What does this Perl while loop mean? - perl

while ($aaa =~ m/= "(\D.*?)"/g)
I figured that it matches while $aaa is like anything = "something" it returns something (without the quotation mark).
But what does this piece of code mean?
m/= "(\D.*?)"/

You seem to have figured out most of it. The =, , and " all literally match those characters. The () capture a part of the matched string and make it available as $1. The part inside the parenthesis matches a non-digit character (\D), followed by zero or more (*?) non-newline characters (.) until the ". * would also match zero or more times, but prefers to match more characters so would end up matching until the last " in the string instead of the next one, as *? does.
All of this is documented in perlre.

The equals sign and quotation mark are taken literally, \D means any non-digit, .*? followed or not by zero or more characters, of any kind.
From left to right:
m/= "(\D.*?)"/g
match operator,
start regex:
equals sign, whitespace, double quotation mark,
start group:
one non-digit character, zero or more characters,
end group,
double quotation mark,
end regex
match globally


Regex expression for detecting 2 consecutive words when first word starts with #

I wanted to know the regex expression that detects names starting with #. For eg, in the sentence "Hi #Steve Rogers, how are you?", I want to extract out #Steve Rogers using regex. I tried using Pattern.compile("#\\s*(\\w+)").matcher(text), but only "#Steve" get detected. What else should I use.??
Try (#[\w\s]+)
It will only capture word and spaces after the #
See example at https://regex101.com/r/4Pv9bu/1
If you don't want to match an # sign followed by a space only like # and if there can be more than a single word after it:
(?<!\S) Assert a whitespace boundary to the left
# Match literally
\w+ Match 1+ word characters
(?:\s+\w+)? Optionally match 1+ horizontal whitespace chars and 1+ word chars
Regex demo
In Java
String regex = "(?<!\\S)#\\w+(?:\\h+\\w+)?";

RegEx match is not working if it contains $

The following match returns false. How can I change the regular expression to correct it?
"hello$world" -match '^hello$(wo|ab).*$'
"hello$abcde" -match '^hello$(wo|ab).*$'
'hello$world' -match '^hello\$(wo|ab).*$'
'hello$abcde' -match '^hello\$(wo|ab).*$'
You need to quote the left hand side with single quotes so $world isn't treated like variable interpolation. You need to escape the $ in the right hand side so it isn't treated as end of line.
From About Quoting Rules:
When you enclose a string in double quotation marks (a double-quoted string), variable names that are preceded by a dollar sign ($) are replaced with the variable's value before the string is passed to the command for processing.
When you enclose a string in single-quotation marks (a single-quoted string), the string is passed to the command exactly as you type it. No substitution is performed.
From About Regular Expressions:
The two commonly used anchors are ^ and $. The carat ^ matches the start of a string, and $, which matches the end of a string. This allows you to match your text at a specific position while also discarding unwanted characters.
Escaping characters
The backslash \ is used to escape characters so they are not parsed by the regular expression engine.
The following characters are reserved: []().\^$|?*+{}.
You will need to escape these characters in your patterns to match them in your input strings.

meaning of the following regular expressions written in perl

Here is a piece of code
while($l=~/(\\\s*)$/) {
$l contains a line of text taken form file, in effect this code is for go through lines in file.
I don't clearly understand what the condition in while is doing. I think it is trying to match group of \ followed by some number of white spaces at the end of line and loop should stop whenever a line ends with \ and may be some white spaces. I am not sure of it.
I came across statement $a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/ . What I understand that ^ will force matching at the beginning of string, but in (.*$) would mean match all the characters at the end of string . Dose it mean that the statement is trying to find if any group of character at the end is same as group of character in the beginning of text ?
It is interesting to note that this statement:
while ( $l =~ /(\\\s*)$/ ) {
Is an infinite loop unless $l is altered inside the loop so that the regex no longer matches. As has already been mentioned by others, this is what it matches:
( ... ) a capture group, captures string to $1 (that's the number one, not lower case L)
\\ matches a literal backslash
\s* matches 0 or more whitespace characters.
$ matches end of line with optional newline.
Since you do not have the /g modifier, this regex will not iterate through matches, it will simply check if there is a match, resetting the regex each iteration, thereby causing an endless loop.
The statement
$a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/
Looks rather pointless. It captures a string of characters up until end of string, then replaces it with itself. The captured text is stored in $1 and is simply replaced. The only marginally useful thing about this regex is that:
It matches up until newline \n, and nothing further, which may be of some use to a parser. A period . matches any character except newline, unless the /s modifier is present on the regex.
It captures the line in $1 for future use. However, a simple /^(.*$)/ would do the same.
1. the while
Usually while (regex) is used with the /g modifier, otherwise, if it matches, you get an infinite loop (unless you exit the loop, like using last).
statements would be executed continuously in an infinite loop.
In your case, adding the g
will have the while make only one loop, due to the $ - making a match unique (whatever matches up to the end of string is unique, as $ marks the end, and there is nothing after...).
2. $a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/
This is a substitution. If the string ^.*$ matches (and it will, since ^.*$ matches (almost, see comment) anything) it is replaced with... $1 or what's inside the (), ie itself, since the match occurs from 1st char to the end of string
^ means beginning of string
(.*) means all chars
$ end of string
so that will replace $a with itself - probably not what you want.
it matches a literal backslash followed by 0 or more spaces followed by the end of the line.
it executes statements for all the lines in that text file that contain a \, followed by zero or more spaces ( \s* ), at the end of the line ($).
It matches lines that end with a backslash character, ignoring any trailing whitespace characters.
Ending a line with a backslash is used in some languages and data files to indicate that the line is being continued on the next line. So I suspect this is part of a parser that merges these continuation lines.
If you enter a regular expression at RegExr and hover your mouse over the pieces, it displays the meaning of each piece in a tooltip.
(\\\s*)$ this regex means --- a \ followed by zero or more number of white space characters which is followed by end of the line. Since you have your regex in (...), you can extract what you matched using $1, if you need.
EDIT -- based on your update
$a ~= s/^(.$)/$1/ --- this is search and replace. So your regex matches a line which contains exactly one character (since you use . http://www.regular-expressions.info/dot.html), except a new-line character. Since you use (...), the character which matched the regex is extracted and stored in variable a
EDIT -- you changed your regex so here is the updated answer
$a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/ -- same as above except now it matches zero or more characters (except new-line)

searching a word with a particular character in it in perl

am trying to search a word where it starts with any character (Capital letter) but ends with zero in perl.
For example
What I have tried -
$abc =~ /^[A-Z].+0$/
But I am not getting proper output for this. Can anybody help me please?
The ^ anchores at the start of a string, the $ at the end. .+ matches as many non-newline-characters as possible. Therefore
"ABC0 XYZ0 EIU0 QW0" =~ /^[A-Z].+0$/
matches the whole string.
The \b assertion matches at word edges: everywhere a word character and a non-word-character are adjacent. The \w charclass holds only word characters, the \S charclass all non-space-characters. Either of these is better than ..
So you may want to use /\b[A-Z]\W*0\b/.
This might work :
$abc =~ /\b[A-Z].*0\b/
\b matches word boundaries.

sed - remove specific subscript from string

please provide me a sed oneliner which provides this output:
sdc3 sdc2
for Input :
sdc3[1] sdc2[0]
I mean remove all subscript value from the string ..
sed 's/\[[^]]*\]//g'
reads: substitute any string with literal "[" followed by zero or more characters that aren't a "]", and then the closing "]", with an empty string.
You need the [^]] bit to prevent greedy matching treating "[1] sdc2[0]" as a single match in your sample string.
As for your comment:
sed 's#\([^[ ]*\)\[[^]]*\]#/dev/\1#g'
I switch the seperator from the usual '/' to '#', just to avoid escaping the /dev/ bit you asked for (I won't say "for clarity")
the \(...\) bit matches a subgroup, here sdc2 or whatever, so we can refer to it in the replacement
the subgroup uses a similar character class to the one we used discarding the index: [^[ ] means any character except an "[" (again, to avoid greedily matching the index) or a space (assuming your values are space-delimited as per your post)
the replacement is now the literal "/dev/" followed by the first (and only) subgroup match
the g flag at the end tells it to perform multiple matches per line, instead of stopping at the first one