PostgreSQL: NULL value in foreign key column - postgresql

In my PostgreSQL database I have the following tables (simplified):
CREATE TABLE quotations (
receipt_id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
CREATE TABLE order_confirmations (
receipt_id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
fk_quotation_receipt_id bigint REFERENCES quotations (receipt_id)
My problem now reads as follows:
I have orders which relate to previous quotations (which is fine 'cause I can attach such an order to the quotation referenced by using the FK field), but I also have placed-from-scratch orders without a matching quotation. The FK field would then be NULL, if the database let me, of course. Unfortunately, I get an error when trying to set fk_quotation_receipt_id to NULL in an INSERT statement because of a violated foreign key constraint.
When designing these tables I was still using PgSQL 8.2, which allowed NULL values. Now I've got 9.1.6, which does not allow for this.
What I wish is an optional (or nullable) foreign key constraint order_confirmations (fk_quotation_receipt_id) → quotations (receipt_id). I can't find any hints in the official PgSQL docs, and similar issues posted by other users are already quite old.
Thank you for any useful hints.

Works for me in 9.3 after correcting a missing comma. I'm sure it will work also in 9.1
create table quotations (
receipt_id bigint not null primary key
create table order_confirmations (
receipt_id bigint not null primary key,
fk_quotation_receipt_id bigint references quotations (receipt_id)
insert into order_confirmations (receipt_id, fk_quotation_receipt_id) values
(1, null);
Confirmation will include:


Weak Entity postgresql

I want to create a table with primary key email,nro being nro a sequential number for each email ex:, 1, 2, 1
create table proposta_de_correcao(
email varchar(255) not null,
nro serial not null,
PRIMARY KEY(nro, email),
FOREIGN KEY (email) REFERENCES Utilizador(email),
But I get the following error:
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "proposta_de_correcao"
I have already tried:
contraint keys unique(nro,email)
Two things here, to help with your problem:
Why nro is serial if is not a sequential field in your database? serial type is used when you want that the field be incremented automatically (as in single integer primary keys). Maybe is better that you put an int type here.
You have in your table no unique constraints. If you create a fiddle, you can see that code runs fine:
CREATE TABLE proposta_de_correcao(
email VARCHAR(255) not null,
nro SERIAL not null,
UNIQUE(nro, email),
PRIMARY KEY(nro, email)
-- FOREIGN KEY (email) REFERENCES Utilizador(email)
INSERT INTO proposta_de_correcao VALUES ('', 1);
INSERT INTO proposta_de_correcao VALUES ('', 2);
INSERT INTO proposta_de_correcao VALUES ('', 1);
So, I can conclude that when you want to add the constraint, your database already have duplicated data in those two columns. Try to create in a test database the data mentioned above and you will see that runs perfectly.
I just removed the foreign key constraint to allow to run the code as we don't have the referenced table in example and we can consider that the referenced table don't have influence on the problem cited on answer.
Here's the fiddle.

PostgreSQL/PGAdmin4 ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table

PostgreSQL/PGAdmin4 ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table
This is the ‘schema’ I’m trying to code into PGAdmin4/Postgresql:
I was able to convert all tables, except “QUALIFICATIONS”.
I tried to process the following query:
create table REGISTRATION(
StudentID int,
SectionNo int,
Semester varchar(16),
foreign key(StudentID) references Student(StudentID),
foreign key (SectionNo, Semester) references Section(SectionNo, Semester),
primary key(studentID, SectionNo, Semester)
I received the following message:
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "section"
These are the foreign and primary I have in the table SECTION
Code of SECTION table:
CREATE TABLE class_scheduling_01.section
sectionno integer NOT NULL,
semester character varying(16) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
courseid character varying(16) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT section_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sectionno, semester, courseid),
CONSTRAINT section_sectionno_key UNIQUE (sectionno),
CONSTRAINT section_courseid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (courseid)
REFERENCES class_scheduling_01.course (courseid) MATCH SIMPLE
I additionally ran the command: ALTER TABLE section ADD UNIQUE (sectionno);
Since none of the attributes seemed to be repeating itself.
Despite all this I’m getting:
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "section" Query returned successfully in 642 msec.
Edit: I've gone back to the COURSE table and made courseID a unique constraint. I still get the same message. SECTION table has a composite primary key made up of 3 columns. As seen in the first picture linked, out of all the values, only SECTION.sectionno is the only column with unique/non-repeating values.
2nd edit: I decided to create the table "REGISTRATION" one step at a time, and make the foreign keys last with alter table command.
I was able to make the columns StudentID andd SectionNo foreign keys to their respective columns. When I tried to make REGISTRATION.semester a foreign key to SECTION.semester I got the error message again.
alter table REGISTRATION add foreign key (semester) references section(semester);
As seen in the image I linked Semester value, is repeated; despite this, am I still required to make it unique? Or do I make a unique command assigning all 3 columns (of SECTION) together as unique, instead of just 1? If so, how?
foreign key (SectionNo, Semester) references Section(SectionNo, Semester),
requires that there be a unique constraint on the pair of columns SectionNo and Semester.
CREATE TABLE class_scheduling_01.section
sectionno integer NOT NULL,
semester character varying(16) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
courseid character varying(16) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT section_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sectionno, semester, courseid),
CONSTRAINT section_sectionno_key UNIQUE (sectionno),
CONSTRAINT section_courseid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (courseid)
REFERENCES class_scheduling_01.course (courseid) MATCH SIMPLE
-- Unique constraint on the pair
CONSTRAINT your_constraint_name UNIQUE (SectionNo, Semester)
That change should let these SQL statements succeed. I didn't check to see whether that's a good idea.
SQL is case insensitive.
I understand what you mean, but this is a bad way to think about it.
PostgreSQL folds unquoted identifiers to lowercase. So PostgreSQL would treat the identifiers SQL, Sql, and sql as if they were all sql. A quoted or delimited identifier, like "Select" always refers to either a table or a column; it's never interpreted as a keyword. Quoted identifiers are case-sensitive. You can't successfully refer to the table "Select" as select.

How do I create a check to make sure a value exists in another table?

Right now I have two tables, one that contains a compound primary key and another that that references one of the values of the primary key but is a one-to-many relationship between Product and Mapping. The following is an idea of the setup:
CREATE TABLE dev."Product"
"Id" serial NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6),
CREATE TABLE dev."Mapping"
"LookupId" integer NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT "MappingPK" PRIMARY KEY ("LookupId", "ShortCode")
Since the ShortCode is displayed to the user as a six character string I don't want to have a another table to have a proper foreign key reference but trying to create one with the current design is not allowed by PostgreSQL. As such, how can I create a check so that the short code in the Mapping table is checked to make sure it exists?
Depending on the fine print of your requirements and your version of Postgres I would suggest a TRIGGER or a NOT VALID CHECK constraint.
We have just discussed the matter in depth in this related question on dba.SE:
Disable all constraints and table checks while restoring a dump
If I understand you correctly, you need a UNIQUE constraint on "Product"."ShortCode". Surely it should be declared NOT NULL, too.
CREATE TABLE dev."Product"
"Id" serial NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
CREATE TABLE dev."Mapping"
"LookupId" integer NOT NULL,
"ShortCode" character(6) NOT NULL REFERENCES dev."Product" ("ShortCode"),
CONSTRAINT "MappingPK" PRIMARY KEY ("LookupId", "ShortCode")
Your original "Product" table will allow this INSERT statement to succeed, but it shouldn't.
insert into dev."Product" ("ShortCode") values
(NULL), (NULL), ('ABC'), ('ABC'), ('ABC');
Data like that is just about useless.
select * from dev."Product"
id ShortCode

postgresql unique constraint not unique enough

I am creating tables to handle the security question/selected question/given answer section of our database and getting this error:
there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "m_security_questions"
Not sure how I fix this?
(Since schema won't build b/c of error, I couldn't add SQL Fiddle)
CREATE TABLE security_question --defines questions
question character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
is_custom boolean DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL
INSERT INTO security_question
('do you know the answer?',FALSE),
('Write your own question',TRUE);
CREATE TABLE m_security_questions
( --defines question a member chooses & allows free form question
-- I know adding id like this and making keeping same pk solves it
-- but isn't storing the extra sequence not needed?
member integer --REFERENCES member(m_no)
-- commented out reference for so only
question integer REFERENCES security_question(id) NOT NULL,
m_note text,
PRIMARY KEY(member,question)
-- here I add unique constraint but doesn't the primary already mean I have a unique index?
ALTER TABLE m_security_questions ADD CONSTRAINT m_security_questions_unique_member_question UNIQUE (member,question);
INSERT INTO m_security_questions
(2,2,'How many marbles in this jar?');
CREATE TABLE m_security_answer --defines members given answer
( -- I want member & question here to line up w/ same from m_security_questions
member integer REFERENCES m_security_questions(member),
question integer REFERENCES m_security_questions(question) NOT NULL,
answer character varying(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (member,question)
-- here is where I get the error:
-- there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "m_security_questions"
INSERT INTO m_security_answer
The primary key definitely defines a unique constraint. But the unique constraint is on (member,question). Your have two FOREIGN KEY constraints that references just (member) and (question) separately.
I'm pretty sure what you want is:
CREATE TABLE m_security_answer --defines members given answer
member integer,
question integer NOT NULL,
answer character varying(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (member,question),
FOREIGN KEY (member, question) REFERENCES m_security_questions(member, question)

Reflecting PostgreSQL database with inheritance in SQLAlchemy results in missing foreign key relationship

I have created a database in PostgreSQL (8.4 - I need to use this version because I want to use MapFish which does not (yet) support 9.0) which has some inherited tables:
CREATE TABLE stakeholder
pk_stakeholder integer DEFAULT nextval('stakeholder_seq') NOT NULL,
fk_stakeholder_type integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT stakeholder_primarykey PRIMARY KEY (pk_stakeholder),
CONSTRAINT stakeholder_fk_stakeholder_type FOREIGN KEY (fk_stakeholder_type)
REFERENCES stakeholder_type (pk_stakeholder_type) MATCH SIMPLE
CREATE TABLE individual
firstname character varying(50),
fk_title integer,
email1 character varying (100),
email2 character varying (100),
phone1 character varying (50),
phone2 character varying (50),
CONSTRAINT individual_primarykey PRIMARY KEY (pk_stakeholder),
CONSTRAINT individual_fk_title FOREIGN KEY (fk_title)
REFERENCES individual_title (pk_individual_title) MATCH SIMPLE
) INHERITS (stakeholder)
(as learned from an earlier question, I'm using a seperate table (stakeholder_pk) to keep track of my primary keys using triggers)
Now I'd like to reflect my database in SQLAlchemy (0.7.1):
table_stakeholder = meta.metadata.tables["stakeholder"]
table_individual = meta.metadata.tables["individual"]
stakeholder_mapper = orm.mapper(Stakeholder, table_stakeholder,
orm.mapper(Individual, table_individual, inherits=stakeholder_mapper,
This however results in an sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Can't find any foreign key relationships between 'stakeholder' and 'individual'.
Now I've seen some examples where they use the primary key of the child tables (in my case: individual) as a foreign key to point at the primary key of the parent table (stakeholder). However, PostgreSQL will not let me do this, saying that this would violate a foreign key constraint since the primary key in the parent table (stakeholder) is not there (?).
So now I'm pretty much stuck and after hours of searching for a solution I'm starting to lose track of it. Is this a problem in PostgreSQL (similar to the primary key & inheritance issue) or is it because of SQLAlchemy? Or is it just me doing something fundamentally wrong?
It is in PostgreSQL:
All check constraints and not-null constraints on a parent table are automatically inherited by its children. Other types of constraints (unique, primary key, and foreign key constraints) are not inherited.
These deficiencies will probably be fixed in some future release, but in the meantime considerable care is needed in deciding whether inheritance is useful for your application.
Is it possible to drop triggers and to have in individual:
pk_stakeholder integer DEFAULT nextval('stakeholder_seq') NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT stakeholder_primarykey PRIMARY KEY (pk_stakeholder),
This will not stop individual to have pk_stakeholder that exists in stakeholder if you update pk_stakeholder later. So here triggers are required to stop update (easier) or to check.