Inserting default values in slick - postgresql

I have the following class that represents a record in postgresql:
case class Action(id: Option[Int], EmailAct: String, carriedAt: Timestamp)
id is an auto-increment field and carriedAt defaults to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. How do I tell Slick I only want to provide value for EmailAct and the rest should be defaults?
This does not quite work: Dbs.actionsLog += Action(null, "test", null) - id gets auto-incremented but carriedAt becomes empty, not default.

insert into a query that selects what you want to update: += "test"


How to get correct type and nullability information for enum fields using jOOQ's metadata API?

I'm trying to use jOOQ's metadata API, and most columns behave the way I'd expect, but enum columns seem to be missing type and nullability information somehow.
For example, if I have a schema defined as:
CREATE TYPE public.my_enum AS ENUM (
CREATE TABLE public.my_table (
id bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
name text,
my_enum_column public.my_enum NOT NULL,
The following test passes:
// this is Kotlin, but hopefully pretty easy to decipher
test("something fishy going on here") {
val jooq = DSL.using(myDataSource, SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
val myTable = jooq.meta().tables.find { == "my_table" }!!
// This looks right...
val createdAt = myTable.field("created_at")!!
createdAt.dataType.nullability() shouldBe Nullability.NOT_NULL
createdAt.dataType.typeName shouldBe "timestamp with time zone"
// ...but none of this seems right
val myEnumField = myTable.field("my_enum_column")!!
myEnumField.dataType.typeName shouldBe "other"
myEnumField.dataType.nullability() shouldBe Nullability.DEFAULT
myEnumField.dataType.castTypeName shouldBe "other"
myEnumField.type shouldBe
It's telling me that enum columns have Nullability.DEFAULT regardless of whether they are null or not null. For other types, Field.dataType.nullability will vary depending on whether the column is null or not null, as expected.
For any enum column, the type is Object (Any in Kotlin), and the dataType.typeName is "other". For non-enum columns, dataType.typeName gives me the correct SQL for the type.
I'm also using the jOOQ code generator, and it generates the correct types for enum columns. That is, it creates an enum class and uses that as the type for the corresponding fields, which are marked as not-nullable. The generated code for this field looks something like (reformatted to avoid long lines):
public final TableField<MyTableRecord, MyEnum> MY_ENUM_COLUMN =
So it appears that jOOQ's code generator has the type information, but how can I access the type information via the metadata API?
I'm using postgres:11-alpine and org.jooq:jooq:3.14.11.
Update 1
I tried testing this with org.jooq:jooq:3.16.10 and org.jooq:jooq:3.17.4. They seem to fix the nullability issue, but the datatype is still "other", and the type is still Object. So it appears the nullability issue was a bug in jOOQ. I'll file an issue about the type+datatype.
Update 2
This is looking like it may be a bug, so I've filed an issue.

How to query the closest item to timestamp in Dynamo DB with Scala

I am using the AWS Dynamo DB library for Scala -
Earlier I had a table with a primary key and I was using GetItem to get specific item from it like so :
val item = Try(Option(ddb.getItem(new GetItemRequest().withTableName(table).withKey(Collections.singletonMap(keyField, new AttributeValue(key)))).getItem).map(_.get(valField).getS))
But now I need to start using a new sort key (timestamp of the created date) on top.
This way I can have multiple identical primary keys with different timestamp sort keys.
This is meant so I will be able to get the closest item to my current sort timestamp property.
I think I need KeyConditionExpression where my input timestamp is bigger or equal to the new sort key,
and I saw a property ScanIndexForward which can be set to true in combination with
limit = 1
so I will get only one item and it will be the closest(?)
And this should get me the desired item I hope, but I am not so sure how to approach this in Scala and with the AWS library.
In case anyone interested,
this is what worked out for me -
val queryRequest = new QueryRequest().withTableName(table)
.withKeyConditions(createKeyConditionsMap(keyField, keyValue, sortField, sortValue))
val x = ddb.query(queryRequest).getItems()
def createKeyConditionsMap(keyField: String, keyValue: String, sortField: String, sortValue: String) = {
Map(keyField -> new Condition().withComparisonOperator("EQ").withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue(keyValue)),
sortField -> new Condition().withComparisonOperator("LE").withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withN(sortValue))).asJava

mybatis - Passing multiple parameters on #One annotation

I am trying to access a table in my Secondary DB whose name I am obtaining from my Primary DB. My difficulty is to pass the "DB-Name" as a parameter into my secondary query, (BTW I am using MyBatis annotation based Mappers).
This is my Mapper
#SelectProvider(type = DealerQueryBuilder.class, method = "retrieveDealerListQuery")
#Result(property="dealerID", column="frm_dealer_master_id"),
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="frm_dealer_type_id", one=#One(select="retrieveDealerTypeDAO")),
#Result(property="dealerName", column="frm_dealer_name")
public List<Dealer> retrieveDealerListDAO(#Param("firmDBName") String firmDBName);
#Select("SELECT * from ${firmDBName}.frm_dealer_type where frm_dealer_type_id=#{frm_dealer_type_id}")
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="frm_dealer_type_id"),
#Result(property="dealerType", column="frm_dealer_type")
public DealerType retrieveDealerTypeDAO(#Param("firmDBName") String firmDBName, #Param("frm_dealer_type_id") int frm_dealer_type_id);
The firmDBName I have is obtained from my "Primary DB".
If I omit ${firmDBName} in my second query, the query is trying to access my Primary Database and throws out table "PrimaryDB.frm_dealer_type" not found. So it is basically trying to search for a table named "frm_dealer_type" in my Primary DB.
If I try to re-write the #Result like
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="firmDBName=firmDBName, frm_dealer_type_id=frm_dealer_type_id", one=#One(select="retrieveDealerTypeDAO")),
It throws an error that Column"firmDBName" does not exist.
Changing ${firmDBName} to #{firmDBName} also did not help.
I did refer to this blog - here
I want a solution to pass my parameter firmDBName from my primary query into secondary query.
The limitation here is that your column must be returned by the first #SELECT.
If you look at the test case here you will see that parent_xxx values returned by the first Select.
Your DealerQueryBuilder must select firmDBName as a return value and your column must map the name of the return column to that.
Your column definition is always wrong, it should be:
{frm_dealer_type_id=frm_dealer_type_id,firmDBName=firmDBName} or whatever it was returned as from your first select.
Again you can refer to the test case I have above as well as the documentation here

Pass nothing (not null) to the server if the argument is None

I have a model:
case class MyModel(
id: Pk[Long] = NotAssigned,
startsAt: Option[DateTime] = None,
addedAt: Option[DateTime] = None
object MyModel {
// .....................
INSERT INTO my_table(starts_at)
VALUES ({startsAt})
).on('startsAt -> newItem.startsAt).executeInsert()
Both startst_at and added_at have a default value of now() in Postgresql and don't allow null values in them. It doesn't cause any error for addedAt (because I never pass it to the server from the client) but it does cause the error for startsAt if it's not specified at newItem.startsAt and, thus, is equal to None and, thus, it's being passed as null.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "starts_at" violates not-null constraint
What I want is be able to specify startsAt whenever I want it and pass it to the server, meaning if I specify it then that value should be passed to the server, if not - nothing should be passed and the server should use its default value now(). I don't want to specify the default value at the client because it's already set at the server at the db level.
How about this SQL fix:
insert into my_table(starts_at)
values (COALESCE({startsAt}, now())
Updated: requirement is to use the default value of the column
The only way that I know of to get the server to use the default value of a column in an insert, is not to mention that column in the columns list. For example (not tested): { date =>
SQL("""insert into my_table(starts_at) values({startsAt})""")
.on('startsAt -> date)
}.orElse {
SQL("""insert into my_table() values()""")

Concatenating databases with Squeryl

I'm trying to use Squeryl to take the contents of a table from one database, and append it to the equivalent table in another database. The primary key will have to be reassigned in the process, but I'm getting the error NULL not allowed for column "SIMID". Why is this?
object Concatenator {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val seshA = Session.create(
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:file:data/resultsA", "sa", "password"),
new H2Adapter
val seshB = Session.create(
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:file:data/resultsB", "sa", "password"),
new H2Adapter
import Library._
from(sims){s => select(s)}.foreach{item =>
case class Simulation(
var id: Long,
val date: Date
) extends KeyedEntity[Long]
object Library extends Schema {
val sims = table[Simulation]
on(sims)(s => declare( is(unique, indexed, autoIncremented)
I think it might be something to do with the DBs. They were created in a Java project using JPA/EclipseLink and in additional to generating tables for my entities it also created a table called SEQUENCE, presumably for primary key generation.
I've found that I can create an brand new table in Squeryl and manually put the contents of both databases in that, thus achieving the same effect. Interestingly this new table did not have any SEQUENCE table auto generated. So I'm guessing it comes down to how JPA/EclipseLink was generating my primary keys?
Update 2:
As requested, I appended trace_level_file=3 to the url and the files are here: resultsA.trace.db and resultsB.trace.db. B is the more interesting one I think. Also, I've put a simplified version of the database here which has had unnecessary tables removed (the same database is used for resultsA and resultsB).
Just got a moment to look at this more closely. I turns out you were on the right track. While I guess that EclipseLink uses Sequences to generate the PK value, Squeryl defines the column as something like:
simid bigint not null primary key auto_increment
Without the auto_increment flag a value is never placed in the column and you end up with the constraint violation you mentioned. It sounds like you've already worked around the issue, but hopefully this will help you or someone else in the future.
Not really a solution, but my workaround is to create a new database
val seshNew = Session.create(java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:file:data/resultsNew", "sa","password"),new H2Adapter)
and then just write all the data from the other databases into it
sims.insert(new Simulation(0,
The primary keys 0 gets overwritten as appropriate.