How do chrome apps look on high dpi screens? - google-chrome-app

So, how do they look? Tiny? Does chrome/the OS scale them up? I'd like to publish an app but I don't have a high dpi screen to test this things out and I'm really curious about it.
If they in fact look tiny, would a device-pixel-ratio media query that sets the html font-size fix it? All my units are set in rems, no images and only a few text.

Chrome apps generally look great on high-DPI screens -- just as Chrome itself does.
Even if your CSS specifies all dimensions in px, those are CSS pixels, and adapt to the display based on the device-pixel-ratio.
With rems, and no images, your app should look much better on a high-DPI display than on a standard one.
Low-DPI Images on a high-DPI screen can look pixellated -- not because they are tiny, but because they have been scaled up, and they are being presented beside crisply rendered text. For those cases, there are techniques that you can use to present high-resolution images to those displays, and standard images to others.
The other issue to be aware of is drawing with a <canvas> -- if you want a sharp image, you have to remember to scale the canvas area by device-pixel-ratio, and scale up all of your coordinates the same way as you draw.


Scaled-down images are blurry in mobile safari (only on 1 page)

I created a website. The images on the projects page appear blurry when viewed in mobile safari. The images on the project detail page however, are perfectly sharp.
I can't figure out, what's blurring the images. The images' resolution is high enough, so it doesn't have anything to do with the retina display.
You are using html to resize your images. Use photoshop or in code to make a seperate, resampled smaller version of the files.
Browsers resize images poorly, you should use software to resize (can be done in your own code if you like).
Just putting an image size into your markup will make it do a non-resampling resize which often looks rubbish.
This link is dated, but it says what you need to know...
The only reason this works on yor pc is that modern pcs will do resampling when they resize in the browser. Not all will do this and mobile ones likely won't.

Cocos2d/Cocos2d-x Retina Issues

I have a multiplatform iOS/Android game that I programmed in Cocos2d-x. I have only one set of images to use (I'm only after high res devices) that get scaled according to the device's resolution. For example all images are for the iPad but if you are using a Galaxy S then the image locations and scaling are affected by GalaxyS_screenWidth/iPadscreenWidth.
This works fine for all Android devices and on iPad, iPad2 and old iPhones, but with Retina iPhone there is a problem. On the iPhone 4 all my images look extremely pixelated, a result from the images being scaled to iPhone non-retina resolution then scaled back up to fill the screen.
I tried enabling Retina Mode and the images are half of their intended size (maybe due to the usage of get winsize() which uses points) and scaling manually causes other sorts of problems. I tried playing with a lot of options and attributes but to no avail, so what should I do now?
This is not only a graphics issue, as text gets automatically scaled down then up and appears pixelated.
Fonts are bitmaps so my bad. But I don't want to use retina as all images are already retina by default. All of my images are set up for the iPad so for iPhone 4 I just scale them down a bit. This works with Android phones.
For example I have an image, depending on screen resolution obtained through getwinsize():
If current resolution width is 1024 then image stays the same.
If current resolution width is 900 then image gets scaled by 900/1024, no problem.
If device is iPhone 4 resolution width is 480, so image gets scaled by 480/1024, then cocos2d-x automatically scales the resulting image by 2 thus the pixelation. I tried using getwinsizeinpixels, I tried multiplying the screen size, I tried many things but nothing worked out of the box unless I am to redo many of my code.
So the question is, how can I just let the damn engine treat the iPhone 4 as an Android phone with resolution of 960x640?
If you want Retina resolution images to look like Retina resolution images, then those images need to be in Retina resolution (960x480).
If you first scale down the image to 480x320 and then upscale it on the device, it will of course look blurred. You can't magically make the Retina pixels appear from a lower resolution image by scaling it up.
SI couldn't get to the bottom of it so I employed a hack. I enabled Retina Display then I scaled everything x2 through code except for the text. Sounds stupid, but it worked, and pixelation is gone. Thanks everyone who spent time trying to help me.
I tried enabling Retina Mode and the images are half of their intended size
when you enable retina support, cocos2d gets images by appending #"-hd" to their provided filenames. Such images are meant to be double the "visual" size (in iOS terms, pixels vs. points), so that they can be sort of scaled down to make full use of device resolution.
If you have a look at the CCDirectorIOS class, you will find there a couple of methods dealing with this, especially those dealing with the scalingFactor. I don't know what kind of changes you should do to make it work, but if you step into those methods and look at the value of various objects, you might find a way to modify cocos2D default behavior for your specific case.
If this seems to complicated, one thing you could try is changing the CC_RETINA_DISPLAY_FILENAME_SUFFIX so that cocos2d will not look for specially-named files for the retina iPhone, but just use the normal ones.
For example all images are for the iPad but if you are using a Galaxy S then the image locations and scaling are affected by GalaxyS_screenWidth/iPadscreenWidth.
Another thing you might try is not using winSize, but winSizeInPixels, so that when you scale down, you down do it down to the point resolution, but just to the pixel resolution (which is double the point resolution).
Hope this helps.

Why is a picture appearing blurry on the iphone (no scaling)

I have been doing a bit of testing with images today and found that I could not make a blurry PNG image, which looked fine on my desktop appear non-blurry on the iphone without doing some strange things.
It wasn't until I made the images twice the resolution, then resized them within the iphone that they appeared crisp on screen. Is that normal practice?
What say if you have a background image that you want to be non-blurry? I don't see how I can do something like upload a background image and tell it to run at half the size...
Thanks for any pointers!
I found the answer.
It turns out that pixels are not the same on the iphone and are actually at a higher resolution.
In order to make images non-blurry, I needed to basically upload images 2-3 times regular size and then make their size smaller within the CSS.
For example, if I wanted a 50px image, I uploaded a 100px image and styled in within css to have a width of 50px.
It looks like the new iPads have even higher resolutions which means you may even want to upload higher resolution images to cater to those.
A bit lame I think, but it does look nice.
I might be misunderstanding you, but if you'd like to present a crisp image on a retina phone, you can place it in a UIImageView half it's size and set the contentMode to scale to fill.

What is the optimum size for images on the ipad?

I have built a photo app for the iphone which has albums of high resolution images that the user can flick through. It's based on Three20 and the TTThumbsViewController.
The images are currently mostly 2048x2048 or thereabouts but this seems too large given the screen is only 1024x768.
Is there any value in leaving them at the higher resolution or should I drop them to 1024x768?
If you want to allow some kind of zoom/pan functionality, then there is value leaving them at a higher resolution. Otherwise there isn't: they take up more space and need to be scaled down anyway.
Just a note: scaling up or down by a couple of pixels is bad for sharp edges. Try to avoid this.

Interface Builder can't display 160dpi images correctly?

I'm developing an iPhone app. A simple image is the background of the main view.
I've set an UIImageView in the background and set an image in, using IB.
the image is a 160dpi PNG image. It appears like CRAP in IB. When running in the simulator it is ok, crisp.
How am I supposed to work and place my controls precisely on a such poor resolution image ?
Is this a bug ?
Thanks for you help!
IB is not a tool for designing a UI, it is a tool for implementing one. It is designed to perform well rather than display well (this is more important in complex desktop UI design than mobile but the tool is the same for both). The best advice is perhaps to take a cue from the publishing world (where this is a common practice for applications that display large amounts of high resolution graphics such as Adobe InDesign) and keep track of exact measurements for controls - the x,y coordinate positions and height/width. Then you can use the inspector to precisely position controls.
Actually, the DPI is not irrelevant at all.
Change the DPI to 72 and the image will display in IB/Xcode fine.
I don't see anything like this when I work with images in IB. Maybe there's something special about your PNG file? You say that it's 160 dpi, which is fairly irrelevant. More important are what its pixel diomensions are, and how they compare to the screen size.
Maybe the UIImageView is having trouble rendering your PNG, and is for some reason using the preview icon instead? Try a different image, or try resizing your image to 480x320, with 32-bit color.
I am wondering about this as well. I don't think the DPI of the image is what is doing this, because I have a project where everything looks fine in IB on one machine, then on my laptop, it displays the way the OP is describing.
The image dimensions are the same as the iPhone screen and the view dimensions (320x480), but the image displays all tiny instead of filling up the whole dimeal nsions of the UIImageView. If I scale to fill, then the image gets all blurry, at 320x480, even though I can confirm that those are the actual dimensions of the image... It's acting as if the image itself is 320x480 of empty space with a small version of my image centered inside it... this is very strange. As I said- this is the same project that looks completely fine in IB on another machine (and when they build, they both look normal in the simulator). This also happens on my friends's macbook.
Is there some setting in IB that might be the difference?
Guess I spoke too soon- I went back to my other machine and noticed the same problem this time, and it indeed was the dpi. This must have been a change in one of the recent updates to xcode/IB, because I originally never saw this issue, and the image files are exactly the same... strange.