Sprite Kit physicsBody loses consistency during rotation - zrotation - sprite-kit

I have this classic situation of a pinball game
All objects are physicsBody with rights collision masks and so on.. they collide perfectly.
The problem is that they only work when they are static...If I try to rotate a paddle on its anchorpoint, there is no collision with the ball and the ball falls down, passing through the paddle.
I thought it was a problem of speed but I think that during the rotation the physicsBody simply doesn't work.
Do you have suggestions?
Thank you so much.

That's exactly the problem you get when rotating a static body, it's not going to act physically correct.
For example static bodies have no force, no velocity - if you move or rotate it, it will just be there at the new position and new rotation without pushing any dynamic bodies around. Only if a dynamic body now happens to be intersecting with the static body will the physics engine try to resolve the collision, usually in a brute-force manner (aka "get me outta here").
Therefore the paddle has to be dynamic if you want it to move, accelerate and spin the ball. Both paddle and ball may need to have continuous collision detection enabled as to not lose any precision in the paddle motion applied to the ball, and vice versa.


It is impossible to implement accurate collisions in 3D SpriteRenderers? Is Billboard incompatible with rigidbodies?

I've been having difficulty implementing enemies with a billboarding system for a while:
For a new project I'm reusing some animated sprites from an old static camera shooter game I made. It consisted of shooting projectiles and hitting enemies advancing towards your position. The enemies were capsules which had an animated plane in front of them.
I wanted to go a step further and make a raycast system that would detect if the impact on a plane is on the alpha part of its texture. I achieved it using a SpriteRenderer and a plane that matched the size of the sprite which receives the impact of the Raycast.
The problem comes with the movement of the enemies. If I use Rigidbodies this conflicts with the plane which detects the impact, since I have to use a non-convex Mesh Collider for RaycastHit.textureCoord (With Convex colliders it doesn't return the correct position). I need Rigidbody based movement for the enemies to push each other when colliding.
I tried using Transform Movement, since the error does not occur, but this allows enemies to pass through each other and occupy the same space.
I started investigating navMesh but I'm not sure if it is possible to avoid collisions.
I started to place a group of trigger colliders on the enemy mimicking the shape of the sprite. But this makes it difficult for me to detect collisions when enemies do certain animations (Some enemies jump diagonally or their animations are a bit jittery).
I would like to keep the impact detection system for the sprite, but maybe there is another way to check the texture at the impact location.
I think my options are:
With rigidbody based movement: separate the animation and hit detection system from the enemy movement. And make the billboarding effect teleport to the object constantly.
With Transform movement: Detect if they are overlapping and move them in opposite direction to the overlapping to simulate the collision.
With motion based navMesh: I'm not sure if it will be useful to me, since the characters jump and I also believe that a Mesh Agent ship cannot simultaneously be an obstacle. I understand that the navMesh cannot be generated in runtime.
Leaving texture based detection and using the trigger colliders group: Animate the colliders to also follow the animations. Or simplify everything to a large collider, losing precision on impact.
-Find an alternative method to detect the impact coordinates in the texture, avoiding using RaycastHit.textureCoord and therefore Mesh Collider. (Although I would like to keep the impact detection system as it is, maybe there is a similar approach for the same result).
The reason I have not yet delved into these solutions is because I would like to keep the system simple. I'm trying to avoid separating the enemy into 2 gameobjects, simulating collisions or animating collider positions. I honestly don't know which way to go in order to move forward with the project.

Floor affects ball force direction

I'm creating a pool game. The ball has a trajectory direction and I move the ball using AddForce. My problem right now is if the ball is touching the floor it's direction will go a little offcourse while if it doesn't touch the floor the direction is pretty accurate. What can be the cause of this? Btw, I have set the angular drag and drag to 0 same as friction
Make sure the floor is using a box collider and not a mesh collider, in case maybe the mesh has some deformities. Check the same for the billiard balls that they are using sphere colliders. It also sounds like maybe the floor could be at a slight angle, so be sure to check the rotation of its GameObject as well as all its parents in the hierarchy.

Unity Camera Bounces with Sphere Animation when trying to apply gravity with Rigidbody

I have an empty Object that has, among other things, a third and first person camera, and a sphere with a bouncing animation attached to it. I'm try to get it so that the sphere experiences gravity, but I'm having a lot of problems.
What I want is gravity on my sphere and the camera to not bounce with the ball.
Here a couple scenarios I've tried, and their outcomes:
1) When I attach a rigid body to the the Sphere (child of the empty Object) with apply root motion true or false, my character experiences no gravity. The ball bounces, but the camera follows the ball without bouncing with the ball. It also follows if i press the space button (to jump) The whole problem is i need gravity to fall back down when i jump. Right now i just go up.
2) When I attach a rigid body to the empty object (the parent), I gain gravity, but now my camera bounces with the ball, and if the ball tumbles and rotates, the camera rotates with it.
Is there a way to get the best of both worlds?
i.e: Ball experiences gravity, but the camera does not. The camera simply follows around the ball from first or third person view without bouncing.
Thanks so much
For me, I would like to create a Vector3D variable to record the offset between the ball and the camera. And you simply add the offset to your camera each time so your camera can chase the ball without bouncing with it.
For example:
Vector3D offset = cameraPos - ballPos;
CameraPos = ballPos + offset;
If you don't want the camera moving with ball's gravity, you can block the change of Y axis.

How to move an object without going through colliders

I'm using Unity and i am doing a pong game. I would like to be able to move the paddles with the mouse key. I have tried just moving their position but that of course will simply "teleport" them through the colliders along the edge of the playing field. I tried using addForce() and making the rigidbody fixed in the x position, however, what happens is when the ball hits the paddle, it pushes it and the paddle snaps back. All of the ball's energy is lost (there is gravity in my game). How can i move this box collider but not let it over lap other box colliders while moving? Thanks!!!
Your paddle should be a kinematic (IsKinematic parameter) rigidbody (attached RigidBody2D) collider while the edges should just be a static collider. But, you should control the limits/edges of paddle movement within your script.
If you do things this way, your ball will naturally bounce of the edges and off your paddle. If, however, you want the ball to pass through the edges but notify you of doing so (e.g. lose condition), you should make the edges a static trigger collider (IsTrigger parameter).
Here's a detailed list with all interactions between different types of colliders: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CollidersOverview.html. The messages generated are passed via 2 different functions: OnTriggerEnter2D and OnCollisionEnter2D.

How to rotate a SKPhysicsBody in SpriteKit with Swift

I am trying to make a brick breaking game with SpriteKit in Swift. To make the paddle I am trying to make it so that there are two SKPhysicBody, one for each half. To control the angle of which the ball bounces off the paddle, I want to rotate the physics body. I tried to use applyAngularImpulse or just applyForce, but they did not work. Is there a way to rotate the physics body??
You can't set the rotation of a physics body. You can however set the rotation of the node that the physics body is attached to. So what you can do is make a dedicated node for your physics body. This node will be invisible, it will only exist for you to rotate.