Is HTTP Get the default method for a Web Server? - webserver

Suppose my Web Server just handles HTTP GET method request for a path "/HelpPage". If I hit it with a HTTP HEAD method request for the path "/HelpPage", what will happen?
Will the server automatically invoke the GET method handler? Or will it throw an exception?


How to call soap web service from camel rest java DEL

I am trying to call soap web service from camel rest, from java DSL. but getting server error with 500 response code.
I will receive call from a rest with json data and i have to make call to a third party soap service also i need to process the soap response and send back the response in json formate.
here is my code
String getCustomerDetailsurl="http://<serverip>/webservice/Service.asmx?op=GetClientDetail&bridgeEndpoint=true";
.description("Aviva Mobile sales customer service")
.post().type(ClientRequest.class) // incomming request data
//.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))
.process(new CustomerProcessor()).marshal().xstream()
org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking http://<serverip>/webservice/Service.asmx?op=GetClientDetail with statusCode: 500
at org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpProducer.populateHttpOperationFailedException( ~[camel-http-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpProducer.process( ~[camel-http-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorConverterHelper$ProcessorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process( ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.processor.SendProcessor.process( ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process( ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
You have to look at Server side for what actual error is.
You may use some tool like tcp monitor (tcpMon) to see exactly what you send and what you get back.
Actually, To use SOAP service it is much better to use SOAP client, rather than raw call through http. Take a look at Camel-CXF component. Then create a CXF endpoint and use it uri in your .to({cxfEndpointUri}). CXF will do all SOAP work for you. Maybe you will need to make a little work in its interceptors, like authorization if Server requires it.
P.S. In your code what kind of Exchange.body your CustomerProcessor produces? is it a valid for server SOAP Envelope? does it have all what server requires by its contract (WSDL)?

Ajax call to Zomato API is not working

I am trying to access zomato api.
Headers: 'X-Zomato-API-Key':'myapikeyhere-763demoapi434'
If I use chrome's postman extension or curl then I can access the url & getting 200 status code.
But if I run it through my angular2 app or simple ajax, it is giving error at preflight OPTIONS request, error code is 501. I have tried otherways too, error is same. Need help
Zomato API's can only be accessed from server to server calls, the error message you have reported is a security policy implemented by Chrome to prevent cross site request forgery on the client side.
A way you can get around this is to write a handler on your server end to make handler which the ajax call will use, this handler in-turn makes a request to the Zomato's server to retrieve the data required.

Why am I getting request method GET not supported?

I am using PostMan as a REST client to test this API method Cisco ACL Analysis API. specifically POST /acl/trace or getAClTracksStd (first go to Policy Analysis)
Here is my PostMan HTTP test call
Does anyone who is familiar with PostMan understand why I am getting this "Request method 'GET' is not supported" error from the server? I am making a POST HTTP request, not GET.(Selected from Drop down menu) It make more sense for me to get a input invalid parameter error or something.
Just to show that the endpoint url works, heres a HTTP test request that works
(same link, host->host API -> GET /host/{startIndex}/{recordsToReturn}
There's two issues that I'm seeing with your REST call. First, the error you're seeing is because the call needs to be preceded by "https://". Second, remove the interface IDs parameter and values. You should get a response with data after making these changes.
Your json looks erronuous (comma after the destIp) - and the server probably always responds with a default confusing error message in this case. (Postman is very well tested and it sends POST).

Return 404 in DropWizard when context path doesnt match

I'm using DropWizard in my RESTful API. I set context path using environment.getApplicationContext().setContextPath("/domainmanager");
so that I can make a REST call like http://localhost:8080/domainmanager/v2/listdomains. This works perfectly. When I enter a wrong context path, I want the application to return 404 instead of any error message. Currently, when I make a rest call with url like http://localhost:8080/pathdoesntexist/v1/call, following response is returned
but I want the application to return simply HTTP 404. How to achieve this ?

Zend Framework set HTTP response code from inside a Handler

I'm developing a REST API using Zend Framework 1.12.3. I would like to know whether it's possible to set a HTTP response code from inside a Handler.
I'm using the Handler to check the "Accept" header. In case the requested format type is not supported, I should set a 415 HTTP error (Unsupported Media Type). However, I'm not able to set a response code from inside the Handler.
What do you mean by handler?
You can set a response code anywhere you have access to the Response object.
Technically, you can access the Response object nearly anywhere (after Bootstrap, at least) using:
$response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse();
The set your response code using:
It's most natural to do this in controllers since each controller already has a reference to the Response object: