Facebook Share Does not Display image - facebook

I found this in javascript console
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
when I tried to share a link on Facebook. Here is the Link. The problem is, the share dialog does not show the image.
Any Suggestions?

The error is quite straight-forward.
You have not properly configure the application settings. Make sure you've added the correct link in the Site Url


Facebook Share in my website keeps redirecting to website home?

I have a website that I want to share to facebook
But when facebook fetch the url it always fetch the home url
I have a screenshot to prove it. I also did a basic troubleshooting turning off my caching mechanism and website page rules. Why is this happening?
Why is this happening?
Because you explicitly said so, by specifying the Canonical URL as https://pvp5.com/home for all pages.
The canonical URL should be set to the individual URL of that article/piece of content you want to share.

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration, facebook

Hi guys i am getting this error:
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
many people are facing this error because their redirect url mismatch or either they are placing wrong clint id or secret id, but
in my case
1. Redirect URL is fine,
2. app id and app secret are also fine.
what could be the problem? please help me
You have to set your domain within your application in the application settings.
See the following screenshot, the "App Domains" setting is set to "testapp.com".
Your URL for your Page Tab for example has to be of the same domain as the on you specified here.

What URL's are allowed as domains for your app?

I am trying to set up my Facebook app, but I keep getting error messages when I try to input my app domain.
This is the first error message that I receive.
"This must be derived from Canvas URL, Secure Canvas URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL, Mobile Site URL, Page Tab URL or Secure Page Tab URL. Check and correct the following domains: www.livelocalandprosper.com"
So I tried adding an "s" after the http and got an error message that said that "top level domains are not allowed".
I also tried using the web app host site's URL, but it wouldn't accept that either. I got the same error message about top level domains.
I have asked the web app host and my website provider, but didn't get any helpful answers there.
Could someone please enlighten me on what I need to do?
Before you can fill in a domain in the app settings, you need to add a Platform, such as a Canvas app, and add the appropriate URL.
i.e. I have a test app, and after adding the Canvas app URL http://bithoop.la/canvas.php?ref=facebook and saving it, I can add bithoop.la to the domain box.

Facebook OAuth Login: Invalid site URL and Invalid app domain

My app's domain is thehub.j.layershift.co.uk
In the "App Domains' box, I'm attempting to put: thehub.j.layershift.co.uk
I also have selected Website with Facebook Login and in the Site URL box, I'm trying to put: http://thehub.j.layershift.co.uk/login
Everything works fine with "localhost:8080", while I was testing. What are these domains invalid?
Tried again, still not working. Surely this can't be this difficult???
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/rGkrZn4.png?1
Turns out this was an issue was Facebook. After speaking with a support dude over there, he fixed it in about .5seconds. Thanks for the help!
Try the following (worked for me):
In the app domain put layershift.co.uk
In the app URL put http://thehub.j.layershift.co.uk
thehub.j.layershift.co.uk is not a domain - it is a URL. You should try placing only the domain in the domain field.
That would be -
The other parts of the URL (thehub.j) are subdomains of layershift.co.uk.
One more thing that you might want to take a look at is the fact that the URL http://layershift.co.uk is actually being redirected to http://layershift.com. Facebook is not able to retrieve data from that URL while it is being redirected.
With regard to the Site URL, what you'll want to put there is the landing page of your site/application. When you set the Site URL to /login, anyone reaching your application (logged in or not) will be directed to the /login page.

Facebook tab application without Canvas URL

You know when you create a tab application you have Page Tab section with Page Tab URL: and Secure Page Tab URL:. In my app i want to use FB.init for Fb.login but if I call FB.init i get this error.
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
And this is because I dont complete the App on Facebook section from the App configuration, the idea is that i don`t want to complete. What is the alternative?
It might sound counterintuitive, but in your app settings (right near where you set up your Page Tab URLs) you need to open the Website with Facebook Login section and fill in a Site URL. A typical example would be http://mydomain.gov:8080/, but you can include a longer path than / if you want. Also, if you haven't already filled in App Domains, add a domain there to match the Site URL. In my example, it would be mydomain.gov.
The pages that you use the JS SDK on, as well as your redirect_uri in any dialog URLs, needs to begin with the Site URL that you configure.