Using loops to get multiple values into a cell - matlab

I have 31 subjects (S1, S2, S3, S4, etc.). Each subject has 3 images, contrast1.img, contrast2.img, and contrast3.img. I would like to use a loop to get all paths to the contrasts from all the subjects into a nx1 cell called P. P should be something like this:
This is what I've tried:
A={'S1','S2','S3',...,'S31'}; % all the subjects
C={'contrast1.img','contrast2.img','contrast3.img'}; % contrast images needed for each subject
for i=1:length(A)
for j=1:length(C)
P{j}=spm_select('FPList', fullfile(data_path, Q{i}) sprintf('%s',cell2mat(C(j)))); % this is to select the three contrast images for each subject. It works in my script. It might not be 100% correct here since I had to simplify for this example.
This, however, only give me P with the 3 contrast images of the last subject. Previous subjects get overwritten. This indicates that the loop is wrong but I'm not sure how to fix it. Could anyone help?

No loop needed. Use ndgrid to generate the combinations of numbers, num2str with left alignment to convert to strings, and strcat to concatenate without trailing spaces:
M = 31;
N = 3;
[jj ii] = ndgrid(1:N, 1:M);
P = strcat('Data/S',num2str(ii(:),'%-i'),'/contrast',num2str(jj(:),'%-i'),'.img')

I would use a cell matrix, which directly represents the subject index and the contrast index.
To preallocate use P=cell(length(A),length(C)) and to fill it use P{i,j}=...
When you want to access the 3rd image of the 5th subject, use P{5,3}

The problem is where you assign P{j}.
Since j only loops 1:3 and doesn't care about i, you are just rewriting all three values for P{j}. I think you want to concatenate the new values to the cell array instead
for i=1:length(A)
for j=1:length(C)
P ={P; spm_select('FPList', fullfile(data_path, Q{i}) sprintf('%s',cell2mat(C(j))));}
or you could assign each value directly such as
for i=1:length(A)
for j=1:length(C)
P{3*(i-1)+j} =spm_select('FPList', fullfile(data_path, Q{i}) sprintf('%s',cell2mat(C(j))));


Double for loop, how to set non-continuous index?

If I want to construct a double for loop, but for index k I don't want it to be continuous index but like [1,2,4,7]. I tried to do the following, and it did not work.
for i=1:100
for k=1:2:4:7;
Anyone could help me deal with that?
When you want to construct an array, you don't want to necessarily use the colon (:) operator unless you want to create a range of values (like you do when you want i to be all values between 1 and 100), instead you want to use square brackets ([]) with comma separators to explicitly create an array of discrete values.
k = [1,2,4,7];
Now that you do this you can specify your loop like you had it with this small substitution for the values of k
kvalues = [1,2,4,7];
for i = 1:100
for k = 1:numel(kvalues)
b(i) = i * kvalues(k);
Notice that I have defined kvalues once outside of the loop so that it is not created every iteration through the outer loop (thanks to #dfri for pointing this oversight out)
The way that you have your loop written, you're actually over-writing the value of b(i) every time through the inner loop. I'm not sure if that's what you intended to do. If it is, then you can reduce your loop to the following:
b = k(end) * (1:100);
Otherwise, if you meant to have it be b(i,k) = i * k, you could rewrite this with bsxfun.
b = bsxfun(#mtimes, [1,2,4,7], (1:100).');
The syntax k=1:2:4:7 will not work as you intend. Usually we make use of the "two colon" syntax to describe a non-default (1) step size from the given start to end values, k = start:stepSize:end. Using an additional colon here even yields a Matlab warning ("third colon probably not intended?").
One possible workaround is to let your "non-continuous" indices reside in a vector and extract members of this vector in the inner for loop as follows
nonContIndex = [1; 2; 4; 7];
numIndices = numel(nonContIndex);
b = zeros(100,numIndices);
for i=1:100
for k=1:numIndices
As noted by comments and the other answer: if b is simply a vector, your original loop will overwrite the b(i):th entry for each run of the inner loop. The above assumes that you in fact want a 2D matrix as a result.

How to Concatenate multiples variables with different size using Matlab ?

I have a multiple variables of different size : A1xB1 , A2xB2, A3xB3, ...
I would like to put them all in one VOLUME something like AxBxC.
Let's suppose I can take values of size AixBi.
I found that the following loop :
for ...
Volume = cat(3,Volume,I)
can concatenate I and produce VOLUME in case I are of the same size.
But What can I do when I can take different sizes ?
You can only use cat to concatenate arrays of the same size, since the resulting array has to be a proper array of size n1 x n2 x n3. Since in comments you told us that padding your variables is not an option, you have to use a cell array, each element of which will correspond to one of your matrices.
You can use a loop,
C = cell(1,nmats); %nmats number of arrays to concatenate
for n=1:nmats
C{n} = ...; %your n-th array goes here
Or for a pre-defined small number of arrays you can also call
%C = cell(1,nmats);
%[C{:}] = deal(arr_1,arr_2,...*add variables here*...,arr_nmats);
C = {arr_1,arr_2,...*add variables here*...,arr_nmats};
I commented out my original version, which works, but is needlessly complicated. However, the approach of deal would be useful for reversing your concatenation:
[arr_1,arr_2,...*add variables here*...,arr_nmats] = deal(C{:});
to the same effect.

Storing each iteration of a loop in Matlab

I have a 2d matrix (A=80,42), I am trying to split it into (80,1) 42 times and save it with a different name. i.e.
M_n1, M_n2, M_n3, … etc (representing the number of column)
I tried
for i= 1:42
it didn't work
How can I do that without overwrite the result and save each iteration in a file (.txt) ?
You can use eval
for ii = 1:size(A,2)
eval( sprintf( 'M_n%d = A(:,%d);', ii, ii ) );
% now you have M_n? var for you to process
However, the use of eval is not recommanded, you might be better off using cell array
M_n = mat2cell( A, [size(A,1)], ones( 1, size(A,2) ) );
Now you have M_n a cell array with 42 cells one for each column of A.
You can access the ii-th column by M_n{ii}
Generally, doing if you consider doing this kind of things: don't.
It does not scale up well, and having them in one array is usually far more convenient.
As long as the results have the same shape, you can use a standard array, if not you can put each result in a cell array eg. :
results = cell(nTests,1)
result{1} = runTest(inputs{1})
or even
results = cellfun(#runTest,inputs,'UniformOutput',false); % where inputs is a cell array
And so on.
If you do want to write the numbers to a file at each iteration, you could do it without the names with csvwrite or the like (since you're only talking about 80 numbers a time).
Another option is using matfile, which lets you write directly to a variable in a .mat file. Consult help matfile for the specifics.

How can I view all elements of a structure of arrays without writing a FOR-loop?

I am interested in seeing all the elements in the :
in which the result(a=1:24, d=1:5).
In general is it possible to access them without a loop and cat ?
You cannot use the [] trick with multi-level indexing, but if all of randMin are 128 x 11 arrays:
out = [result(1:24,1:5).randMin];
out = reshape(out,[128 11, 24, 5]);
out = out(1:4,2:end,:,:);
Final result has size of 4 x 10 x 24 x 5 where the first two are your randMin(1:4,2:end), and last two dimensions are your a and d respectively.
It looks like you are looking for getfield:
getfield( result, {1:24, 1:5}, 'randMin', {1:4, 2:end} );
I'm a bit rusty with this command and you might need to play with it a bit to make it work.
Read its manual and good luck!
I don't think it is possible because randMin could be something else for every field in result. result(1,1).randMin could be a matrix, result(1,2).randMin could be a vector, result(2,1).randMin could be see where I'm going with this.
So there is no way of knowing the dimensions or the size of each result's randMin without looping through all fields in result. If there is a function that does what you want, it will have to use a loop internally, so you might as well use a loop yourself.
If it is constant you can try something like this:
%Generating matrix struct results(a,b).randMin(c,d)
% value=0;
% for i=1:dim1
% for j=1:dim2
% for k=1:dim3
% for l=1:dim4
% results(i,j).randMin(k,l)=value;
% value=value+1;
% end
% end
% end
% end
%Getting the values
myMat=[results(range1, range2).randMin];
myContainer=reshape(myMat, dim3, dim4, length(range1), length(range2));
desiredValues=myContainer(range3, range4,:,:);
In the end, desiredValues will have the values you want, but the indices switched sides, instead of results(a,b).randMin(c,d) it is now desiredValues(c,d,a,b).
As I didn't know exactly how your struct looks like, I defined dim1 to dim4 as maximum values for the indices a to d. You can use range1 to range4 to select your desired values.

Mark values from loop for each iteration

I want to mark each value that comes out of my loop with a value.
Say I have a variable number of values that come out of each iteration. I want those values to be labeled by which iteration they came out of.
where the first number is the value from the loop and the second is counting which iteration it came from.
I feel like there is a way I just cant find it.
ok so here is some code.
for c=1:1:npoints;
for i=1:1:NN;
if ((c-1)*spacepoints)<=PL(i+1) && ((c-1)*spacepoints)>=PL(i);
if ((c-1)*spacepoints)>=PL(NN);
I want to mark each local value with the iteration it came from for the i:NN. PL is a vector and the output is a set of vectors for each iteration.
For this sort of quick problem I like to create a cell array:
for k = 1:12
results{k} = complicated_function(...);
If the output is really complicated, then I return a struct with fields relating to the outputs:
for k = 1:12
results{k}.file = get_filename(...);
results{k}.result = ...;
Currently as it is right now, in your inner 1:NN loop, your local(c) variable is being updated or overwritten. You never apply the previous value of local, so it is not some iterative optimization algorithm(?)...
Perhaps an easy solution is to change the size/type of local from a vector to a matrix. Let's say that local is of size [npoints 1]. Instead you make it of size [npoints NN]. It is now a 2d-array (a matrix of npoints rows and NN columns). use the second dimension to store each (assumed column) vector from the inner loop:
local = zeros([npoints NN]);
%# ... code in bewteen ...
for c=1:1:npoints;
for i=1:1:NN;
if ((c-1)*spacepoints)<=PL(i+1) && ((c-1)*spacepoints)>=PL(i);
local(c, i)=((c)*spacepoints)-PL(i);
if ((c-1)*spacepoints)>=PL(NN);
local(c, i)=((c)*spacepoints)-PL(NN);
The c'th row of your local matrix will then corresponds to the NN values from the inner loop. Please note that I have assumed your vector to be a column vector - if not, just change the order of the sizes.