How to run maven project in eclipse - eclipse

I have maven project on Java with TestNG. I want to run it from eclipse. I use Eclipse Kepler and have installed m2eclipse plugin. But there is no any option connected with maven in menu Run as... Could someone help me with such issue. How should I run maven project in eclipse?

To build a maven project in eclipse
In Eclipse, Run -> Run Configuration
Right click on Maven and select New
Enter Name, select base directory of your maven project
Enter Goal as "clean install"(or yours options)
Click on Apply and Run
There are some possible changes are there for build failure because of tool.jar not found and Reference here


Maven not displaying in Eclipse

Recently i have installed m2e maven container plugin in eclipse. After installing, i couldn't see Maven dependencies and maven options. when i select pom.xml and right click, there is no maven run option. i got XSL to remove this? I wnat to use maven targets . Also i couldn't select the existing maven project from source as there is no maven option is displaying.. please help me to fix this.
You can try to do right click on Project > Configure > Convert to Maven Project
After of that you will see maven options under Run As menu...
Or from your terminal you can try to convert you project:
cd ~/workspace/myProject/
mvn eclipse:eclipse

built and execute a maven-project in eclipse

I am trying to build and run a project using maven and under eclipse Kepler. I know that I shoud run (under linux using Terminal) the following commands to build and execute my project:
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.App"
But I want to know, how to build and execute my project under eclipse.
In my eclipse, I have six commands at all: maven build, maven build..., maven clean, maven generate-sources, maven install and maven test.
How to built and execute my project on Eclipse?
well, the solution is as following:
right-click on -> you get many options-> you choose built->
enter in launch configuration: clean compile package -> click ok
After the build-process is finished, click on your and click run (green button). That´s all

Maven plugin with eclipse

I am trying to assemble Maven plugin with eclipse. For that I have already installed the m2eclipse. Now, in the new project, I have created a new Maven project.
When I try to run it by right clicking to the application, there are several options available.
When I run as Maven build, it gives build faliure but if I run as any other option such as maven install or maven clean or maven test, it gives build success.
Why so ?
On right click, when you do maven build, enter the command clean install and then try.

Creating a Mule project in Eclipse

I have started working with Mule. I am working with Mule Studio. This looks good.
But when I want to create a Mule project in Eclipse I am struck.
Please suggest me how I can create a Mule project in Eclipse.
Option 1: With Mule IDE Plugin for Eclipse.
You can use the Mule IDE plugin from eclipse. This helps in creating the mule project in eclipse.
To add plugins please start eclipse and navigate to help->install new software -> Add site and select the artifacts presented
Add muleide (mule plugin) -
Then restart Eclipse after the plugin installation and You can create a Mule Project under the New Project option.
Option 2: Without Mule IDE. With Maven and Eclipse.
Open Command prompt.
Run the following Maven command to create a Mule project.
mvn -DartifactId=MySampleMuleProj -DmuleVersion=3.3.0
Then run the follwoing commands.
mvn clean compile
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
After this open Eclipse IDE
Import this project into the eclipse workspace.
Note: Use Import "Existing Maven Project" option for importing this project.
To run the Mule project in eclipse forllow the below steps.
1. Goto Run -> Run Configurations in eclipse and select Java Application.
2. Click on New launch configuration and enter name of the configuration(for ex. MyMuleProj).
3. Select MyMuleProj as a project and Main class "org.mule.MuleServer".
4. Click on Arguments tab and enter Program arguments "-config src/main/app/mule-config.xml".
You can see the Mule project up and Running.
:) Happy Learning.
You can import your existing project in eclipse or if you've a Maven project, create an Other project and select Maven-> Checkout Maven Projects from SCM or create a Java project. There are so many ways to do it.
I run my mule project in eclipse through MuleServer class and passing mule-config.xml as program argument.
Actually Mule Anypoint Studio is built on Eclipse. If you want to import any maven project, then do this : mvn clean compile
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

Eclipse (STS) + Maven

I basically have 2 questions:
Is there a way to invoke maven console from eclipse? (where I could write eclipse:eclipse, and it started building eclipse project)
Where does STS unpack it's maven? I'd like to add that path to env variables, so that I could use it from my windows console.
Is there a way to invoke maven console from eclipse? (where I could write eclipse:eclipse, and it started building eclipse project)
You could open a shell inside eclipse , cd into the right directory and run the maven console from there. But, when using M2Eclipse (see next point), you're not supposed to run eclipse:eclipse.
Where does STS unpack it's maven? I'd like to add that path to env variables, so that I could use it from my windows console.
STS bundles M2Eclipse which comes with an embedded version of Maven (so it doesn't "unpack" Maven). But you can Configure M2Eclipse to use an external version. Go to window > Preference > Maven > Installations and Add... your external install:
Try the m2eclipse plugin from sonatype and you can eliminate use of 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' altogether. After installing m2eclipse and restarting eclipse, select File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven project. Browse to your maven project and select it. The m2eclipse plugin reads the pom and creates an eclipse project (this is the step that 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' gives). There are other useful features of the m2eclipse plugin including pom editor.
m2eclipse project is moving out of sonatype into the eclipse foundation project page and will be released on the Indigo train.
See this page for more info on m2eclipse: