New Strawberry Perl looks for perl512.dll - perl

I was attempting a switch from ActivePerl 5.12.2 (64 bit) to Strawberry Perl (64 bit). All this on a Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64 bit. The sequence I went through is as follows:
1) Installed Strawberry Perl side by side with the old ActivePerl. (I did a similar thing on another box, only it was ActivePerl 5.14.2 without any problem.) Rearranged the %path% to have Strawberry Perl first. Perl crashed consistently and frequently. I was only able to run "Perl -v" without it crashing.
2) Following web search results, I uninstalled ActivePerl, uninstalled Strawberry Perl and deleted all related directories.
3) I then reinstalled afresh Strawberry Perl. Now I got an error: "The program can't start because perl512.dll is missing from your computer." Again consistently, except when running "Perl -v".
4) I searched the registry and found only a few pointers to some ActivePerl (now deleted) directories. No reference to perl512.dll was found. I deleted the ActivePerl directory pointers. This didn't help.
Searching this site and the web in general only yields the advice to uninstall every old Perl installation before installing the new.
Please help...

Just so this question doesn't appear unanswered - check the environment variables, such as PERL5LIB. They can still point to old libraries even after an uninstall.


DWIM not installing when ActivePerl present

I have ActivePerl already installed but when now I am trying to install DWIM package, it is not openeing. Its installed but whenever I try to open the Padre IDE it gives the below error.
I read that we can have two Perl versions - ActivePerl and Strawberry Perl on the same system due to separate paths for them. This popup also came while installing while a command prompt window got open and then this popped up.
This looks like a Padre problem rather than anything specific to your Perl install(s). Try uninstalling/reinstalling Padre... or try uninstalling Padre and installing Komodo: :-)

Perl module is not available for windows 64 bit system

I am using Activeperl for my windows 64 bit machine, I want to use module for windows 64 bit, but getting these errors:
Can't locate in #INC (you may need to install the Expect module) (#INC contains: D:/Software/eclips/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug
I have googled it many are saying this module is not supported in windows 64 bit. Can somebody guide me how can I install it, if not so do I need to shift Linux environment?
According to CPAN the only way for this to work in Windows is through Cygwin.
This appears to be due to a dependency on IO:tty, which has the same suggestion to use it through Cygwin.
It won't run on Windows. Expect creates a pseudo-tty to try fool the child program into not buffering its output. Windows doesn't have ttys.

Vim plugin does not recognize existing Perl support

I've been using the CoqIDE plugin for Vim on Linux machines for editing Coq files. Now I'm trying to install it on Windows 8. But when I try to source the plugin, I get
Your vim doesn't support Perl. Install it before using CoqIDE mode.
which is strange, because with :version I clearly see +perl/dyn included. Is this different from the +perl that I need?
I heard somewhere that you need to have Perl installed before Vim to get a Perl-enabled Vim, so I tried that as well. I uninstalled Vim, installed Strawberry Perl (64bit), and reinstalled Vim. Still the same problem.
If the solution involves manually compiling binaries, I would really appreciate detailed instructions as I don't have any experience with it.
+perl/dyn just specifies that Vim has been compiled with dynamic Perl support; it doesn't yet check that the Perl library can be loaded successfully. To do that, try executing a Perl command, e.g.:
:perl VIM::Msg("Hello")
This probably yields on your system:
E370: Could not load library perl510.dll
Sorry, this command is disabled: the Perl library could not be loaded.
Next, you'd then have to investigate whether a proper Perl version has been installed and the DLL is accessible (though the PATH).
Download DWIMPerl for windows. I'm running win7 64 and gvim 7.4.2. Using strawberryperl and activeperl resulted in :echo has('perl') to yield 0. By switching to DWIMPerl (and ensuring my PATH env variables are proper) :echo has('perl') now yields 1 using the standard gvim distribution. This is important for vim extensions like dbext which require proper support for perl interfaces.

Perl for Windows for Eclipse syntax checking that contains EXPECT and SWITCH?

We are running a CentOS Linux server, on which Perl 5.8.8 is installed. We cannot update Perl on this system.
I am installing Eclipse with EPIC to do some Perl coding onto my Windows 7 workstation. This requires that I install Perl on the workstation as well. I've installed a few different versions of Perl and they all have issues for us... Our code makes use of the Switch and Expect commands.
Strawberry Perl has, but not
DWIM Perl does has, but can't locate it. It also doesn't have
ActivePerl has, but can't locate it. It also doesn't have
Can someone recommend a Perl that I can install on my workstation that will provide these modules? Alternately, is there a way to install these modules?
Try this with strawberry perl:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Expect'
This is somewhat answered by Expect - Can I use this module with ActivePerl on Windows?
Up to now, the answer was 'No', but this has changed.
You still cannot use ActivePerl, but if you use the Cygwin environment (, which brings its own perl, and have the latest IO::Tty (v0.05 or later) installed, it should work (feedback appreciated).

Trying to install MinGW and Tk for Perl on Windows 7

So... I have been trying to get this working for several weeks now. I can install MinGW through the .exe, but no-matter what I do I can't seem to get make support or ppm install MinGW to work in such a way that my compilation of Tk-804.029 will correctly use the 'make' command.
(Installing a Perl Module:
perl MakeFile.PL - Works fine
make or dmake - I can't get MinGW to properly associate Make or DMake (Can't find the correct .exe in the MinGW/bin directory either... I've tried using the -32bit mingw32-make.exe but that brings up errors to do with the compiled header files.
ppm install MinGW also doesn't work, seems to think it can't find the package. So I am at a loss. System is running Windows 7 on a x64 setup.
What perl are you using? You could try
perl Makefile.PL MAKE=dmake
ppm install
ppm install dmake MinGW
ppm upgrade dmake MinGW
or download from
Or try
I'd suggest using Strawberry Perl if possible (and for Perl on Windows in general), as it will give you a working dmake out of the box. I don't have Windows 7, but Tk installs fine from CPAN using Strawberry 5.10 on Windows XP.