How to check order of Array element in Mongodb? - mongodb

In MongoDB, is there any easy way to check Order of element in Array? For example I have a document like this:
_id: 1,
tags: ["mongodb", "rethinkdb", "couchbase", "others"]
I would like to check in tags field if mongodb come before rethinkdb or not(lets see in array element, mongodb=0, rethinkdb=1 index, so mongodb come first and our case match.)?
but if there is another document (like below) where rethinkdb comes before mongodb,It case does not match.
_id: 2,
tags: ["rethinkdb", "mongodb", "couchbase"]
Here mongodb(1) comes after rethinkdb(0) so our case does not match.

Your question is not really as clear as you think it is, and thus why there are several ways to answer it:
If you are looking just to find out if a document has "mongodb" as the first element of the array then you just issue a query like this:
db.collection.find({ "tags.0": "mongodb" })
And that will return only the documents that match the given value at the specified index position using "dot notation".
If you actually expect to match if an array is in an "expected order" then you can get some help from the aggregation pipeline and set operators that are available and other features in MongoDB 2.6:
{ "$project": {
"$_id": "$$ROOT",
"matched": { "$setEquals": [
["mongodb", "rethinkdb", "couchbase", "others"]
{ "$match": { "matched": true }}
Or if your want is to make sure that the "mongodb" value comes before the "rethinkdb" value, then you will need to evaluate in JavaScript with mapReduce, or something equally not nice like the $where operator:
"$where": function() {
return this.tags.indexOf("mongodb") < this.tags.indexOf("rethinkdb");


MongoDB $elemMatch comparison to field in same document

I'm wanting to create an aggregation step to match documents where the value of a field in a document exists within an array in the same document.
In a very worked example (note this is very simplified; this will be fitting into a larger existing pipeline), given documents:
"myField":{"$oid":"61a9085af9733d0274c41991"} // < In 'myArray' collection
"myField":{"$oid":"61a9085af9733d0274c41994"} // < Not in 'myArray' collection
I want to match the first one because the value of myField exists in the collection, but not the second document.
It feels like this should be a really simple $elemMatch operation with an $eq operator, but I can't make it work and every example I've found uses literals. What I've got currently is below, and I've tried with various combinations of quotes and dollar signs round myField.
$match: {
myArray: {
$elemMatch: {
$eq: '$this.myField'
Am I doing something very obviously wrong? Is it not possible to use the value of a field in the same document with an $eq?
Hoping that someone can come along and point out where I'm being stupid :)
You can simply do a $in in an aggregation pipeline.
"$match": {
$expr: {
"$in": [
Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.

Query mongodb array of documents

I've a bunch of documents that look like:
"ids": [{"name":"aa", "age":1}, {"name":"bb", "age":2}]
I'd like to be able to query my documents providing a collection of ids, something like
db.getCollection('Collection').find({"ids":{$in : [{"name":"aa", "age":1}, {"name":"bb", "age":2}]}})
Generally that works, however it breaks when the fields order is changed, so for example I cannot find documents when I execute the following query
db.getCollection('Collection').find({"ids":{$in : [{"age":1,"name":"aa"}, { "age":2, "name":"bb"}]}})
I know that I could try to always execute a query with fields "in order", but from my current task perspective it's not always possible. Any help with that ?
You need $elemMatch when you want to run your query against an array of objects:
db.col.find({ $or: [ { "ids": { $elemMatch: {"age":1,"name":"aa"} } }, { "ids": { $elemMatch: { "age":2, "name":"bb"} } } ] })
Mongo Playground
EDIT: you can decide whether $or or $and should be a top level operator (depending on your use case)

MongoDB: update nested value in a collection based on existing field value

I want to update nested _ids over an entire collection IF they are of a type string.
If I have object that look like this...
user : {
_id: ObjectId('234wer234wer234wer'),
occupation: 'Reader',
books_read: [
title: "Best book ever",
_id: "123qwe234wer345ert456rty"
title: "Worst book ever",
_id: "223qwe234wer345ert456rty"
title: "A Tail of Two Cities",
_id: ObjectId("323qwe234wer345ert456rty")
and I want to change the type of the _Ids from string to ObjectId
how would I do that.??
I have done "this" in the past...But this is working on NON-nested item - I need to change a nested value
$or: [
.forEach(function (record) {
record.occupation = 'Reader';;
Any help - I am trying to avoid writing a series of loop on the app server to make db calls - so I am hoping for something directly in 'mongo'
There isn't a way of doing (non $rename) updates operations on a document while referencing existing fields -- MongoDB: Updating documents using data from the same document
So, you'll need to write a script (similar to the one you posted with find & each) to recreate those documents with the correct _id type. To find the subdocuments to update you can use the $type operator. A query like db.coll.find({nestedField._id: {$type: 'string' }}) should find all the full documents that have bad subdocuments, or you could do an aggregation query with $match & $unwind to only get the subdocuments
{ $match: {'nestedField._id': {$type: 'string' }}}, // limiting to documents that have any bad subdocuments
{ $unwind: '$nestedField'}, // creating a separate document in the pipeline for each entry in the array
{ $match: {'nestedField._id': {$type: 'string' }}}, // limiting to only the subdocuments that have bad fields
{ $project: { nestedId: 'nestedField._id' }} // output will be: {_id: documentedId, nestedId }
I am trying to avoid writing a series of loop on the app server to make db calls - so I am hoping for something directly in 'mongo'
You can run js code directly on the mongo to avoid making api calls, but I don't think there's any way to avoid looping over the documents.

How to use $elemMatch on aggregate's projection?

This is my object:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53fdcb6796cb9b9aa86f05b9"), "list" : [ "a", "b" ], "complist" : [ { "a" : "a", "b" : "b" }, { "a" : "c", "b" : "d" } ] }
And this is what I want to accomplish: check if "list" contains a certain element and get only the field "a" from the objects on "complist" while reading the document regardless of any of these values. I'm building a forum system, this is the query that will return the details of a forum. I need to read the forum information while knowing if the user is in the forum's white list.
With a find I can use the query
to get only the first element that matches a certain value. This way I can just check if the returned array is not empty and I know if "list" contains the value I'm looking for. I can't do it on the query because I want the document regardless of it containing the value I'm looking for in the "list" value. I need the document AND know if "list" has a certain value.
With an aggregate I can use the query
to read only the field "a" of the objects contained in complist. This is going to get the forum's threads basic information, I don't want all the information of the threads, just a couple of things.
But when I try to use the query
to try and do both, it throws me an error saying the operator $elemMatch is not valid.
Am I doing something wrong here with the $elemMatch in aggregate? Is there a better way to accomplish this?
Quite on old question but literally none of the proposed answers are good.
You can't use $elemMatch in a $project stage. but you can achieve the same result using other aggregation operators like $filter.
$project: {
compList: {
$filter: {
input: "$complist",
as: "item",
cond: {$eq: ["$$item.a", 1]}
And if you want just the first item from the array that matches the condition similarly to what $elemMatch does you can incorporate $arrayElemAt
In Depth Explanation:
First let's understand $elemMatch:
$elemMatch is a query expressions while also this projection version of it exists this refers to a query projection and not $project aggregation stage.
So what? what does this have to do with anything? well a $project stage has certain input structure it can have while the one we want to use is:
<field>: <expression>
What is a valid expression?
Expressions can include field paths, literals, system variables, expression objects, and expression operators. Expressions can be nested.
So we want to use an expression operator, but as you can see from the doc's $elemMatch is not part of it. hence it's not a valid expression to be used in an aggregation $project stage.
For some reason $elemMatch doesn't work in aggregations. You need to use the new $filter operator in Mongo 3.2. See
The answer to this question maybe help.
"$match": {
"complist": {
"$elemMatch": {
"a": "a"
Actually, the simplest solution is to just $unwind your array, then $match the appropriate documents. You can wind-up the appropriate documents again using $group and $push.
Although the question is old, here is my contribution for November 2017.
I had similar problem and doing two consecutive match operations worked for me. The code below is a subset of my whole code and I changed elements names, so it's not tested. Anyway this should point you in the right direction.
"$match": {
"_id": "ID1"
"$unwind": "$sub_collection"
"$match": {
"sub_collection.field_I_want_to_match": "value"
For aggregations simply use $expr:
"$match": {
"$expr": {"$in": ["a", "$list"]}
Well, it happens you can use "array.field" on a find's projection block.
did what I needed.

MongoDB query to find property of first element of array

I have the following data in MongoDB (simplified for what is necessary to my question).
_id: 0,
actions: [
type: "insert",
data: "abc, quite possibly very very large"
_id: 1,
actions: [
type: "update",
data: "def"
type: "delete",
data: "ghi"
What I would like is to find the first action type for each document, e.g.
{_id:0, first_action_type:"insert"}
{_id:1, first_action_type:"update"}
(It's fine if the data structured differently, but I need those values present, somehow.)
EDIT: I've tried db.collection.find({}, {'actions.action_type':1}), but obviously that returns all elements of the actions array.
NoSQL is quite new to me. Before, I would have stored all this in two tables in a relational database and done something like SELECT id, (SELECT type FROM action WHERE document_id = ORDER BY seq LIMIT 1) action_type FROM document d.
You can use $slice operator in projection. (but for what you do i am not sure that the order of the array remain the same when you update it. Just to keep in mind))
You can also use the Aggregation Pipeline introduced in version 2.2:
{ $unwind: '$actions' },
{ $group: { _id: "$_id", first_action_type: { $first: "$actions.type" } } }
Using the $arrayElemAt operator is actually the most elegant way, although the syntax may be unintuitive:
{ $project: {first_action_type: {$arrayElemAt: ["$actions.type", 0]}