Replace a word with another set of strings in a UNIX file - sed

When I try to replace a string using sed command it works perfectly fine.
For eg :
When i used the below sed command:
sed 's/DB_ALTER/DB_REPRISE/g' /product/dwhrec1/abc.ksh > /product/dwhrec1/abc1.ksh
This command works perfectly fine and replace all the "DB_ALTER" with "DB_REPRISE" and writes the result to abc1.ksh script.
But when I place all such values in a file. for eg:
cat Repla.txt
for i in `cat Repla.txt`
sed 's/$i/DB_REPRISE/g' /product/dwhrec1/abc.ksh > /product/dwhrec1/abc1.ksh
But this does not work. In my file Repla.txt is just an example. In actual it has many values.
Can anyone please help me on this command or suggest some alternative.

There are two problems with your script. The first is that the $i variable appears within single quotes. That means that bash will not substitute for the value of i. It needs to be in double-quotes.
Secondly, every time that you run sed, it overwrites the previous abc1.ksh file. You should copy abc.ksh to abc1.ksh and then modify in place abc1.ksh as many times as needed:
cp abc.ksh abc1.ksh
for i in `cat Repla.txt`; do
sed -i'' "s/$i/DB_REPRISE/g" abc1.ksh
The -i flag to sed causes it to modify the file in place.
Also, bash will apply word splitting to cat Repla.txt. This can surprise people who were expecting it to work line-by-line, not word-by-word.
Workaround in case your sed does not support -i
The sed on both linux (GNU) and Mac OSX (BSD) support -i. If your sed does not, try:
for i in `cat Repla.txt`; do
[ "$cmd" ] && cmd="$cmd;"
cmd="$cmd s/$i/DB_REPRISE/g"
sed "$cmd" abc.ksh >abc1.ksh
The above puts all the substitution commands that you need in a single shell variable. This way, sed only needs to be run once and -i is not used.
Another option
If it is acceptable to overwrite the source file, then:
for i in $(cat Repla.txt)
sed 's/'$i'/DB_REPRISE/g' abc.ksh >abc1.ksh
mv -f abc1.ksh abc.ksh
The above puts in single quotes all of the sed command except for the part that we want the shell to expand. This is not needed in this example but could be useful if your replacement text had shell-active characters. The above also uses the more modern $(...) in place of backquotes for command substitution.
If $i were to contain spaces (it doesn't here), we would need to enclose it in double-quotes to protect it against shell word splitting as in:
for i in $(cat Repla.txt)
sed 's/'"$i"'/DB_REPRISE/g' abc.ksh >abc1.ksh
mv -f abc1.ksh abc.ksh


How to use SED to find multiple paths in the same line and replace them with a different path?

I have a file with multiple paths in the same line:
cat modules.dep
kernel/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_vtpm_proxy.ko: kernel/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.ko
kernel/drivers/block/zram/zram.ko: kernel/mm/zsmalloc.ko
kernel/drivers/nvdimm/virtio_pmem.ko: kernel/drivers/nvdimm/nd_virtio.ko
kernel/drivers/net/virtio_net.ko: kernel/drivers/net/net_failover.ko kernel/net/core/failover.ko
kernel/drivers/net/net_failover.ko: kernel/net/core/failover.ko
extra/virtio_gpu/virtio-gpu.ko: kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_dma_buf.ko
extra/wlan_simulation/virt_wifi_sim.ko: kernel/drivers/net/wireless/virt_wifi.ko
I would like to change it to:
/lib/modules/tpm_vtpm_proxy.ko: /lib/modules/tpm.ko
/lib/modules/zram.ko: /lib/modules/zsmalloc.ko
/lib/modules/virtio_pmem.ko: /lib/modules/nd_virtio.ko
/lib/modules/virtio_net.ko: /lib/modules/net_failover.ko /lib/modules/failover.ko
/lib/modules/net_failover.ko: /lib/modules/failover.ko
/lib/modules/virtio-gpu.ko: /lib/modules/virtio_dma_buf.ko
/lib/modules/virt_wifi_sim.ko: /lib/modules/virt_wifi.ko
But my attempt:
sed -i 's/\(.*\)\//\/lib\/modules\//g' modules.load
works only, if there is just one path per line.
How can I achieve this, via sed, with multiple paths per line?
I am using sed from BusyBox in D(ASH) Standalone.
BusyBox v1.32.1-Magisk (2021-01-21 00:17:27 PST) multi-call binary.
Usage: sed [-i[SFX]] [-nrE] [-f FILE]... [-e CMD]... [FILE]...
or: sed [-i[SFX]] [-nrE] CMD [FILE]...
-e CMD Add CMD to sed commands to be executed
-f FILE Add FILE contents to sed commands to be executed
-i[SFX] Edit files in-place (otherwise sends to stdout)
Optionally back files up, appending SFX
-n Suppress automatic printing of pattern space
-r,-E Use extended regex syntax
If no -e or -f, the first non-option argument is the sed command string.
Remaining arguments are input files (stdin if none).
This sed should work:
sed -E 's~[^[:blank:]]+/~/lib/modules/~g' modules.dep
/lib/modules/tpm_vtpm_proxy.ko: /lib/modules/tpm.ko
/lib/modules/zram.ko: /lib/modules/zsmalloc.ko
/lib/modules/virtio_pmem.ko: /lib/modules/nd_virtio.ko
/lib/modules/virtio_net.ko: /lib/modules/net_failover.ko /lib/modules/failover.ko
/lib/modules/net_failover.ko: /lib/modules/failover.ko
/lib/modules/virtio-gpu.ko: /lib/modules/virtio_dma_buf.ko
/lib/modules/virt_wifi_sim.ko: /lib/modules/virt_wifi.ko
[^[:blank:]]+/ finds 1+ non-whitespace characters followed by a / thus matching longest string until it gets a / in each of the multiple string per line.

SED inplace file change inside make - How?

sed inplace change on a file is not working inside Make object.
I want to replace a line in a file with sed called in a make object. But it does not seem to be working. How can I fix this?
ifeq ($(run_TESTNAME), diagnostics)
ifeq ($(run_TESTCASE), 1)
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MULTI\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/" ./generics.f
else ifeq ($(TESTCASE), 2)
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MISSED\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/" ./generics.f
I would like the generics.f file changed with that one line change. But it remains the same as the original. The sed command works outside make.
I can't reproduce this using GNU sed 4.2.2 and GNU make 3.82, or at least, I can't reproduce any scenario where the same sed command works from the command line but not in a Makefile.
Simpler Makefile:
# Contrived just so I can test your 2 sed commands.
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MULTI\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/" ./generics.f
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MISSED\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/" ./generics.f
Sample file content in generics.f:
$ make all
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MULTI\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/" ./generics.f
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MISSED\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/" ./generics.f
Confirmed that both sed commands fail to edit a file with this content.
To fix:
Probably, you need to simply remove the \= from your regular expression. The backslash there has no effect, and causes your regex to simply match two equals signs ==. Thus this works:
sed -i 's/SIM_MULTI=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/' ./generics.f
sed -i 's/SIM_MISSED=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/' ./generics.f
$ make all
sed -i 's/SIM_MULTI=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/' ./generics.f
sed -i 's/SIM_MISSED=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/' ./generics.f
$ cat generics.f
Further explanation:
There is no need to specify -e there.
There is no need to enclose the script in double quotes, which is riskier because it allows the contents to be modified by the shell.
The bug appears to be \= and I deleted those characters, as mentioned above.
Note that I removed the comma , as well in [a-z,A-Z]. I think that probably isn't what you meant, and it would cause a class of characters including a-z, A-Z and a comma , to be matched by the regex. (And if it is what you mean, you might consider writing it as [a-zA-Z,] as that would be less confusing.)
If this has not resolved your issue, I would need to know things like:
What is the version of your sed.
What is the contents in generics.f.
POSIX/GNU sed have c for "change":

sed command from cmake does not change input file

I want to modify src/some_file.txt before building my executable:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.1)
add_custom_target(run ALL
COMMAND sed -i "s#MY_PATH=\\(.*\\)#MY_PATH=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/\\1#" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/some_file.txt
add_executable(e main.cpp)
add_dependencies(e run)
src/some_file.txt has content:
Targets run and e get build but src/some_file.txt remains unchanged. Why?
Either you're not using GNU sed or the file doesn't match the pattern.
My guess would be that you need to escape the backslashes again, but you don't need them anyway, just use:
Or simply
sed -i 's#MY_PATH=#&${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/#'
where & expands to the matched pattern. You should use single-quotes not double-quotes unless you specifically want the shell to expand variables.

Using variables in sed -f (where sed script is in a file rather than inline)

We have a process which can use a file containing sed commands to alter piped input.
I need to replace a placeholder in the input with a variable value, e.g. in a single -e type of command I can run;
$ echo "Today is XX" | sed -e "s/XX/$(date +%F)/"
Today is 2012-10-11
However I can only specify the sed aspects in a file (and then point the process at the file), E.g. a file called replacements.sed might contain;
So obviously;
$ echo "Today is XX" | sed -f replacements.sed
Today is Thursday
If I want to use an environment variable or shell value, though, I can't find a way to make it expand, e.g. if replacements.txt contains;
s/XX/$(date +%F)/
$ echo "Today is XX" | sed -f replacements.sed
Today is $(date +%F)
Including double quotes in the text of the file just prints the double quotes.
Does anyone know a way to be able to use variables in a sed file?
This might work for you (GNU sed):
cat <<\! > replacements.sed
/XX/{s//'"$(date +%F)"'/;s/.*/echo '&'/e}
echo "Today is XX" | sed -f replacements.sed
If you don't have GNU sed, try:
cat <<\! > replacements.sed
s//'"$(date +%F)"'/
s/.*/echo '&'/
echo "Today is XX" | sed -f replacements.sed | sh
AFAIK, it's not possible. Your best bet will be :
STRING="${1//\//\\/}" # using parameter expansion to prevent / collisions
sed "
" "$#"
./ "fo/obar" <file path>
As others have said, you can't use variables in a sed script, but you might be able to "fake" it using extra leading input that gets added to your hold buffer. For example:
[ghoti#pc ~/tmp]$ cat scr.sed
[ghoti#pc ~/tmp]$ sed -f scr.sed <(date '+%Y-%m-%d'; printf 'foo\n--\nbar\n')
[ghoti#pc ~/tmp]$
In this example, I'm using process redirection to get input into sed. The "important" data is generated by printf. You could cat a file instead, or run some other program. The "variable" is produced by the date command, and becomes the first line of input to the script.
The sed script takes the first line, puts it in sed's hold buffer, then deletes the line. Then for any subsequent line, if it matches a double dash (our "macro replacement"), it substitutes the contents of the hold buffer. And prints, because that's sed's default action.
Hold buffers (g, G, h, H and x commands) represent "advanced" sed programming. But once you understand how they work, they open up new dimensions of sed fu.
Note: This solution only helps you replace entire lines. Replacing substrings within lines may be possible using the hold buffer, but I can't imagine a way to do it.
(Another note: I'm doing this in FreeBSD, which uses a different sed from what you'll find in Linux. This may work in GNU sed, or it may not; I haven't tested.)
I am in agreement with sputnick. I don't believe that sed would be able to complete that task.
However, you could generate that file on the fly.
You could change the date to a fixed string, like
Create a temp file, use sed to replace __DAYOFWEEK__ with $(date +%Y).
Then parse your file with sed -f $TEMPFILE.
sed is great, but it might be time to use something like perl that can generate the date on the fly.
To add a newline in the replacement expression using a sed file, what finally worked for me is escaping a literal newline. Example: to append a newline after the string NewLineHere, then this worked for me:
#! /usr/bin/sed -f
Not sure it matters but I am on Solaris unix, so not GNU sed for sure.

Single sed command for multiple substitutions?

I use sed to substitute text in files.
I want to give sed a file which contains all the strings to be searched and replaced in a given file.
It goes over .h and .cpp files. In each file it searches for file names which are included in it. If found, it substitutes for example "a.h" with "<a.h>" (without the quotes).
The script is this:
For /F %%y in (all.txt) do
for /F %%x in (allFilesWithH.txt) do
sed -i s/\"%%x\"/"\<"%%x"\>"/ %%y
all.txt - List of files to do the substitution in them
allFilesWithH.txt - All the include names to be searched
I don't want to run sed several times (as the number of files names in input.txt.) but I want to run a single sed command and pass it input.txt as input.
How can I do it?
P.S I run sed from VxWorks Development shell, so it doesn't have all the commands that the Linux version does.
You can eliminate one of the loops so sed only needs to be called once per file. Use
the -f option to specify more than one substitution:
For /F %%y in (all.txt) do
sed -i -f allFilesWithHAsSedScript.sed %%y
allFilesWithHAsSedScript.sed derives from allFilesWithH.txt and would contain:
(In the article Common threads: Sed by example, Part 3 there are many examples of sed scripts with explanations.)
Don't get confuSed (pun intended).
sed itself has no capability to read filenames from a file. I'm not familiar with the VxWorks shell, and I imagine this is something to do with the lack of answers... So here are some things that would work in bash - maybe VxWorks will support one of these things.
sed -i 's/.../...' `cat all.txt`
sed -i 's/.../...' $(cat all.txt)
cat all.txt | xargs sed -i 's/.../...'
And really, it's no big deal to invoke sed several times if it gets the job done:
cat all.txt | while read file; do sed -i 's/.../.../' $file; done
for file in $(cat all.txt); do # or `cat all.txt`
sed -i 's/.../.../' $file
What I'd do is change allFilesWithH.txt into a sed command using sed.
(When forced to use sed. I'd actually use Perl instead, it can also do the search for *.h files.)