Disable logging with Postsharp at runtime - postsharp

I would like to use Postsharp and I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to disable/enable logging with PostSharp at run-time?
In my case, I apply the aspect in the assembly of the project, and compile my project with "Disable PostSharp for this configuration" in PostSharp tab equal to No.

PostSharp weaves in the logging aspects during build-time and you cannot remove this logging code during run-time.
The aspects usually send logging messages to the logging library of your choice (e.g. log4net, nlog). What you can do is to disable the output in that logging library during run-time.
You can find more info in the documentation of the particular logging library, for example:


Postsharp and Fody Compatibility

I am using the free edition of PostSharp extensively in a project. I would like to use the PropertyChanged.Fody addin to handle all the PropertyChanged Notifications automatically.
(I know that PostSharp offers a library for this, but it is not free, thus I would like to use Fody)
It appears that when I use both PostSharp and Fody in a project, the debug symbol files goes out of sync with the source code. When I debug a project I can no longer properly step through code. It looks similar to when you attach a debugger in VS to a process where the source code is different than that of the executing binary.
If I disable either PostSharp or Fody, then debugging works immediately again.
Is it possible to use both PostSharp and Fody in the same project? Does this require special / extra configuration?

Integrate GWT with maven-spring without the Google Plugin for Eclipse

I am facing this weird requirement where I am supposed to create a web page using GWT widgets in an existing spring-maven web project but the corp security doesn't allow me to install any Eclipse plugins. I have the latest SDK but thats about it.
Is there any way to achieve this?
The Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE), just like so many other Eclipse plugins, is not mandatory; it's just an aid.
But first, if “the corp security doesn't allow me to install any plugin” only means you're not allowed to use the Eclipse marketplace or contact update sites, it's worth mentionning that you can download the update site as a ZIP to be used locally: https://developers.google.com/eclipse/docs/install-from-zip
If that isn't allowed either, then let's look at the features provided by the GPE and how you can possibly do the same without the plugin:
Wizard for creating new projects: you're in a Maven project, so you're not concerned.
Running and debugging: you can do the same with a Java Application launcher. Choose com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode as the Main Class, add the com.google.gwt:gwt-dev JAR to the classpath (you can also add it as a dependency with scope provided, and ignore the warning printed by the gwt-maven-plugin) if needed, add your source folders to the classpath and pass the appropriate arguments.
Wizards: let's be honest, they won't boost your productivity that much.
GWT Compilation: you can do the same with a Java Application launcher. Choose the com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler as the Main Class, add gwt-dev and your source folders to the classpath and pass the appropriate arguments.
Editors: you'll lose the formatting and highlighting of JSNI methods, as well as reference checking of your JSNI references, the auto-complete in UiBinder, and validation of UiBinder and ClientBundle references. All those will be done only when you GWT-compile your project.
RPC: you'll lose the validation of your RPC interfaces and quick-fix to keep your sync and async interfaces in sync. Validation will be done only when you GWT-compile your project.
JUnit: you can do the same with a JUnit launcher: just make sure you add gwt-dev and your source folders to the classpath, and pass the appropriate options as a gwt.args system property (see “Passing Arguments to the Test Infrastructure” in the docs).
Nothing insurmountable.

OSGi + Logback + slf4j - Eclipse Run Configuration

Here is my configuration:
We are developing an OSGi application and want to include logging. I decided to use slf4j + logback.
We are using Eclipse as an IDE and Tycho to benefit from the Eclipse IDE like Manifest Editor and so on.
So I have tried the following:
Created a new plugin with the following Manifest.mf:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Createcommand
Bundle-SymbolicName: de.hswt.oms.ws.wsr.createcommand
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7
Import-Package: de.hswt.oms.ws.command.wsr,
Service-Component: OSGI-INF/component.xml
Now when i move to Run -> Run Configurations -> OSGi Framework and select my Bundle and click "Add Required plugins" more than 100 Bundles will be selected and I get a lot of errors and exceptions.
So I came up with a new plugin from existing Jars which include the following three jars:
com.springsource.slf4j.api-1.6.1 (I dont believe this is a good idea, but hey...)
If I create a new run configuration manually (not clicking "add required bundles" it works as expected but as far as I click "add required bundles" I come back to the more then 100 Bundles with a lot of errors (some Jetty stuff for example...)
So my Question is: How can I enable logback and slf4j in my OSGi application and use it within eclipse and configure it properly?
If you need more information please feel free to ask.
AFAIK there are some issues in the bundle manifest header in the current official Logback/SLF4J jars. However, you only need the following three jars/bundles. No other are required for the basic functionality.
Logback Core
Logback Classic
At Eclipse we put the bundles in Orbit for re-use across projects. We apply some modifications to the manifest header that we think are beneficial. For example, we deliver the actual SLF4J binding as a fragment to avoid the circular dependency of the original SLF4J API jar.
Here are the download links to the bundles:
You may also want:
org.slf4j.jcl (Commons Logging via SLF4J)
org.slf4j.jul (Java Logging Bridge)
org.slf4j.log4j (LOG4J via SLF4J)
Please note that "Add Required plugins" is not smart enough. It may select too many or too few plug-ins. Sometimes service API is delivered in one bundle but the actual service implementation is delivered in a second bundle. It may not select that bundle.
There is a checkbox saying something like 'Resolve optional imports'. It's on by default, but that pretty much always results in the behaviour you describe, that it wants to add everything.
Switching that off should help. also, PDE tends to add a lot of fragments that are not needed.
All in all, I rarely trust Eclipse with adding the 'right' bundles for runtime. I just use 'validate' and add whatever is needed manually, and check again. It might take a few minutes but figuring out what went wrong when you leave it to PDE can take hours.
Not sure about logback but you may also want to try pax logging. Just install pax logging api and pax logging service and it should work. There is also a documentation how to set it up in eclipse.
If you want it to use with Eclipse Equinox, you could try the Eclipse-BuddyPolicy. This enables one plugin to load all classes from another plugin without importing it explicitly.
This may solve your problem.
Add to your Manifest from the bundle with the jars:
Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: dependent
and to the bundle using the logging
Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: com.other.plugin
see http://help.eclipse.org/juno/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.platform.doc.isv%2Freference%2Fmisc%2Fbundle_manifest.html

Disable Postsharp in debug builds for entire solution

I have a solution with many projects and I would like to disable Postsharp for debug builds to reduce local developer build times. Is there any way to do this without editing each project file?
I know this may sound like a bad idea, but we are only using Postsharp for exception logging and our builds go through several environments for automated/manual testing (which would use a release build), so we would pick up on any potential issues at this point.
If it helps, Postsharp was added to the projects via nuget.
You can define the compilation symbol (constant) "SkipPostSharp" for Debug mode only.
I don't know how to do it for the entire solution, but it can be done easily
per project.
Project > Setting > PostSharp
Choose Yes for Disable PostSharp for this configuration

Guaranteed Eclipse Plugin Startup Order

Anyone know of a way to guarantee plugin startup order? I have a plugin that I want to develop that will provide runtime configuration information to a 3rd-party plugin that I can't modify.
So, I want to make sure my plugin always runs to completion before the 3rd-party.
Eclipse 3.3, BTW.
The OSGi way to do it is to use start levels in config.ini. But for Eclipse plugins they typically aren't listed there but are automatically configured by the configurator bundle.
Honestly you're not really supposed to do this. OSGi bundles (which means, Eclipse plugins) are supposed to be able to be started in any order, in general. Use the service registry to get handles to whatever you need as soon as they become available.
Another way to look at it: what's causing the 3rd-party plugin to load (since Eclipse favors lazy loading of plugins)? Perhaps you can hook into the same mechanism.
If you get desperate you can force yourself to be started using the Eclipse startup extension point. Just remember that a) this is the nuclear option, b) the user has UI under Preferences to turn off your startup extension, c) you don't get to control the ordering of the startup extension point, so if your 3rd-party plugin uses it too, you are SOL.
Check out start level or start level service.
Though it seems it is not quite straightforward to use in Eclipse.