Handling files in Multipart request to fix Struts 1.x vulnerability issue - forms

The Struts 1.x vulnerability issue as mentioned below:
Apache Struts is prone to a security-bypass vulnerability because it fails to adequately handle user-supplied input. An attacker can exploit this issue to bypass certain security restrictions and perform unauthorized actions.
To handle multipart requests we used the following code:
DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
// Configure a repository (to ensure a secure temp location is
// used)
ServletContext servletContext = filterConfig.getServletContext();
File repository = (File) servletContext.getAttribute( "javax.servlet.context.tempdir" );
factory.setRepository( repository );// Create a new file upload
// handler
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload( factory );
// Parse the request
List<FileItem> multipartItems = upload.parseRequest( request );
// Prepare the request parameter map.
Map<String, String[]> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
// Loop through multipart request items.
for ( FileItem multipartItem : multipartItems )
if ( multipartItem.isFormField() )
// Process regular form field (input type="text|radio|checkbox|etc", select, etc).
processFormField( multipartItem, parameterMap );
// Process form file field (input type="file").
processFileField( multipartItem, request );
We are processing the file field as:
private void processFileField( FileItem fileField, HttpServletRequest request )
if ( fileField.getName().length() <= 0 )
// No file uploaded.
request.setAttribute( fileField.getFieldName(), null );
// File uploaded with good size.
request.setAttribute( fileField.getFieldName(), fileField );
But in Action class, when we are trying to retrieve the form field, we are getting NULL. How do we get the file field in the form.
Options tried are:
1) Setting multipartItem.setFormField() as true
2) Setting the form field along with non-file parameters.
None of the above helped. Need ideas.

You forgot to check if request is a maltipart form request. For example
boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
For a code snippet you should check out this answer File upload with ServletFileUpload's parseRequest.


How to specify file name for a download done via POST in akka http

The user sends a post request, than based on that post body I create an Excel file (.xlsx) and want to send that file back, without storage of that file itself.
def writeAsync(out: OutputStream): Unit = {
Future {
val wb = new XSSFWorkbook
val sheet1: Sheet = wb.createSheet("sheet1");
val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
pathPrefix("createAndDownloadExcel") {
post {
val generatedFileName = "customGeneratedFileName.xlsx" // <-- this name should the file name be like
val (out, source) = StreamConverters.asOutputStream().preMaterialize()
complete(HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, source))
The response has the excel content with the file name: "createAndDownloadExcel", but I would like it to have the file name based on the individual generated file name.
The name will be later manually generated based on the POST body, whereby a simple change in pathPrefix("fixedName.xlsx") does not work for my needs.
How can I solve this, being able to give a dynamic file name for that returned OutputStream?
"org.apache.poi" % "poi-ooxml" % "5.2.0"
Try adding response header Content-Disposition.
The first parameter in the HTTP context is either inline (default value, indicating it can be displayed inside the Web page, or as the Web page) or attachment (indicating it should be downloaded; most browsers presenting a 'Save as' dialog, prefilled with the value of the filename parameters if present).
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.ContentDispositionTypes.attachment
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.`Content-Disposition`
respondWithHeader(`Content-Disposition`(attachment, Map("filename" -> "customGeneratedFileName.xlsx"))) {
complete(HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, source))

.NETCORE Middleware Read the Body value from the POST entered by a user in Postman AND Validate a particular value (To:) before sent

I am using a .NET CORE API application with Middleware but I need the Post to read the individual values from the Body in Postman AND have the Middleware Validate a particular value in the Body, for example, the (To:) of an email; and, if it meets whatever criteria I would like to (POST) send the email on to the intended recipient (To:) without a database.
This is what my code looks like so far
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(httpContext.Request.Body, encoding: Encoding.UTF8, detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: false, bufferSize: bufferSize, leaveOpen: true))
await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();
//Do something
////From test
if (evaluate.IsSenderFromConfiguration() == true)
message.From = From;
message.To = new List<MailboxAddress> { new MailboxAddress("mail#mail.com")};
message.Subject = "Message From Create Middleware";
message.HtmlBody = "This is just a test of Middleware ";
await SendEmailAsync(message);
httpContext.Request.Body.Position = 0;
await httpContext.Response.WriteAsync(body);
await _next.Invoke(httpContext);
Here is the Post from the Controller
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Email email)
var message = new Email(_message.From, _message.To, _message.Subject, _message.HtmlBody);
if (message == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(message);
Right now I just have what I did in the Get to send the email. How can I have it to where the properties message.To, message.From, etc. can be set by the User/Me in Postman and if the value in message.To is valid send the email?
I think there is a way to use the httpContext.Request.Body somehow, but I don't know how in .NET Core to set each individual value separately outside of the Middleware class.
To clarify: My Post Controller DOES NOT WORK FOR FORM VALIDATION The Middleware should be doing the work and then passing it to the controller once validated. That is where I need the assistance for the Middleware class.
use FluentValidation
also use in middleware like below:
services.AddMvc(setup => {
//...mvc setup...

Get the output of RestSetResponse without making HTTP request

I have a minimal (example) REST end-point test/people.cfc:
restpath = "test/people/"
rest = true
remote void function create(
required string first_name restargsource = "Form",
required string last_name restargsource = "Form"
httpmethod = "POST"
restpath = ""
produces = "application/json"
// Simulate adding person to database.
{ "first_name" = first_name, "last_name" = last_name }
// Simulate getting people from database.
var people = Application.people;
restSetResponse( {
"status" = 201,
"content" = SerializeJSON( people )
} );
As noted here and in the ColdFusion documentation:
Note: ColdFusion ignores the function's return value and uses the response set using the RestSetResponse() function.
So the void return type for the function appears to be correct for the REST function.
Now, I know I can call it from a CFM page using:
httpService = new http(method = "POST", url = "https://localhost/rest/test/people");
httpService.addParam( name = "first_name", type = "formfield", value = "Alice" );
httpService.addParam( name = "last_name", type = "formfield", value = "Adams" );
result = httpService.send().getPrefix();
However, I would like to call the function without making a HTTP request.
Firstly, the REST CFCs do not appear to be accessible from within the REST directory. This can be solved simply by creating a mapping in the ColdFusion admin panel to the root path of the REST service.
I can then do:
Application.people = [];
people = new restmapping.test.People();
people.create( "Alice", "Adams" );
WriteDump( application.people );
This calls the function directly and the output shows it has added the person. However, the response from the REST function has disappeared into the aether. Does anyone know if it is possible to retrieve the response's HTTP status code and content (as a minimum - preferably all the HTTP headers)?
Update - Integration Testing Scenario:
This is one use-case (of several) where calling the REST end-point via a HTTP request has knock-on effects that can be mitigated by invoking the end-point directly as a method of a component.
// Create an instance of the REST end-point component without
// calling it via HTTP request.
endPoint = new restfiles.test.TestRESTEndPoint();
transaction {
try {
// Call a method on the end-point without making a HTTP request.
endPoint.addValueToDatabase( 1, 'abcd' );
assert( getRESTStatusCode(), 201 );
assert( getRESTResponseText(), '{"id":1,"value":"abcd"}' );
// Call another method on the end-point without making a HTTP request.
endPoint.updateValueInDatabase( 1, 'dcba' );
assert( getRESTStatusCode(), 200 );
assert( getRESTResponseText(), '{"id":1,"value":"dcba"}' );
// Call a third method on the end-point without making a HTTP request.
endPoint.deleteValueInDatabase( 1 );
assert( getRESTStatusCode(), 204 );
assert( getRESTResponseText(), '' );
catch ( any e )
WriteDump( e );
transaction action="rollback";
Calling each REST function via a HTTP request will commit the data to the database after each request - cleaning up between tests where the data has been committed can get very complicated and often results in needing to flashback the database to a previous state (resulting in integration tests being unable to be run in parallel with any other tests and periods of unavailability during flashbacks). Being able to call the REST end-points without making lots of atomic HTTP requests and instead bundle them into a single transaction which can be rolled back means the testing can be performed in a single user's session.
So, how can I get the HTTP status code and response text which have been set by RestSetResponse() when I create an instance of the REST component and invoke the function representing the REST path directly (without using a HTTP request)?
The solution will* involve a few steps:
Change remote void function create to remote struct function create
Add var result = {"status" = 201, "content" = SerializeJSON( people )}
Change your restSetResponse(..) call to restSetResponse(result)
Add return result;
* The solution will not currently work, b/c ColdFusion ticket CF-3546046 was not fixed completely. I've asked Adobe to re-open it and also filed CF-4198298 to get this issue fixed, just in case CF-3546046 isn't re-opened. Please see my most recent comment on CF-3546046, and feel free to vote for either ticket. Once either is fixed completely, then the above-listed changes to your code will allow it to set the correct HTTP response when called via REST and to return the function's return variable when invoked directly. Note: you could also specify a headers struct w/in the result struct in step 2, if you also want to return headers when the function is invoked directly.
-Aaron Neff

Plug-In that Converted Note entity pre-existing attachment XML file into new .MMP file

strong text [Plugin error at Note entity][1]
[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/hRIi9.png
Hi,Anyone resolved my issue i got a Plug-in error which i worked at Update of "Note" entity.Basically i want a Plugin which converted pre-exiting Note attachment XML file into new .MMP extension file with the same name.
I have done following procedure firstly i created a "Converter_Code.cs" dll which contains Convert() method that converted XML file to .MMP file here is the constructor of the class.
public Converter(string xml, string defaultMapFileName, bool isForWeb)
Xml = xml;
DefaultMapFileName = defaultMapFileName;
Result = Environment.NewLine;
IsForWeb = isForWeb;
IsMapConverted = false;
ResultFolder = CreateResultFolder(MmcGlobal.ResultFolder);
In ConvertPlugin.cs Plug-in class firstly i retrieved Note entity attachment XML file in a string using following method in
IPluginExecutionContext context =(IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.
GetService (typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory= (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target")
&& context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
// Obtain the target entity from the input parameters.
Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
var annotationid = entity.GetAttributeValue<Guid>("annotationid");
if (entity.LogicalName != "annotation")
//retrieve annotation file
QueryExpression Notes = new QueryExpression { EntityName ="annotation"
,ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("filename", "subject", "annotationid",
"documentbody") };
Notes.Criteria.AddCondition("annotationid", ConditionOperator.Equal,
EntityCollection NotesRetrieve = service.RetrieveMultiple(Notes);
if (NotesRetrieve != null && NotesRetrieve.Entities.Count > 0)
//converting document body content to bytes
byte[] fill = Convert.FromBase64String(NotesRetrieve.Entities[0]
//Converting to String
string content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fill);
Converter objConverter = new Converter(content, "TestMap", true);
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("something is going wrong");
and than A string is passed to "Converter" constructor as a parameter.
finally i merged all dll using ILMerge following method:
ilmerge /out:NewConvertPlugin.dll ConvertPlugin.dll Converter_Code.dll
and NewConvertPlugin is registered successfully but while its working its generate following error:
Unexpected exception from plug-in (Execute): ConverterPlugin.Class1: System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.
i also debug the plugin using Error-log but its not worked so i could not get a reason whats going wrong.
The error is caused by the library you merged inside your plugin.
First of all you are using CRM Online (from your screenshot) and with CRM Online you can use only register plugins inside sandbox.
Sandbox means that your plugins are limited and they run in a partial-trust environment.
You merged an external library that requires full-trust permissions, so your plugin can't work and this is the reason of your error.
Because you are in CRM Online, or you find another library (the Converter) that requires only partial-trust, hoping that the merge process will work, or you include (if you have it) the source code of the converter library directly inside your plugin.

In a REST API, to GET a resource, should I include the resource ID in the url?

I am trying to create an REST API for creating and retrieving files in my database. The tutorial I was following uses the following method to retrive a single file:
$app->get('/file/:file_id', 'authenticate', function($file_id) {
global $user_id;
$response = array();
$db = new DbHandler();
// fetch file
$result = $db->getFile($file_id, $user_id);
if ($result != NULL) {
$response["error"] = false;
$response["id"] = $result["id"];
$response["file"] = $result["fileLocation"];
$response["status"] = $result["status"];
$response["createdAt"] = $result["created_at"];
echoRespnse(200, $response);
} else {
$response["error"] = true;
$response["message"] = "The requested resource doesn't exist";
echoRespnse(404, $response);
Here they are using the HTTP GET method and are specifying the file ID in the URL, is it OK to do this, safety wise? Would it not be safer to use POST and hide the file ID in the body of the request, or should they not be putting the file ID in a header with the GET request? or is it not something I should be worried about?
In REST post method is used to create a new resource not to get it. Get method is used for fetching the resource and you need to specify the ID to determine particular resource. Passing it via URL is a common practice. You can randomly generate such ID to make it harder to guess.
As Opal said above, the ID is used to identify a resource. If you are unsure have a read of this - http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/the-definitive-guide-to-get-vs-post