future take a long time to run, why not return immediately? - scala

I have the following code,and I expected a.success(burncpu(14969)) to return instantly since it's run in a future, but why it took a long time to run.
import scala.concurrent._
val a=Promise[Unit]()
// why the following took long time here, shouldn't it be in async mode, and return very quick
def burncpu(a:Int):Int = {
val point=new Date().getTime()
while ((new Date()).getTime()-point< a) {

You are using the Promise wrong.
a.success method completes the promise with given argument, it doesn't run the expression you pass to it asynchronously.
What you probably want to do is something like this:
val f = Future(burncpu(6000))
Assuming you have an ExecutionContext available (if you don't, you can do import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global), this will construct a Future which will run your function asynchronously.
You can see how it works in Scala REPL (f.value returns None until the method has returned)
scala> val f = Future(burncpu(6000))
f: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise#4d4d8fcf
scala> f.value
res27: Option[scala.util.Try[Int]] = None
scala> f.value
res28: Option[scala.util.Try[Int]] = None
scala> f.value
res29: Option[scala.util.Try[Int]] = Some(Success(6000))

Promise.success is not executed asynchronously, basically your code is the equivalent of:
You could try this:
Future {
This will call Future.apply and execute your function asynchronously.

The call to future is indeed called asynchronously. However, nothing in the API suggests that completing the Promise, i.e. calling success in your case, will be executed asynchronously. That is your responsibility to ensure.
It makes sense when you consider what a Promise is - a "marker" to another execution path, notifying it that a calculation has been completed and a result (or failure) is available.


Is map of Future lazy or not?

Basically I mean:
for(v <- Future(long time operation)) yield v*someOtherValue
This expression returns another Future, but the question is, is the v*someOhterValue operation lazy or not? Will this expression block on getting the value of Future(long time operation)?
Or it is like a chain of callbacks?
A short experiment can test this question.
import concurrent._;
import concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object TheFuture {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val fut = for (v <- Future { Thread.sleep(2000) ; 10 }) yield v * 10;
println("For loop is finished...")
println(Await.ready(fut, Duration.Inf).value.get);
If we run this, we see For loop is finished... almost immediately, and then two seconds later, we see the result. So the act of performing map or similar operations on a future is not blocking.
A map (or, equivalently, your for comprehension) on a Future is not lazy: it will be executed as soon as possible on another thread. However, since it runs on another thread, it isn't blocking, either.
If you want to do the definition and execution of the Future separately, then you have to use something like a Monix Task.

Executing sequence of functions that return a future sequentially

I have a sequence of functions that return a future. I want to execute them sequentially i.e. after the first function future is complete, execute the next function and so on. Is there a way to do it?
ops: Seq[() => Future[Unit]]
You can combine all the futures into a single one with a foldLeft and flatMap:
def executeSequentially(ops: Seq[() => Future[Unit]])(
implicit exec: ExecutionContext
): Future[Unit] =
ops.foldLeft(Future.successful(()))((cur, next) => cur.flatMap(_ => next()))
foldLeft ensures the order from left to right and flatMap gives sequential execution. Functions are executed with the ExecutionContext, so calling executeSequentially is not blocking. And you can add callbacks or await on the resulting Future when/if you need it.
If you are using Twitter Futures, then I guess you won't need to pass ExecutionContext, but the general idea with foldLeft and flatMap should still work.
If given a Seq[Future[T]] you can convert it to a Future[Seq[T]] like so:
Val a: Seq[Future[T]] = ???
val resut: Future[Seq[T]] = Future.sequence(a)
a little less boilerplate than the above :)
I believe this should do it:
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
def runSequentially(ops: Seq[() => Future[Unit]]): Unit = {
ops.foreach(f => Await.result(f(), Duration.Inf))
If you want to wait less then Duration.Inf, or stop at failure - should be easy to do.

scalaz.concurrent.Task repeatEval only evaluate Task.now and Task.async once

I am learning scalaz stream at the moment, I am confused why repeatEval only evaluate Task.async once.
val result = Process
.repeatEval(Task.async[Unit](t => {
val result = scala.io.Source.fromURL("http://someUrl").mkString
result.runLog.run //only print once
However, if I change Task.async to Task.delay. It evaluates the function infinitely. I dont know why is that
val result = Process
val result = scala.io.Source.fromURL("http://someUrl").mkString
result.runLog.run //print infinitely
Many thanks in advance
As I mention in my answer to your recent question about Task, Task.async takes a function that registers callbacks—not some code that should be executed asynchronously. In the case of the other question, you actually want Task.async, since you're interoperating with a callback-based API.
Here it seems like you probably want Task.apply, not Task.delay. The two look similar, but delay simply suspends the computation—it doesn't use an ExecutorService to run it in a separate thread. You can see this in the following example:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, concurrent._
val delayTask = Task.delay(Thread.sleep(5000))
val applyTask = Task(Thread.sleep(5000))
Nondeterminism[Task].both(delayTask, delayTask).run
Nondeterminism[Task].both(applyTask, applyTask).run
The delayTask version will take longer.

When scala.concurrent.Future's execution starts?

Of course one could collect the system time at the first line of the Future's body. But:
Is it possible to know that time without having access to the future's code. (In my case the method returning the future is to be provided by the user of the 'framework'.)
def f: Future[Int] = ...
def magicTimePeak: Long = ???
The Future itself doesn't really know this (nor was it designed to care). It's all up to the executor when the code will actually be executed. This depends on whether or not a thread is immediately available, and if not, when one becomes available.
You could wrap Future, to keep track of it, I suppose. It would involve creating an underlying Future with a closure that changes a mutable var within the wrapped class. Since you just want a Long, it would have to default to zero if the Future hasn't begun executing, though it would be trivial to change this to Option[Date] or something.
class WrappedFuture[A](thunk: => A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
var started: Long = 0L
val underlying = Future {
started = System.nanoTime / 1000000 // milliseconds
To show that it works, create a fixed thread pool with one thread, then feed it a blocking task for say, 5 seconds. Then, create a WrappedFuture, and check it's started value later. Note the difference in the logged times.
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent._
val executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(executorService)
scala> println("Before blocked: " + System.nanoTime / 1000000)
Before blocked: 13131636
scala> val blocker = Future(Thread.sleep(5000))
blocker: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise#7e5d9a50
scala> val f = new WrappedFuture(1)
f: WrappedFuture[Int] = WrappedFuture#4c4748bf
scala> f.started
res13: Long = 13136779 // note the difference in time of about 5000 ms from earlier
If you don't control the creation of the Future, however, there is nothing you can do to figure out when it started.

Do Futures always end up not returning anything?

Given that we must avoid...
1) Modifying state
2) Blocking
...what is a correct end-to-end usage for a Future?
The general practice in using Futures seems to be transforming them into other Futures by using map, flatMap etc. but it's no good creating Futures forever.
Will there always be a call to onComplete somewhere, with methods writing the result of the Future to somewhere external to the application (e.g. web socket; the console; a message broker) or is there a non-blocking way of accessing the result?
All of the information on Futures in the Scaladocs - http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/futures.html seem to end up writing to the console. onComplete doesn't return anything, so presumably we have to end up doing some "fire-and-forget" IO.
e.g. a call to println
f onComplete {
case Success(number) => println(number)
case Failure(err) => println("An error has occured: " + err.getMessage)
But what about in more complex cases where we want to do more with the result of the Future?
As an example, in the Play framework Action.async can return a Future[Result] and the framework handles the rest. Will it eventually have to expect never to get a result from the Future?
We know the user needs to be returned a Result, so how can a framework do this using only a Unit method?
Is there a non-blocking way to retrieve the value of a future and use it elsewhere within the application, or is a call to Await inevitable?
Best practice is to use callbacks such as onComplete, onSuccess, onFailure for side effecting operations, e.g. logging, monitoring, I/O.
If you need the continue with the result of of your Future computation as opposed to do a side-effecting operation, you should use map to get access to the result of your computation and compose over it.
Future returns a unit, yes. That's because it's an asynchronous trigger. You need to register a callback in order to gather the result.
From your referenced scaladoc (with my comments):
// first assign the future with expected return type to a variable.
val f: Future[List[String]] = Future {
// immediately register the callbacks
f onFailure {
case t => println("An error has occurred: " + t.getMessage)
f onSuccess {
case posts => for (post <- posts) println(post)
Or instead of println-ing you could do something with the result:
f onSuccess {
case posts: List[String] => someFunction(posts)
Try this out:
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val f: Future[Int] = Future { 43 }
val result: Int = Await.result(f, 0 nanos)
So what is going on here?
You're defining a computation to be executed on a different thread.
So you Future { 43 } returns immediately.
Then you can wait for it and gather the result (via Await.result) or define computation on it without waiting for it to be completed (via map etc...)
Actually, the kind of Future you are talking about are used for side-effects. The result returned by a Future depends its type :
val f = Future[Int] { 42 }
For example, I could send the result of Future[Int] to another Future :
val f2 = f.flatMap(integer => Future{ println(integer) }) // may print 42
As you know, a future is a process that happens concurrently. So you can get its result in the future (that is, using methods such as onComplete) OR by explicitly blocking the current thread until it gets a value :
import scala.concurrent.Await
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
val integer = Await.result(Future { 42 }, timeout.duration)
Usually when you start dealing with asynchronous processes, you have to think in terms of reactions which may never occur. Using chained Futures is like declaring a possible chain of events which could be broken at any moment. Therefore, waiting for a Future's value is definitely not a good practice as you may never get it :
val integer = Await.result(Future { throw new RuntimeException() }, timeout.duration) // will throw an uncaught exception
Try to think more in terms of events, than in procedures.