Are the conventions for formatting descriptions in nuspec files documented somewhere? - nuget

I've looked around and can't find where the conventions for formatting the description field in a nuspec file are documented. I can see that you can at least add paragraphs but I don't know how it is done and would like to know if there is anything else that can be done.

It's plain text, so paragraphs/tabs etc. are all you get at the moment. It looks like there is a feature request to add support for arbitrary syntax formatting by supporting embedded XML tags describing the parser, or at least standardizing on supporting markdown, but no movement on them yet.


Can I include comments in my PWA manifest file?

I'd like to add some descriptive comments to my PWA's app.webmanifest file. I know that JSON doesn't typically support comments, but I thought that maybe the file wasn't following strict JSON, (since it isn't saved as .json).
The MDN docs didn't seem to mention anything.

Is there currently a way to get Emacs muse-mode to output rtf,odt or doc format?

Muse is a special mode in emacs that can be used as a wiki. It has multiple output formats like static HTML pages, LaTeX, PDF etc.
But sometimes I need to output something that less tech-savvy people can edit/correct and send back to me.
I think either RTF, ODT or DOC would do the trick.
My problem is that muse only supports HTML, LaTeX, TexInfo and XML out of the box.
Implementing an own output format is currently not an option as I cannot program in elisp and learning it would take too much time.
I searched for a way to convert to or use markdown as pandoc can convert to RTF. But I found only the following discussion that does not solve my problem.
My last resort would be to convert to HTML and then to RTF, ODT or DOC but AFAIK the results are far from great.
It would appreciate a solution that can be automated (with custom scripts).
I think, that importing of HTML into MS Word (or compatible processor) should work. As I remember, OpenOffice had some scripting support, so you can launch it, and perform some commands inside it.
Another way - writing RTF export backend, it shouldn't be too complicated, although it could be too much details to be taken into account. If you'll go this way, please write to muse mailing list, and I'll try to help you

Printed documentation from Sandcastle

We're using Sandcastle for conceptual documentation and have clients that we would like to give documentation to in a non-CHM or HTML form, i.e printed. It could be Word or PDF, something simple to attach to an email. The use case usually involves someone wanting to send along a topic.
The best we've been able to do is to print from the CHM viewer or to PDF from Chrome when viewing the HTML. These have issues in that they remove anchor element clicks, turn images black and white, etc.
There's a thread on the SHFB discussions on Codeplex stating that there isn't any known alternative - I'm re-posting the question here in hopes to get more input and visibility.
I had the same need some time ago and came to the conclusion that using a CHM to PDF converter is the best recourse. I could not find one that was open-source though many have trial versions available, and I only needed to convert one document so that served my needs at the time. Note that trial/demo versions typically add a watermark or a label blazoned across the page saying "unregistered version" or some such.
A general web search reveals quite a number of candidates: while I cannot vouch for any, here are a few that seem reputable: Universal Document Converter, Theta CHM To PDF Converter, Softany CHM to PDF Converter.
2014.07.16 Update
Per #J0e3gan's comment, here is a different online converter (limited to 100MB CHM input) that looks quite promising, though I have not yet had occasion to try it.

docx - markup / markup - docx conversion

I have to store some documents in the docx format, but can't stand using msword: I would like to edit some kind of plain text markup, anything except stuff based on XML (I don't like that either) and convert from/to that to/from docx.
Are there any options for this?
EDIT: since people think this is not programming related, I'll extend my question. What libraries do you suggest for writing a complete tex-docx/docx-tex converter?
If you're talking .net, I'd check out the OpenXML toolkit first. There are lots of "libraries" on the internet to do this, but they all seem to just be thin wrappers around the OpenXML stuff.
You might also check out
Aspose.Words for .NET allows you to create DOCX files from scratch using text or other content and then convert DOCX files to text etc. It doesn't require MS Office to be installed on the system. And the component is a simple .NET assembly with an easy to learn and implement API. Please try and see if it helps in your scenario.
Disclosure: I work as developer evangelist at Aspose.
You can try the DocxEditorKit
Set the editor kit to JEditorPane, add styled text and store the document in docx format.

Can Emacs generate a table of comments and number sections of a document?

I'm writing a plain text document with numbered sections or chapters and am wondering if emacs can help with numbering and re-numbering sections. And of course would be great if it could then generate a table of contents as well.
I have had a search on google and looked through the emacs wiki but did not come up with anything other than for latex stuff and possibly muse mode, but I would like to keep this as a plain text README style document.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
I'm pretty sure that org-mode (which is included by default in emacs these days) also provides for such things. It enables fairly sophisticated structured documents in plain text, and can export as text, HTML, LaTeX, DocBook, and a few other formats. The documentation mentions that DocBook export in particular opens up a variety of other conversion options using existing DocBook tools.
How about using reStructuredText: