netbeans starting of glassfish server is not supported - netbeans

I'm unable to connect/deploy/run any app on a remote GlassFish server (4.0) and have been fighting this for a few days now.
Locally I'm running Windows 8, and I've tried with NetBeans 7.3 and 8.0. I have both Java 7.25 and 8 installed locally. The remote GF server is version 4.0 build 89, on a multihomed Windows 8 machine, Java 7 25 with remote administration enabled in Glassfish. I also have HTTP running at port 8888 rather than 8080 because of conflicts with other apps on the server.
At some point in the past I have been able to connect remotely via NB but not recently and I'm not totally sure what has changed. I'm unaware of any changes on the server.
I am no longer able to get the "+" next to Glassfish server in NetBeans, I cannot deploy/run/debug app on remote Glassfish server.
When I attempt to Deploy I receive the following deployment error:
Starting of server My Server is not supported. Please, start the server manually. See the server log for details.
Unfortunately, the server log doesn't have any errors relating to this. The only thing I see is the typical expired certificate.
Just to verify that I really was connecting, I looked at Fiddler and received the following:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 22:08:00 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Signature-Version: 1.0
message: V3 cannot process this command at this time, please wait
use-main-children-attribute: false
exit-code: FAILURE
Connecting via web browser works fine to both the administration console as well as apps I have running at port 8888. I can load files via web interface, but not via NetBeans.
I originally had the problem with only Java 7 and Netbeans 7.3 but decided to upgrade both hoping that there might be some intermittent but that was fixed. However, that does not appear to be the case.
Any suggestions or thoughts?

I used this commands and it worked
Navigate to bin folder in GlassFish installation folder and do:
./asadmin start-domain
./asadmin change-admin-password
Setup the new admin password
./asadmin enable-secure-admin
Use the admin and password you have just configured
./asadmin stop-domain
./asadmin start-domain

Okay. I think I found the culprit. I did a system restore to just before the last MS critical update and now I can connect! I'm not sure if it was only the MS update versus an couple of Visual Studio SDKs that were added but after days of trying to figure this out, it's finally working again. PTL.

I encounter with the same issue. Problem solved by setting password for admin and enable secure admin. Use the following command would help:
Please notice that the default user name is admin, default password is empty(just press enter).
Enter user name and the new password you have just set.


Manage to connect through the terminal, but not through the remote explorer

I am coming from notepad, and am learning how to work with VS Code.
I am now trying to access my online repertory on the webserver.
I followed up the guide here:
I did manage to access my server through the terminal window.
(ssh user#domain + password).
When connecting, this shows in the log:
"Linux infong-eu27 4.4.246-icpu-061 #2 SMP Thu Nov 26 10:58:41 UTC 2020 x86_64"
This tells me that it is working on Linux.
If I type "Ls", I can see my folders and navigate among them.
So far, so good!
Second phase: Connecting through the remote explorer.
Step 1:
I configured the ssh with the same credentials I used with the terminal.
Step 2:
I am opening the remote explorer, I can see my server's name. I right click on it and select "connect".
Step 3:
I am then asking to choose the system. I am picking Linux as shown earlier when connecting through the terminal.
Step 4: I am entering the same password I used before to connect in the terminal.
Step 5: Infinite loading, or a very long one till I get 2 notifications / errors:
Could not fetch remote environment
Failed to connect to the remote extension host (error time limit..)
That being said, it also says in the bottom left corner, in the "remote window", that I am connected. This does not seems right.
Any chance someone could help?
I am frustrated because it connects in 1s using the terminal, but not in the remote explorer.
I found this article on medium that paraphrases the official documentation.
I managed, through Git bash, to create a ssh pair key, and managed to copy one on my server.
I then followed the instructions on how to set it up on VS Code successfully!
Now, when I try to connect, I am asked for my key pass:
But, when I do: super long loading, and the same error message.
When I looked on my server with a sftp software, I see that VS did manage to connect as files were installed in a VS folder it created:
This is reported in issue 4415 (no answer) and issue 4204
The last one includes:
This might be caused by our new automatic port forwarding feature which scans the remote OS for available ports in order to forward them locally (microsoft/vscode#112843)
This is fixed by PR 113342, for the next 1.54 Feb. 2021 release. That bug is about setting remote.autoForwardPorts to false and... still seeing VSCode auto-forward ports!
Check on your server (while VSCode attempts to connect) if:
the CPU is high
if there are any services running on public port on said server
I solved a similar issue by following the error logs from the remote ssh extension. I had to install libatomic1 on the remote server with
sudo apt-get install libatomic1

Having issue with Tomcat when I run in a eclipse

I am novice in java I have installed Tomcat and it runs fine in a browser but when I run in a eclipse its showing error like
Several ports (8005, 8282, 8009) required by Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).
I would like to mention one thing I am not authorized to login with admin account I have tried lot to stop the already running stuff through command prompt and i followed this link Deployment error: Starting of tomcat fail
however I am getting the same error is there any way to solve this issue.
Thank You.
Some other process is using one or more of the ports needed by tomcat (8005, 8282, 8009). Probably an old instance of tomcat. Kill it, then try again.
You can run netstat -abn on windows or netstat -apn on Linux to figure out which process is listening to these ports.

Netbeans IDE8 Glassfish 4, GlassFish Server: Administrator port is occupied by null

I just downloaded Netbeans IDE7 with the Glassfish 4.
I just made a project to test it out and see how it goes, and I got this error right from the start:
Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
[location]: Deployment error: Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
I have reinstalled it three times, with the Glassfish and without and then later add it to Netbeans, i changed the domain.xml name="admin-listener" port="4848" to something different
i did this cmd code netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING" and closed the programm.
i ran as administrator i think i did almost everyting but it wont simply run, and it keeps returning to the same error
usually i would have given up but this software is required for a school project.
i will try everything.
i hope someone can help me.
Thx in advance
You have to find the process that has taken the port you need. You can try finding it by running the terminal with the command:
netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING"
Find the information you need and than kill the process with specific PID in Task Manager.
I hope you find this useful,
A few points:
Why not download NetBeans 8 that also includes GlassFish 4?
Assuming that you have successfully figured out that no other process is listening on port 4848, then Which version of the JDK are you using? Can you try JDK 7 if you are using JDK 8?
Looks like you are not alone - see NetBeans bug 237477.
Note that this isn't the only problem. I run on a Mac and can use the asadmin start command successfully on the remote server. IF I try to start it from NetBeans, it gives me this message.
One hint might be that the domain.xml file is set so that the listening port is 9090, the properties screen for the remote server, which I entered 9090 for, tells me the HTTP port is 23043. I can't edit it. Everytime I try to create that remote server it sets it to this value. The server will run fine if I start it by hand on the remote server, but NetBeans doesn't think it is running.
This occurs because I had to select domain2 because NetBeans says domain1 is already registered on my local machine. I wanted to have a local domain1 and a remote domain1 that are identical so I can test locally, and then deploy remotely.
This error message could be misleading, because it is the same when IP adress of glassfish server in netbeans settings is wrong (not port).
By my experience with this over win 8.1 + Netbeans 8.0 + Glassfish 4.0
The problem resides in permission of folder in windows that block the server execution
I solve the problem changing the permission of the glassfish/domain/domain1 folder for xxxx/user to totalcontrol
If this not solve your problem, try launch the server over console:
asadmin start-domain --verbose
And read the exceptions to try solve the problem.
Reading other post to try help:
like this: Glassfish server started failed in netbeans 6.9
Or check your firewall:
allow >> C:\Program
In my case when using the command
netstat -aon | find ":4848" | find "LISTENING"
I noticed that one process was occupying this port. When checked what it was I noticed it was VMWare NAT controller, because I previously had configured a network adapter to listen to this port.
Just stopped all VMWare related services (in my case I didn't need them for development purposes), and solved the problem.
Go to Task Manager -> Services -> Stop Process whose PID IS 3136,2268,2468 ,23.... and near Range in PID. All processes near to the web server's PID.
It works for me on Windows 8.1 pro & Windows 7.
I had the same error message.
Turned out it was caused because my firewall blocked port 4848
May be late but I solved this issue by deleting the app server from the Netbeans and by adding it again. In my case Netbeans 8.2 and Payara 4.1 instead of Glassfish.
If you changed the host of Glassfish server then set it to localhost it should work.

localhost on WAMP gives "Unable to connect"

I have installed WAMP (Version 2.2 32 bit) on Windows XP SP 3. After installation, I get a "Unable to connect" message when I open localhost on Firefox.
Could someone point me to the direction of resolving this.
Have you also checked your HOSTS file
It should have this line in it ( not commented ) localhost
If you see this line, without a comment
::1 localhost
either comment it out (add a # in col1) or remove it completely.
This is a IPV6 version of localhost and is not really required yet, but MS decided to be ready for IPV6 and add it to the hosts file.
Your WAMP Server might be offline. So,click on the Wamp icon in System tray and select 'Put Online'. Hope that ll resolve the problem .
The problem is perhaps too localized. Since I was trying it on Windowx XP Service Pack 3, and most new applications are probably giving up comprehensive support for Windows XP as its support is about to be dropped by Microsoft itself. A solution to the problem may not eventually exist.
I tried XAMPP and that worked for me.

Can't stop or restart JBoss AS 4.2.3 as a service in Fedora

i have a little issue with a Jboss AS 4.2.3 . I'm developing an application in Seam so i'm using Jboss as server. In the client company they have a Jboss AS 4.2.3 installed on Fedora and configured as a service, so it starts automatically on boot machine with PostgreSQL. So, if i run chkconfig --list i can see Jboss here as a service.
But the problem is when i try to restart, stop or start this service (i have root permissions) using this command:
service jboss stop/restart
But i don't know what happens that looks like it doesn't find the Jboss AS instance that's running because i get this message:
JOBSS_CMD_START = cd /opt/java/jboss/bin; /opt/java/jboss/bin/ -c default
No JBossas is currently running
But it's running because if i enter localhost:8080 on a browser it loads the Jboss page. The server admin of the company doesn't know also why the service can't restart or stop or start and only i know that he followed this tutorial to install and configure JBoss AS:
Also, i tried with
/etc/init.d/jboss stop
And i get the same output. If i use
/opt/java/jboss/bin/ -c default
It tries to start a second instance of Jboss AS but it gives me errors because is trying to use the same ports as already started Jboss instance.
And it's difficult to me because i'm connecting remotely using Teamviewer and i want to deploy an EAR but i can't because i can't restart the service to extract the ear. So i wanna ask you for help if you know why the Jboss AS that's running can't be stopped or started using service jboss stop.
As aditional info, i'm using the config to access Jboss apps from other machines (using and the server has a static IP. The config of my hosts file is this: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 entertechserver.localdomain entertechserver
#::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
Well, i think that i found the answer. The server admin copy the script to /etc/init.d/ but we saw that there's another script named that i think is optimized for redhat/fedora systems, so we used this script to copy to /etc/init.d/ and it works!! Now when i stop it gives me the next output:
JBOSS_CMD_START = cd /opt/java/jboss/bin; /opt/java/jboss/bin/ -c default -b
waiting for processes to stop
Really i haven't seen the difference between both scripts yet but it will be intersting to take a look.