DB2 Cursor Stability - deadlocks - db2

I've always thought that READ_COMMITTED (DB2 calls it Cursor Stability (CS)) meant that you do NOT lock on reads, and that you only read the committed data. A situation just came up that makes me realize that DB2 is locking, albeit very briefly, on reads in CS.
Because it's brief, that makes it vulnerable to deadlocking. We have a client code that updated row X, then calls a web service that, among many other things, needs to read row X. Because the client code need to be able to rollback if the web service fails, it must hold that lock during the web service call.
With the service running at READ_COMMITTED, I thought it would not wait for the record, but would just read the old data and continue (which is fine).
Is there a way, short of running in READ_UNCOMMITTED (which gives me the willies) to make my service NOT go into lock-wait on a read event? I am primarily operating theough java & hibernate, but if you know tricks purely from a DB2 side even that would be informative.

The default behaviour in CURSOR STABILITY (the DB2 way), readers are blocked. However, with the new Oracle-like features, this behavior can be changed.
Depending your DB2 version, and if you migrated, probably you simply need to change to the CUR_COMMIT level.
Please take a look at this article, that explains very clearly the behavior.
More information is available in the product documentation.


Transactional guarantee in mongodb

So, I am doing research on MongoDB, in line with upper management decision to embrace open source and to migrate existing product database from SQL Server to MongoDB and revamp the entire thing. Do note that our database should focus on data consistency and transactional guarantee.
And i discover this post: Click here. A summary of the post is as follow:
MongoDB claims to be strongly consistent, but a lot of evidence
recently has shown this not to be the case in certain scenarios (when
network partitioning occurs, which can happen under heavy load). This
means that you can potentially lose records that MongoDB has
acknowledged as "successfully written".
In terms of your application, if you have a need to have transactional
guarantees (meaning if you can't make a durable write, you need the
transaction to fail), you should avoid MongoDB. Example scenarios
where strong consistency and durability are essential include "making
a deposit into a bank account" or "creating a record of birth". To put
it another way, these are scenarios where you would get punched in the
face by your customer if you indicated an operation succeeded and it
So, my question is as follow:
1) To what extend does "lost data" still valid in current version of MongoDB?
2) What approach can be take to ensure transactional guarantee in MongoDB?
I am pretty sure that if company like PayPal do use MongoDB, there is certainly a way of overcoming these issue.
The references in that post have been discussed here before (for example, here is one: MongoDB: Does Write Concern guarantee the write on primary plus atleast one secondary ). No need to duplicate your question.
The blog "Aphyr" mostly uses these articles to tout it's own tech (if you read the entire blog you will realise they have their own database which they market). Every database they show loses data except their own.
2) What approach can be take to ensure transactional guarantee in MongoDB?
I agree you should be handling database problems in client code, if not then how is your client side ever going to remain consistent in the event of partitions?
Since you are not Harry Potter (are you?) I will say that you need to check for exceptions thrown in your client code and react to them as needed.
1) To what extend does "lost data" still valid in current version of MongoDB?
As for the bug he mentions in 2.4.3: he fails (as I mention in the linked post) to state the bug reference so again, no comment still.
Besides 2 writes in 6,000? That's less data loss than I have seen in MySQL on a partition! So not too shabby.
I have not noticed such behaviour in my own app and, from small to extremely large sites, I have not noticed anyone reproduce benchmark type scenarios as displayed in that article, I doubt very much you will.
I am pretty sure that if company like PayPal do use MongoDB, there is certainly a way of overcoming these issue.
They would have tight coding to ensure consistency in distributed environments.
Of course, they would start by choosing the right tech for the situation...
Write Concern Reference
Write concern describes the level of acknowledgement requested from MongoDB for write operations to a standalone mongod or to replica sets or to sharded clusters. In sharded clusters, mongos instances will pass the write concern on to the shards.

IBM i (System i) V7R1 upgrade causes cursor not open errors on ODBC connection

For years, at least 8, our company has been running a process daily that has never failed. Nothing on the client side has changed, but we recently upgraded to V7R1 on the System i. The very first run of the old process fails with a Cursor not open message reported back to the client, and that's all that's in the job log as well. I have seen Error -501, SQLSTATE 24501 on occasions.
I got both IBM and DataDirect (provider of the ODBC driver) involved. IBM stated it was a client issue, DataDirect dug through logs and found that when requesting the next block of records from a cursor this error occurs. They saw no indication that the System i alerted the client that the cursor was closed.
In troubleshooting, I noticed that the ODBC driver has an option for WITH HOLD which by default is checked. If I uncheck it, this particular issue goes away, but it introduces another issue (infinite loops) which is even more serious.
There's no single common theme that causes these errors, the only thing that I see that causes this is doing some processing while looping through a fairly large resultset. It doesn't seem to be related to timing, or to a particular table or table type. The outside loops are sometimes large tables with many datatypes, sometimes tiny tables with nothing but CHAR(10) and CHAR(8) data types.
I don't really expect an answer on here since this is a very esoteric situation, but there's always some hope.
There were other issues that IBM has already addressed by having us apply PTFs to take us to 36 for the database level. I am by no means a System i expert, just a Java programmer who has to deal with this issue that has nothing to do with Java at all.
This is for anyone else out there who may run across a similar issue. It turns out it was a bug in the QRWTSRVR code that caused the issue. The driver opened up several connections within a single job and used the same name for cursors in at least 2 of those connections. Once one of those cursors was closed QRWTSRVR would mistakenly attempt to use the closed cursor and return the error. Here is the description from the PTF cover letter:
A QRWTSRVR job with 2 cursors named C01 takes a MSGSQL0501
error when trying to fetch from the one that is open. The DB2
code is trying to use the cursor which is pseudo closed.
The PTF SI57756 fixed the issue. I do not know that this PTF will be generally released, but if you find this post because of a similar issue hopefully this will assist you in getting it corrected.
This is how I fix DB problems on the iseries.
Start journaling the tables on the iseries or change the connection to the iseries to commit = *NONE.
for the journaling I recommend using two journals each with its own receiver.
one journal for tables with relatively few changes like a table of US States or a table that gets less than 10 updates a month. This is so you can determine when the data was changed for an audit. Keep all the receivers for this journal on-line for ever.
one journal for tables with many changes through out the day. Delete the receivers for these journals when you can no longer afford the space they take up.
If the journal or commit *none doesn't fix it. You'll need to look at the sysixadv table long running queries can wreck an ODBC connection.
also order by timesadv desc
fix those queries maybe create the advised index.
Which ODBC driver are you using?
If you're using the IBM i Access ODBC driver, then this problem may be fixed by APAR SE61342. The driver didn't always handle the return code from the server that indicated that the result set was closed and during the SQLCloseCursor function, the driver would send a close command to the server, which would return an error, since the server had already closed the cursor. Note, you don't have to be at SP11 to hit this condition, it just made it easier to hit, since I enabled pre-fetch in more cases in that fixpack. An easy test to see if that is the problem is to disable pre-fetch for the DSN or pass PREFETCH=0 on the connection string.
If you're using the DB2 Connect driver, I can't really offer much help, sorry.

Is it possible to default all MongoDB writes to safe? What is the performance hit from doing this?

For MongoDB 2.2.2, is it possible to default all writes to safe, or do you have to include the right flags for each write operation individually?
If you use safe writes, what is the performance hit?
We're using MongoMapper on Rails.
If you are using the latest version of 10gen official drivers, then the default actually is safe, not fire-and-forget (which used to be the default).
You can read this blog post by 10gen co-founder and CTO which explains some history and announces that all MongoDB drivers as of late November use "safe" mode by default rather than "fire-and-forget".
MongoMapper is built on top of 10gen supported Ruby Driver, they also updated their code to be consistent with the new defaults. You can see the check-in and comments here for the master branch. Since I'm not certain what their release schedule is, I would recommend you ask on MongoMapper mailing list.
Even prior to this change you could set "safe" value on connection level in MongoMapper which is as good as global. Starting with 0.11, you can do it in mongo.yml file. You can see how in the release notes.
The bottom line is that you don't have to specify safe mode for each write, but you can still specify higher or lower than default durability for each individual write operation if you wish, but when you switch to the latest versions of everything, then you will be using "safe writes" globally by default.
I do not use mongomapper so I can only answer a little.
In terms of the database, depends. A safe write is basically (basically being the keyword) waiting for the database to do what it would normally do after you got a default "I am done" response from a fire and forget.
There is more work depending on how safe you want the write to be. A good example is a write to a single node and one to many nodes. If you write to that single node you will get a quicker response from the database than if you wish to replicate the command (safely) to other nodes in the network.
Any amount of safe write does, of course, cause a performance hit in the amount of writes you can send to the server since there is more work required before a response is given which means less writes able to be thrown at the database. The key thing is getting the balance just right for your application, between speed and durability of your data.
Many drivers now (including MongoDB PHP 1.3, using a write concern of 1: http://php.net/manual/en/mongo.writeconcerns.php ) are starting to use normal safe writes by default and normal fire and forget queries are starting to abolished by default.
By looking at the mongomapper documentation: http://mongomapper.com/documentation/plugins/safe.html it seems you must still add the flags everywhere.

Considerations for a RDBMS-agnostic transaction replication subsystem

I am working on a RDBMS-agnostic (primarily via ODBC to start, though my personal preferred RDBMS is going to be PostgreSQL) transaction replicator for guaranteeing data in two databases is consistent.
This would be in similar vein to TIBCO Rendezvous, but not targeted at Oracle, and (likely) non-commercial.
I have considered alternatives such as using a simple message queue, but if users/processes in two locales update the same object at the same time (or before a transaction can replicate), you are still left with the issue of authority and "who's right".
What are primary considerations to keep in mind, especially concerning the high potential for conflicts in the environment?
There are some solutions out there, but I have no idea how big the gap between reality and the marketing advertising actually is.
(update: 2015-03-13: does not seem to support Postgres any longer)

Is there any method to guarantee transaction from the user end

Since MongoDB does not support transactions, is there any way to guarantee transaction?
What do you mean by "guarantee transaction"?
There are two conepts in MongoDB that are similar;
Atomic operations
Using safe mode / getlasterror ...
If you simply need to know if there was an error when you run an update for example you can use the getlasterror command, from the docs ...
getlasterror is primarily useful for
write operations (although it is set
after a command or query too). Write
operations by default do not have a
return code: this saves the client
from waiting for client/server
turnarounds during write operations.
One can always call getLastError if
one wants a return code.
If you're writing data to MongoDB on
multiple connections, then it can
sometimes be important to call
getlasterror on one connection to be
certain that the data has been
committed to the database. For
instance, if you're writing to
connection # 1 and want those writes to
be reflected in reads from connection #2, you can assure this by calling getlasterror after writing to
connection # 1.
Alternatively, you can use atomic operations for cases where you need to increment a value for example (like an upvote, etc.) more about that here:
As a side note, MySQL's default storage engine doesn't have transaction either! :)
MongoDB only supports atomic operations. There is no ways implement transaction in the sense of ACID on top of MongoDB. Such a transaction support must be implemented in the core. But you will never see full transaction support due to the CARP theorem. You can not have speed, durability and consistency at the same time.
I think ti's one of the things you choose to forego when you choose a NoSQL solution.
If transactions are required, perhaps NoSQL is not for you. Time to go back to ACID relational databases.
Unfortunately MongoDB does't support transaction out of the box, but actually you can implement ACID optimistic transactions on top on it. I wrote an example and some explanation on a GitHub page.