Change the value of the Column in a grid in GWT - gwt

I am working on GXT 2.5.5
I have desinged a GRID in a project
In one column of the grid i have render a composite
It looks like this
This Choose evaluation column is Composite which is rendered in the Grid.
public class Evaluation extends Composite {
private RadioGroup rdgrpEvaluation;
private Radio radio_1;
// More radion buttons
private Radio radio_10;
All the radio_x.setValue(true) in the grid are set from the Model
int key = model.get("radioEvaluation");
switch (key) {
case 1:
break;// more similar code
Now i want that when I click on radio button, the value of the Evalution column should also change.
Can some body help ?

I think that simplest way is call refresh whole table after selecting some button:
But you also need to update your model.
When You click on radio button you may set value to your model like^
data.setEvalueation(int selectedRadio);
Or You can create specified ValueProvider to Evaluation column
ColumnConfig<Data,String> evaluationColumn = new ColumnConfig<Data, String>(new ValueProvider<Data>() {
public String getValue(Data o) {
String value = o.getRadioColumnValue();
return value;
public void setValue(Data o, Data o2) {
public String getPath() {
return "evaluation";


Create GWT Datagrid with a checkbox column

I have successfully created a datagrid table with two columns. A checkbox col and a string col. When I press a button I want to get the selected strings. Currently when I press the button i get an empty hash set.
Selection Model:
private MultiSelectionModel<String> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<String>(KEY_PROVIDER);
Here is how I create the column
Column<String, Boolean> checkColumn =
new Column<String, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(String object) {
// Get the value from the selection model.
return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
Here is the method that is called from the button
public Set<String> getSelectedItems(){
Set<String> s = selectionModel.getSelectedSet();
return s;
Two pieces are missing. You need to add a FieldUpdater to your checkColumn, and you need to link it to a checkbox manager. Replace T with your Object:
checkColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<T, Boolean>() {
public void update(int index, T object, Boolean value) {
getSelectionModel().setSelected(object, value);
setSelectionModel(selectionModel, DefaultSelectionEventManager.<T> createCheckboxManager(0));

The text on a TextButtonCell disappears when its row is selected

I have a DataGrid, and I set a column with TextButtonCell.
If nothing is selected, everything is fine.
But once I select a row, the text on the button disappears.
How can I stop the text on the button disappearing?
Below is the code I created this button column:
Column<Publication, String> buttonColumn =
new Column<Publication, String>(new TextButtonCell()) {
public String getValue(Publication pub) {
return "Publish";
buttonColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<Publication, String>() {
public void update(int index, Publication pub, String value) {
Do not use selection model if possible. May be it will solve your problem
If you wat to use selection model then override the css to change the color of text of selected row then you will be able to see the text of text button.

Wicket - changing panels through a dropdown

I have a dropdown component added on a page. the purpose of this dropdown is to change the type of input form that is rendered. for example, different forms have different required fields, editable fields, etc.
public final class Test extends WebPage
CustomPanel currentPanel = new MeRequest("repeater",FormType.MIN);
public Test(PageParameters parameters)
DropDownChoice ddc = new DropDownChoice("panel", new PropertyModel(this, "selected"), panels, choiceRenderer);
ddc.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
currentPanel = new MeRequest("repeater",FormType.PRO);
i've tried various options with limited results. the only real success has been updating the model, but what i really want to do is change how the components behave.
any thoughts on what i'm missing?
1) If you want to replace one panel with another you may just do the following.
First of all, you should output the markup id of the original panel:
And then in the ajax event handler write something like that:
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
CustomPanel newPanel = new MeRequest("repeater", FormType.PRO);
currentPanel = newPanel;
In this case with every change of dropdown choice you add new panel to the page and you remove old panel from the page.
2) But I would proposed a slightly different approach to your problem. You should move the construction logic of your panel to the onBeforeRender() method:
public class MeRequest extends Panel {
private FormType formType;
public MeRequest(String id, FormType formType) {
this.formType = formType;
// don't forget to output the markup id of the panel
// constructor without construction logic
protected void onBeforeRender() {
// create form and form components based on value of form type
switch (formType) {
case MIN:
// ...
case PRO:
// ...
// add form and form components to panel
// ...
public void setFormType(FormType formType) {
this.formType = formType;
Then you'll be able to only change type of the panel in the ajax event:
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
Thus we rebuilt the original panel without recreating it.

GWT Header checkbox to check / uncheck all checkboxes in my table

I´ve created an CellTable with the Google Web Toolkit.
I just started using it and my knowledge about it is very small...
However I was searching for a tutorial or just a code example of how to create a checkbox in the CellTable header but everythin I´ve found I didn´t understand or it didn´t worked.
So far I´ve got this code to create a Column for checkboxes and a normal table mostly the same as the Google tutorial for a CellTable:
Column<Contact, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Contact, Boolean>(
new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(Contact contact) {
return null;
table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));
table.setColumnWidth(checkColumn, 40, Unit.PX);
Now I´m searching for the code to add a checkbox to the header and how to make it check or uncheck all checkboxes.
Thanks for your time.
From my blog post:
Here is a simple column header that selects/ de-selects all rows in a table. When all rows are checked, the header becomes checked automatically. Clicking the checkbox in the header causes either to select or de-select all rows.
I am using the selection model and the data list provider to do the selection magic. It may not work for everyone.
And here is my custom header:
public final class CheckboxHeader extends Header {
private final MultiSelectionModel selectionModel;
private final ListDataProvider provider;
public CheckboxHeader(MultiSelectionModel selectionModel,
ListDataProvider provider) {
super(new CheckboxCell());
this.selectionModel = selectionModel;
this.provider = provider;
public Boolean getValue() {
boolean allItemsSelected = selectionModel.getSelectedSet().size() == provider
return allItemsSelected;
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, NativeEvent event) {
InputElement input = elem.getFirstChild().cast();
Boolean isChecked = input.isChecked();
for (TYPE element : provider.getList()) {
selectionModel.setSelected(element, isChecked);

gwt celltable: Possible to only make some cells in a column editable?

I'm using GWT 2.4. When using a CellTable, I've seen its possible to add a column in which all of the cells are editable ...
final TextInputCell nameCell = new TextInputCell();
Column<Contact, String> nameColumn = new Column<Contact, String>(nameCell) {
public String getValue(Contact object) {
table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name");
but what if I don't want every cell in the column to be editable, only specific ones, based on properties in my "Contact" object? How would I set this up? Thanks, - Dave
The way I would do it is extend the TextInputCell and override the render method to render something else, if you don't want the value in that particular row editable.
Something like this:
public class MyTextInputCell extends TextInputCell {
public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
YourObject object = getYourObject();
if ( object.isThisCellEditable() ) {
} else {
sb.appendEscaped(value); // our some other HTML. Whatever you want.
In the render method you have access to the cell's context. Context.getIndex() returns the absolute index of the object. I can't remember of the top of my wad right now, but if you do not provide a ProvidesKey implementation when creating your CellTable you will get one that will use the object itself as the key. So you can get the object using Context.getKey().