Perl kill hang application - perl

I have a Perl script that run automatic tests on Windows.
It gets a directory as parameter and run each one of the exe files in it 3 times ( each time with different arguments )
The only problem I have is that sometimes the exe file may hangs for a long time or even crash.
I’m not sure how to handle this with Perl, do I must use fork for this ?
I tried using several examples like this: Perl fork and kill - kill(0, $pid) always returns 1, and can't kill the child but could not understand where should I embed the exe I need to run in the examples also assuming I need to run the exe under the child, if the child process is killed does it also kill the exe ?
If you know any Perl fork for Dummies tutorial...


Need to abort a perl script (make it die) - from another script.

I need to abort a Perl script which is running in the background from another script.
Many perl scripts run on our machine. I need to abort one of the them on request. All I will know is the name of the perl script to abort. I need to abort that one particular script without affecting other processes.
I tried killing it using PID/Image Name but it did not work for the below reasons,
1)I do not know the PID of the script (as it runs from a trigger)
2)The script runs in the background, so the image name is always perl.exe and hence if image name is used , it kills all the other perl tasks as well.
I tried to get the perl script name from the 'windows title' and hence the corresponding PID, but it always shows 'NA'.
I even tried to delete the perl script(as I know the name and location) but it also did not work, as it runs the entire script from the memory (even though it is deleted)
Please help me with some options to kill the running perl, from another script.
Your script may write its pid to special file for another script to use.

Odd behavior with Perl system() command

Note that I'm aware that this is probably not the best or most optimal way to do this but I've run into this somewhere before and I'm curious as to the answer.
I have a perl script that is called from an init that runs and occasionally dies. To quickly debug this, I put together a quick wrapper perl script that basically consists of
#$path set from library call.
system("$path/ " . join(" ",#ARGV) . " >>/var/log/outlog 2>&1");
sleep 30; #Added this one later. See below...
Fire this up from the command line and it runs fine and as expected. is called and the script basically halts there until the child process dies then goes around again.
However, when called from a start script (actually via start-stop-daemon), the system command returns immediately, leaving running. Then it goes around for another go. And again and again. (This was not fun without the sleep command.). ps reveals the parent of (the many) to be 1 rather than the id of the wrapper script (which it is when I run from the command line).
Anyone know what's occurring?
Maybe the is not being run successfully. Maybe the file doesn't have execute permission (do you need to say perl Maybe you are running the command from a different directory than you thought, and the file isn't found.
There are at least three things you can check:
standard error output of your command. For now you are swallowing it by saying 2>&1. Remove that part and observe what errors the system command produces.
the return value of system. The command may run and system may still return an exit code, but if system returns 0, you know the command was successful.
Perl's error variable $!. If there was a problem, Perl will set $!, which may or may not be helpful.
To summarize, try:
my $ec = system(" >> /var/log/outlog");
if ($ec != 0) {
warn "exit code was $ec, \$! is $!";
Update: if multiple instance of the command keep showing up in your ps output, then it sounds like the program is forking and running itself in the background. If that is indeed what the command is supposed to do, then what you do NOT want to do is run this command in an endless loop.
Perhaps when run from a deamon the "system" command is using a different shell than the one used when you are running as yourself. Maybe the shell used by the daemon does not recognize the >& construct.
Instead of system("..."), try exec("...") function if that works for you.

Why doesn't my shell script work when I run it from Perl?

I have this command that I load ( works well in the unix command line.
However, if I execute it in Perl using the system or ` syntax, it doesn't work.
I am guessing certain settings like environment variables and other external sh files weren't loaded.
Is there an example coding to ensure it will work?
More Updates on coding execution failure (I have been trying with different codes):
push (#JOBSTORUN, "cd $a/$b/$c/$d; loadproject cats; sleep 60;");
my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(3);
foreach my $job (#JOBSTORUN) {
$pm->start and next;
Output Messages:
sh: loadproject: command not found
Can you show us what you have tried so far? How are you running this program?
My first suspicion wouldn't be the environment if you are running it from a login shell. any Perl script you start (well, any program, really) inherits the same environment. However, if you are running the program through cron, then that's a different story.
The other mistakes I usually make in these situations is specifying the relative paths incorrectly. The paths are fine from the command line, but my Perl script has some other current working directory.
For general advice, see Interact with the system when Perl isn't enough. There's also a chapter in Learning Perl about this.
That's about the best advice you can hope for given the very limited information you've shared with us.

how to use a shell script to supervise a program?

I've searched around but haven't quite found what I'm looking for. In a nutshell I have created a bash script to run in a infinite while loop, sleeping and checking if a process is running. The only problem is even if the process is running, it says it is not and opens another instance.
I know I should check by process name and not process id, since another process could jump in and take the id. However all perl programs are named Perl5.10.0 on my system, and I intend on having multiple instances of the same perl program open.
The following "if" always returns false, what am I doing wrong here???
while true; do
if [ ps -p $pid ]; then
echo "Program running fine"
sleep 10
echo "Program being restarted\n"
perl &
sleep 5
read -r pid < "${filename}_pid.txt"
Get rid of the square brackets. It should be:
if ps -p $pid; then
The square brackets are syntactic sugar for the test command. This is an entirely different beast and does not invoke ps at all:
if test ps -p $pid; then
In fact that yields "-bash: [: -p: binary operator expected" when I run it.
Aside from the syntax error already pointed out, this is a lousy way to ensure that a process stays alive.
First, you should find out why your program is dying in the first place; this script doesn't fix a bug, it tries to hide one.
Secondly, if it is so important that a program remain running, why do you expect your (at least once already) buggy shell script will do the job? Use a system facility that is specifically designed to restart server processes. If you say what platform you are using and the nature of your server process. I can offer more concrete advice.
added in response to comment:
Sure, there are engineering exigencies, but as the OP noted in the OP, there is still a bug in this attempt at a solution:
I know I should check by process name
and not process id, since another
process could jump in and take the id.
So now you are left with a PID tracking script, not a process "nanny". Although the chances are small, the script as it now stands has a ten second window in which
the "monitored" process fails
I start up my week long emacs process which grabs the same PID
the nanny script continues on blissfully unaware that its dependent has failed
The script isn't merely buggy, it is invalid because it presumes that PIDs are stable identifiers of a process. There are ways that this could be better handled even at the shell script level. The simplest is to never detach the execution of perl from the script since the script is doing nothing other than watching the subprocess. For example:
while true ; do
if perl ; then
echo "program_name terminated normally, restarting"
echo "oops program_name died again, restarting"
Which is not only shorter and simpler, but it actually blocks for the condition that you are really interested in: the run-state of the perl program. The original script repeatedly checks a bad proxy indication of the run state condition (the PID) and so can get it wrong. And, since the whole purpose of this nanny script is to handle faults, it would be bad if it were faulty itself by design.
I totally agree that fiddling with the PID is nearly always a bad idea. The while true ; do ... done script is quite good, however for production systems there a couple of process supervisors which do exactly this and much more, e.g.
enable you to send signals to the supervised process (without knowing it's PID)
check how long a service has been up or down
capturing its output and write it to a log file
Examples of such process supervisors are daemontools or runit. For a more elaborate discussion and examples see Init scripts considered harmful. Don't be disturbed by the title: Traditional init scripts suffer from exactly the same problem like you do (they start a daemon, keep it's PID in a file and then leave the daemon alone).
I agree that you should find out why your program is dying in the first place. However, an ever running shell script is probably not a good idea. What if this supervising shell script dies? (And yes, get rid of the square braces around ps -p $pid. You want the exit status of ps -p $pid command. The square brackets are a replacement for the test command.)
There are two possible solutions:
Use cron to run your "supervising" shell script to see if the process you're supervising is still running, and if it isn't, restart it. The supervised process can output it's PID into a file. Your supervising program can then cat this file and get the PID to check.
If the program you're supervising is providing a service upon a particular port, make it an inetd service. This way, it isn't running at all until there is a request upon that port. If you set it up correctly, it will terminate when not needed and restart when needed. Takes less resources and the OS will handle everything for you.
That's what kill -0 $pid is for. It returns success if a process with pid $pid exists.

How can I pause Perl processing without hard-coding the duration?

I have a Perl script that contains this code snippet, which calls the system shell to get some files by SFTP and unzip them with WinZip:
# Run script to get files from remote server
system "exec_SFTP.vbs";
# Unzip any files that were retrieved
foreach $zipFile (<*.zip>) {
system "wzunzip $zipFile";
Even if some files are retrieved, they are never unzipped, because by the time the files are retrieved and the SFTP connection is closed, the Perl script has already completed the unzip step, with the result that it doesn't find anything to unzip.
My short-term fix is to insert
before the unzip step, but that assumes that the SFTP connection will finish within 60 seconds, which may sometimes be a gross over-estimate, and other times an under-estimate.
Is there a more sound way to cause Perl to pause until the SFTP connection is closed before proceeding with the unzip step?
Edit: Responders have questioned (and reasonably so) the use of a VB script rather than having Perl do the file transfer. It has to do with security -- the VB script is maintained by others and is authorized to do the SFTP.
Check the code in your *.vbs file. The system function waits for the child process to finish before execution continues. It appears that your *.vbs file is forking a background task to do the FTP and returning immediately.
In a perfect world your script would be rewritten to use Net::SFTP::Foreign and Archive::Extract..
An ugly quick-hackish kind of way might be to create a touch-file before your first system call, alter your sftp-fetching script to delete the file once it is done and have a while like so
while(-e 'touch.file') {
sleep 5;
# foreach [...]
Of course, you would need to take care if your .vbs fails and leaves the touchfile undeleted and many other bad side effects. This would be for a quick solution (if none of the other suggestions work) until you get the time to rewrite without system() calls.
You need a way for Perl to wait until the SFTP transfer is done, but as your script is currently written, Perl has no way of knowing this. (It looks like you're combining at least two scripting languages and a (GUI?) SFTP client; this can work, but it's not exactly reliable or robust. Why use VBscript to start the SFTP transfer?)
I can think of four options:
Your Perl script could do the SFTP transfer itself, using something like CPAN's Net::SFTP module, rather than spawning an external job whose status it cannot track.
Your Perl script could spawn a command-line SFTP utility (like PSFTP) that doesn't return until the transfer is done.
Or change exec_SFTP.vbs script to not return until the transfer is done.
If you're currently using a graphical SFTP client and can't switch for whatever reason, I'd recommend using a scripting language like AutoIt instead of Perl. AutoIt has features to wait for windows to change state and so on, so it could more easily monitor for an activity's completion.
Options 1 or 2 would be the most robust and reliable.
The best I can suggest is modifying exec_SFTP.vbs to exit only after the file transfer is complete. system waits for the program it called to complete, so that should solve your problem:
system LIST
Does exactly the same thing as "exec LIST", except
that a fork is done first, and the parent process
waits for the child process to complete.
If you can't modify the vbs script to stay alive until it terminates, you may be able to track subprocess creation. If you get subprocess ids, you can monitor them thereby know when the vbs' various offspring terminate.
Win32::Process::Info lets you get a subprocess ids from a running process.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but why not just use the Net::SFTP and Archive::Extract Perl modules to download and unzip the files?
system will not return until the shell it's running the command in has returned; this may be wrong for launching graphical programs and file associations.
See if any of the following help?
system('cscript exec_SFTP.vbs');
use Win32::Process;
use Win32;
Win32::Process::Create(my $proc, 'wscript.exe',
'wscript exec_SFTP.vbs', 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, '.');
Have a look at IPC::Open3
IPC::Open3 - open a process for reading, writing, and error handling using open3()