SUM of COUNTs in the same table - postgresql

I'm doing many counts that I want to show in a table. And I want in the same table to show the sum of all counts.
Here's what I got (simplified - I got 6 Counts):
item as a1, metadatavalue as m1, metadatavalue as m12,
WHERE m1.field_id = 64 (because I need that field to exist)
AND m2.field_id = 66
And m2. = book
AND a1.in_archive = TRUE )
metadatavalue as m1, metadatavalue as m12,
WHERE m1.field_id = 64 (because I need that field to exist)
AND m2.field_id = 66
And m2. = toys
AND a1.in_archive = TRUE)
Now, I want the display to be like
-------------table ----------
|NB_book | NB_Toys | total_object |
| 12 | 10 | 22 |

You want something along the lines of:
sum(CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN 1 END) AS firstcount,
sum(CASE WHEN condition_2 THEN 1 END) AS secondcount,
sum(thecolumn) AS total
FROM ...
Your example query is too vague to construct something usable from, but this'll give you the idea. The conditions above can be any boolean expression.
If you prefer you can use NULLIF instead of CASE WHEN ... THEN ... END. I prefer to stick to the standard CASE.

It is difficult to figure out what you actually want. You can run completely different queries that each return a one-row result and combine the results like this:
(select count(*) from pgbench_accounts) as count1,
(select count(*) from pgbench_tellers) as count2 ;
But perhaps you shouldn't do that. Instead just run each query by itself and use the client, rather than the database engine, to format the results.


Using TSQL to perform calculations

Ive got a table called NewCodes with the following records
| NewCode | Mapping |
| -------- | -------------- |
| pp1 | [US1] + [US5] |
| qq1 | [US8] – [US9] |
| ww1 | [RE5] + RE6] + [RE7] |
| zx1 | [KJ1] – [XC4] |
Ive got another table called Source Codes which contains a list of values assigned to all the code in the mapping column.
I am trying to figure out a way of assigning a value to the codes in the NewCode column using the calculations defined in the Mapping column. I currently use SSMS. So for example.
I have no idea how to attempt this and I was wondering anyone could help
As long as the production doesn't get too much more complicated than the example then this can be done. Specifically:
Only addition and subtraction can be performed, or at least there is no concern for order of operations.
The expressions are all well and consistently formed.
All variables exist in SourceCodes. (This could be overcome using a LEFT JOIN and providing a default value like 0).
The level of the SQL Server supports string_split. (Though I used to split with xml back in the day so this can be overcome.)
The following query will do the following.
Split each Mapping into a table of symbols.
Determine the proper order of symbols since string_split is non-deterministic.
Normalize the symbols so the codes in brackets will match what is found in SourceCodes.
Accumulate the result for each new code.
Return the accumulated result in the last row for each new code partition.
The secret sauce in this solution is the use of recursive CTEs to act like for loops. The first instance is used when determining the order of symbols. In order to determine the start index for successive occurrences of the same symbol the unioned part of the CTE gets the char index from the previous. The second instance in a similar fashion to accumulate values except it relies on the convention that an operator appears on every even row and code on every odd one.
WITH Symbols AS (
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY NewCode, Symbol ORDER BY Symbol) [SymbolSeqNum]
FROM NewCodes
SELECT value [Symbol]
FROM string_split( Mapping, ' ')
) x
, UnnormalizedOrderedSymbols AS (
-- since string_split is nondeterministic we need a way to restore the order.
SELECT NewCode, Symbol, SymbolSeqNum, CHARINDEX(Symbol, Mapping, 1) SymbolOrderIndex
FROM Symbols
WHERE SymbolSeqNum = 1
SELECT s.NewCode, s.Symbol, s.SymbolSeqNum, CHARINDEX(s.Symbol, s.Mapping, os.SymbolOrderIndex + 1) SymbolOrderIndex
FROM UnnormalizedOrderedSymbols os
INNER JOIN Symbols s ON s.NewCode = os.NewCode AND s.Symbol = os.Symbol AND s.SymbolSeqNum = os.SymbolSeqNum + 1
, NormalizedOrderedSymbols AS (
, CASE SymbolType WHEN 'Code' THEN SUBSTRING(Symbol, 2, LEN(Symbol) - 2) ELSE Symbol END [Symbol]
, SymbolType
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY NewCode ORDER BY SymbolOrderIndex) [SymbolOrderIndex]
FROM UnnormalizedOrderedSymbols
SELECT CASE WHEN Symbol LIKE '[[]%]' THEN 'Code' ELSE 'Operator' END [SymbolType]
) x
, RunningTotal AS (
SELECT NewCode, c.Value, SymbolOrderIndex
FROM NormalizedOrderedSymbols o
INNER JOIN SourceCodes c ON c.Code = o.Symbol
WHERE o.SymbolOrderIndex = 1
SELECT rt.NewCode
, CASE op.Symbol
WHEN '+' THEN rt.Value + c.Value
WHEN '-' THEN rt.Value - c.Value
, num.SymbolOrderIndex
FROM RunningTotal rt
INNER JOIN NormalizedOrderedSymbols op ON op.NewCode = rt.NewCode AND op.SymbolOrderIndex = rt.SymbolOrderIndex + 1
INNER JOIN NormalizedOrderedSymbols num ON num.NewCode = rt.NewCode AND num.SymbolOrderIndex = rt.SymbolOrderIndex + 2
INNER JOIN SourceCodes c ON c.Code = num.Symbol
SELECT x.NewCode, x.Value
SELECT rt.NewCode, rt.Value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY rt.NewCode ORDER BY SymbolOrderIndex DESC) rn
FROM RunningTotal rt
) x
WHERE x.rn = 1
This is obviously is not a very good use of SQL Server and you're probably better off writing a script to perform whatever you're trying to accomplish.

Does String Value Exists in a List of Strings | Redshift Query

I have some interesting data, I'm trying to query however I cannot get the syntax correct. I have a temporary table (temp_id), which I've filled with the id values I care about. In this example it is only two ids.
INSERT INTO temp_id (id) VALUES ( 1 ), ( 2 );
I have another table in production (let's call it foo) which holds multiples those ids in a single cell. The ids column looks like this (below) with ids as a single string separated by "|"
I want to evaluate each cell in foo.ids, and see if any of the ids in match the ones in my temp_id table.
Expected output
ids |does_match
1|9|3|4|5 |true
6|5|6|9|7 |false
NULL |false
2|5|6|9|7 |true
9|11|12|99 |false
So far I've come up with this, but I can't seem to return anything. Instead of trying to create a new column does_match I tried to filter within the WHERE statement. However, the issue is I cannot figure out how to evaluate all the id values in my temp table to the string blob full of the ids in foo.
FROM foo
WHERE ids = ANY(SELECT LISTAGG(id, ' | ') FROM temp_ids)
Any suggestions would be helpful.
this would work, however not sure about performance
FROM foo
JOIN temp_ids
ON '|'||foo.ids||'|' LIKE '%|'||||'|%'
you wrap the IDs list into a pair of additional separators, so you can always search for |id| including the first and the last number
The following SQL (I know it's a bit of a hack) returns exactly what you expect as an output, tested with your sample data, don't know how would it behave on your real data, try and let me know
with seq AS ( # create a sequence CTE to implement postgres' unnest
select 1 as i union all # assuming you have max 10 ids in ids field,
# feel free to modify this part
select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5 union all
select 6 union all
select 7 union all
select 8 union all
select 9 union all
select 10)
select distinct ids,
case # since I can't do a max on a boolean field, used two cases
# for 1s and 0s and converted them to boolean
when max(case
when in (
select split_part(ids,'|',seq.i) as tt
from seq
join foo f on seq.i <= REGEXP_COUNT(ids, '|') + 1
where tt != '' and k.ids = f.ids)
then 1
else 0
end) = 1
then true
else false
end as does_match
from temp_id t, foo
group by 1
Please let me know if this works for you!

POSGTRESQL 9.10 - returning the maximum value from a JSON arrays

Looking for a method to calculate the maximum value is an numeric arrays contained in a json array using postgresql.
Simple example:
room, data
1 , '{"history":{"samples":{"101":[5,10,50,20],"102":[10,15,5,5]}}}'
What I'm looking for is the maximum value for a particular "history -> sample" item for a room. This this case, it would be "50" for sample 101 and "15" for sample 102 but the real data is larger than this.
Here is sqlfiddle to some actual data.!17/2c7a0
Ultimately, I would like to end up with a pivot with the room and samples as columns with the maximum value in that array. Is there a fairly simple way to do this with the large number of elements in the arrays? (crosstab or cross lateral join?) Something like the following based on the simple example from above:
room | 101 | 102 | ... ->
1 | 50 | 15
2 | x | x
again, see sqlfiddle for sample data
You could use LATERAL and json_array_elements:
SELECT, s2.*
FROM jsonData j
,LATERAL (SELECT (data -> 'history') -> 'data' ) s(c)
(SELECT MAX(value::text::decimal(10,2))
FROM json_array_elements((s.c -> '101')::json) x),
(SELECT MAX(value::text::decimal(10,2))
FROM json_array_elements((s.c -> '102')::json) x))
)s2("101","102"); -- are more cols here
DBFiddle Demo
This is not a complete answer but it may help getting you close to what you're looking for:
select key, data->'history'->'data' #> array[key] as values
(select *, jsonb_object_keys(data->'history'->'data') as key
from jsonData) as a
See fiddle demo
You can select only a single room and do all the work on it, then it's easier:
select key, max(val::text::float) from
select key, jsonb_array_elements(values) as val
(select key, data->'history'->'data' #> array[key] as values
(select *, jsonb_object_keys(data->'history'->'data') as key
from jsonData) as a)
as b
) as c
group by key
order by 1
Fiddle demo
And if you want to display it in horizontal way instead of vertical, you can use crosstab (tablefunc)

Sorting randomly with grouping in postgresql

I have a table where the data may look like so:
ID | PARENT_ID | several_columns_to_follow
1 | 1 | some data
2 | 2 | ...
3 | 1 | ...
4 | 4 | ...
5 | 3 | ...
6 | 1 | ...
7 | 2 | ...
8 | 3 | ...
Per requirements, I need to allow sorting in two ways (per user request):
1) Random order of ID's within sequential parents - this is achieved easily with
SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY parent_id, random()
2) Random order of ID's within randomly sorted parents - and this is where I'm stuck. Obviously, just sorting the whole thing by random() won't be very useful.
Any suggestions? Ideally, in one SQL statement, but I'm willing to go for more than one if needed. The amount of data is not large, so I'm not worried about performance (there will never be more than about 100 rows in the final result).
Maybe this will do:
ORDER BY ((parent_id * date_part('microseconds', NOW()) :: Integer) % 123456),
((id * date_part('microseconds', NOW()) :: Integer) % 123456);
Maybe a prime number instead of 123456 will yield "more random" results
random() really is a nasty function in a final sort. If almost random is good enough, maybe you could sort on some hashed-up function of the row values, like
SELECT * FROM my_table
ORDER BY parent_id, (id *12345) % 54321
If it's never more than 100 records, it may make sense just to select all the records, place it in a local table (or in memory data structure on your client end) and just do a proper Fisher-Yates shuffle.
Something like this should do it:
WITH r AS (SELECT id, random() as rand FROM my_table ORDER BY rand)
SELECT m.* FROM r JOIN my_table m USING (id)
ORDER BY r.rand, random();

Using fields from select query in where clause in subqueries

I have a list of people and there are 4 types that can occur as well as 5 resolutions for each type. I'm trying to write a single query so that I can pull each type/resolution combination for each person but am running into problems. This is what I have so far:
SELECT person,
TypeRes1 = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 where table1.status = 45)
JOIN personTbl ON personTbl.personid = table1.personid
WHERE person LIKE 'A0%'
GROUP BY person
I have adjusted column names to make it more...generic, but basically the person table has several hundred people in it and I just want A01 through A09, so the like statement is the easiest way to do this. The problem is that my results end up being something like this:
Person TypeRes1
A06 48
A04 48
A07 48
A08 48
A05 48
Which is incorrect. I can't figure out how to get the column count correct for each person. I tried doing something like:
SELECT person as p,
TypeRes1= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1
JOIN personTbl ON personTbl.personid = table1.personid
WHERE table1.status = 45 AND personTbl.person = p)
FROM table1
JOIN personTbl ON personTbl.personid = table1.personid
WHERE personTbl.person LIKE 'A0%'
GROUP BY personTbl.person
But that gives me the error: Invalid Column name 'p'. Is it possible to pass p into the subquery or is there another way to do it?
EDIT: There are 19 different statuses as well, so there will be 19 different TypeRes, for brevity I just put the one as if I can find the one, I think I can do the rest on my own.
Maybe something like this:
table1.status = 45
AND personTbl.personid = table1.personid
) AS TypeRes1
WHERE person LIKE 'A0%'