Microsoft Word 2010 default Save As File Type - ms-word

If I open a .mhtml file in word, and click the "Save As" option, the default "Save As Type" is .mhtml. But I need the default "Save As Type" to be .doc/.docx. Is there any way to achieve this?

Create handler for saving event, in this event analyse type of the original document and show your own SaveAs dialog.
1. Handler
In normal template, create a class, for example clsSaveAs:
Public WithEvents appWord As Word.Application
Private Function IsMime(fileName As String)
Dim mimeTag As String
'open document
Open fileName For Input Access Read As #1
On Error Resume Next
'read beginning of the document
Input #1, mimeTag
On Error GoTo 0
Close #1
'MHTM file starts with "MIME" string
IsMime = Left(mimeTag, 4) = "MIME"
End Function
Private Sub appWord_DocumentBeforeSave _
(ByVal Doc As Document, _
SaveAsUI As Boolean, _
Cancel As Boolean)
'get extension
ar = Split(Doc.Name, ".")
ext = LCase(ar(UBound(ar)))
'what is the document MIME type?
If IsMime(Doc.FullName) Then
'my own saveas dialog
With Application.Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
.Format = WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXMLDocument 'docx
End With
Cancel = True 'cancel saving process
'normal saving
Cancel = False
End If
End Sub
2. Using handler
In normal template create a new module:
Dim csa As New clsSaveAs
Sub Register_Event_Save_As_Handler()
Set csa.appWord = Word.Application
End Sub
'autorun for any opening document
'Note: AutoOpen could be only one in normal template
Sub AutoOpen()
'could be run only for mht, mhtm documents, but never mind
End Sub
You need have this code in the MHTML document. You could do it this way (but I haven't tried it):
create a new document in MS Word and save it as normal HTML file
create in this document a new class (clsSaveAs, see above) and in any module the second part of the code
see at saved document: there is a folder named _files and in this folder a file editdata.mso; this is the macro; you have to code it in a MHTML file (when you save it as MHTML file, you will see, how it is done)
in document you have to link this file, look in HTML document and find a row like
Note that all this job is non-standard and you are walking on thin ice, be careful.
Useful links:
Using Events with the Application Object
Application.DocumentBeforeSave Event

Quoting Office's help documents:
1-Click the File tab.
2-Click Options.
3-Click Save.
4-Under Save documents, click "Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)" or "Word Document (*.docx)" in the Save files in this format.


How to properly close Word documents after Documents.Open

I have the following code for a C# console app. It parses a Word document for textboxes and inserts the same text into the document at the textbox anchor point with markup. This is so I can convert to Markdown using pandoc, including textbox content which is not available due to I can then replace my custom markup with markdown after conversion.
The console app is called in a PowerShell loop for all documents in a target list.
When I first run the Powershell script, all documents are opened and saved (with a new name) without error. But the next time I run it, I get an occasional popup error:
The last time you opened '' it caused a serious error. Do you still want to open it?
I can get through this by selecting yes on every popup, but this requires intervention and is tedious and slow. I want to know why this code results in this problem?
string path = args[0];
Console.WriteLine($"Parsing {path}");
Application word = new Application();
Document doc = word.Documents.Open(path);
foreach (Shape shp in doc.Shapes)
if (shp.TextFrame.HasText != 0)
string text = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text;
int page = shp.Anchor.Information[WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber];
string summary = Regex.Replace(text, #"\r\n?|\n", " ");
Console.WriteLine($"++++textbox++++ Page {page}: {summary.Substring(0, Math.Min(summary.Length, 40))}");
string newtext = #$"{Environment.NewLine}TEXTBOX START%%%{text}%%%TEXTBOX END{Environment.NewLine}";
var range = shp.Anchor;
range.Text = newtext;
string newFile = Path.GetFullPath(path) + ".notb.docx";
The console app is called in a PowerShell loop for all documents in a target list.
You can automate Word from your PowerShell script directly without involving any other dependencies. At least that will allow you to keep a single Word instance without creating each time a new Word Application instance for each document:
Application word = new Application();
Document doc = word.Documents.Open(path);
In the loop you could just open documents for processing and then closing them. It should improve the overall performance of your solution.
When you are done processing a document you need to close it by using the Close method which closes the specified document.
Also when a new Word Application instance is created, don't forget to close it as well by calling the Quit method which quits Microsoft Word and optionally saves or routes the open documents.
Application.Quit SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges, OriginalFormat:=wdWordDocument

WordprocessingDocument.CreateFromTemplate method creates corrupted MS Word files

I have proper .dotm template.
When I create a new file based on a template by double clicking in explorer it creates the correct file (based on this template). Created file size after save is 16Kb (without any content).
But if I want to use .CreateFromTemplate method in my code I cannot open a newly created .docx file in MS Word.
New file size is 207Kb (just like .dotm file). MS Word display "run-time error 5398" and not open the file.
I'm using nuget package DocumentFormat.OpenXml 2.19.0, Word 365 version 16.0.14931.20648 - 32bit and code like this:
using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.CreateFromTemplate(templatePath))
Google is silent about this error, ChatGPT says that:
The "Run-time Error 5398" error means that the file you are trying to open is corrupted or not a valid docx file. Possible reasons for this error may be the following:
The file was not saved correctly after making changes. Verify that the Save() method was called after making changes to the file.
The file was saved with the wrong extension, e.g. as DOTM instead of DOCX
The file was saved in an invalid format.
There may have been some unhandled exceptions in your code.
When I manually change the extension of a new file from docx to dotm, there is no error when opening, but the file does not open.
What am I doing wrong with CreateFromTemplate method?
I tried to reproduce the behavior you described, using the following unit tests:
public sealed class CreateFromTemplateTests
private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
public CreateFromTemplateTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
_output = output;
[InlineData("c:\\temp\\MacroEnabledTemplate.dotm", "c:\\temp\\MacroEnabledDocument.docm")]
[InlineData("c:\\temp\\Template.dotx", "c:\\temp\\Document.docx")]
public void CanCreateDocmFromDotm(string templatePath, string documentPath)
// Let's not attach the template, which is done by default. If a template is attached, the validator complains as follows:
// The element has unexpected child element ''.
using (var wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.CreateFromTemplate(templatePath, false))
// Validate the document as created with CreateFromTemplate.
// Save that document to disk so we can open it with Word, for example.
using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(documentPath, true))
// Validate the document that was opened from disk, just to see what Word would open.
private void ValidateOpenXmlPackage(OpenXmlPackage openXmlPackage)
OpenXmlValidator validator = new(FileFormatVersions.Office2019);
List<ValidationErrorInfo> validationErrors = validator.Validate(openXmlPackage).ToList();
foreach (ValidationErrorInfo validationError in validationErrors)
if (validationErrors.Any())
// Note that Word will most often be able to open the document even if there are validation errors.
throw new Exception("The validator found validation errors.");
In both tests, the documents are created without an issue. Looking at the Open XML markup, both documents look fine. However, while I don't get any runtime error, Word also does not open the macro-enabled document.
I am not sure why that happens. It might be related to your security settings.
Depending on whether or not you really need to use CreateFromTemplate(), you could create a .docm (rather than a .dotm) and create new macro-enabled documents by copying that .docm.
I opened an issue in the Open XML SDK project on GitHub.

VSCode create unsaved file and add content

In VS Code I would like to create a new document in a new editor (same window), but it need to remain unsaved. I cannot find a way to programmatically set the content of this document while it is in a unsaved state.
I have used:
but there seems to be no way to then add content to the file.
When I create a new temporary file and open it with:
The file is already saved.
Any thoughts?
Try using openTextDocument with an untitled document to create a unsaved file at a given path, and then use WorkspaceEdit to add some text:
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as path from 'path';
const newFile = vscode.Uri.parse('untitled:' + path.join(vscode.workspace.rootPath, 'safsa.txt'));
vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(newFile).then(document => {
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
edit.insert(newFile, new vscode.Position(0, 0), "Hello world!");
return vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(success => {
if (success) {
} else {
The new file will be unsaved when first opened, but saved to the given path when a user saves it.
Hope that provides a good starting point.
I don't know how to open it in the editor, but you can create an unsaved file with content like the following:
content: "your content",
language: "text"
That should be supported in VSCode 1.54 (Feb. 2021), meaning the vscode.workspace.openTextDocument script from Matt is implemented by default:
Open Editors New Untitled File action
We have introduced a New Untitled File action in the Open Editors view title area.
I was having some issues when the document was eventually saved using this solution from Matt, but I was able to use it in combination with DarkTrick's response.
By using the default behavior of creating an empty document and making it active in the then clause.
content: newXmlContent,
language: "xml"
}).then(newDocument => {
This allows me to create an untitled document with any content I want and show it in the editor. I was not able to give it a specific name though. This might be a limitation of creating an untitled document.

How to display modified body after Outlook ItemLoad

I have code to parse emails and add "tel:" links to phone numbers, but the modified email body doesn't get shown in the Outlook Reading Pane until the user manually reloads it (view another email, come back to this one).
I've tried a few hacks like Inspector.Display, and ActiveExplorer.ClearSelection ActiveExplorer.AddToSelection, but I can't get consistent results (Display will open new Inspectors for some users, very undesirable).
I was also going to investigate hooking the event sooner. Somehow accessing the email body before Outlook renders it, to avoid the need to refresh. I'm very new to VSTO, so I don't know what event would have access to the MailItem but happen after a user selects it and before it is rendered. I have thought about only processing new mail, but that doesn't help when I roll out this addin, only going forward.
Here is my current ItemLoad sub:
Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(Item As Object)
Dim myObj As Outlook.MailItem
Dim ob As Object
ob = GetCurrentItem()
If TypeOf ob Is Outlook.MailItem Then
myObj = ob
Dim oldbody As String = myObj.Body
If myObj.HTMLBody.Length > 0 Then
myObj.HTMLBody = RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(myObj.HTMLBody, "(?<!tel:)(?<![2-9\.])(?<!\>\ )[+]?(1-)?(1)?[\(]?(?<p1>\d{3})[\)]?[\.\- ]?(?<p2>\d{3})[\.\- ]?(?<p3>\d{4})(?=[^\d])", " ${p1}-${p2}-${p3}")
myObj.Body = RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(myObj.Body, "(?<!tel:)(?<![2-9\.])[+]?(1-)?(1)?[\(]?(?<p1>\d{3})[\)]?[\.\- ]?(?<p2>\d{3})[\.\- ]?(?<p3>\d{4})(?=[^\d])", "tel:${p1}.${p2}.${p3}")
End If
End If
End Sub
GetCurrentItem() just returns either objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1) or objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem based on TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)
Outlook doesn't reflect changes made through the OOM immediately. You need to switch to another folder/email to get the item refreshed because there is no way to update the item on the fly.
You can use the CurrentFolder property of the Explorer class which allows to set a Folder object that represents the current folder displayed in the explorer. Thus, the view will be switched to another folder. Then you can set the CurrentFolder folder to initial folder.
Also I'd suggest releasing all underlying COM objects instantly. Use System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject to release an Outlook object when you have finished using it. Then set a variable to Nothing in Visual Basic (null in C#) to release the reference to the object.

Outlook olMailItem.Attachments.Add - does an attachment have to be on the filesystem?

Is there a way to add an attachment to an email you're sending out without the attachment being on the filesystem? From reading over the DOM ( it says that the attachment source can be either a file path or "an Outlook item that constitutes the attachment". I don't use VBA of the office DOMs all that much and I'm not sure what this is. In addition, all the examples I can find are only giving usage examples by using the filesystem path.
I'm calling this from Word for documents that create themselves by filling out some form fields, then print themselves. I'd like them to go out via E-mail as well, but have no need for a permanent copy of the created file. I do realize that I could save them off to a temp directory, attach the saved file, then delete the file once the mail object is sent. It seems a waste to do this though.
Is there an way I can have Word pass the in-memory Document object off to Outlook to attach to the email?
The answer is no, you cannot attach an in-memory document to an outlook mailitem without saving it to disk first.
I made an assumption that email should get sent automatically, so SendMail method is out.
I tried a couple of things to see whether it would work. In both cases code would be embedded in your Word file.
In pre-2007 Word you could use RoutingSlip functionality:
ActiveDocument.HasRoutingSlip = True 'Creates RoutingSlip
With ActiveDocument.RoutingSlip
.Subject = "email Subject"
.AddRecipient = ""
.Delivery = wdAllAtOnce
End With
Apparently, this code doesn't work in Word 2007. So instead you can use SendForReview functionality:
ActiveDocument.SendForReview "", "email subject", False, True
Email gets sent right away (w/o the popup Outlook window), but a couple of caveats exist: the document has to have a corresponding file - it won't work for a new document that has never been saved, and the first time the recipient opens the attached document from e-mail there may be a popup message about starting the review process.
I hope this helps,
This should work for you, if the relevant attachment source is an inline item, such as an embedded image. I have not tried it with attached files that are not inline but it may work there too. The basic ideas are:
1) Treat the content of the Emails as a Word document because the native Editor for Outlook is Word.
2) Use Word's Copy and Paste to carry everything around with you via the Clipboard because it is a well tested approach. In the example, I have pasted the new section in at the start in a new Paragraph but you could obviously place it anywhere you want.
The strange thing is, though, (see the Debug.Print) that the Attachments Count in the To document does not change, even though the inline images are all where they should be and can be seen and Sent. Have Outlook fun! (The .olm files in the example are simply Outlook.MailItems that have been saved as Template files. They could just as easily be MailItems from an Outlook folder.)
Private Sub TestAttach()
'Places inline Attachment information into a different MailItem
Dim OlTo As Outlook.MailItem
Dim OlFrom As Outlook.MailItem
Dim DocTo As Word.Document
Dim DocFrom As Word.Document
Dim R As Word.Range
Dim R1 As Word.Range
Dim R2 As Word.Range
Dim lStart As Long
Dim lEnd As Long
Set OlFrom = Outlook.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Temp\OlTemplateWithSomeOtherAttachments.oft")
Set OlTo = Outlook.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Temp\OlTemplateWithSomeAttachments.oft")
Debug.Print "From file starts with " & OlFrom.Attachments.Count & " attachments."
Debug.Print "To file starts with " & OlTo.Attachments.Count & " attachments."
Set DocFrom = OlFrom.GetInspector.WordEditor
Set DocTo = OlTo.GetInspector.WordEditor
Set R2 = DocFrom.Content
With R2.Find 'Note: Find settings are 'sticky' and do not need to be repeated on the next find.
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop 'Do not loop back to the start of the document
.Format = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
.Text = "Start flag for Section with Attachments" 'Find the start of the section to move
lStart = R2.Start
.Text = "End flag for Section with Attachments" 'Find the end of the section to move
R2.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
lEnd = R2.Start
End With
Set R2 = DocFrom.Range(lStart, lEnd)
Set R = DocTo.Range(1, 1)
'Place the new inline attachments in the To MailItem
Set R = DocTo.Range(1, 1)
Debug.Print OlTo.Attachments.Count; "To file ends with " & OlTo.Attachments.Count & " attachments, the same as the original number but all the inline images show."
End Sub