Is it possible to get all the clicks associated with any video/photo of any user that I wish, using INSTAGRAM API? - streaming

Is it possible to get all the clicks (timestamped activities including comments, likes and shares) associated with any video/picture of any user that i wish, using Instagram API? i am not gonna limit myself to only my uploaded stuff! Basically I would like to creates a stream of clicks on popular photos or videos on Instagram. Also, I would like to have timestamps of follow-up activities on a particular video/picture rather counts.

You can get timestamps of comments from any image/video. However, you can't get timestamps when a user liked a picture. There isn't an endpoint where you can get info if someone shared the photo/video.
If you would like to create a stream of follow-up activities on a particular picture, you would have a script that calls out via Instagram's API every minute, save the JSON data, and then do a comparison to see if anything new happened.
If you sign up with Instagram's API, you can see what other data you can access:


Facebook Workplace Opengraph - retrieve users wall view

We want to integrate a users wall into our intranet as a first point of call. It'd be ideal if we could retrieve the view of the wall the user would see when they first log in but I can't seem to find an opengraph call to do this.
We could read the users feed and all the groups they have access to and then merge the posts together by date order. However, this isn't necessarily the way you see them when you access Facebook as it's affected by user interactions.
Does anybody have any idea if this is even remotely possible?

Does facebook have the data about when a user adds a reaction to a post?

I am trying to collect data about a post on facebook from its graph api. I am able to get all the other information (like comments, when the comment was created, who created it, etc etc) but i am not able to find the timestamp on the reactions. That is i want find out at what time (and date) did the user add the reaction. Does facebook have this information? If yes, then how do i get that information using graph api?
Does facebook have this information?
Most likely they do.
If yes, then how do i get that information using graph api?
You don’t, because they do not provide that information via API.
For a page you manage you could set up a webhook for the feed endpoint; that will get you updates for everything that happens on the feed - new posts, new comments, new reactions ... You’d have to filter out the reactions on your end, and then you could record them in your database with a timestamp that should be close enough. (That will only work for new reactions though, and not already existing ones.)
Yes , you can get details of comment by:{page-id}/{post-id}/reactions?access_token={page_token}

Subscribe via webhook to a Facebook user's Activity Feed?

I'd like to use the GraphAPI and Webhooks to subscribe to a user's activity feed and extract information such as metadata and stats about the shared posts they like. (Yes, I am well aware of the privacy concerns and this will be handled extremely carefully.)
The closest question I could find is here:
Extract Links from Facebook activity feed
The other answers are not relevant, as they either discuss the old FQL or plugins or are specific to Pages.
I've been reading the GraphAPI documentation and the User Likes information only relates to the Pages they like (which doesn't change much). So this is a subset of the info needed - I need likes for Posts, not just Pages.
What I am really interested in is the objects to which a given user has reacted. You can easily see the reactions for everyone to a given post with a GET /v2.8/{post-id}/reactions HTTP/1.1 call. But this is "reactions by post" and I need "reactions by user".
The best solution I can figure out so far is to subscribe to their feed with a webhook and then collect a list of object IDs and then subscribe to their reactions for a certain period and filter by the user. This is not ideal or very efficient as it requires a fair number of subscriptions, and also only accounts for posts in the user's feed and not other posts they might have stumbled upon via some other means.
So - how to extract all User Like info?

Facebook Graph API - How to get everything I have liked?

I am new to the API. I tried /me/likes in the graph explorer, it returns only the pages that I like (rightfully so according to the api reference). However, I'd like to get everything - namely posts, photos, statuses, etc - that I have liked.
Any insight?
I do not believe it is possible to get what you are asking for with the Graph API. A good way to see what query to use to get data is to first look at the website and mobile apps to see if they present the data you want. This is because the website and mobile apps will use the Graph API or FQL to retrieve data when it is available through those sources. So all you would need to do is go to the page that contains data that you want and then using a network traffic capture tool (like Fiddler) you can see what requests are being made to get the data.
It turns out that there is a page on the website that displays all of the objects that a User has Liked. To see this, select "Activity Log" in the drop down on the right-most side of the FB toolbar. Then select "Likes" from the left side column. This view will display the data that you are looking for. Unfortunately, to get this data the app makes a request to:
Where "123456" is the FB UserId. What is returned is an HTML page and not JSON.
As the answer to this question has pointed out, it will take multiple Graph API AND FQL queries just to retrieve the objects that are in your Activity Log. You would then need to spin through those to determine if it is something you Liked or not.

No new data after a RealTime update, and missing recent posts in OpenGraph /feed

I'm having a hard time getting access to most recent posts and comments for a given user using the OpenGraph API.
I have the read_stream permission, and get realtime notifications for feed field on the user object. The notification comes in, but fetching the /<user id>/feed stream doesn't include the new action.
When playing around with the Graph API Explorer, the data I see via OpenGraph and data I see by going directly to the page is different. Viewing my friend's profile, I see his latest update, yet it doesn't come back via /friend_id/feed. A comment I left a week ago shows in my /feed, but one from a few hours ago (which sent a realtime notification!) isn't showing up.
It's almost like some posts are filtered for the API. Is this how it's supposed to work?
My actual goal is to get all the comments made by my application's user.