Scala , what does this function definition means? - scala

In the following code snippet, what does (F: => T) mean?
def func1[T](arg1: Int, arg2: String)(F: => T): func2[T]

F is the argument name; => T means it's a by-name parameter. It's basically equivalent to () => T with some syntactic sugar:
When invoking this method, the argument will have type T and will automatically be turned into () => T:
func1[String](0, x)(x + x) ===> func1[String](0, x)(() => x + x)
When implementing this method, each use of F turns into F(). So the value of type T will be recalculated each time.
Obviously, this is useful in one of two cases:
if F may not be needed;
if the value returned by F may change between different invocations.


Writing a function to curry any function

For the record I find it very annoying that functions are not automatically curried in Scala. I'm trying to write a factory that takes in any function and returns a curried version:
def curry(fn:(_ => _)) = (fn _).curried
Basically what I have defined here is a function curry that takes as an argument a function fn that is of type _ => _ and returns a curried version of function fn. Obviously this didnt work because Java.
This was the error I got:
error: _ must follow method; cannot follow fn.type
def curry(fn:(_ => _)) = (fn _).curried
Can any gurus out there help me figure out why this doesnt work? I don't mean to sound snarky, I am used to functional languages treating all types as functions. Please help this Scala newbie.
(I tagged this question with haskell because I'm trying to get Scala functions to behave like Haskell functions :'(
Just to clarify, I need a curryN function, so a function that curries any other function regardless of its arity.
Side note, some people have pointed out that increasing the number of fn's arguments would solve the problem. Nope:
def curry2(fn:((_, _) => _)) = (fn _).curried
error: _ must follow method; cannot follow fn.type
def curry2(fn:((_, _) => _)) = (fn _).curried
Scala doesn't allow you to abstract over the arity of a function. Thus, you need to use a typeclass-style approach (which allows you to abstract over just about anything, after you do all the manual work for it).
So, in particular, you do something like
sealed trait FunctionCurrier[Unc, Cur] { def apply(fn: Unc): Cur }
final class Function2Currier[A, B, Z]
extends FunctionCurrier[(A, B) => Z, A => B => Z] {
def apply(fn: (A, B) => Z): (A => B => Z) = fn.curried
// Repeat for Function3 through Function21
implicit def makeCurrierForFunction2[A, B, Z]: Function2Currier[A, B, Z] =
new Function2Currier[A, B, Z]
// Again, repeat for Function3 through Function21
def curryAll[Unc, Cur](fn: Unc)(implicit cf: FunctionCurrier[Unc, Cur]): Cur =
Now you can use it like so:
scala> def foo(a: Int, b: String) = a < b.length
foo: (a: Int, b: String)Boolean
scala> curryAll(foo _)
res0: Int => (String => Boolean) = <function1>
There is probably already something like this in Shapeless, but in this case you can roll your own, albeit with some tedium (and/or a code generator).
(Note: if you want to "curry" A => Z, you can write a Function1Currier that just returns the function untouched.)
This can be done using the curried method of functions. You need to access the function itself as a partially applied function and get its curried form, like so:
def fn(i: Int, j: Int) = i + j
val fnCurryable = (fn _).curried
val fnCurried = fnCurryable(1)
//prints 3
The same second line would work to curry any function with 2-22 arguments due to scala's powerful type inference. Also, remember that you can declare your functions to be curryable in their declaration. This would do the same as above:
def fnCurryable(i: Int)(j: Int) = i + j
The use of multiple argument lists means this function is called as fnCurryable(1)(2) and can NEVER be called as fnCurryable(1, 2). This conversion is basically what .curried does.
This is based on the function traits described on:
def toCurry[A](f: (A, A) => A): A => A => A = x => f(x, _)
val addTwoNum = (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y
val curriedAddTwoNum = toCurry(addTwoNum)
val part1Curry = curriedAddTwoNum(5)
For additional arity, you would simply need to add additional params to the above function definition.
Otherwise, you may want to do something like Can you curry a function with varargs in scala?

Use of Scala by-name parameters

I am going through the book "Functional Programming in Scala" and have run across an example that I don't fully understand.
In the chapter on strictness/laziness the authors describe the construction of Streams and have code like this:
sealed trait Stream[+A]
case object Empty extends Stream[Nothing]
case class Cons[+A](h: () => A, t: () => Stream[A]) extends Stream[A]
object Stream {
def cons[A](hd: => A, tl: => Stream[A]) : Stream[A] = {
lazy val head = hd
lazy val tail = tl
Cons(() => head, () => tail)
The question I have is in the smart constructor (cons) where it calls the constructor for the Cons case class. The specific syntax being used to pass the head and tail vals doesn't make sense to me. Why not just call the constructor like this:
Cons(head, tail)
As I understand the syntax used it is forcing the creation of two Function0 objects that simply return the head and tail vals. How is that different from just passing head and tail (without the () => prefix) since the Cons case class is already defined to take these parameters by-name anyway? Isn't this redundant? Or have I missed something?
The difference is in => A not being equal to () => A.
The former is pass by name, and the latter is a function that takes no parameters and returns an A.
You can test this out in the Scala REPL.
scala> def test(x: => Int): () => Int = x
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Int
required: () => Int
def test(x: => Int): () => Int = x
Simply referencing x in my sample causes the parameter to be invoked. In your sample, it's constructing a method which defers invocation of x.
First, you are assuming that => A and () => A are the same. However, they are not. For example, the => A can only be used in the context of passing parameters by-name - it is impossible to declare a val of type => A. As case class parameters are always vals (unless explicitly declared vars), it is clear why case class Cons[+A](h: => A, t: => Stream[A]) would not work.
Second, just wrapping a by-name parameter into a function with an empty parameter list is not the same as what the code above accomplishes: using lazy vals, it is ensured that both hd and tl are evaluated at most once. If the code read
Cons(() => hd, () => tl)
the original hd would be evaluated every time the h method (field) of a Cons object is invoked. Using a lazy val, hd is evaluated only the first time the h method of this Cons object is invoked, and the same value is returned in every subsequent invocation.
Demonstrating the difference in a stripped-down fashion in the REPL:
> def foo = { println("evaluating foo"); "foo" }
> val direct : () => String = () => foo
> direct()
evaluating foo
res6: String = foo
> direct()
evaluating foo
res7: String = foo
> val lzy : () => String = { lazy val v = foo; () => v }
> lzy()
evaluating foo
res8: String = foo
> lzy()
res9: String = foo
Note how the "evaluating foo" output in the second invocation of lzy() is gone, as opposed to the second invocation of direct().
Note that the parameters of the method cons are by-name parameters (hd and tl). That means that if you call cons, the arguments will not be evaluated before you call cons; they will be evaluated later, at the moment you use them inside cons.
Note that the Cons constructor takes two functions of type Unit => A, but not as by-name parameters. So these will be evaluated before you call the constructor.
If you do Cons(head, tail) then head and tail will be evaluated, which means hd and tl will be evaluated.
But the whole point here was to avoid calling hd and tl until necessary (when someone accesses h or t in the Cons object). So, you pass two anonymous functions to the Cons constructor; these functions will not be called until someone accesses h or t.
In def cons[A](hd: => A, tl: => Stream[A]) : Stream[A]
the type of hd is A, tl is Stream[A]
whereas in case class Cons[+A](h: () => A, t: () => Stream[A]) extends Stream[A]
h is of type Function0[A] and t of type Function0[Stream[A]]
given the type of hd is A, the smart constructor invokes the case class as
lazy val head = hd
lazy val tail = tl
Cons(() => head, () => tail) //it creates a function closure so that head is accessible within Cons for lazy evaluation

scala -- syntax to indicate any kind of anonymous function, whatsoever

I'd like to be able to pass in callback functions as parameters to a method. Right now, I can pass in a function of signature () => Unit, as in
def doSomething(fn:() => Unit) {
//... do something
which is fine, I suppose, but I'd like to be able to pass in any function with any parameters and any return type.
Is there a syntax to do that?
To be able to execute a function passed as a callback you have to be able to call it with the arguments it requires. f: A => R must be called as f(someA), and g: (A,B) => R must be called as f(someA, someB).
Implementing a callback you want a function that accepts a context and returns something (you don't care what the something is). For example foreach in scala.Option is defined as:
def foreach[U](f: (A) => U): Unit
The function is called with a value of type A but the result is discarded so we don't care what type it has. Alternatively if you don't care what was completed the callback function could be implemented as:
def onComplete[U](f: () => U): Unit
It would then allow being called with any function that takes no arguments:
val f: () => Int = ...
val g: () => String = ...
onComplete(f) // In result is discarded
onComplete(g) // String result is discarded
If you really wanted a function that accepted any possible function there are some tricks you could use (but you really shouldn't). For example you could define a view bound with implicit conversions:
// Type F is any type that can be converted to () => U
def onComplete[F <% () => U, U](f: F): Unit
// Define conversions for each Function type to Function0
implicit def f1tof0[A,U](f: A => U): () => U = ...
implicit def f2tof0[A,B,U](f: (A,B) => U): () => U = ...
implicit def f3tof0[A,B,C,U](f: (A,B,C) => U): () => U = ...
Now onComplete accepts any function:
val f: Int => String = ...
val g: (List[Int], String) => String = ...
Defining the types for the above conversions is relatively simple, but there is no rational way to implement them so is pretty much entirely useless.

Understanding Scala: passing functions as arguments

I'm starting to learn Scala and I've come across a snippet from the Programming in Scala textbook which I don't quite understand. Was hoping some one could help me?
This is from Listing 9.1 from Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition.
object FileMatcher {
private def filesHere = (new".")).listFiles
private def filesMatching(matcher: String => Boolean) =
for (file <- filesHere; if matcher(file.getName)) yield file
def filesEnding(query: String) =
filesMatching(_.endsWith(query)) // ???
def filesContaining(query: String) =
filesMatching(_.contains(query)) // ???
def filesRegex(query: String) =
filesMatching(_.matches(query)) // ???
I'm a little confused with the lines that have // ???. Does the use of the _ somehow create an anonymous function that is passed to filesMatching? Or does the _ have nothing to do with this, and instead the compiler sees that filesMatching requires a function and therefore doesn't execute _.endsWith(query) as an expression but instead makes the expression a function?
extended definition
Anonymous function are defined, in their more verbose and complete form, as
(a: A, b: B, ...) => function body //using a, b, ...
(a: String, b: String) => a ++ b // concatenates 2 Strings
inferred types
if the context provides the needed information (as when a higher order function expects a specific signature for its function arguments), you can omit the parameters' types, as
(a, b, ...) => function body //using a, b, ...
val l = List(1, 2, 3)
//you can omit the type because filter on List[Int] expects a (Int => Boolean)
l.filter(i => i < 3)
placeholder syntax
Finally you can use a shorter form still, if your parameters are used once each and in the same order that you declare them, by the function body, as
_ ++ _ // which is equivalent to (a, b) => a ++ b
Each _ is a placeholder for the function's arguments
filesMatching's argument is a function of type String => Boolean so you can use
_.endsWith(query) // equivalent to (s: String) => s.endsWith(query)
_.contains(query) // equivalent to (s: String) => s.contains(query)
_.matches(query) // equivalent to (s: String) => s.matches(query)
The _ as used here is shorthand for a function argument. Thus filesMatching(_.endsWith(query)) is equivalent to filesMatching(f => f.endsWith(query)). As filesMatching has as argument a function of String => Boolean, the compiler can infer that f is expected to be a String here. So you are right that this expression is an anonymous function.
This kind of operation is best done by defining function types. I found an excellent demonstration here. Combined with this post, the demonstration should clarify best practices for passing functions as arguments

Function parameter types and =>

What exactly that declaration of method parameter means:
def myFunc(param: => Int) = param
What is meaning of => in upper definition?
This is so-called pass-by-name. It means you are passing a function that should return Int but is mostly used to implement lazy evaluation of parameters. It is somewhat similar to:
def myFunc(param: () => Int) = param
Here is an example. Consider an answer function returning some Int value:
def answer = { println("answer"); 40 }
And two functions, one taking Int and one taking Int by-name:
def eagerEval(x: Int) = { println("eager"); x; }
def lazyEval(x: => Int) = { println("lazy"); x; }
Now execute both of them using answer:
eagerEval(answer + 2)
> answer
> eager
lazyEval(answer + 2)
> lazy
> answer
The first case is obvious: before calling eagerEval() answer is evaluated and prints "answer" string. The second case is much more interesting. We are actually passing a function to lazyEval(). The lazyEval first prints "lazy" and evaluates the x parameter (actually, calls x function passed as a parameter).
See also
Scala Returning a void function with 0 parameters, ugly syntax?
Just to make sure there is an answer that uses the proper term: the Scala Language Specification uses the term call-by-name:
The type of a value parameter may be prefixed by =>, e.g. x: => T . The type of
such a parameter is then the parameterless method type => T . This indicates that
the corresponding argument is not evaluated at the point of function application, but
instead is evaluated at each use within the function. That is, the argument is
evaluated using call-by-name.
-- Section 4.6.1 of the Scala Language Specification
To add to Tomasz Nurkiewicz's answer above, the difference I encounter between () => Int and => Int is that the second allows calling with bare blocks:
scala> def myfunc(f : () => Int ) = println("Evaluated: " + f )
myfunc: (f: () => Int)Unit
scala> def myfunc2(f : => Int ) = println("Evaluated: " + f )
myfunc2: (f: => Int)Unit
scala> myfunc({1})
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(1)
required: () => Int
scala> myfunc2({1})
Evaluated: 1