipulate the css resource using CellTable.Resources.
public interface TableResources extends CellTable.Resources {
ImageResource cellTableSortAscending();
ImageResource cellTableSortDescending();
CellTable.Style cellTableStyle();
In MyCellTable.css use the stylename and change your icon
I created a widget that is a subclass of Composite and has a com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Viewport in it. Into this viewport I added my header component, a LayoutComponent (initially empty) and my footer component. I initialized the composite widget by calling initWidget at the end of the constructor that sets everything up ... something like this (some code removed for readability):
public class MyComposite extends Composite {
public MyComposite(...) {
viewport = new Viewport();
viewport.add(new Header());
content = new LayoutContainer();
viewport.add(new Footer());
public void show(Widget... widgets) {
for (Widget widget: widgets) content.add(widget);
Then I add an instance of this to the RootPanel:
MyComposite myComposite = new MyComposite(...);
And guess what... that works! I see it. The header shows, the footer shows, and the content is blank at this point. Good. Then I make the call to show and add stuff to it. Not exactly as follows but for example:
myComposite.show(new Label(...));
But nothing happens. The code does run, the add(...) method gets called from the show(...) method, there are no exceptions, but nothing (new) shows up. I don't use a Label, but that is not the problem (verified, that works elsewhere). When I inspect the DOM in the browser, I see that there is a div for the content, like there was initially, but it remained empty (i.e. no body content).
What am I missing?
First off, are you extending GWT Composite or GXT Composite? If it is the GXT type you will need to call initComponent() on the viewport (rather than initWidget) as described here: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/gxtdocs/com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/widget/Composite.html
Also, try adding the following line to the end of your show method:
This will force GXT to layour the contents of your LayoutContainer, and you should at least see the new elements added to the DOM. If they still don't appear on the screen you need to change your Layout of your LayoutContainer.
I am trying to draw some shapes (boxed ans arrows) into, i.e., "over" the text in an eclipse editor. To get started, I wrote the following code:
IWorkbenchPage activePage = Activator.getDefault().getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
final Shell shell2 = activePage.getActiveEditor().getSite().getShell();
shell2.addPaintListener(new PaintListener(){
public void paintControl(PaintEvent e){
Rectangle clientArea = shell2.getClientArea();
The problem with this code is twofold: (1) The line is drawn not across the editor but across the entire workbench, i.e., Eclipse window, and (2) the line is drawn behind (!) all other controls like toolbars and editors. This causes the line to be almost invisible: it only shows at some pixels between other controls.
How can I draw a line across a control like a text editor in Eclipse?
The problem that you have is that you are getting the Shell, not the actual component for the editor. The Shell is the whole window where Eclipse is being shown.
I think the only solution is to create your own Editor implementation, and then in the createPartControl() method you can create a text area and then add the paint listener to it.
You can get started with:
And then, looking at the source code of AbstractTextEditor, you can find the "real" SWT component that you want to draw to. You would need to override the method that creates the UI components, copy the original code and add your custom painting.
I'm not sure if it works, but you need to extend the TextEditor:
public class MyEditor extends TextEditor {
protected StyledText createTextWidget(Composite parent, int styles) {
StyledText widget = super.createTextWidget( parent, styles );
widget.addPaintListener( <yourPaintlistener> );
return widget;
That should at least get you the basic text-drawing control of the editor. Still, it's a PITA to work with these classes, as it is very internal stuff from eclipse, and neither documented nor really extensible.
Good luck with that :)