Unstructured When copy and paste a content element in Typo3 neos - neoscms

I am using Typo3 neos version 1.0.2 Beta
When copy content element and paste it in other content area
It will not page and instead it shows error and the content element with name unstructured is created in node tree.
ExtDirect error: Uncaught exception #1301610453 (ref 20140430165908d46739) - Could not resolve a route and its corresponding URI for the given parameters. This may be due to referring to a not existing package / controller / action while building a link or URI. Refer to log and check the backtrace for more details.
PLease let me know the issue.
Thanks in advance.

There were known issues with copy/paste functionality in Neos 1.0.x.
Please use Neos 1.1 (currently 1.1.0-beta2) where this issue seems to be fixed.


TYPO3 v11: Form Configuration not loading

i set up a new TYPO3 project with the new version 11.
Since I need a form on one of my pages, I wanted to configure it within the form configuration. But if I click on "create new form" everything I get is a loading window.
Has anyone encountered the same error? I went through my error logs but couldn't find any errors there.
Thank you for your help!
This is a known bug that is fixed by the two patches linked in https://forge.typo3.org/issues/93168 . It will be included in the next release.

Error on upgrading TYPO3 7.6 to 8.7

I tried to update TYPO3 website from 7.6.x to 8.7.x. When I run "Execute database migrations on single rows" in update wizard I get an error:
Oops, an error occurred!
Child record was not processed, reason "[1.0.-1]: [newlog()] Localization failed; There already was a localization for this language of the record!"
More information regarding this error might be available online.
I think this problem is caused by t3blog extension and translated content element in posts. If I ignore this error and run other wizard steps all content is shown on website, but not translated blog posts content elments.
Anyone an idea how I can solve this?
Running first "Fill translation source field (l10n_source) " and then "Execute database migrations on single rows" seems working

AEM Resources missing sling:resourceType

My content repository over a 2 year span has accumulated many obsolete component resources. The component nodes are missing sling:resourceType property. These component nodes looks like this:
Due to such bad resources, the page is throwing below exception:
14.09.2017 12:33:21.079 *ERROR* [ [1505392399461] GET /content/xx/en_ca/home.html HTTP/1.1]
org.apache.sling.servlets.get.impl.DefaultGetServlet No renderer for extension html, cannot render resource Paragraph,
type=nt:unstructured, cssClass=default, column=0/0, diffInfo=[null],
resource=[JcrNodeResource, type=nt:unstructured, superType=null,
Further digging I found someone had written a tool to cleanup such obsolete resources.
While it is easy to query and cleanup such invalid nodes, my question how did such resources end up in repository? I tried to simulate by moving components, deleting components from page but in vain. There is no custom scripting that is removing sling:resourceType. Is this issue faced only by me? Or is there any product issue/usecase that can clear the type of resource?
I am running AEM 6.0 SP2.
Seems this is a known product bug to be fixed for future AEM. This is the response I got from daycare ticket:
There are several known issues related to sling:resourceType in AEM 6.0 SP2 and later but the one that I could find nearest to the scenario you have mentioned occurs when the components are copied and pasted.
It removes/breaks the sling:resourceType property. This issue is covered under the internal id -CQ-4212306, the fix for which will be a part of the future version of AEM.

Sample Component with Content Versioning from Joomla Site not working correctly

I was trying to restore a version of a content I am editing.
in my administrator/components/com_joomprosubs/tables/subscription.php
in the construct function I added this following line:
'JoomprosubsTableSubscription', array('typeAlias' =>'com_joomprosubs.subscription'));
from what I have read in this link:
but when I try to restore a version, an error is displayed:
"Error restoring item version from history."
I have followed the procedures step by step from that link. The storing of content history works, the only problem is when I try to restore the older versions. I even downloaded the finished sample file on the link's above.
The error is being return due to the blank value of typeAlias. I don't know where I got it wrong. from the code that I added above, I have included the typeAlias with its corresponding value. The weird thing is, if my code above does not work, it would not been also able to store content history.
Has anybody tried adding versioning in their custom component in Joomla? Please leave your comments.
For now, I temporarily overridden the loadHistory function from the Base Class.
from there, i passed the alias as 'com_joomprosubs.subscription'. The restoring of version history is now working.
Is there a disadvantage in my resolution?

Typo3: The requested page didn't have a proper connection to the tree-root

I want to update a TYPO3 Project from 4.1 to 6.2.9. In order to do that I need to upgrade it to find the most compatible extensions. So I've updated the TYPO3 to 4.5. Now the back end loaded and it shows some arguments that are printed. Also in front end it shows this error.
The requested page didn't have a proper connection to the tree-root!<br /><br />(Broken rootline (failed on page with uid 7))
I fixed this issue.
After going to Install tool. In DB Analyser there are so many tables are not properly indexed. After fixing that this issue has been fixed.
Truncate realURL-tables and clear Cache via InstallTool.
This works for me.