How can I revert all open files in perforce? - version-control

I know how to revert a single opened file. However sometimes I hit some issues where I have to revert all files attached in a single changelist or revert all open pending files (default CL or assigned CL) in a client. Is there any way to do that? I tried p4 revert -c <changelist> where has multiple pending files. It didn't work for me. It works if I mention ALL the file names.

For me the following worked as well
p4 revert //... : Revert every file you have open, in every one of your pending changelists, to its pre-opened state.
p4 revert -c default //... : Revert every file open in the default changelist to its pre-opened state
Taken from : p4 revert documentation

I bet you just need to provide a filespec, try p4 revert -c <changelist> //...

On linux
p4 opened | sed 's/#.*//g' | xargs -n 1 p4 revert

Slight updated in the answer of #Talespin_Kit
Below one takes care of files that have spaces in their name
$p4 opened | sed 's/#.*//g' | xargs -n 1 p4 -d '\n' revert

When I try to run the command from the accepted answer
p4 revert -c <<changelist>>
I get the error:
Usage: revert [ -a -n -k -w -c changelist# -C client ] [--remote=rmt]
files... Missing/wrong number of arguments.
What I had to do was add the file name at the end of the command like so
p4 revert -c <<changelist>> //depot/folder/folder/file.txt


In P4 command line I only need to get the Description and Files fields

Using CMD why this does not work ?
p4 --field Description="New CL description here" change -o changelist_number | p4 change -i
P4 change -o gives me the list of files and an empty description field. What is the best cmd batch command to change the description ? Considering I don't want to replace < enter the description here > with a string finder.
To change the description of a pending changelist, do:
p4 --field "Description=NEW DESCRIPTION" change -o CHANGE | p4 change -i
Note that you need an up to date p4 client executable (for the --field flag) and that this won't work on a submitted changelist since they're protected from editing.
This approach works for single line description but not multi-line description. Suppose I have a variable $desc that contains multiple lines, how will I use it with above command, since this is not working:
p4 --field "Description=$desc" change -o CHANGE | p4 change -i

how to list files which are deleted in depot but opened in edit locally?

I am using p4 in linux. I was doing some changes to a file which was opened under edit in my local. When i tried submitting it, i found that the file has been deleted from the depot.
Is there some command in perforce which i can run and check if a file opened under edit in local has been deleted in the depot? Even some fancy one-liner would do.
Please note i am using an old version of perforce, so all the new fancy commands might not be available to me.
Thanks in advance.
Run p4 fstat my-file.
If it says headAction delete, then the file is currently deleted in the depot.
If it says action edit, then you have the file open for edit.
This worked for me, hope it would be helpful for others
( find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 p4 fstat > /dev/null ) | & awk '{print $1}'

p4 CLI: How to find new files not yet "added" to perforce control

I have looked at different ways of doing this using diff. The first option I tried is:
p4 diff -sa
Opened files that are different from the revision in the depot, or missing.
Initially I figured that this was a file with write permission bit set that did not exist in the depot. However, I have since learned p4 doesn't use mode bits to track opened/unopened states as I first thought.
Next I figured this option would work:
p4 diff -sl
Every unopened file, along with the status of 'same', 'diff' or 'missin' as compared to its revision in the depot.
This would be okay, except "unopened" is not inclusive of "untracked" files. Although, when I ran this, it produced something quite different that contradicts the documentation; it output pretty much everything that was tracked, but also output everything that wasn't tracked, but flagged them as 'same'. Maybe this means that it hasn't been added and doesn't exist in the depot, so the client is the same as the depot...? In my SVN biased opinion, a rather pointless option.
Then there is the 'opened' option. But this does exactly that. It lists all the files in the depot that have been opened on the client; so not the files modified on the client not yet added.
So is there an option I am missing somewhere, that will provide some valuable answer, like SVN and CVS are able to do with one simple command?
$ svn status
A added
M modified
R deleted
? untracked
L locked
C conflict
$ cvs -q up -Pd
Okay, looking around and playing with the 'add' command, it seems that a read-only add will output successful message if the file is not currently controlled:
$ p4 add -n -f somefile
//source/somefile#1 - opened for add
I applied this to the following command and pretty much get what I need:
$ find . -type f | while read f ; do p4 add -f -n "$f" | grep -e '- opened for add' >/dev/null && echo "A $f"; done
A ./somefile
Or if you're not bothered about local paths:
$ find . -type f | xargs -l1 p4 add -f -n | grep -e '- opened for add'
//source/somefile#1 - opened for add
Well, there exists "p4 status", which is very similar in both purpose and behavior to "svn status".
For more ideas, see:

How do I identify what branches exist in CVS?

I have a legacy CVS repository which shall be migrated to Perforce.
For each module, I need to identify what branches exist in that module.
I just want a list of branch names, no tags.
It must be a command line tool, for scripting reasons.
For example (assuming there is a script):
$ ./ module1
As a quick hack:) The same stands true for rlog.
cvs log -h | awk -F"[.:]" '/^\t/&&$(NF-1)==0{print $1}' | sort -u
Improved version as per bdevay, hiding irrelevant output and left-aligning the result:
cvs log -h 2>&1 | awk -F"[.:]" '/^\t/&&$(NF-1)==0{print $1}' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u
You could simply parse log output of cvs log -h. For each file there will be a section named Symbolic names :. All tags listed there that have a revision number that contains a zero as the last but one digit are branches. E.g.:
$ cvs log -h
Rcs file : '/cvsroot/Module/File.pas,v'
Working file : 'File.pas'
Head revision : 1.1
Branch revision :
Locks : strict
Access :
Symbolic names :
1.1 : 'Release-1-0' : 'Release-1-1' : 'Maintenance-BRANCH'
Keyword substitution : 'kv'
Total revisions : 5
Selected revisions : 0
Description :
In this example Maintenance-BRANCH is clearly a branch because its revision number is listed as This is also sometimes called a magic branch revision number.
This will bring up tags too, but tags and branches are basically the same in CVS.
$cvs.exe rlog -h -l -b module1
I have a small collection of "handy" korn shell functions one of which fetches tags for a given file. I've made a quick attempt to adapt it to do what you want. It simply does some seding/greping of the (r)log output and lists versions which have ".0." in them (which indicates that it's a branch tag):
typeset FILE_PATH=$1
/usr/local/bin/cvs rlog $FILE_PATH 1>${TEMP_TAGS_INFO} 2>/dev/null
TEMPTAGS=`sed -n '/symbolic names:/,/keyword substitution:/p' ${TEMP_TAGS_INFO} | grep "\.0\." | cut -d: -f1 | awk '{print $1}'`
TAGS=`echo $TEMPTAGS | tr ' ' '/'`
echo ${TAGS:-NONE}
rm -Rf $TEMP_TAGS_INFO 2>/dev/null 1>&2
with Wincvs (Gui client for windows) this is trivial, a right click will give you any branches and tags the files have.
Trough a shell you may use cvs log -h -l module.
Check for the very first file created and committed in the repository. Open the file in server which will list all the Tags and Branches together

Is there an easy way to revert an entire P4 changelist?

Let's say I checked in a changelist (in Perforce) with lots of files and I'd like to revert the entire changelist. Is there an easy way to "revert" the entire changelist in one fell swoop?
Currently I do something like this for each file in the changelist:
p4 sync //path/to/file#n (where "n" is the previous version of the file)
cp file file#n
p4 sync //path/to/file
p4 edit //path/to/file
cp file#n file
rm file#n
As you can imagine, this is quite cumbersome for a large changelist.
The posted answers provide correct answers, but note also that there is an actual menu option in P4V to do this for you now. It's in the latest 2008.2 Beta, and so should be officially released the the next week or three.
This link gives details.
It should be a lot simpler to use than the earlier answers, but I've not had the opportunity to try it myself yet.
Update This has now been fully released. See Perforce downloads.
This looks interesting. I haven't tried it personally.
The official answer from Perforce is at but the procedure is not all that much easier than the one you suggest. The script suggested by #ya23 looks better.
For some reason, the awk step does not work for me. I'm running from a Windows environment with emulated Unix command line tools. However, the following does work:
p4 describe -s [changelist_number] | grep // | sed "s/\.\.\. //" | sed "s/#.*//" | p4 -ztag -x - where | grep "... path " | sed "s/\.\.\. path //"
Here are possible locations to get Unix command line tools in a Windows environment:
I have the same problem when I want to delete an entire changelist. so I use the following script (notice that it also deletes the changelist's shelve and the changelist itself. if you only want to revert, copy the relevant lines).
Also, make sure the sed applies to your version of p4.
set -e
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "usage: $(basename $0) changelist"
exit 1
#make sure changelist exist.
p4 describe -s $CHANGELIST > /dev/null # set -e will exit automatically if fails
p4 shelve -d -c $CHANGELIST 2> /dev/null || true # changelist can be shelveless
files_to_revert=$(p4 opened 2> /dev/null | grep "change $CHANGELIST" | sed "s/#.*//g")
if [[ -n "$files_to_revert" ]]; then
p4 revert $files_to_revert
p4 change -d $CHANGELIST
The problem starts when you want to revert an entire changelist ( as a bulk ) that you've just submitted, and you need to start reverting files of #n-1 one by one fast ( because it's production ) ...
Wanted to support ya23's answer- the link of a Python script - it's really really easy to use ( and really easy to miss his comment )
You give it the revision you want to rollback, and it prepares everything automatically ( each file's #n-1 & merging and everything ) ... you just submit.