Incorrect len of msg in netlink socket - sockets

I tried to use netlink socket to send binary data from kernel space to user space. I followed the example from How to use netlink socket to communicate with a kernel module?
However at the receiving end in userspace, I am getting received data length to be greater than what was sent from kernel space. However the data is the same. Data gets appended with some garbage value.
Is there no guarantee in netlink socket that received data length will be same as data sent from kernel space ?

You might want to check the documentation to make sure that you are using macros like "NLMSG_SPACE", "NLMSG_PAYLOAD", and "NLMSG_DATA" correctly.
Extra data might be from the unused portions of the data frames and your program not reading the message length correctly. (In effect, not using the macros correctly.) For example, if you send 1 byte, I believe there will actually be 4 bytes sent because NLMSG_SPACE will round up to a multiple of 4 to "align" the data in the packet.
Reading it should be no problem though, just use the macros to get the real length of the data and only read that much.
Here's an example of getting a pointer to the buffer and the length of that buffer.
// Get a pointer to the start of the data in the buffer and the buffer (payload) length
buf = (u_char *) (NLMSG_DATA(nlh));
len = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(nlh, 0);
Here are the definitions of the macros. Look at those if you want. This here is probably more understandable.
The code you linked to is sending characters and gets away with it by "memset"-ing the data to 0, so printing that char array just works.
Hope this helps. Post some code if you can't get it working.


What guarantees does UDP give?

UDP packets obviously can arrive multiple times, not at all and out of order.
But if packets arrive, is it guaranteed, that any call to recvfrom and similar functions will return exactly one complete packet the sender sent via sendto (or similar)? In other words, is it possible to receive incomplete packets or multiple packets at once? Is it dependent on the OS, or does the standard mandate a certain behavior?
As I mentioned in a comment, the UDP specification (RFC 768) does not specify the behavior of the "interface" between an application program and the OS infrastructure that handles UDP messages.
However, POSIX specification does address this. The key section of the recvfrom spec says this:
The recvfrom() function shall return the length of the message written to the buffer pointed to by the buffer argument. For message-based sockets, such as SOCK_RAW, SOCK_DGRAM, and SOCK_SEQPACKET, the entire message shall be read in a single operation. If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer, and MSG_PEEK is not set in the flags argument, the excess bytes shall be discarded.
Note the use of the word "shall". Any OS <-> application API that claims to conform to the POSIX spec would be bound by that language.
In simple terms, any POSIX compliant recvfrom will return one complete UDP message in the buffer provided that the buffer space provided is large enough. If it is not large enough, "excess" bytes will be discarded.
(Some recvfrom implementations support a non-standard MSG_TRUNC flag that allows the application to find out the actual message length. Check the OS-specific manual page for details.)
The recv family of system calls don't behave like that. They do not return frames or packets, they transfer layer 3 payload bytes stored in the processor's internal receive buffers to the user applications buffer. In other words, what ultimately determines how many bytes are passed up is the size of the user's buffer. The behaviour is to try and fill this buffer and if that's not possible to send what data has arrived and if that's not possible then block or return no data depending on how the recv is configured.
From the recv man page (my emphasis)
If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer,
excess bytes may be discarded depending on the type of socket the
message is received from.
If no messages are available at the socket, the receive calls wait
for a message to arrive, unless the socket is nonblocking (see
fcntl(2)), in which case the value -1 is returned and the external
variable errno is set to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK. The receive calls
normally return any data available, up to the requested amount,
rather than waiting for receipt of the full amount requested.
The one other factor that needs to be taken into account is the internal recive buffer size. This is a fixed size and attempting to add more data to an already full buffer can result in loss of data. The value can be set with the SO_RCVBUF flag - from the socket man page:
SO_RCVBUF Sets or gets the maximum socket receive buffer in bytes. The
kernel doubles this value (to allow space for bookkeeping
overhead) when it is set using setsockopt(2), and this doubled
value is returned by getsockopt(2). The default value is set
by the /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default file, and the maximum
allowed value is set by the /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max file.
The minimum (doubled) value for this option is 256.

How can I get the remote address from an incoming message on UDP listener socket?

Although it's possible to read from a Gio.Socket by wrapping it's file-descriptor in Gio.DataInputStream, using Gio.Socket.receive_from() in GJS to receive is not possible because as commented here:
GJS will clone array arguments before passing them to the C-code which will make the call to Socket.receive_from work and return the number of bytes received as well as the source of the packet. The buffer content will be unchanged as buffer actually read into is a freed clone.
Thus, input arguments are cloned and data will be written to the cloned buffer, not the instance of buffer actually passed in.
Although reading from a data stream is not a problem, Gio.Socket.receive_from() is the only way I can find to get the remote address from a UDP listener, since Gio.Socket.remote_address will be undefined. Unfortunately as the docs say for Gio.Socket.receive():
For G_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM [...] If the received message is too large to fit in buffer, then the data beyond size bytes will be discarded, without any explicit indication that this has occurred.
So if I try something like Gio.Socket.receive_from(new Uint8Array(0), null); just to get the address, the packet is swallowed, but if I read via the file-descriptor I can't tell where the message came from. Is there another non-destructive way to get the incoming address for a packet?
Since you’re using a datagram socket, it should be possible to use Gio.Socket.receive_message() and pass the Gio.SocketMsgFlags.PEEK flag to it. This isn’t possible for a stream-based socket, but you are not going to want the sender address for each read you do in that case.
If you want improved performance, you may be able to use Gio.Socket.receive_messages(), although I am not sure whether that’s completely introspectable at the moment.

C socket programming recv size

I am a newbie in socket programming(in C), maybe this question is a litter bit stupid. In C socket programming, how should I determine the size of buffer of the function recv()/read()? As in many cases, we don't know the size of data sent using send()/write(). Thanks a lot!
how should I determine the size of buffer of the function
Ideally one shouldn't look at these buffers and keep to the olden TCP model: keep reading bytes while bytes are available.
If you are asking this question for things like: "how big should be the buffer into which I receive?", the simple answer is to pick a size and just pass that. If there's more data you can read again.
Back to your original question, different stacks give you different APIs. For example on some Unixes you have things like SIOCINQ and FIONREAD. These give you the amount of data the kernel has in its receive buffer, waiting for you to copy it out.
If you don't really know how many bytes are expected, use a large buffer and pass a large buffer size to recv/read. These functions will return how many bytes were put into the buffer. Then you can deal with this data printing it, for example.
But keep in mind that data is often either sent in chunks of known size or sent with a message-size in the first bytes, so the receiver side is able to identify how many bytes should be read.

How do I retrieve file data over a socket in Go?

I've got two small programs communicating nicely over a socket where the receiving side is in Go. Everything works peachy when my messages are tiny enough to fit in the 1024 byte buffer and can be received in a single Read from the connection but now I want to transfer data from an image that is 100k+ or more. I'm assuming the correct solution is not to increase the buffer until any image can fit inside.
var buf = make([]byte,1024)
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":1234")
for {
r, err := conn.Read(buf[0:])
go readHandler(string(buf[0:r]),conn)
How can I improve my socket read routine to accept both simple messages of a few bytes and also larger data? Bonus points if you can turn the total image data into an io.Reader for use in image.Decode.
I have no direct experience with TCP in Go but to me it seems that you fell victim of a quite typical misunderstanding of what guarntees TCP offers.
The thing is, in contrast with, say, UDP and SCTP, TCP does not have the concept of message boundaries because it's stream-oriented. It means, TCP transports opaque streams of bytes and you have very little control of "chunking" that stream with regard to the receiving side.
I suspect what you observe as "sending a 100k+ message" is the runtime/network library on the sender side typically "deceiving" you by consuming your "message" into its internal buffers and then streaming it in whatever chunks OS's TCP stack allows it to (on ubiquitous hardware/software it's usually about 8k). The size of pieces the receiver gets that stream is completely undefined; the only thing defined is ordering of the bytes in the stream, which is preserved.
Hence it might turn out you have to resonsider your approach to receiving data. The exact approach varies depending on the nature of the data being streamed:
The easiest way (if you have the control over the application-level protocol) is to pass the length of the following "message payload" in a special length field of fixed format. Then destreaming the whole message is a two-step process: 1) receive that many bytes to get the length field, read it, check the value for sanity, then 2) read that many following bytes and be done with it.
If you have no control over the app-level protocol, parsing messages becomes more involved and usually requires some sort of complicated state machine.
For more info, look at this and this.
You can use io.ReadFull to read a []byte of a specific length. This assumes that you know beforehand how many bytes you need to read.
As for image.Decode, it should be possible to pass the conn directly to the image.Decode function. This assumes that you do not perform any reads from the connection until the image is decoded.
Your code
for {
r, err := conn.Read(buf[0:])
go readHandler(string(buf[0:r]),conn)
seems to be suggesting that the goroutine you are starting is reading from conn This doesn't seem like a good idea, because you will end up having multiple concurrent reads from the connection (without having control over the order in which the reads will happen): one in the for-loop, another one in readHandler.

Erlang get_tcp:recv data length

I user gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0). for data receiveng, but i can receive only 1418 bytes for 1 time. How can I receive how much data was sent?
in gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) you are asking the kernel: "Give me all data there is available right now in the receive buffer". The kernel is also free to give you less however. Even for a rather fast link, you will probably hit slow start on the TCP connection so in the beginning you will not get much data.
The solution is to do your own buffering. You will have to eat data from the underlying socket until you have enough to construct a message. It is quite common for binary protocols to implement their own kind of messaging on top of the stream due to this.
For the longer term record: A common message format is to encode a message as:
decode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
<<Len:32/integer, R/binary>> = Bin,
<<Payload:Len/binary, Remain/binary>>,
{msg, {Len, Payload}, Remaining}.
That is, messages are 4 bytes representing a 32-bit bigendian integer followed by the payload, where the length is given by the integer. This format, and others like it, are so common Erlang includes optimized parsers for it directly in the C-layer. To get access to these, you set options on the socket through inet/setops/2, in our case we set {packet, 4}. Then we can get messages by setting {active, once} on the socket and wait for the next message. When it arrives, we can {active, once} again on the socket to get the next message, and so on. There is an example in the documentation of gen_tcp (erl -man gen_tcp if you have the Erlang man-pages installed appropriately).
Other common formats are asn.1 or even http headers(!).
It is often beneficial to create a process which is separate that can encode and decode your message format and then send on data to the rest of the system. Usually a good solution in Erlang is to demux incoming data as fast as possible and get the data to a process which can then handle the rest of the problem.