i am doing BPCS STEGANOGRAPHY.. i have separate secret blocks (4096- 8*8 blocks) and conjugation block( 64 - 8*8 blocks) ready for embedding. each can be accessed separately by calling
etc and
During bpcs embedding cover image is bitplane sliced and stored as c1( lsb plane ),c2,c3,c4 c5,c6,c7,c8 (msbplane). I need to select lsb bit plane to msb plane and dividing each bitplane into 8*8 block, selected_block(:,:,i)) and among them complex blocks are replaced with initially secret_block (:,:,i) and later on conju_block(:,:,i) etc until all the 4096+64 blocks reached..
Please anyone tell me how replace on particular block of selected_block(:,:,i) with another block (conju_block(:,:,i) or secret_block(:,:,i)) ? Is it possible to use replace_block() for the same ,then what does 'sys' parameter means ????

I would start by putting all bit planes in one cell,
C{1} = c1;
C{2} = c2;
so you can go through the bit planes in an automated manner.
for i = 1:8
curr_plane = C{i};
There are many ways to split a 2D array into blocks. A convenient one is mat2cell. The web documentation gives you a visual example of how it works.
Note that since you want 8x8 blocks, both the rows and columns must be exactly divisible by 8. You have 3 options:
only allow images with number of rows and columns divisible by 8,
automatically rescale images to such a size, or
take the biggest slice of the image matrix with such a size, do your steganography and put that modified image back into your slice of the original image, from where it came from.
We continue with the assumption that you have an image with number of rows and columns divisible by 8. Let's call your initial cover image cover.
row = size(cover, 1)/8;
col = size(cover, 2)/8;
blocks = mat2cell(curr_plane, ones(1, row)*8, ones(1, col)*8);
blocks is now a cell which holds all the 8x8 blocks of your bit plane, curr_plane. For example, if your bit plane had a size of 16x48, you now have 2x6 blocks. You can iterate through them simply with
for bi = 1:size(blocks,1)
for bj = 1:size(blocks,2)
my_8x8_block = blocks{bi,bj};
You're almost there. To sum up what we've done, we go from bit plane to bit plane and split each one in 8x8 blocks. Now, for every my_8x8_block, you can feed it into a function which calculates whether it's complex enough or not. If it is, you can simply overwrite it with the kth secret or conjugate block.
blocks{bi,bj} = secret_block(:,:,k);
Finally, once you have gone through a whole bit plane, you can put back the blocks to construct the modified bit plane
C{i} = cell2mat(blocks);


Matlab function reshape doesnt´t calculate the last dimension while trying to create a 3D image from .raw binary image file

I created binarized images by using the Otsu methode in Matlab and cut out parts of the resulting image using a function. Now i want to take a look at these images with the VolumeViewer command. I know the x,y and z dimensions of the resulting imgages. I currently run this code doing it(excluding the volumeViewerwhich happens after the loop):
files= {'C3\C3_000mal_550_539_527.raw';...
for i=1:numel(files)
Image = fopen(files{i},'r');
ImageData{i} = fread(Image,Inf,'uint16=>uint16');
ImageData{i} = reshape(ImageData{i},550,539,[]);
Using this code runs into the following error using reshape:
Error using reshape
Product of known dimensions, 296450, not divisible into total number of elements, 78114575.
I did the maths and 550*539=296450 and 296450 * 527=156229150: If we divide the last number by the number of elements it equals 2 and thus is divisible into the total number of elements. In my opinion the reshape function is not able to find the size of the last dimension or defines it as 1.
Defining the size of z also results in an error suggesting using the brackets [], so the function can find it.
Error using reshape
Number of elements must not change. Use [] as one of the size inputs to automatically calculate the appropriate size
for that dimension.
Now to the weird part. This code works for another set of images, with diffrent sizes of the x,y and z ranges. So don´t know where the issue lies to be frank. So i would really appreciate and Answer to my question
I figured it out. The error lies here:
ImageData{i} = fread(Image,Inf,'uint16=>uint16');
Apparently by saving them as .raw before it converts the image to an 8 bit file rather than 16 bits it had before. Therefore, my dimension is double the size of the number of elements. With this alteration it works:
ImageData{i} = fread(Image,Inf,'uint8=>uint8');
The reason i was able to look at the other pictures was that the z range was divisble by 2.
So the reshape function was not the problem but size of the integer data while creating the array for the variable ImageData.
P.S. I just started out programming so the accuracy in the answer should be taken with a grain of salt

How to efficiently loop through matrix elements

I have a matlab script for 8-bit image analysis and I'm trying to enhance objects in the image by subtracting the background with no objects present. What I want to do at a pixel level is:
if B-I>50 then E=I
else E=255-B-I
Where, B is the background, I the image and E my enhanced image. I know I can do this by looping through each element of the image matrix by the following:
for r=1:nrows
for c=1:ncols
if diff(r,c)>50
But is this rather slow when going multiple images. I've also tried the follow:
But receive the following error:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the
number of elements in B and I must
be the same.
Any tips on optimizing this would be greatly apprenticed!
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be
the same.
The reason for this error is that you are trying to assign all the content of I to a subset of E (those pixels where diff>50). You have to specifically tell MATLAB that you want those pixels set to the matching pixels in I.
Incidentally you should be careful using imsubtract here. For pixels where I has a higher value than B, that will result in zeros (if your values are uint8). It may be okay (not 100% clear if you're looking for the absolute difference or really just where B is larger than I)
What if you use use find()
ind = find(B-I>50)
E(ind) = I(ind)
% And then the ones that are not `B-I>50`
E(~ind) = 255-B(~ind)-I(~ind)
Try this vectorized approach that uses logical indexing. I could not test it out on images though, so would be great if that's taken care of.
E = double(I).*(diff1>50) + (255-diff1).*(diff1<=50);
You might be needed to convert the datatype back to unsigned integer formats as used for images.

Diffusion outer bounds

I'm attempting to run this simple diffusion case (I understand that it isn't ideal generally), and I'm doing fine with getting the inside of the solid, but need some help with the outer edges.
global M
for diffusive_steps=1:500
for i=2:size-1;
for j=2:size-1;
%we're considering the ij-th pixel
It's a pretty simple piece of code, and I know that. I'm not very good at using Octave yet (chemist by trade), so I'd appreciate any help!
If you have concerns about the border of your simulation you could pad your matrix with NaN values, and then remove the border after the simulation has completed. NaN stands for not a number and is often used to denote blank data. There are many MATLAB functions work in a useful way with these values.
e.g. finding the mean of an array which has blanks:
nanmean([0 nan 5 nan 10])
ans =
In your case, I would start by adding a border of NaNs to your M matrix. I'm using 'n' instead of 'size', since size is an important function in MATLAB, and using it as a variable can lead to confusing errors.
blankM([1,end],:) = nan;
blankM(:, [1,end]) = nan;
Now we can define 'M'. N.B that the first column and row will be NaNs so we need to add an offset (25+1):
M = blankM;
Run the simulation through,
m = size(blankM, 1);
n = size(blankM, 2);
for diffusive_steps=1:500
oldM = M;
newM = blankM;
for i=2:m-1;
for j=2:n-1;
and then extract the area of interest
finalResult = M(2:end-1, 2:end-1);
One simple change you might make is to add a boundary of ghost cells, or halo, around the domain of interest. Rather than mis-use the name size I've used a variable called sz. Replace:
and then compute your diffusion over the interior of this augmented matrix, ie over cells (2:sz+1,2:sz+1). When it comes to considering the results, discard or just ignore the halo.
Even simpler would be to simply take what you already have and ignore the cells in your existing matrix which are on the N,S,E,W edges.
This technique is widely used in problems such as, and similar to, yours and avoids the need to write code which deals with the computations on cells which don't have a full complement of neighbours. Setting the appropriate value for the contents of the halo cells is a problem-dependent matter, 0 isn't always the right value.

column to block using sliding window in matlab

using im2col sliding window in matlab i have converted the input image block into column and again by using col2im i do the inverse process but the output is not same as the input image. How can i recover the input image? can anyone please help me.
Here is the code
[mm nn]=size(in);
i1=im2col(in,[8 8],'sliding');
i2 = reshape( sum(i1),mm-m+1,nn-n+1);
out=col2im(i2,[m n],[mm nn],'sliding');
thanks in advance...
You didn't specify exactly what the problem is, but I see a few potential sources:
You shouldn't expect the output to be exactly the same as the input, since you're replacing each pixel value with the sum of pixels in an 8-by-8 neighborhood. Also, you will get a shrinkage of the resulting image by 7 pixels in each direction (i.e. [m-1 n-1]) since the 'sliding' option of IM2COL does not pad the array with zeroes to create neighborhoods for pixels near the edges.
These two lines are redundant:
i2 = reshape( sum(i1),mm-m+1,nn-n+1);
out=col2im(i2,[m n],[mm nn],'sliding');
You only need one or the other, not both:
%# Use this:
out = reshape(sum(i1),mm-m+1,nn-n+1);
%# OR this:
out = col2im(sum(i1),[m n],[mm nn],'sliding');
Image data in MATLAB is typically of type 'uint8', meaning each pixel is represented as an unsigned 8-bit integer spanning the range 0 to 255. Assuming this is what in is, when you perform your sum operation you will implicitly end up converting it to type 'double' (since an unsigned 8-bit integer will likely not be big enough to hold the sum totals). When image pixel values are represented with a double type, the pixel values are expected to span the range 0 to 1, so you will want to scale your resulting image by its maximum value to get it to display properly:
out = out./max(out(:));
Lastly, check what kind of input image you are using. For your code, you are essentially assuming in is 2-D (i.e. a grayscale intensity image). If it is a truecolor (i.e. RGB) image, the third dimension is going to cause you some trouble, and you will have to either process each color plane separately and recombine them or convert the RGB image to grayscale. If it is an indexed image (with an associated color map), you will not be able to do the sort of processing you describe above without first converting it to a grayscale representation.
Why are you expecting the output to be the same?
i2 is the result of performing a SUM around a pixel neighborhood (essentially a low-pass filter), which is the final blurry image that you see. i.e you are NOT doing an inverse process with the COL2IM call.
i1 obtained from 'sliding' option has the information that you would get from 'distinct' option as well, which you need to filter out. Now, this may not be the best way to code it up but it works. Assume that mm is a multiple of m and nn is a multiple of n. If this is not the case, then you'll have to zero-pad accordingly to make this the case.
[mm nn]=size(in);
i1 = im2col(in,[m,n],'sliding');
inSel = [];
for k=0:mm/m-1
inSel = [inSel 1:n:nn+(nn-n+1)*n*k];
out = col2im(i1(:,inSel),[m,n],[mm,nn],'distinct');

How to partition an image to overlapping blocks

I want to partition a PGM image into overlapping blocks and do a DCT transformation to every block. Then I want to take the first column of each DCT matrix and put them all to a new matrix.
I have read the answer to the post: How to partition an image to 64 block in matlab, but I am not sure it's working properly. Can I use blockproc function to make overlapping block and if I can how am I supposed to use it?
I would prefer an answer with for loops.
I=im2double(rgb2gray(imread('yourimage.png'))); %select channels separation
%%%for non-overlapping blocks
fun = #(block_struct) dct2(block_struct.data);
imageY =(blockproc(I,[8 8],fun));
BY=im2col(imageY,[8 8],'distinct');
%dct-8x8 ,if you want u can choose [64 64].
%you need the first column of dct?.so ,i.e 8 values of dct in this case.
for overlapping blocks: use 'sliding' but you get memory problem.
then you have to use your own for loop.