Converting code to take RGB image instead of grayscale - matlab

I have this code converting a fisheye image into rectangular form but the code is only able to perform this operation on a grayscale image. Can anybody help converting the code to perform the operation on a RGB image. The code is as follows:
edit: I have updated the code to contain a functionality which performs interpolation in each color channel. But this seem to disform the output image. See pictures below
function imP = FISHCOLOR (imR)
[Mr, Nr, Dr] = size(imR); % size of rectangular image
xRc = (Mr+1)/2; % co-ordinates of the center of the image
yRc = (Nr+1)/2;
sx = (Mr-1)/2; % scale factors
sy = (Nr-1)/2;
dr = (rMax - rMin)/(M-1);
dth = 2*pi/N;
xR = x*sx + xRc;
yR = y*sy + yRc;
imP =zeros(M, N); % initialize the final matrix
for k=1:3 % colors
T = imR(:,:,k);
Ichannel = interp2(T,xR,yR);
imP(:,:,k)= Ichannel; % add k channel
Input image <- Image link
Grayscale output, what i would like in color <- Image link

Try changing these three lines:
[Mr Nr] = size(imR); % size of rectangular image
imP = zeros(M, N);
imP = interp2(imR, xR, yR); %interpolate (imR, xR, yR); these:
[Mr Nr Pr] = size(imR); % size of rectangular image
imP = zeros(M, N, Pr);
for dim = 1:Pr
imP(:,:,dim) = interp2(imR(:,:,dim), xR, yR); %interpolate (imR, xR, yR);


MATLAB: How do you apply averaging filter to a square region of a RGB image?

I need to get a square region from input, and apply averaging filter to it.
Have tried this, but gives error:
h_img = imshow(I);
mask = createMask(sq,h_img);
I2 = roifilt2(h,I,mask);
The last line gives error.
I think I know the problem.
You are probably trying to apply filter to RGB image.
Check the following code sample:
I = imread('peppers.png');
h = fspecial('average', 10);
h_img = imshow(I);
mask = createMask(sq,h_img);
if (ndims(I) == 3)
classI = class(I);
if (isequal(classI, 'uint8'))
I = double(I)/255; %Convert I to double before applying filter.
I2 = zeros(size(I));
I2(:,:,1) = roifilt2(h,I(:,:,1), mask); %Filter Red plain
I2(:,:,2) = roifilt2(h,I(:,:,2), mask); %Filter Green plain
I2(:,:,3) = roifilt2(h,I(:,:,3) ,mask); %Filter Blue plain
if (isequal(classI, 'uint8'))
I2 = uint8(round(double(I2)*255)); %Convert I2 to uint8 after applying filter.
Selecting region:
Filter result:

How to obtain the Hadamard Transform of an image in matlab

I have a 128x128 grascale image that i wish to find the Hadamard transform of with Normal Hadamard, sequency, and dyadic ordering.
imdata = imread('origim.png'); %Load image
new = rgb2gray(imdata); %Convert to 2D Grayscale
N = 128;
H = hadamard(N); % Hadamard matrix
y = fwht(new,N,'sequency') %Perform Fast-walsh-hadamard-transform with order 128
imshow(y); %Display image transform
I may be doing it wrong, however y should be the transformed image if i understand the matlab walch transform correctly. When i try runing it i get an error with y = fwht(new,N,'sequency')
Before processing convert the image into double. Then put semicolon (;) at the end of y = fwht(new,N,'sequency'). Then you will get transformed image.
Just try the below code.
imdata = imread('peppers.png'); %Load image
new = rgb2gray(imdata); %Convert to 2D Grayscale
neww = im2double(new);
N = 128;
H = hadamard(N); % Hadamard matrix
y = fwht(neww,N,'sequency'); %Perform Fast-walsh-hadamard-transform with order 128
imshow(y); %Display image transform

How to draw a filled circle on a video frame using matlab

I have an "inverted-pendulum" video which I try to find the mid point of moving part. I am using Computer Vision Toolbox
I change the mid point's color using detected coordinates. Assume that X is the frame's row number for the detected mid point and the Y is the col number.
while ~isDone(hVideoFileReader)
frame = step(hVideoFileReader);
frame(X-3:X+3, Y-3:Y+3, 1) = 1; % # R=1 make the defined region red
frame(X-3:X+3, Y-3:Y+3, 2) = 0; % # G=0
frame(X-3:X+3, Y-3:Y+3, 3) = 0; % # B=0
step(hVideoPlayer, frame);
Then I easily have a red square. But I want to add a red filled circle on the detected point, instead of a square. How can I do that?
You can use the insertShape function. Example:
img = imread('peppers.png');
img = insertShape(img, 'FilledCircle', [150 280 35], ...
'LineWidth',5, 'Color','blue');
The position parameter is specified as [x y radius]
Here is an alternative where we manually draw the circular shape (with transparency):
% some RGB image
img = imread('peppers.png');
[imgH,imgW,~] = size(img);
% circle parameters
r = 35; % radius
c = [150 280]; % center
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50); % approximate circle with 50 points
% create a circular mask
BW = poly2mask(r*cos(t)+c(1), r*sin(t)+c(2), imgH, imgW);
% overlay filled circular shape by using the mask
% to fill the image with the desired color (for all three channels R,G,B)
clr = [0 0 255]; % blue color
a = 0.5; % blending factor
z = false(size(BW));
mask = cat(3,BW,z,z); img(mask) = a*clr(1) + (1-a)*img(mask);
mask = cat(3,z,BW,z); img(mask) = a*clr(2) + (1-a)*img(mask);
mask = cat(3,z,z,BW); img(mask) = a*clr(3) + (1-a)*img(mask);
% show result
I'm using the poly2mask function from Image Processing Toolbox to create the circle mask (idea from this post). If you don't have access to this function, here is an alternative:
[X,Y] = ndgrid((1:imgH)-c(2), (1:imgW)-c(1));
BW = (X.^2 + Y.^2) < r^2;
That way you get a solution using core MATLAB functions only (no toolboxes!)
If you have an older version of MATLAB with the Computer Vision System Toolbox installed, you can use vision.ShapeInserter system object.
Thanks #Dima, I have created a shapeInserter object.
greenColor = uint8([0 255 0]);
hFilledCircle = vision.ShapeInserter('Shape','Circles',...
'CustomBorderColor', greenColor ,...
'Fill', true, ...
'FillColor', 'Custom',...
'CustomFillColor', greenColor );
fc = int32([Y X 7;]);
frame = step(hFilledCircle, frame, fc);
I then applied it to detected point.

How to cut the portion and highlight it

Suppose we take any image from Internet and then copy or move some part from that image to any other area inside that image the image should show from where that the part is copied / moved and then pasted. By using matlab.
a = imread('obama.jpg');
a = rgb2gray(a);
[x1 y1] = size(a);
b = uint8(imcrop(a, [170 110 200 150]));
[x2 y2] = size(b);
c = uint8(zeros(x1,y1));
for i = 1:x2
for j = 1:y2
c(i+169,j+109) = b(i,j);
[x3 y3] = size(c)
%%// Input data and params
a = imread('Lenna.png');
a = rgb2gray(a);
src_xy = [300,300]; %% Starting X-Y of the source from where the portion would be cut from
src_dims = [100 100]; %% Dimensions of the portion to be cut
tgt_xy = [200,200]; %% Starting X-Y of the target to where the portion would be put into
%%// Get masks
msrc = false(size(a));
mtgt = false(size(a));
%%// If you would like to have a cursor based cut, explore ROIPOLY, GINPUT - e.g. - mask1 = roipoly(a)
mask1 = msrc;
a2 = double(a);
%%// Get crop-mask boundary and dilate it a bit to show it as the "frame" on the original image
a2(imdilate(edge(mask1,'sobel'),strel('disk',2))) = 0;
a2 = uint8(a2);
%%// Display original image with cropped portion being highlighted
figure,imshow(a2);title('Cropped portion highlighted')
figure,imshow(a);title('Original Image')
figure,imshow(mask1);title('Mask that was cropped')
img1 = uint8(bsxfun(#times,double(a),mask1));
figure,imshow(img1);title('Masked portion of image')
%%// Get and display original image with cropped portion being overlayed at the target coordinates
a_final = a;
a_final(mtgt) = a(msrc);
figure,imshow(uint8(a_final));title('Original image with the cut portion being overlayed')
Please note that to use RGB images, you would need to tinker a bit more with the above code.

MATLAB Histogram equalization on GIF images

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how to change a colormap of a grayscale GIF image after performing histogram equalization on the image. The process is perfectly simple with image compression types that don't have an associated colormap, such as JPEG, and I've gotten it to work with grayscale JPEG images.
[I,map] = imread('moon.gif');
h = zeros(256,1); %array value holds number of pixels with same value
hmap = zeros(256,1);
P = zeros(256,1); %probability that pixel intensity will appear in image
Pmap = zeros(256,1);
s = zeros(256,1); %calculated CDF using P
smap = zeros(256,1);
M = size(I,1);
N = size(I,2);
I = double(I);
Inew = double(zeros(M,N));
mapnew = zeros(256,3);
for x = 1:M;
for y = 1:N;
for l = 1:256;
%count pixel intensities and probability
for j = 2:256
for i = 2:j
%calculate CDF of P
s(1) = P(1);
smap(1) = Pmap(1);
for x = 1:M;
for y = 1:N;
for l = 1:256;
%calculates adjusted CDF and sets it to new image
mapnew = mapnew/256;
Inew = uint8(Inew);
I = uint8(I);
subplot(1,2,1), imshow(Inew,map); %comparing the difference between original map
subplot(1,2,2), imshow(Inew,mapnew); %to'enhanced' colormap, but both turn out poorly
All is fine in terms of the equalization of the actual image, but I'm not sure what to change about the color map. I tried performing the same operations on the colormap that I did with the image, but no dice.
Sorry that I can't post images cause of my low rep, but I'll try and provide all the info I can on request.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
function J=histeqo(I)
ch=cumsum(h); // The cumulative frequency
imagesize=(m*n); // The image size lightsize=size(d,1);// The Lighting range
tr=ch*(lightsize/imagesize); // Adjustment function
for x=1:m
for y=1:n