Drools rule CE collect fired too many times - drools

I am currently writing an application for course scheduling using OptaPlanner and Drools.
One of our rules written in Drools collects Entries (time slots of a schedule) of the same day into an ArrayList.
I noticed during testing our rules that this rule fired multiple times, namely the exact amount of entries that are found by collecting them.
I assume the reason why this rule fires so many times is due to recombination of the entries that are found (aka backtracking)
ie. when there are 10 entries on the same day, this rules fires 10 times
Is there any way to cancel this behaviour?
In case it might help to reason about my problem, here's the rule of which I'm talking about:
rule spareHoursViolated
$traject : Traject()
Date($day := day, $month := month, $year := year)
$lecturesOnSameDay: ArrayList() from collect
(Entry($day := startingDate.day,
$month := startingDate.month,
$year := startingDate.year, courseComponent.course
memberOf $traject.courses))

By implementing checkSpareHoursAndNoonBreak() in the RHS side, it doesn't do delta based score calculation as much as it could. (See docs section on incremental / delta based score calculation).
I'd try to write the rule something like this:
$t : Traject()
$l1 : Lecture(traject == $t, $d : day, $p1 : period)
// Another lecture on the same day, but after the original one
$l3 : Lecture(traject == $t, day == $d, period > $p1, $p3: period)
// No lecture in between
not Lecture(traject == $t, day == $d, period > $p1, period < $p3)
// It's not lunch
eval(!Utils.isLunch($l1, $l3)) // Even better is to move this into the $l3 Lecture part
// It's a spring hour
// Punish more spring hours more
- ($p3.index - $1.index));


OptaPlanner: Drools rule on consecutive shift assignments

The context is Employee Shift Assignment with OptaPlanner using Drools rules for calculating scores.
My Employees cannot work for, say, for more than three consecutive days without a rest day.
I implement such a constraint very stupidly as:
rule "No more than three consecutive working days"
$id1 : id,
$empoloyee : empoloyee != null,
$shift1 : shift
id > $id1,
empoloyee == $empoloyee,
$id2 : id,
$shift2 : shift
id > $id2,
empoloyee == $empoloyee,
$id3 : id,
$shift3 : shift
id > $id3,
empoloyee == $empoloyee,
I hope the name of the methods/variables clearly reveal what they do/mean.
Is there a more convenient and smart way to implement such a rule? Keep in mind that the three days above may need to change to a bigger number (I used three to avoid a more realistic ten and more lines of code in the rule). Thanks.
If we can assume an employee takes up to a single shift per day and the shift.isConsecutiveDay() may be replaced by something like shift.day == $shift1.day + 1, exists can be used:
ShiftAssignment($employee : empoloyee != null, $shift1 : shift)
exists ShiftAssignment(employee == $employee, shift.day == $shift1.day + 1)
exists ShiftAssignment(employee == $employee, shift.day == $shift1.day + 2)
exists ShiftAssignment(employee == $employee, shift.day == $shift1.day + 3)
If such an assumption cannot be made, your solution should work, with one potential corner case to think about:
The rule tries to filter out combinations of the same shifts by the condition id > $id1. This condition works, but the IDs must be generated ascendingly by the time of the shift, otherwise, it clashes with shift.isConsecutiveDay(...). In case this property cannot be guaranteed, checking for ID inequality could be preferable.
I used a combination of rules to achieve this. First rule sets up the start of a consecutive work sequence, second one sets up the end, 3rd rule creates a "Work Sequence" to fit between the start and end. Finally the "Max Consecutive Days" rule actually checks your "Work Sequence" against a limit on number of consecutive days.
This paradigm is actually in the nurse rostering example:

Drools rule using accumulate

Hello I it is my first time involved in drools project. I have created some simple rules that work fine, however I have trouble with more complex rules that use the accumulate function. Below I have this rule.
rule "1"
$msg : Declaration(header.totalGrossMassMeasure != null,
header.totalGrossMassMeasure.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0 )
result : ValidationResult()
$netValue : Number() from accumulate (
GoodsItemsType($net : netNetWeightMeasure),
eval($netValue.doubleValue() > ($msg.getHeader().getTotalGrossMassMeasure().doubleValue() + (0.45 * $msg.getGoodsItems().size())))
RulesValidationError error = new RulesValidationError();
the concept is to sum the net value from a list of goodsItemType object and compare the sum to the total gross mass measure multiplied by one buffer number. The problem is I have been trying last couple of days not being able to fire the rule with anything. Could someone please help me?

Drools - Sliding window not working as expected

I'm new to drools. I've defined the following rule to add the last two numbers in the stream together. I then send in a stream of 100 events, with the values set from 1 to 100. So I would expect the output to be 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc.
declare TestEvent
#role( event )
value : int
rule "Simple Rule"
$sum : Integer() from accumulate ( TestEvent( $value : value ) over window:length( 2 ); sum( $value) )
System.out.println("Value: " + $sum );
The session is started using "fireUntilHalt" in a separate thread. If I put a delay of 10 milliseconds between every event inserted it works as expected. However when I don't have the delay, the results aren't as expected. Usually it just prints 0 and 197. Sometimes I might get a number or two in-between as well.
Why does this happen and what I should do to fix?
Ok, I finally understand it.
Having fireUntilHalt running in a separate thread means that the rules are only evaluated every now and then (not sure what that time period is). My assumption was that they would be evaluated on every insert. So on every insert the accumulator values are updated, but the rules evaluated aren't evaluated. So because my rules are inserted quickly (in about one second), the first and last insert is all that seems to be evaluated.
To get this to work so every insert is evaluated, I removed the fireUntilHalt, and did a separate fireAllRules after each insert.
Sliding windows are a crutch. Replace it by simple logic.
class Pred {
Integer pred;
rule procInt1
$p: Pred( pred == null )
$i: Integer()
modify( $p ){ setPred( $i ); }
rule procInt
$p: Pred( $i1: pred != null )
$i2: Integer()
System.out.println( $i1 + $i2 );
modify( $p ){ setPred( $i2 ); }
The fact that you have two threads doesn't mean that you can't have race conditions. The thread inserting events isn't suspended and so everything is possible.
Time related rules rely on 'time'. Smallest time tick for drools seems to be 1ms. Rules will be evaluated on each insertion (and respective consequences will be added to the agenda) but agenda will be executed on next millisecond tick (or when you explicitly fire all rules).

Latest n events, matching a certain pattern

Is there a built-in feature in Drools, selecting the latest n events, matching a certain pattern? I've read about sliding length windows in the documentation and the stock tick example seemed to be exactly what I wanted:
"For instance, if the user wants to consider only the last 10 RHT Stock Ticks, independent of how old they are, the pattern would look like this:"
StockTick( company == "RHT" ) over window:length( 10 )
When testing the example, it seems to me that it is evaluted more like a
StockTick( company == "RHT" ) from StockTick() over window:length( 10 )
selecting the latest 10 StockTick events and afterwards filtering them by company == "RTH", resulting in 0 to 10 RHT-Ticks, event though the stream contains more then 10 RTH-events.
A workaround is something like:
$tick : StockTick( company == "RHT" )
$other : StockTick(this after $tick, company == "RHT" );
$cnt : count(other);
$cnt < 10)
which has bad performance and readability.
Most likely you are seeing an initial phase where the count of events in the window and according to the constraints hasn't reached the length specified in window:length yet. For instance,
rule "Your First Rule"
accumulate( $st : Applicant($age: age > 5) over window:length(10)
from entry-point X,
$avg: average ( $age ), $cnt: count( $st ))
System.out.println($avg + ", count=" + $cnt);
displays an output even before there are 10 matching Applicants but later on, $cnt never falls below 10, even though $age ranges from 0 to 9, periodically.
If you do think you have found an example supporting your claim, please provide full code for reproduction and make sure to indicate the Drools version.
Your workaround is very bad indeed, as it accumulates for each StockTick. But a window:length(n) can be very efficiently implemented by using an auxiliary fact maintaining a list of n events. This may even be more advantageous than window:length.

Drools : Rule firing multiple times

I'm new to Drools and have hit a problem.
I've simplified the rule to exhibit the problem:
rule "test"
$ev : TestEvent()
$evList : ArrayList( size >= 3 ) from collect
TestEvent(linkId == $ev.getLinkId())
System.out.println("Rule fired!")
Basically, I want to count Events occurring on a particular Link (a Link is a section of road). When 3 events occur on the same Link I want the rule to fire.
The rule above is almost working, but when it fires, it fires 3 times, once for each event. I only want it to fire once.
What am I missing?
Many thanks in advance.
The first pattern picks any TestEvent irrespective of its linkId. If there are n TestEvent facts with a certain linkId, the acivation proceeds n times.
To restrict this rule to fire once you could select a single TestEvent out of any such group of n. Any attribute with a unique ordered value may be used, and if you have events also the event timestamp is available.
rule "test"
$ev: TestEvent( $lid: linkId )
not TestEvent( linkId == $lid, this before $ev )
$evList : ArrayList( size >= 3 ) from collect
TestEvent(linkId == $lid)
System.out.println("Rule fired!")
I got this working by changing my approach to the problem. I've created Link objects now and then tie the events back to the Link.
The rule ends up
rule "test"
$link : Link()
$events : ArrayList( size >= 3 ) from collect (TestEvent(link == $link))
System.out.println("Rule fired!")
This only fires once per link which is what I need.