Geodesic on Matlab PLY Surface Mesh - matlab

I have a CT scan for an heart and I am designing a device that rests on top of it. As such, getting the right lengths for certain attributes is important. The CT scan was segmented in MeshLab and my advisor gave me code that uses PLY_IO to read the ply file exported from MeshLab. From this, I have a map of the surface. surf(Map.X, Map.Y,Map.Z) outputs the 3D model. Now, what I would ideally want is to be able to select points graphically via the figure window and have Matlab either tell me what the points are or allow me to draw a geodesic line to determine its length. Question: Does anyone have any idea of how I could do this in a simple way?
Ultimately, just drawing on the figure might be ok too if I can just get it in the right orientation. Ideally, though, I would select the start and end point and then Matlab would graphically show a geodesic on the surface that I can later find the length of. I'm willing to do some programming for this, but hopefully there's something out there you guys might already know about.

One way to interactively extract points on a surface is to use datacursormode. Here's a simple example of how to get two points:
dcm_obj = datacursormode(gcf);
disp('Select first point then press any key')
c_info{1} = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj);
disp('Select second point then press any key')
c_info{2} = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj);
Note that if you (or the user) changes mode (e.g. by clicking the rotate button) in order to select the point, you will have to switch back to datacursor mode to move the datacursor again:
You should now have c_info{1}.position and c_info{2}.position which are two points on the surface. Calculating the geodesic is another matter - have a look on the File Exchange, see if there's anything around already that will do the job for the type of data you have already.


Automated placement of points/landmarks on shape outline using MATLAB

I'm just beginning with Image analysis in MATLAB.
My goal is to do an automated image segmention on images of plant leaves.
I have had reasonable success here thanks to multiple online resources.
The current objective, the reason why I'm placing this question here, is to able to place 25 equidistant points along each half of the margin/outline of leaf, like described in following image:
For the script to be able to recognize each half of the leaf, user can put two points within the GUI. One of these user-defined points will be on the base of leaf and the other on tip of leaf. It would be even better if a script would be able to automatically recognize these two features of the leaf.
For the output, I would like a plain text format file containing image coordinate of each point.
I'm not asking for a ready made script here, but looking for a starting point.
One way I think this can be done is by linearizing/open up the outline in such a way that it becomes a straight line. This can be done by treating any of user placed point/landmark as breakpoint. Once a linear outline is obtained it can again be broken into two halves at other user defined point and now points can be placed. One point to bear in mind here is that the placement of points for each half should start from the end that corresponds to the same breakpoint/user-defined point in each half. Now these straight lines can be superimposed on original image for reconstruction.
Thank you very much.

Edge Detection Along Blood Vessel in Matlab

I am trying to specify a line across a blood vessel in an image, and then have matlab specify the edges of the vessel (which are contained within the line). The next part will be comparing changes in the distance between these edges over time (so across 1000x more images).
I have tried the following code to get started:
I = imread('Obj1.tif');
And I was looking at available methods to detect the edges from intensity along that line that gets plotted (tangents, maxima/minima etc) but I am not convinced this is the best method. I looked into other tools on matlab such as the Canny Method, Sobel etc, but the examples for all of these only show how to detect edges throughout the entire image. My coding skills are not sufficient to have the algorithms specified along a single line of the users choosing. Methods that I have looked at on pubmed also seem more complicated then perhaps I need.
Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions from the point that I am currently at?
Thank you

Identify different shapes drawn using UIBezierPath?

I am able to draw shapes using the UIBezierPath object. Now I want to identify different shapes drawn using this eg. Rectangle , Square , Triangle , Circle etc. Then next thing I want to do is that user should be able to select a particular shape and should be able to move the whole shape to different location on the screen. The actual requirement is even more complex , but If I could make this much then I can work out on the rest.
Any suggestion or links or points on how do I start with this is welcome . I am thinking of writing a separate view to handle every shape but not getting how do I do that..
Thank You all in advance !!
I recommend David Gelphman’s Programming with Quartz.
In his chapter “Drawing with Paths” he has a section on “Path Construction Primitives” which provides a crossroads:
If you use CGContextAddLineToPoint your user could make straight lines defined by known Cartesian points. You would use basic math to deduce the geometric shapes defined by those points.
If you use CGContextAddCurveToPoint your user could make curved lines defined by known points, and I’m pretty sure that those lines would run through the points, so you could still use basic math to determine at least an approximation of the types of shapes formed.
But if you use CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint, the points define a framework outside of the drawn curve. You’d need more advanced math to determine the shapes formed by curves along tangents.
Gelphman also discusses “Path Utility Functions,” like getting a bounding box and checking whether a given point is inside the path.
As for moving the completed paths, I think you would use CGContextTranslateCTM.

3D trajectory reconstruction from video (taken by a single camera)

I am currently trying to reconstruct a 3D trajectory of a falling object like a ball or a rock out of a sequence of images taken from an iPhone video.
Where should I start looking? I know I have to calibrate the camera (I think I'll use the matlab calibration toolbox by Jean-Yves Bouguet) and then find the vanishing point from the same sequence, but then I'm really stuck.
read this:
it explains 3d reconstruction using two cameras. Now for a simple summary, look at the figure from that site:
You only know pr/pl, the image points. By tracing a line from their respective focal points Or/Ol you get two lines (Pr/Pl) that both contain the point P. Because you know the 2 cameras origin and orientation, you can construct 3d equations for these lines. Their intersection is thus the 3d point, voila, it's that simple.
But when you discard one camera (let's say the left one), you only know for sure the line Pr. What's missing is depth. Luckily you know the radius of your ball, this extra information can give you the missing depth information. see next figure (don't mind my paint skills):
Now you know the depth using the intercept theorem
I see one last issue: the shape of ball changes when projected under an angle (ie not perpendicular on your capture plane). However you do know the angle, so compensation is possible, but I leave that up to you :p
edit: #ripkars' comment (comment box was too small)
1) ok
2) aha, the correspondence problem :D Typically solved by correlation analysis or matching features (mostly matching followed by tracking in a video). (other methods exist too)
I haven't used the image/vision toolbox myself, but there should definitely be some things to help you on the way.
3) = calibration of your cameras. Normally you should only do this once, when installing the cameras (and every other time you change their relative pose)
4) yes, just put the Longuet-Higgins equation to work, ie: solve
P = C1 + mu1*R1*K1^(-1)*p1
P = C2 + mu2*R2*K2^(-1)*p2
P = 3D point to find
C = camera center (vector)
R = rotation matrix expressing the orientation of the first camera in the world frame.
K = calibration matrix of the camera (containing internal parameters of the camera, not to be confused with the external parameters contained by R and C)
p1 and p2 = the image points
mu = parameter expressing the position of P on the projection line from camera center C to P (if i'm correct R*K^-1*p expresses a line equation/vector pointing from C to P)
these are 6 equations containing 5 unknowns: mu1, mu2 and P
edit: #ripkars' comment (comment box too small once again)
The only computer vison library that pops up in my mind is OpenCV ( ). But that's a C library, not matlab... I guess google is your friend ;)
About the calibration: yes, if those two images contain enough information to match some features. If you change the relative pose of the cameras, you'll have to recalibrate of course.
The choice of the world frame is arbitrary; it only becomes important when you want to analyze the retrieved 3d data afterwards: for example you could align one of the world planes with the plane of motion -> simplified motion equation if you want to fit one.
This world frame is just a reference frame, changeable with a 'change of reference frame transformation' (translation and/or rotation transformation)
Unless you have a stereo camera, you will never be able to know the position for sure, even with calibrated camera. Because you don't know whether the ball is small and close or large and far away.
There are other methods with single camera, based on series of images with different focus. But I doubt that you can control the camera of your cell phone in that way.
as #GuntherStruyf points out correctly, you can know the position if one of your inputs is the size of the ball.

Kink detection in drawn polylines

Users can sketch in my app using a very simple tool (move mouse while holding LMB). This results in a series of mousemove events and I record the cursor location at each event. The resulting polyline curve tends to be rather dense, with recorded points almost every other pixel. I'd like to smooth this pixelated polyline, but I don't want to smooth intended kinks. So how do I figure out where the kinks are?
The image shows the recorded trail (red pixels) and the 'implied' shape as a human would understand it. People tend to slow down near corners, so there is usually even more noise here than on the straight bits.
Polyline tracker
What you're describing may be related to gesture recognition techniques, so you could search on them for ideas.
The obvious approach is to apply a curve fit, but that will have the effect of smoothing away all the interesting details and kinks. Another approach suggested is to look at speeds and accelerations, but that can get hairy (direction changes can be very fast or very slow and deliberate)
A fairly basic but effective approach is to simplify the samples directly into a polyline.
For example, work your way through the samples (e.g.) from sample 1 to sample 4, and check if all 4 samples lie within a reasonable error of the straight line between 1 & 4. If they do, then extend this to points 1..5 and repeat until such a time as the straight line from the start point to the end point no longer provides a resonable approximation to the curve defined by those samples. Create a line segment up to the previous sample point and start accumulating a new line segment.
You have to be careful about your thresholds when the samples are too close to each other, so you might want to adjust the sensitivity when regarding samples fewer than 4-5 pixels away from each other.
This will give you a set of straight lines that will follow the original path fairly accurately.
If you require additional smoothing, or want to create a scalable vector graphic, then you can then curve-fit from the polyline. First, identify the kinks (the places in your polyline where the angle between one line and the next is sharp - e.g. anything over 140 degrees is considered a smooth curve, anything less than that is considered a kink) and break the polyline at those discontinuities. Then curve-fit each of these sub-sections of the original gesture to smooth them. This will have the effect of smoothing the smooth stuff and sharpening the kinks. (You could go further and insert small smooth corner fillets instead of these sharp joints to reduce the sharpness of the joins)
Brute force, but it may just achieve what you want.
Rather than trying to do this from the resultant data, have you considered looking at the timing of the data as it comes in? If the mouse stops or slows noticably, you use the trend since the last 'kink' (the last time the mouse slowed) to establish the direction of travel. If the user goes off in a new direction, you call it a kink, otherwise, you ignore the current slowing trend and start waiting for the next one.
Well, one way would be to use a true curve-fitting algorithm. Generate a bezier curve (with exact endpoints, using Catmull-Rom or something similar), then optimize & recursively subdivide (using distance from actual line points as a cost metric). This may be too complicated for your use-case, though.
Record the order the pixels are drawn in. Then, compute the slope between pixels that are "near" but not "close". I'm guessing a graph of the slope between pixel(i) and pixel(i+7) might exhibit easily identifable "jumps" around kinks in the curve.