eclipse shortcut publish everywhere - eclipse

I would like to change the publish shortcut behaviour to apply to every window i work.
This would remove the need to be in the server view to use this shortcut (CTRL+ALT+P)
So far I followed this post: eclipse key bindings everywhere
Setting "when" to "in windows" did not work. I guess because the shortcut is still part of the category "server"
How can I change the category? Is there another way to fix this?

This is not going to work. The command handler for the Publish action (org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.view.servers.ServerActionHandler) expects the current selection to be a server and doesn't do anything if it is not. So you have to be in the server view for it to work.


Folder View Focus Disable Automatic Search

I would like to change the automatic find that happens when the Explorer Folder View is in focus:
Steps to reproduce (provided you have default bindings):
Open a workspace with files
Focus on the folders view
Start typing anything
This is to find files based on what you type (notice the find query in the top right) and the arrow keys skip to them. I would like to remap this feature to something like Ctrl+F (with a 'when expression', if possible) that way I can use other shortcuts for things like adding a new file. If this can not be remapped, I'm ok with disabling it, provided that's allowed.
I used to have the atom keymap extension that changed this but I removed it so I would be forced to learn all the default shortcuts so when I go into work I wouldn't be phased no matter what device I am on
I was looking through the atom keymap repo and found a comment on the main js file about 'new explorer filtration'. Interesting to see documentation being useful :p Anyways, I noticed they added a context setting so I changed the following user setting:
workbench.list.automaticKeyboardNavigation = false
Controls whether keyboard navigation in lists and trees is automatically triggered simply by typing. If set to false, keyboard navigation is only triggered when executing the list.toggleKeyboardNavigation command, for which you can assign a keyboard shortcut
We need either better setting id naming conventions or better ways to find settings, especially now that the list has grown substantially. I would have never guessed this would be the name of the setting, or list.toggleKeyboardNavigation being a trigger, since you aren't actually navigating

Does VS Code has any shortcut like ctrl+q in eclipse?

Does VS Code (I currently use v1.8.1) has any shortcut like ctrl+q in eclipse?
It returns your cursor to the place where you stopped writing code(very useful for fast code browsing)
and it is different to alt+left which navigate backward
EDIT: I have found that this extension should do that you're asking. I suggest trying it out.
Out of the box in VS Code, this command does not exist. The list of default shortcuts can be found here, or you can open the keybindings settings in VS Code (ctrl+k, ctrl+s on Windows) and see which commands are available.
If you'd like to suggest this as a feature, you can open a new issue on GitHub or consider creating an extension.
If I understand correctly, you want a command that will move the cursor to where the last edit in a document was made.
This should be possible using an extension that listens to document change events and records the position of the cursor. Then, when the command is issued, it sets the editors cursor to that saved position.
You can also try "Eclipse Keymap" from Alphabot Security, has a lot of eclipse bindings.
I don't believe there is a built-in way to do this, but you could work around it by using an extension such as .

VSCode: I want to remove annoying info message bar

Is there any way to completely remove this message popup or move it to somewhere?
I already know why this message comes, but I do not want to disturb my activity with annoying info popup.
When it pops up it hides the document tab, so I have to close it every single time. (I do not want to know how to fix this particular error message, this screenshot is just an example.)
It's very annoying and I've searched around for a way to remove it, but the answers keep saying how to fix that particular error and not how to hide the popup itself.
Press ESC.
I agree that this is really annoying. VS Code is all about high-speed workflow and not having to interact with anything except your code via keyboard. Everything has key chords, e.g. CTRL-P and CTRL-SHIFT-P. So having to stop what I'm doing, go to the mouse, and dismiss this popup, whenever a background task feels like completing (and not even really then, because the popup actually appears some short time later) just so I can get visual confirmation of which file I'm currently coding in, to refocus my work after being distracted by the same popup, is really awkward. They are in a stupid location and don't even fade away after time like well-behaved toasts.
That said, I think that's really two parts; the distraction, and relatively high workflow cost to dismiss.
It helped me a lot to learn that it can be dismissed quickly and easily with the ESC key. The other half the problem I still haven't solved, but hope that helps you.
In the screenshot it shows trying to validate PHP.
In a VS Code window select File > Preferences > User Settings
An editor will open on the left called Default Settings and on the right with a file called settings.json
In the right side editor you can add settings that will override those found in the left-hand-side one.
Between the braces type:
// Whether php validation is enabled or not.
"php.validate.enable": false,
Then save the document.
VS Code will no longer attempt to validate PHP files.
You can override any of the defaults using this method.
You can use the same technique for each Workspace (or project folder) using File > Preferences > Workspace Settings
You can't disable the alert bar in general as VS Code needs to tell you things and doesn't (thankfully) use modal dialogs to communicate.
Go to File > preferences > settings
Then add this to your user settings
"editor.parameterHints": false
You may want to try adding the line
"extensions.ignoreRecommendations": true
to your VS Code settings file (which you can easily reach with the keystroke (CMD + ,) on a Mac OS X or macOS system.)
Solution: User Preferences > change "editor.parameterHints": true to "editor.parameterHints": false
This will at least remove the obstructive boxes that appear above the cursor.

Special keys in Eclipse Issue - IDE always asks for confirmation

Last days I have an issue with eclipse when I press special keys inside the eclipse
e.g when I press Ctrl+C
then a small window appears on the bottom right corner of the IDE which
is like this:
Copy | Ctrl+C
The same is for other keys.. I got:
Inline Editing|Enter (when press Enter)
Paste|Ctrl+V (when Ctrl+V)
It is really slowing down typing because it gets the focus and need confirmation clicking
on the right part of the small window.
Does anyone know how can I fix it?
Thank you!
The pop-ups you are seeing are the "keybinding conflict" popups. These are common when you have two different plugins defining the same keybinding and looks like these. This may happen if you installed some plugin which attempts to override the default bindings.
You may investigate your current bindings using "Window>Preferences>General>Keys". Enter the binding (eg. "Ctrl+C") in the filter field (it has "type filter text") and see all the commands that have this key combination bind to. If you have two different commands with same "When" parameter, then there's a conflict.
You may "unbind command" and then bind it again. Or try using "Restore command" button.
Also you may try to un-install the ill-behaving plugin, if you don't need it actually.

Sublime - Activate/Deactivate - Auto Save on Modified -- Plugin

I am already aware of the user-defined ignored packages setting in SublimeText2. Is there a way to modify this plugin -- e.g., with a keymap assignment -- to activate or deactivate this useful autosave feature? Perhaps chaining a plugin to the package control enable / disable feature, and assigning a keymap?
Here is the link to where I first discovered this plugin: Is there a way to autosave on each keystroke in sublime?
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class SaveOnModifiedListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_modified(self, view):
You can do this without relying on the package control commands. I can give you the answer, but I know you have been exploring writing plugins, so this might be a good exercise. It's pretty simple. Here are a couple hints though.
In the on modified command, you can check for a setting. You can give it a default value (I would do False) for if the setting does not exist. You can either write a text command to toggle the setting, or simply create a key binding with the toggle_setting command. Both will work, though if you write a command you can do something like create a status message so you know if save on modified is active or not. For information on toggle settings, see
If you just want the answer though, just let me know and I'll post it.
You can do this:
Go to Preferences -> Settings
Add the following line:
"save_on_focus_lost": true,
It would not automatically save the current file, however it would when you change the focus on other windows, Alt + Tab to terminal for example.