I've updated my project from 2.x version to 3.x version of Postsharp.
Now, VS are dumping me that:
MethodInterceptionAspect can't be applied on a interface method...
Could you help me about that...?
My aspect wants to intercep Isession.Close method of NHibernate.Isession.
In postsharp 2.x all runs very fine, however, on 3.x version, postsharp warning me a error compiler.
I'll appreciate a lot your help.
Thanks for all.
This incompatibility was fixed in PostSharp versions 3.1.52 and 4.0.32 and should be now possible.
Please visit this page... [http://doc.postsharp.net/composition][1]
In my project code, there is a requirement to encode the URL. its currently using httpclient 3.1 jar and uses its method URIUtil.encodeQuery() to do the job. but we are upgrading the jar to the newer version, org.apache.httpcomponents 4.4.1.
where I couldn't find any exact substitute for encodeQuery method. it has been discussed in the post What happened to URIUtil.encodePath from commons-httpclient-3.1?.
But still I am looking for any good substitute for encodeQuery(), can anyone has suggestion.
In our project we use the URIBuilder class.
The builder returns the standard java URI.
If you have a new project I suggest to follow the other answer by using the Builder.
On my side, as my project is old and do not want to refactor too much, I just switched to another util class in the CXF project (as it's already a dependency I have).
I just replaced the code URIUtil.encodeQuery(strQuery) by URIParserUtil.escapeChars(strQuery)
The API documentation is here.
downloaded a book from the below link
The book is depended on the esapi-3.10 version. But i am not able to find esapi-3.1.0.jar.
Where can find the respective jar.
Thank you.
Actually, it probably was a typo, but more likely it was supposed to say ESAPI 1.3 rather than 3.1. That's even about a year before I got involved with ESAPI. If you notice the date for this was 2008 and I just checked and release 1.3 was made available in Sept 2008.
So, in other words, this ESAPI book is really ancient history. And the previous answer is correct in that the latest official release is 2.1.0. The 2.1.1 release is almost done but because of other commitments (e.g., GSoC), it will likely be awhile until it is released unless I get some volunteers to assist.
Notify OWASP. The most recent version of esapi is 2.1.0. This is a typo.
I just tried the Groovy-Eclipse plugin , and everything is working fine, except the syntax highlighting is behaving really strange.
Basically, it sees to think pretty much everything is deprecated. I get strike-troughs everywhere.
For example, toURL is striked through when using
I see this with loads of methods, including eachLine , getText and many many more. These methods aren't deprecated, what is going on?
I'm running Eclipse 4.2, 2.7.0.xx-20120703-1400-e42-RELEASE and Groovy 2.0
These methods are deprecated because they moved to other classes and your plugin is not aware of that. There're many methods deprecated:
You can look up the deprecated API's for the new main version of Groovy here.
You can read about the similar question here:
An answer from the STS/Groovy-Eclipse side of things.
This is fixed in the latest 2.7.1 snapshot.
Earlier versions of Groovy-Eclipse were not aware of StringGroovyMethod,
but this has been fixed.
It is this sad moment to a developer's life that he has to maintain and fix legacy code... In my case I have to deal with a modified (core scripts) tinyMCE 3.2.2 which I have to update to the latest version in order to play in IE9+...
So my question is if there is a way to check which files have been changed since version 3.2.2 and try to update only those cause it is an overkill to check all the code for the modifications...
Thanks in advance
I fear there are so many changes in so many files that most of them have changed since then and in order to work with IE9.
If possible you should never ever modify the core code. Instead use custom plugins if possible.
I compiled the version in svn tagged as gwt2.4rc. Now there are a
couple of more libraries than I had the last time. Are the any
instructions on which library is needed for what? I tried it with only
the standard libraries (servlet, servlet-deps, user) but I get the
following error when a requestfactory call is made:
I tried declaring the requestfactory-client and requestfactory-server
jars as dependencies, but i doesn't help. I am using maven to manage
my dependencies.
I would go back to 2.4 beta, but I need the drag&drop features that
were introduced later.
Does anybody has an idea what could be wrong? or any hints how i can
dig deeper into this? I spend a lot of time trying to figure this out
but without any success :(
Do I need to provide more information?
Are you sure you deployed the 2.4-rc1 gwt-servlet.jar in your war/WEB-INF/lib ? Also, make sure you override the SDK for the gwt-maven-plugin: http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/user-guide/using-different-gwt-sdk-version.html
That being said:
when using Maven, you shouldn't use gwt-servlet-deps but instead reference org.json:json and javax.validation:validation-api
requestfactory-server can be used instead of gwt-servlet if you only use RequestFactory on the server-side (no GWT-RPC, no SafeHtml, no RegExp, etc.); requestfactory-client is to be used for Java clients (such as Android), not the case here.