View database user and password in PgAdmin - postgresql

How do I change a user's password in Postgresql (using PgAdmin) so that I can connect with Rails to the Postgres database using these credentials?
So far: In PgAdmin I right clicked the database name, clicked Create Script and then typed the command:
Question: where exactly in PgAdmin am I able to see the user and password or list of users and passwords? So far I am unable to see this in Db properties --> 'privileges'?? Any tips on other security elements? or something that can be improved in my current methods? Thanks a lot.

In the file "pgpass.conf" in this path:
C:\Users\[User's name]\AppData\Roaming\postgresql

Login roles are common for all databases in a server. You can see them in the bottom of the object browser (left panel).
To execute arbitrary SQL query open Query tool (Ctrl-E) from Tools in main menu or click on icon with 'SQL' (previously you have to select a database).
To change user password execute SQL:
ALTER ROLE username PASSWORD 'newpassword'
ALTER USER is an alias for ALTER ROLE. Read about it in documentation.

Run the query from pgadmin:
SELECT rolname, rolpassword FROM pg_authid;
This requires superuser privileges to protect the password.


Postgres 14.3 created user authentication failed

I am new to this SQL stuff and I recently installed Postgres 14.3 on my windows machine as part of an online learning requirement. I created a database and a user to connect to the database in the following lines from the shell:
postgres=# create database staff;
postgres=# create user Naruto with encrypted password 'secret';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database staff to Naruto;
postgres=# \c staff Naruto;
password for user Naruto:
After inputting the password I get an error message like this
connection to server at "local host" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "Naruto"
Previous connection kept
Whereas the video description from which I am taking tutorials didn't ask for a password prompt but it connected to the database straight up with the designated user.
I have tried numerous suggestions on stack overflow but still, no breakthrough in any way. I'd appreciate any hint because I haven't recorded any progress with my learning recently. Thanks!
The user you created is named "naruto", not "Naruto", because identifiers are case-folded when not inside double quotes. In the \c, however, it is not case folded because at that point is not an identifier, it is more like a command line argument.
Depending on the contents of pg_hba.conf, PostgreSQL might not tell you when you try to login as a nonexistent user. Instead it goes through the motions of authentication, even though authentication is doomed to fail. This is so that an attacker cannot determine which users exist by trying a bunch and looking at the error messages. The real reason for failure is published to the db server's log file, so if you had looked there you should have seen role "Naruto" does not exist.
If you want the user to have a capital letter, put double quotes around the name when you do the CREATE. Alternatively given that you already created the user without the cap, connect to it using the lower-case spelling. And either way, look in the servers log file when you run into problems.
I hope this might help someone in the future. All I had to do was fix the caps for the user I initially created as 'Naruto' and it got executed smoothly.
postgres=# create database staff;
postgres=# create user naruto with encrypted password 'secret';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database staff to naruto;
postgres=# \c staff naruto;

How to reset password in postgresql (psql) for particular role in case when I list the role name it is not exist?

I have installed PostgreSQL for a long time but just currently learning it.
Here is what happened if I run psql in the command prompt
Password for user Vanda Rashq:
Since I forgot the password for the Vanda Rashq role but I remember for the postgres role, I run psql -U postgres.
I tried to list the role by using du command and the result is this:
I also tried using SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles command and yield:
I have tried to follow this tutorial and do ALTER USER "Vanda Rashq" WITH PASSWORD 'new_password'; but it returns ERROR: role "Vanda Rashq" does not exist
My question is, does the "Vanda Rashq" role actually still exist? If yes, how to reset (change) the password in case I forgot the password? If not, how to change the default role when running psql to postgres role
Notes: I have tried to uninstall the PostgreSQL and remove all of the directories but when I try to run psql, it still ask Password for user Vanda Rashq
If the user you're looking for is not listed after calling \du in psql then the user does not exist in the database.
Btw, you could also use a select to retrieve information about database users: select * from pg_catalog.pg_user;
Like #jjanes pointed out you get challenged for a password based on the USER configuration in yourpg_hba.conf (see docs).
For authentication method peer it is stated:
Obtain the client's operating system user name from the operating system and check if it matches the requested database user name.

Export postgres user list to migrate to a new version on GCP

I need to migrate my postgres database to a newer version. For that, I do the dump and restore, without problems. However, users from one instance are not copied to another, as was the case with the dump_all command using local postgres.
How do I export these users to a new installation, thus allowing to migrate my database to a newer version?
This article explains a workaround for Google Cloud for Postgres.
Basically you enable access to the pg_shadow table for the user you login with, e.g. "postgres", by setting the database flag cloudsql.pg_shadow_select_role, then run this query to create a dynamic query to re-create the users with the existing hashed passwords:
SELECT 'CREATE ROLE "'|| usename ||'" NOINHERIT LOGIN PASSWORD '''|| passwd ||''';'
FROM pg_shadow
WHERE usename <> 'postgres' AND usename not ilike 'cloud%' ORDER BY usename ASC
What this can't do is upgrade passwords from md5 to SCRAM automatically. You would have to enter all the passwords manually to do that.
According to the Cloud Sql upgrade documentation you should provide user details manually in a new instance, which implies that tables containing information on users are not getting propagated during the dump and restore.

Fail to connect PostgreSQL DB from my Linux User

I am new to technologies , please do not judge my question too strong :).
I installed in My Ubuntu 18.04 PostgreSQL 10.7. To be able to enter my DB I need to enter the following commands from my terminal. sudo -u postgres psql.
Is there any shortened way where I can connect it from my Ubuntu User account. For example. if I input psql it will open database environment where I can type PostgreSQL commands.
Thank you.
Just execute this command in your terminal :
alias psql='sudo -u postgres psql'
So the next time, you input psql and execute, you will be in database environment.
I see two options:
1) Create alias for this command sudo -u postgres psql .
2) Go to psql and create new superuser and database for it:
You shouldn't be using the superuser account for your normal database work. That is as if you were using root for everything in Linux.
You need to create a regular user with the privileges to create or modify tables in your database. This can be done by granting the user all privileges on the database (which is not the same as making that user a superuser) or make that user the owner of that database.
As documented in the manual psql tries to connect to a database with the name of the current Linux user and with a database user with the name of the current Linux user. So if you want to keep things simple create a user with your regular Linux user's name and an database that is owned by that user:
create user rob password 'somepassword';
create database rob owner = rob;
Assuming your Linux user is rob, then all you need to do is:
and you are connected to a database where you can create and manage tables.
Depending on how you installed Postgres, you might need to adjust pg_hba.conf to allow rob to log in directly.
Again: please do NOT use the superuser account for your normal work.

Setting password for PostgreSQL user doesn't work

I'm stuck.
The task: I need to have a certain Postgres user to own certain database with predefined password. Basically, I just don't want to maintain separate development settings for Django project apart from those present in our project's repo.
Prerequisites: PostgreSQL 9.1 on Ubuntu, database 'project' which has the owner 'project'. The 'project' user is seems to be also superuser, and should have the password 'project'. Of course there are fake names, just because of NDA. Note: I'm able to log in as 'postgres' user, that's how I use the database right now.
The problem: I tried a set of ways, mostly obvious which can be found here on Stackoverflow or in Google, to set a password to this user, but still having 'password authentication failed' message (see below).
What I've tried:
setting up password via PgAdmin
setting up password through ALTER ROLE project WITH PASSWORD 'project'
changing settings in pg_hba.conf, tried local all project peer, local all project md5
Maybe I'm missing something straightforward, please let me know.
Here is a screenshot for this user from login roles pane -
See that part at the bottom of your screenshot:
.. VALID UNTIL '1970-01-01 00:00:00:
or the "Account Expires" field above
That expiration date is wrong and explains why this account can't login.
Presumably you've been bitten by the pgAdmin bug mentioned here:
Postgres password authentication fails
TL;DR solution: ALTER USER username VALID UNTIL 'infinity';
(and of course update pgAdmin).
Is the LOGIN attribute set in your role? CREATE ROLE does not set this attribute by default. See: