Matlab extractHOG function - matlab

After taking the HOG of a whole image, and taking the HOG of a 32x32 section, comparing the same location from the whole image HOG and the 32x32 HOG they are not the same. Is there a way to set the parameters; so, I can make the two HOGs equal?

To make the HOG feature length same for different images with different sizes, you need to resize them to the same size first. Resize them to 32x32, for your example.


If the size of input image is different from the size of images used for training, does that impact the end segmentation/accuracy?

I am doing a project for uni where i am detecting an object with U-net and then calculating the width of the object. I trained my U-net on images of size 300x300. Now i got to a point where i want to improve the accuracy of the width measurement, and for that reason i want to input images of larger size(600x600 lets say) into the model. Does this difference in size(training on 300x300, and using on 600x600) impact the overall segmentation quality?
I'm guessing it does but am not sure.

Rectified images of same size as the initial ones

I want to rectify a stereo image pair in MATLAB. To rectify, I use the following call:
[J1,J2] = rectifyStereoImages(I1,I2, cameraParamsStereo);
If I do this, then I only get the so called valid part of each image which is smaller than the initial image size. If I specify the argument OutputView as full, then I get rectified images which are larger than the original ones.
Is there a way to get rectified images that have the same size as the original ones?
It is possible in principle, but rectifyStereoImages does not support this.

Fully Convolution Networks with Varied inputs

I have a fully convolutional neural network, U-Net, which can be read below.
I want to use it to do pixelwise classification of images. I have my training images available in two sizes: 512x512 and 768x768. I am using reflection padding of size (256,256,256,256) in the former in the initial step, and (384,384,384,384) in the latter. I do successive padding before convolutions, to get output of the size of input.
But since my padding is dependant on the image/input's size, I can't build a generalised model (I am using Torch).
How is the padding done in such cases?
I am new to deep learning, any help would be great. Thanks.
Your model will only accept images of the size of the first layer. You have to pre-process all of them before forwarding them to the network. In order to do so, you can use:
image.scale(img, width, height, 'bilinear')
img will be the image to scale, width and heightthe size of the first layer of your model (if I'm not mistaken it is 572*572), 'bilinear' is the algorithm it is going to use to scale the image.
Keep in mind that it might be necessary to extract the mean of the image or to change it to BGR (depending on how the model was trained).
The first thing to do is to process all of your images to be the same size. The CONV layer input requires all images to be of the specified dimensions.
Caffe allows you a reshape within the prototxt file; in Torch, I think there's a comparable command you can drop at the front of createModel, but I don't recall the command name. If not, then you'll need to do it outside the model flow.

MATLAB: How do I resize (connected) components in a 3D binary image sequence without changing the dimensions of the sequence?

I'd like to resize the components contained in a 3D binary image sequence without changing any of the dimensions of the sequence itself.
I'm not sure if I need to do it on a component-by-component basis, if yes, then how do I create a transform such that the resized components are re-positioned 'correctly' in the image sequence? By 'correctly', I mean with the same centre of mass as the original unprocessed components.
(If that last paragraph doesn't make sense then please ignore)
A 2D example: suppose I wanted to enlarge by 10% the white blobs in the following [295x445] image
How would you do this without making the image itself larger?
you could use the imdilate function to dilate the regions of interest. The examples in the webpage show how to use this function.

Why smaller PNG image takes up more space than the original after getting resized by GraphicsMagic

The original PNG image is 800x1200 and takes up about 34K. After the images is resized by GraphicsMagick to 320x480 size, the resulting images takes up approximately 37K. (For comparison, if the image is resized with Paint on Windows 7 then the resulting image is 40K.) What gives? The whole point of resizing an image was to save space. How should GraphicsMagick be used to shrink the image size?
PNG is a lossless format and compresses the image data by first performing a step called prediction and then applying the same algorithm used in zlib. The prediction step is a crucial one in order to effectively compress the file, and it is based on the values of earlier neighbors pixels.
So, suppose you have a large PNG in black & white (by that I really mean only black and white, some people confuse that by grayscale sometimes). Also suppose it is not a tiny checkerboard pattern. In many regions of this image, you will have a relatively large white region, and then a relatively large black region, and so on. When the predictor is inside one of these large regions, it has no trouble to correctly predict that the current pixel intensity is exactly equal to the last one. This makes it easier to better compress the data describing your image.
Now, let us downscale this black & white image using some resampling filter different than nearest neighbor (let's say Lanczos). This has a great chance to turn your black & white image into a grayscale one, which has a much greater intensity range. This potentially makes the job of the predictor much harder, and thus the final file size might be larger.
For instance here is a black & white 256x256 PNG image which takes 5440 bytes, a resizing of it (using 3-lobed Lanczos) to 120x120 which now takes 7658 bytes, and another resizing (using nearest neighbor) to 120x120 which occupies 2467 bytes.
PNG is a compressed format. Sometimes trying to compress a maximally compressed item actually results in a larger item. So if the 800x1200 is resized to a smaller size, but the result retains everything that was in the original, because the original is already as minimal as possible, you could see this happen. To demonstrate this, try using 7zip to compress some data with ultra compression. Then try compressing the compressed file. Often the second compressed file will be larger than the first.