FQL: Get comment data WHERE object_id={a known object_id} works, but WHERE id={a known comment XID} does not? - facebook

I'm using FQL to get comment data from webpage with a Facebook comment box. I use the graph to get the object_id, then use FQL to get all comments with that object_id. However, if I want to pull data from a specific comment using its id (sometimes referred to as an XID) the FQL returns 0 results.
According to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/comment/ the id should be indexed, so this query should work:
SELECT+id,+text,+time,+fromid,+is_private+FROM+comment+WHERE+id={some known XID}
But it doesn't. BTW, THIS query does work:
SELECT+id,+text,+time,+fromid,+is_private+FROM+comment+WHERE+object_id={some known object_id}
It is irritating how I can't pull query for comments using time or fromid or anything other than object_id, id, post_id, and parent_id... but in practice only using the object_id returns anything.
has anyone else run into this problem? Is my XID query wrong somehow, or is the id only indexed on certain kinds of comments, and not webpage comments for no inexplicable reason?

This one I managed to solve with trial and error. I had to put the id in single quotes. It's odd, I could query the object_id without putting it in quotes, but not the id. This is sort of what the working FQL looked like, except with a valid access token:
as opposed to:
which failed to return any results.
Thanks for being consistent, Facebook :(


getting full number of comments of facebook status in API v2.6

How to get number of all comments (number of status comment + number of comments of comments) without looping over every comment?
This parameters show only number of direct comments of status, without nested comments
How to do it similarly to FQL?
FQL requests have no problem with it
SELECT id,likes,post_fbid,time,fromid,text,text_tags,parent_id FROM
comment WHERE post_id = %post_id%
it returns all comments (nested or not) as is. easy to count and easy to check of something changed
Found an answer: you should use filter = stream
likes this
It's in the official documentation, but was not very obvious to me, that it can be used in object endpoint and not only in object/comments.

Need current syntax for writing an FQL query in PHP

Because using the Graph to get comment information craps out at a certain volume (even with pagination) I need an FQL solution. Unfortunately, all the documentation and blogs I've found contain deprecated samples making it impossible for me to figure out the correct syntax.
I need to understand how to get this:
SELECT object_id, post_id, fromid, time, text, username
FROM comment
WHERE object_id
IN (SELECT comments_fbid FROM link_stat WHERE url='*** EVENT HREF ***')
into a PHP variable so I can access the data from a decoded JSON object like so:
$fql_obj = json_decode($fql_query, true);
I figured this out. For anyone else confused by it you append it to a graph lookup and replace spaces with +s:
$fql_query = "https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT+object_id,+post_id,+fromid,+time,+text,+username+FROM+comment+WHERE+object_id+IN+SELECT+comments_fbid+FROM+link_stat+WHERE+url='***EVENTHREF***')";
$fql_obj = json_decode($fql_query, true);

fb:comments-count return wrong value

I use
<fb:comments-count href=http://e-drpciv.ro/intrebare/963/></fb:comments-count>
I also try with quotes
<fb:comments-count href="http://e-drpciv.ro/intrebare/963/"></fb:comments-count>
and the return is always zero:
/**/ FB.__globalCallbacks.fdd5cbfe8aa94c({"data":[{"name":"index_link_stat_url","fql_result_set":[{"url":"http:\/\/e-drpciv.ro\/intrebare\/963\/","commentsbox_count":0}]}]});
Some other links report less comments than real.
Eg. http://e-drpciv.ro/intrebare/35 report only 3 comments
I need to update something in my code? Or is just a facebook issue and I need to wait?
This problem persist for two days.
If someone shares someone else story it wouldn't show you the comments of that previous share in your /home, but when you query the fql to get comment_count of that object "SELECT comment_info FROM photo WHERE object_id = 1234567890" it will count you all comments from all shares, this is why when you query the /home with FB API you will find posts without comments but with the SELECT ... it will return you positive number of comment's count. i belive that there is some join to make or to can get only the current user.

FQL search public posts

I'm trying to do a search using FQL.
Using the Graph API, it works but there are more options using FQL.
Using something like
it work fine.
I'm looking for the equivalent in FQL.
What query I must write in here
The query above give me that
Parser error: unexpected end of query
I want to search in all public posts.
I've been looking everywhere but I did not found any solution.
For searching public posts for a string, you need to use the Graph API, and then filter those posts in your script. I don't think searching all public posts is possible in FQL. While FQL is more powerful, it is also more limited.
You are getting an error because you don't have a "WHERE" clause in your query. This is required in FQL.
The limit comes in because you must use at least one indexed column in your WHERE query. For the stream table you must specify either a post via post_id, a user via source_id or filter_key, or a live stream via xid. The indexed fields are marked with a * on the documentation site.
For instance, [this FQL][1]
SELECT post_id,actor_id,target_id,message FROM stream WHERE filter_key = 'others'
AND strpos(message, 'the') >= 0
will get you all posts that show on your access token owner's wall that have not been posted by the owner, with the string 'the' in them. That is the best you can get. If the post isn't visible on their wall, then you won't get the post.
If you try to leave out an indexed field, FQL will throw a 'Your statement is not indexable' error.
[1]: SELECT post_id,actor_id,target_id,message FROM stream WHERE filter_key = 'others' and strpos(message,'the') >=0

Facebook - max number of parameters in “IN” clause?

In Facebook query language(FQL), you can specify an IN clause, like:
SELECT uid1, uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 IN (1000, 1001, 1002)
Does anyone know what's the maximum number of parameters you can pass into IN?
I think the maximum result set size is 5000
It may seem like an odd number (so perhaps I miss counted, but it's close ~1), but I can not seem to query more than 73 IN items. This is my query:
SELECT object_id, metric, value
FROM insights
WHERE object_id IN ( ~73 PAGE IDS HERE~ )
AND metric='page_fans'
AND end_time=end_time_date('2011-06-04')
AND period=period('lifetime')
This is using the JavaSCript FB.api() call.
Not sure if there is an undocumented limit or it might be an issue of facebook fql server timeout.
You should check if there is a error 500 returned from FB web server which might indicate you are passing a too long GET statement (see Facebook query language - long query)
I realized my get was too long so instead of putting many numbers in the IN statement, i put a sub-query there that fetches those numbers from FB FQL - but unfortunately it looks like FB couldn't handle the query and returned an 'unknown error' in the JSON which really doesn't help us understand the problem.
There shoud not be a maximum number of parameters as there isnt in SQL IN as far as I know.
just dont use more parameters than you have values for the function to check because you will not get any results (dont know if it will give away an error as I never tried to).