Fire Button onAction on key released and touch released JavaFX - javafx-8

The docs say the button should fire for clicks, keypress, and touch. It doesn't seem to work.
Some code to play with.
public class FireButtonTest extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
TextArea ta = new TextArea();
Button btn1 = new Button();
btn1.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
ta.setText(ta.getText()+"btn1 fired \n");
Button btn2 = new Button();
btn2.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
ta.setText(ta.getText()+"btn2 fired \n");
btn2.setOnKeyReleased((KeyEvent ke) -> {
if (ke.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) {
ta.setText(ta.getText()+"btn2 key event -> ");;
//?? can't test this
btn2.setOnTouchReleased((TouchEvent te) -> {
if (te.getTouchCount() == 1){
ta.setText(ta.getText()+"btn2 touch event -> ");;
VBox root = new VBox(5);
root.getChildren().addAll(btn1, btn2, ta);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250);
primaryStage.setTitle("Button Test");
Why can't I just press enter when the button is focused?

Doh! I guess you have to use the space bar. Here's the source.
<!-- language: java -->
protected static final List<KeyBinding> BUTTON_BINDINGS = new ArrayList<KeyBinding>();
static {


Unity Banner is not showing

My Banner Ad does show in test mode but without testmode not.
I used a code template from the unity website.
I also asked the unity ads support but they couldn't find the error.
they send me a video of my application,and in this video the banner ad worked.
Here is my code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Advertisements;
public class newadsystem : MonoBehaviour
// For the purpose of this example, these buttons are for functionality testing:
[SerializeField] Button _loadBannerButton;
[SerializeField] Button _showBannerButton;
[SerializeField] Button _hideBannerButton;
[SerializeField] BannerPosition _bannerPosition = BannerPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER;
[SerializeField] public string _androidAdUnitId = "Banner_Android";
[SerializeField] string _iOsAdUnitId = "Banner_iOS";
public string _adUnitId = "Banner_Android";
void Start()
// Disable the button until an ad is ready to show:
_showBannerButton.interactable = true;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = true;
// Set the banner position:
// Configure the Load Banner button to call the LoadBanner() method when clicked:
_loadBannerButton.interactable = true;
// Implement a method to call when the Load Banner button is clicked:
public void LoadBanner()
// Set up options to notify the SDK of load events:
BannerLoadOptions options = new BannerLoadOptions
loadCallback = OnBannerLoaded,
errorCallback = OnBannerError
// Load the Ad Unit with banner content:
Advertisement.Initialize("4395157", false, true);
Advertisement.Banner.Load(_adUnitId, options);
Advertisement.Initialize("4395157", false, true);
// Implement code to execute when the loadCallback event triggers:
void OnBannerLoaded()
Debug.Log("Banner loaded");
// Configure the Show Banner button to call the ShowBannerAd() method when clicked:
// Configure the Hide Banner button to call the HideBannerAd() method when clicked:
// Enable both buttons:
_showBannerButton.interactable = true;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = true;
// Implement code to execute when the load errorCallback event triggers:
void OnBannerError(string message)
Debug.Log($"Banner Error: {message}");
// Optionally execute additional code, such as attempting to load another ad.
// Implement a method to call when the Show Banner button is clicked:
void ShowBannerAd()
// Set up options to notify the SDK of show events:
BannerOptions options = new BannerOptions
clickCallback = OnBannerClicked,
hideCallback = OnBannerHidden,
showCallback = OnBannerShown
// Show the loaded Banner Ad Unit:
Advertisement.Initialize("4395157", false, true);
Advertisement.Banner.Show(_adUnitId, options);
// Implement a method to call when the Hide Banner button is clicked:
void HideBannerAd()
// Hide the banner:
void OnBannerClicked()
Debug.Log("Banner Clicked!");
void OnBannerShown()
Debug.Log("Banner Shown!");
void OnBannerHidden()
Debug.Log("Banner Hidden");
void OnDestroy()
// Clean up the listeners:
I looked into the android device log and there was: "Unity : Banner Error: UnityAds is not initialized."
but i call several times the initialize function.
PS: i am not very good at english.
Have a look at Start (), your code:
// Disable the button until an ad is ready to show:
_showBannerButton.interactable = true;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = true;
And then at OnBannerLoaded ()
// Enable both buttons:
_showBannerButton.interactable = true;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = true;
But those button are already interactable = true.
Maybe you need to change Start () like this:
// Disable the button until an ad is ready to show:
_showBannerButton.interactable = false;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = false;
Update 1
Try to change your code the following way:
void Start()
_showBannerButton.interactable = false;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = false;
_loadBannerButton.interactable = true;
public void LoadBanner()
BannerLoadOptions options = new BannerLoadOptions
loadCallback = OnBannerLoaded,
errorCallback = OnBannerError
if (Advertisement.isInitialized) {
Advertisement.Banner.Load(_adUnitId, options);
} else Debug.LogWarning ("Adverisement not initialized! Try again later");
void OnBannerLoaded()
Debug.Log("Banner loaded");
BannerOptions options = new BannerOptions
clickCallback = OnBannerClicked,
hideCallback = OnBannerHidden,
showCallback = OnBannerShown
_showBannerButton.interactable = true;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = true;
void ShowBannerAd()
Advertisement.Banner.Show(_adUnitId, options);

How to define gravity of a Dialog Fragment?

I want my dialog to stick to the start but it always comes in the center.
i will give you example==>
Following is the code -->Onclick image -->Dialog Appears==>
Dialog dialog; //your dialog declaration
imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
dialog = new Dialog(this);
Window window = dialog.getWindow();
WindowManager.LayoutParams wlp = window.getAttributes();
wlp.gravity = Gravity.START |Gravity.TOP; //change direction as per your requirement
wlp.flags &= ~WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND;
imageView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {;

How to Get UI button to Stay in a Pressed State in Unity 3D

In Unity 3D, when you select a button, it will stay pressed until you click outside the button and basically goes back to its Normal Color. The problem is, I want the button to stay pressed (color-wise) when I click outside the button or scene. Does anyone know how to keep a button pressed or "selected" after clicking it?
You can use Unity UI Toggle (as said by Muhammad). Change the design to remove the checkmark and make it looking like a button.
With this component you have the state 'isOn' that you can use and change the color when selected for example.
public class Button_Stay_Pressed : MonoBehaviour
private Button btn;
private Sprite normal_sprite;
private Sprite pressed_sprite;
void Awake()
btn = gameObject.GetComponent<Button>();
btn.image.sprite = normal_sprite;
void TaskOnClick()
btn.image.sprite = pressed_sprite;
Here is the C# script using delegate that'll (toggle between buttons) set clicked button to "on/pressed" (custom) colour and change the other button(s) with this script attached to them to deselect colour, Copy & paste solution(attach this script to buttons you want to toggle between):
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/// <summary>
/// Functionality: Control UI Button clicks selected colour
/// Author: Akrima Huzaifa
/// Date Created: 1st-December-2022
/// </summary>
public class BtnClickHandler : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void OnBtnClick(BtnClickHandler obj);
public static event OnBtnClick onBtnClick;
public Button poleBtn;
public Image poleImage;
private void Awake()
if (GetComponent<Button>())
poleBtn = GetComponent<Button>();
poleImage = GetComponent<Image>();
poleBtn.onClick.AddListener(delegate { OnBtnClick(); });
private void OnEnable()
onBtnClick += SelectDeselectBtn;
private void OnDisable()
onBtnClick -= SelectDeselectBtn;
public void SelectDeselectBtn(BtnClickHandler obj)
if (obj == this)
public void OnBtnClick()
//---For UI---
public void OnClick_ObjButtonSelected()
if (!poleImage.fillCenter)
print("if color");
poleImage.fillCenter = true;
poleImage.color = new Color32(230, 230, 230, 255);
poleImage.transform.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().color = new Color32(255, 115, 0, 255);
public void DeselectBtn()
print("else color");
poleImage.fillCenter = false;
poleImage.color = new Color32(178, 178, 178, 255);
poleImage.transform.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);

Single and Double Click on Button in Android?

I want to create Single and Double click on Button in Android...
Thanks for help in Advance.
I have already tried using button.setOnClickListener() for single click on button but i couldn't find double click on button
Try this code : (btn is the button you want to check for single and double click)
int i = 0;
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Handler handler = new Handler();
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
i = 0;
if (i == 1) {
//Single click
handler.postDelayed(r, 250);
} else if (i == 2) {
//Double click
i = 0;

Softkeyboard is shown only on calling method from button click

I am programatically showing the soft keyboard when a layout is loaded on a button click.
I am showing the softkeyboard only when the textfield has focus. It works fine. But when I call the same method at another place in the code(not a button click) then the soft keyboard does not show up. Below is my code. Please point out where I went wrong.
public void showNewView() {
isRegisterScreen = true;
final EditText text1 = (EditText) findViewById(;
final EditText text2 = (EditText) findViewById(;
final InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
text1.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean hasFocus) {
inputManager.showSoftInput(labelText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT);
inputManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(text1.getWindowToken(), 0);
text2.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean hasFocus) {
inputManager.showSoftInput(text2, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT);
inputManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(phoneText.getWindowToken(), 0);