error Matplotlib backend_wx and backend_wxagg require wxPython >=2.8 - enthought

I have installed Enthought in Amazon but I get this error
Matplotlib backend_wx and backend_wxagg require wxPython >=2.8
when I run ipython --pylab.
How can I install wxpython2.9
I tried everything on the internet and it doesn't seem anything to work.


Pytorch module not found in VSCode

For the life of me I can't get the VSCode integrated terminal to correctly run a simple program that just has import torch in it. I've tried it all. I tried just installing pytorch via conda (I have Anaconda) inside the VSCode terminal, and then running my program inside the VSCode terminal as well. I tried creating a conda virtual environment, activating it, installing pytorch in it, and then running my program using the virtual environment. I tried switching the VSCode python to ('base': conda) and it didn't work. I tried switching the VSCode python to ('pytorch': conda) (I read this somewhere on StackOverflow), but I didn't find this. I tried uninstalling and re-installing the Python extension in VSCode. I tried just running python3 inside the VSCode terminal and seeing if >>> import torch would run, but it doesn't. I tried installing torch with pip or pip3 instead of with conda but it doesn't work, it just tells me that No matching distribution found for torch.
However, outside of VSCode, I can do import torch and it runs correctly. How could I solve this? I would very much prefer to use VSCode and its integrated terminal, but VSCode can't find pytorch for the life of me.
EDIT: Using MacOS Monterey and most updated python extension in VSCode

Trying to import docx in Python

Fair Warning: I am extremely new to python, so please excuse any dumb mistakes I make =)
I would like to be able to open/close/manipulate/read Word documents (docx files) on my Mac using Python. The python-docx module looked really useful, so I have been trying to install it on my system, to no avail.
Here's what I've done so far:
Checked that I do indeed have python installed using the python --version command in terminal. I have version 3.7.0, so all good there.
Checked that I do indeed have pip installed - I was able to use pip install and pip uninstall commands, so all good. I also upgraded my pip version using pip install --upgrade pip to pip-19.1.1
Following the online documentation (see here), I tried pip install python-docx. This seemed to work just fine, and after the progress bar loaded all the way I saw:
Successfully built python-docx
twisted 18.7.0 requires PyHamcrest>=1.9.0, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: python-docx
Successfully installed python-docx-0.8.10
I wasn't completely sure what pyhamcrest was, but I installed it anyway just to be safe using pip install pyhamcrest
As other sites suggested, I also tried to install Pillow, lxml, and python-dateutil using their respective install commands, and in each case saw the Requirement already satisfied: message, with an anaconda path listed.
Frustrated, I also tried easy_install python-docx, the manual version, and even pip install docx . In all cases, when I run IDLE and type from docx import Document or just import docx, I get the following message in the shell:
`Traceback (most recent call last):`
`File "/Users/[my_name]/Desktop/", line 3, in <module> `
`import docx`
`ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'docx'`
Could anyone help point me in the right direction? Thank you very much.
The Anaconda Python distribution has its own system of installation of packages.
After the installation of Anaconda, the variable $PATH has been modified so that anaconda python was the first, and OsX's python in the last position.
If you type "python" in a shell will execute the anaconda python, instead of the standard OsX python (which is 2.7, not 3.x).
Following the instructions of the package python-docx, you have installed it using pip, which is the default method for installing packages, but this method is not valid for Anaconda Python. So, you finished installing python-docx for the python 2.7 of OsX.
To install packages for anaconda, you must run the command
conda install <package>
The python-docx module for anaconda can be found in a separated repository called conda-forge; typing the command
conda install -c conda-forge python-docx
you will install the package and the requested dependencies.
Other useful commands are:
anaconda-navigator for exploring the Anaconda system
anaconda-project for managing projects with anaconda
idle3 for Anaconda Python shell.
Before start coding, run anaconda-navigator and take a look at the 'Learning' section.
For a better experience, I suggest PyCharm IDE for Anaconda from JetBrains.

Error while installing scipy and sklearn in PyCharm

I am using PyCharm and I ran into some errors while installing scipy and sklearn but not numpy, matplotlib and pandas. I tried browsing "Christopher Gohkle's "Python Extension Packages For Windows" as this problem seems to happen before but the site is now refusing connection. Any other way to solve this problem? Thanks!
Error message
Christopher Gohkle's site is up now. You can just check it out again.
But I suggest you to install Anaconda instead. It includes scipy and installation is so easy.

Can't get ipython console in spyder

I'm having trouble getting an ipython console in Spyder. It only offers a python interpreter under the "interpreters" menu.
I've seen this issue for a couple of others in Stackoverflow, but didn't have much joy with the proffered solutions.
I'm running linux Mint 16 and have installed both ipython (v 1.1.0) and Spyder (v 2.2.1) the easy way via the Mint Software Manager. I made sure that I also installed ipython-qtconsole and verified that I could run it from a terminal (i.e. ipython qtconsole).
I can activate an ipython console using the following commands in a Spyder python console:
import IPython
though the font coloring is strange and doesn't work well on a white background (e.g. error messages in yellow and light green). It would be nice anyway to be able to start ipython the normal way from the Spyder menu.
You may want to install python-zmq for Python 2 and python3-zmq for Python 3.
I use Ubuntu 14.04, so:
sudo apt-get install python-zmq python3-zmq
I'm also using Linux Mint (18.1, at this time) and I have faced the same issue.
What solved this for me was installing Ipython3 Qt console (that, of course, should be Ipython Qt console if you're using Python 2.x).
In case you have it installed, check if you have the latest version
(In Linux Mint you can do this through Synaptic, aptitude or apt-get.)

Unable to plot graphs in iPython notebook, OSX 10.6

i am trying to get inline graphs working in iPython notebook.. i begin by starting ipython with the command ipython notebook --pylab inline.
when i try to use the plot() function i get the following error
im running on OSX 10.6.8 and running ipython out of a virtualenv i have matplotlib and libpng installed
i also get this warning in the terminal
libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.2.41 but running with 1.5.13
and plot() works normally when i use ipython in the terminal only when i use ipython notebook i get this error.. can someone help me with this..?
I had this problem as well. Another solution is to change the format which the notebook will render images in, from 'png' to 'svg'. This can be done in your config file. Mine is located at:
There is a line that looks like this
# c.InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png'
Uncommenting and changing to 'svg' did the trick for me:
c.InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
This recent question on this board is similar to yours: matplotlib and libpng issues with ipython notebook
See if the solution there solves your issue.
so i finally got this working..
first off i had to get all my outdated ports updated
first i did port selfupdate
then sudo port update outdated
after that i reinstalled ipython using mac ports
sudo port install py27-ipython
then i had to install tornado and pyzmq respectively as ipython depends on it
sudo port install py27-tornado
sudo port install py27-zmq
and then ran it from the terminal
ipython notebook --pylab inline
everything works fine now i can plot maps inline in ipython!
i guess the reason it didnt work before was some problems with pip maybe its installing matplotlib that is build only for libpng 1.2.41 ??... so anyways if anyone else faces this problem id suggest reinstalling all the libraries and ipython via mac ports thats the only thing that worked for me.
Since it was complaining that the versions of libpng used for building and for running are different, I have reinstalled the matplotlib by forcing the path to includes.
CFLAGS="`libpng-config --cflags`" pip install matplotlib -I