Use of property names in PowerShell pipeline $_ variable - powershell

As a C# developer, I'm still learning the basics of PowerShell and often getting confused.
Why does the $_. give me the intellisense list of vaild property names in the first example, but not the second?
Get-Service | Where {$ -Match "host" }
Get-Service | Write-Host $
What is the basic difference in these two examples?
When I run the second one, it gives this error on each iteration of Get-Service:
Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters
that take pipeline input.
At line:3 char:15
+ Get-Service | Write-Host $
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (wuauserv:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand
My coworker and I were first using a foreach loop to iterate a Get-commandlet, and we were stuck getting the property names to appear. We tried to simplify till we go to the core basics above.
Just figured out sometimes it's a typo in the commandlet, below first one fails because the commandlet should be Get-Service instead of Get-Services.
foreach ($item in Get-Services)
Write-Host $ #why no intellisense here?
foreach ($item in Get-Service)
Write-Host $item.Name

First part: you can't use $_ like that, it represents current pipeline object only within script blocks. These script blocks are usually used with any *-Object cmdlet (but there are other use cases too). Not all parameters/ cmdlet support it. Write-Host is one of those that don't.
Second: It looks like you are using own function (GetServices). PowerShell v3 intellisense is depending on command metadata (OutputType). If any cmdlet/ function produces object but is silent about OutputType, intellisense won't work. It's pretty simple to get it, and you can lie and still get proper intellisense for any existing type:
function Get-ServiceEx {
param ()
'This is not really a service!'
(Get-ServiceEx).<list of properties of ServiceController object>
You can read more about it on my blog.

Intellisense will work if you put $_ inside a scriptblock.
The following will trigger intellisense:
Get-Service | Foreach-Object {$_.Name} # Intellisense works
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name} # Intellisense works
Get-Service | Write-Host {$_.Name} # Intellisense works
Note that your command need not be a valid command: the third example will not work but intellisense will display auto-complete for $_ anyway because it is inside a scriptblock.
I suspect it is because $_ is only usable inside a scriptblock (e.g. switch, %, ?) but I have no hard-evidence for it.

$_ is the current object in the pipeline. It's the same as $item in a foreach ($item in $array).
Get-Service | Where {$ -Match "host" }
Get-Service | Write-Host $
The difference between these two lines is a fundamental part of the PowerShell design. Pipelines are supposed to be easy. You should be able to ex. search for and delete files as simply as:
Get-ChildItem *.txt | Remove-Item
This is clean, simple, and everyone can use it. The cmdlets are built to identify the type of the incoming object, adapt to support the specific type, and process the object.
However, sometimes you need more advanced object manipulation in the pipeline, and that's where Where-Object and Foreach-Object comes in. Both cmdlets lets you write your own processing logic without having to create an function or cmdlet first. To be able to access the object in your code(processing logic), you need an identifier for it, and that is $_. $_ is also supported in some other special cmdlets, but it's not used in most cmdlets(including Write-Host).
Also, Intellisense in foreach ($item in Get-Service) works. You had a typo.


How to filter ProfileList with wildcards

I'm writing a script to help streamline the deletion of users profile list's on our Citrix servers. I cant figure out how to filter the ProfileImagePath by wildcards.
On our Windows 2008 servers in Regedit I can search and sort the profile list of users cia its Profileimagepath but this gets all the users, I cant seem to extend that filter to only bring back wildcard entries.
set-location | 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' |% {Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath } | Select
What I am getting is the whole list of user profiles, or if I put the filter =username* entry I get an error, What I wanted to get was just the results of the wildcard, Ideally just the usernames I put in the wildcard are what I want returned.
The code you posted is utterly broken. Please go find a PowerShell tutorial before proceeding any further.
Set-Location does not produce output, and even if it did, piping cmdlet output into a string wouldn't do anything at all.
You must not wrap statements at arbitrary places like you do in your sample code.
The wrapped registry path string will preserve the embedded newline (thus not matching what you want it to match).
Putting the argument of the Select-Object statement on the next line without escaping the newline will run Select-Object without arguments and the arguments as a separate statement (which most likely will throw an error because the arguments aren't a valid statement by themselves).
= is an assignment operator in PowerShell. Comparison operators are -eq (equality), -like (wildcard matches), and -match (regular expression matches).
You need Where-Object for filtering pipelined objects, not Select-Object. The latter is for selecting object properties.
You propbably meant to do something like this:
$username = '...'
$profilePath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList'
Get-ChildItem $profilePath | Where-Object {
(Get-ItemProperty $_.PSPath).ProfileImagePath -like "*${username}*"
or (simpler) like this:
$username = '...'
$profilePath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList'
Get-ChildItem $profilePath |
Get-ItemProperty |
Where-Object { $_.ProfileImagePath -like "*${username}*" }

How would I specify a directory to run a PowerShell script that would edit file extensions?

I am new to PowerShell and new to IT. I've been asked by my boss to write a PowerShell script that will identify filenames that have no file extension and then change them to .PDF files. After doing some research online I've found a script that had a similar purpose and tried to tailor it to my needs:
$proj_files = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq "."}
ForEach ($file in $proj_files) {
$filenew = $file.Name + ".pdf"
Rename-Item $file $filenew
My first question is does the logic in this script make sense? Is "Extension -eq "." the correct syntax to specify a filename with no extension? My other thought was to use Extension -eq "null" or something similar. If I do need to use a null value, what would that look like? My other question is how would I specify a given directory for this script to search through, or would I even need to? My thought here would be to specify the path under Get-ChildItem, like so: $proj_files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\mthomas\Documents | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".'} Does that seem correct? I am hesitant to test this out before getting a second opinion because I don't want to change every file extension on my computer or something stupid like that. Anyhow, thanks everyone for the help.
You can do something like the following to find files in a directory without an extension, and rename them to have a PDF extension:
$directory = "C:\Path\To\Directory"
Get-ChildItem -File $directory | Where-Object { -Not $_.Extension } | Foreach-Object {
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName "$($_.Name).pdf"
Let's break this down
$directory = "C:\Path\To\Directory"
This is where we set the directory we want to locate files without extensions in. It doesn't have to be set as a static variable but since you are just getting your feet wet with Powershell this keeps it simple.
Get-ChildItem -File $directory
Get-ChildItem is the cmdlet which is used to list directory contents (also aliased to gci, ls, and dir). -File tells it to only list files, and $directory references the directory we want to search from, which we set above. Note that Get-ChildItem might behave differently depending on the provider (for example, you can also use Get-ChildItem on a registry key), but if you are working with a filesystem path you do not need to worry about additional providers for this case.
Passes the previous output down the pipeline. This is a common operator in Powershell, but basically you can string commands together using it. You can read more about the pipeline at
Where-Object { -Not $_.Extension }
Where-Object evaluates a condition on one or more items, and filters out items that do not meet the condition. Since Get-ChildItem can return one or more files, we use the -Not operator in the ScriptBlock (denoted by {} and make sure that there is no extension on the file. $_, or $PSItem, is a special variable used by the pipeline, in this case $_ equals each item returned by Get-ChildItem. The Extension property exists on files returned by Get-ChildItem, and will be blank, or evaluated as $False. So filtering on -Not $_.Extension is the same as saying to only match objects that are missing a file extension. Where-Object can be read about in more detail here:
Foreach-Object { SCRIPTBLOCK }
Similar to Where-Object, but runs code for each object in the pipeline rather than evaluating and filtering out objects which don't match a condition. In this case, we pipe the each file without an extension to Rename-Item, which I'll break down further below. More information on Foreach-Object can be read about here:
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName "$($_.Name).pdf"
Rename the current file in the Foreach-Object block to the new name with .pdf appended. The "$( ... )" is called a sub-expression, which is a string interpolation technique that lets you run a command within a string, and make its output part of the string. You could achieve the same effect by doing $_ | Rename-Item -NewName ( $_.Name + ".pdf" ) which just adds a .pdf to the end of the current name.
The pipeline is a very powerful tool in Powershell, and is key to writing efficient and less bloated scripts. It might seem complex at first, but the more you use it the less daunting it will seem. I highly suggest reading the additional documentation I linked to above as it should help fill in any gaps I may have missed in my explanations above.
To simplify the breakdown above, the command does this, in this order: Gets all files in the specified directory, selects only the files that do not have an extension, then renames each file found without an extension to have a .pdf at the end.
The logic in the script - the overall shape - makes understandable sense, but is not right for it to work as you intend.
Testing on my computer here:
new-item -ItemType File -Name 'test'
get-item test | format-list *
get-item test | foreach { $_.extension; $_.Extension.length; $_.extension.GetType().name }
a file with no extension shows up with an empty string (blank content, length 0, type String, so your where-object { $_.Extension -eq "." } needs to be looking for "" instead of ".".
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq '' }
shows me some folders as well, because they also have no extension in their name, so you might want Get-ChildItem -File to restrict it to just files.
how would I specify a given directory for this script to search through, or would I even need to?
It would run in the current directory, whichever shows up in your prompt PS C:\wherever> so if you need it to run somewhere else, yes you'd need to change to that folder or specify in get-childitem -LiteralPath 'c:\path\to\wherever'. You haven't mentioned subfolders, if you need those included, get-childitem -Recurse switch as well.
Speaking of subfolders, your $filenew = $file.Name + ".pdf" only makes sense in the current directory, I think it would work better if you used the full filename including path, so they definitely get renamed in the same place they were found $filenew = $file.FullName + ".pdf"
Is "Extension -eq "." the correct syntax to specify a filename with no extension?
Being careful here, what you wrote in your question was correct syntax but incorrect string content. What you've written here with quotes on the left of Extension is incorrect syntax.
My other thought was to use Extension -eq "null" or something similar. If I do need to use a null value, what would that look like?
And being careful here, "null" is not a null value, it's a string containing the four letter word 'null'.
You don't need to use a null value here, normally if you do it looks like $null, but in this case you could use where-object { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Extension) } but there's no benefit to it, I think.
And, as a stylistic choice, both "" and '' are strings, but "" can contain variables and sub-expressions, so if you have plain text it's a neat habit to use '' for it because it makes it clear to the reader that you intend there to be nothing special happening in this string.
Then your code, with parameter names given, looks more like:
$proj_files = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath 'C:\Users\mthomas\Documents' |
Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq '.'}
foreach ($file in $proj_files)
$filenew = $file.FullName + '.pdf'
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName -NewName $filenew
If you want to see what it will do, use -WhatIf on the end of Rename-Item:
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName -NewName $filenew -WhatIf
Then it won't make the changes, just tell you what it would do.
I am hesitant to test this out before getting a second opinion because I don't want to change every file extension on my computer or something stupid like that
Sensible. But internet people are going to tell you to test their code before running it, because ultimately it's your responsibility to safeguard your files, rather than trust random code from the internet, so having test folders, having a spare machine, having a good backup, playing with PowerShell in pieces until you are happy with what they do, they're all good habits to get into as well.

Powershell - clarification about foreach

I am learning powershell and I need someone to give me an initial push to get me through the learning curve. I am familiar with programming and dos but not powershell.
What I would like to do is listing all files from my designated directory and pushing the filenames into an array. I am not very familiar with the syntax and when I tried to run my test I was asked about entering parameters.
Could someone please enlighten me and show me the correct way to get what I want?
This is what powershell asked me:
PS D:\ABC> Test.ps1
cmdlet ForEach-Object at command pipeline position 2
Supply values for the following parameters:
This is my test:
[string]$filePath = "D:\ABC\*.*";
Get-ChildItem $filePath | foreach
$myFileList = $_.BaseName;
write-host $_.BaseName
Why was ps asking about Process[0]?
I would want to ps to list all the files from the directory and pipe the results to foreach where I put each file into $myFileList array and print out the filename as well.
Don't confuse foreach (the statement) with ForEach-Object (the cmdlet). Microsoft does a terrible job with this because there is an alias of foreach that points to ForEach-Object, so when you use foreach you have to know which version you're using based on how you're using it. Their documentation makes this worse by further conflating the two.
The one you're trying to use in your code is ForEach-Object, so you should use the full name of it to differentiate it. From there, the issue is that the { block starts on the next line.
{} is used in PowerShell for blocks of code related to statements (like while loops) but is also used to denote a [ScriptBlock] object.
When you use ForEach-Object it's expecting a scriptblock, which can be taken positionally, but it must be on the same line.
Conversely, since foreach is a statement, it can use its {} on the next line.
Your code with ForEach-Object:
Get-ChildItem $filePath | ForEach-Object {
$myFileList = $_.BaseName;
write-host $_.BaseName
Your code with foreach:
$files = Get-ChildItem $filePath
foreach ($file in $Files)
$myFileList = $file.BaseName;
write-host $file.BaseName

PowerShell Pipeline Script Block inside Hashtable

Hopefully a PowerShell noob question, but how do I access the current pipeline object inside a script block which is also within a hashtable?
Here is what I'm trying to do in its entirety:
Get-ADGroupMember "Group Name" |
Where {$_.objectClass -eq "user"} |
Get-ADUser -properties extensionAttribute1 |
Where {$_.extensionAttribute1 -ne ($_.UserPrincipalName -replace "", "")} |
Set-ADUser -replace #{extensionAttribute1=&{$_.UserPrincipalName -replace "", ""}}
I have everything working except for that last line, where the new extensionAttribute1 should be generated from the current users UserPrincipalName, replacing the domain. Running this code results in an error:
+ Set-ADUser <<<< -replace #{ExtensionAttribute1=&{$_.UserPrincipalName -replace "", ""}}
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (CN=Bar\, Fo...ADdomain,DC=com:ADUser) [Set-ADUser], ADInvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : replace,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.SetADUser
Replacing the code inside the script block with a string works ok (below), so it seems like some sort of access issue to the current pipeline object. Does $_ not work in this case?
Set-ADUser -replace #{extensionAttribute1=&{"foobar"}}
The short answer seems to be using a foreach in your pipeline, as such:
Get-ADGroupMember "Group Name" |
Where {$_.objectClass -eq "user"} |
Get-ADUser -properties extensionAttribute1 |
Where {$_.extensionAttribute1 -ne ($_.UserPrincipalName -replace "", "")} |
foreach-objct {Set-ADUser $_ -replace #{extensionAttribute1=&{$_.UserPrincipalName -replace "", ""}}}
As for why, I'm pretty sure it's because Set-ADUser only accepts one object, whether it's one ADUser or one collection of ADUsers. Since $_ represents this, the way you had it was causing Set-ADUser to see $_ as the one object you were providing in the pipeline - the group of users (instead of each individual user).
Note: The following is speculation! If I'm wrong please correct me!
Regarding Set-ADUser taking one or more objects... here's my guess. If you look at the Input Types of Set-ADUser, it gives the types of None or Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser. But as you have seen, you can also pass along a collection of ADUser objects and Set-ADUser will accept that as well. From my understanding of that cmdlet, when you call it you can run the same Set command on all objects in that collection. For instance, you could do as you mentioned (assuming $users contains everything in the pipeline up until then):
$users | Set-ADUser -replace #{extensionAttribute1=&{"foobar"}}
My guess is that under the hood, Set-ADUser is accepting $users as the single parameter value (by setting the ValueFromPipeline attribute to true in the code) and applying the parameters you provided to each object therein. Since the iteration of the collection is happening within the cmdlet's code (which is no longer in PowerShell, it's the compiled .Net code), the $_ would have no use here in terms of representing each object.
I'm not sure the mechanics of why the pipeline lets you run Get-ADUser in a pseudo-foreach fashion since they have the same input types (you called that in a similar manner without using foreach) but based on the evidence, I have to assume it's under the hood. If anyone has further insights, I'm definitely curious to know. I may be totally off base!

Using an If Statement with a Piping Command

I'm completely new to using PowerShell and computer programming in general. I'm trying to create a script that kills a process(firefox in this case) if it exceeds a working set of 10mb. I would like to do this using an if statement and also having a piping command included. So far I have this:
get-process|where-object {$_.ProcessName -eq"firefox"}
if ($_.WorkingSet -gt10000000)
{"This process is not using alot of the computers resources"}
Can anyone help to fix this? Even though firefox is exceeding 10MB working set, the else statement is always reproduced.
You need to wrap the conditional in a loop:
Get-Process | ? { $_.ProcessName -eq 'firefox' } | % {
if ($_.WorkingSet -gt 10MB) {
kill $_
} else {
"This process is not using alot of the computers resources"
Otherwise the conditional would be evaluated independently from the pipeline, which means that the current object variable ($_) would be empty at that point.
You can filter the process in question by using the Name parameter (no need to use Where-Object for this purpose) then pipe the objects to the Stop-Process cmdlet. Notice the -WhatIf switch, it shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs (the cmdlet is not run). Remove it to execute the cmdlet.
Get-Process -Name firefox |
Where-Object {$_.WorkingSet -gt 10mb} |
Stop-Process -WhatIf