Perceptron with sigmoid stuck in local Minimum (WEKA) - neural-network

I know that usually you don't have local minima in the error surface using a perceptron (no hidden layers) with linear output. But is it possible to get stuck in local minima with a perceptron using a sigmoid function since it is not linear?
I'm using the functions.MultilayerPerceptron in WEKA (uses a sigmoid activation function and Backpropagation) with no hidden layers. I train it on a linearly separable dataset with 4 different classes. When I change the seed for the random generator (used for the initial weights of the nodes) most of the time it classifies only 60% right (it doesn't fully learn the target concept). But I found a specific seed where it classifies 90% right (which is the optimum). I already played with momentum, training time and learning rate but it doesn't change anything. It seems like it gets stuck in a local minimum..
or what else could be the explanation?
I'm thankful for any help

Simgoid activation function changes nothing, this is still a linear model. So there is no local optima. The only reason for wrong behavior is some weird stopping criterion and/or errors in data processing/methdo implementation.


ANN: Approximating non-linear function with neural network

I am learning to build neural networks for regression problems. It works well approximating linear functions. Setup with 1-5–1 units with linear activation functions in hidden and output layers does the trick and results are fast and reliable. However, when I try to feed it simple quadratic data (f(x) = x*x) here is what happens:
With linear activation function, it tries to fit a linear function through dataset
And with TANH function it tries to fit a a TANH curve through the dataset.
This makes me believe that the current setup is inherently unable to learn anything but a linear relation, since it's repeating the shape of activation function on the chart. But this may not be true because I've seen other implementations learn curves just perfectly. So I may be doing something wrong. Please provide your guidance.
About my code
My weights are randomized (-1, 1) inputs are not normalized. Dataset is fed in random order. Changing learning rate or adding layers, does not change the picture much.
I've created a jsfiddle,
the place to play with is this function:
function trainingSample(n) {
return [[n], [n]];
It produces a single training sample: an array of an input vector array and a target vector array.
In this example it produces an f(x)=x function. Modify it to be [[n], [n*n]] and you've got a quadratic function.
The play button is at the upper right, and there also are two input boxes to manually input these values. If target (right) box is left empty, you can test the output of the network by feedforward only.
There is also a configuration file for the network in the code, where you can set learning rate and other things. (Search for var Config)
It's occurred to me that in the setup I am describing, it is impossible to learn non–linear functions, because of the choice of features. Nowhere in forward pass we have input dependency of power higher than 1, that's why I am seeing a snapshot of my activation function in the output. Duh.

Initial weights causing stagnation in XOR function learning-neural network

I have a neural network with 2 entry variables, 1 hidden layer with 2 neurons and the output layer with one output neuron. When I start with some randomly (from 0 to 1) generated weights, the network learns the XOR function very fast and good, but in other cases, the network NEVER learns the XOR function! Do you know why this happens and how can I overcome this problem? Could some chaotic behaviour be involved? Thanks!
This is quite normal situation, because error function for multilayer NN is not convex, and optimization converges to local minimum.
You can just keep initial weights that resulted in successful optimization, or run optimizer multiple times starting from different weights, and keep the best solution. Optimization algorithm and learning rate also plays certain role, for example backpropagation with momentum and/or stochastic gradient descent sometimes work better. Also, if you add more neurons, beyond the minimum needed to learn XOR, this also helps.
There exist methodologies designed to find global minimum, such as simulated annealing, but, in practice they are not commonly used for NN optimization, except for some specific cases

Replicator Neural Network for outlier detection, Step-wise function causing same prediction

In my project, one of my objectives is to find outliers in aeronautical engine data and chose to use the Replicator Neural Network to do so and read the following report on it ( and am having a slight understanding issue with the step-wise function (page 4, figure 3) and the prediction values due to it.
The explanation of a replicator neural network is best described in the above report but as a background the replicator neural network I have built works by having the same number of outputs as inputs and having 3 hidden layers with the following activation functions:
Hidden layer 1 = tanh sigmoid S1(θ) = tanh,
Hidden layer 2 = step-wise, S2(θ) = 1/2 + 1/(2(k − 1)) {summation each variable j} tanh[a3(θ −j/N)]
Hidden Layer 3 = tanh sigmoid S1(θ) = tanh,
Output Layer 4 = normal sigmoid S3(θ) = 1/1+e^-θ
I have implemented the algorithm and it seems to be training (since the mean squared error decreases steadily during training). The only thing I don't understand is how the predictions are made when the middle layer with the step-wise activation function is applied since it causes the 3 middle nodes' activations to be become specific discrete values (e.g. my last activations on the 3 middle were 1.0, -1.0, 2.0 ) , this causes these values to be forward propagated and me getting very similar or exactly the same predictions every time.
The section in the report on page 3-4 best describes the algorithm but i have no idea what i have to do to fix this, i don't have much time either :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I'm facing the problem of implementing this algorithm and here is my insight into the problem that you might have had: The middle layer, by utilizing a step-wise function, is essentially performing clustering on the data. Each layer transforms the data into a discrete number which could be interpreted as a coordinate in a grid system. Imagine we use two neurons in the middle layer with step-wise values ranging from -2 to +2 in increments of 1. This way we define a 5x5 grid where each set of features will be placed. The more steps you allow, the more grids. The more grids, the more "clusters" you have.
This all sounds good and all. After all, we are compressing the data into a smaller (dimensional) representation which then is used to try to reconstruct into the original input.
This step-wise function, however, has a big problem on itself: back-propagation does not work (in theory) with step-wise functions. You can find more about this in this paper. In this last paper they suggest switching the step-wise function with a ramp-like function. That is, to have almost an infinite amount of clusters.
Your problem might be directly related to this. Try switching the step-wise function with a ramp-wise one and measure how the error changes throughout the learning phase.
By the way, do you have any of this code available anywhere for other researchers to use?

Radial Basis Function

I am trying to make a simple radial basis function network (RBFN) for regression. I have a 20 dimensional (feature) dataset with over 600 samples. I need the final network to output 1 scalar value for each 20 dimensional sample.
Note: new to machine learning...and feel like I am missing an important concept here.
With the perceptron we can, and I have, trained a linear network until the prediction error is at a minimum using a small subset of the initial samples.
Is there a similar process with the RBFN?
Yes there is,
The main two differences between a multi-layer perceptron and a RBFN are the fact that a RBFN usually implies just one layer and that the activation function is a gaussian instead of a sigmoid.
The training phase can be done using gradient descend of the error loss function, so it is relatively simple to implement.
Keep in mind that RBFN is a linear combination of RBF units, so the range of the output is limited and you would need to transform it if you need an scalar outside of that range.
There is a few of resources that you could consult as reference:
[PDF] (
[Wikipedia] (
[Wolfram] (
Hope it helps,

Does it make sense to use an "activation function cocktail" for approximating an unknown function through a feed-forward neural network?

I just started playing around with neural networks and, as I would expect, in order to train a neural network effectively there must be some relation between the function to approximate and activation function.
For instance, I had good results using sin(x) as an activation function when approximating cos(x), or two tanh(x) to approximate a gaussian. Now, to approximate a function about which I know nothing I am planning to use a cocktail of activation functions, for instance a hidden layer with some sin, some tanh and a logistic function. In your opinion does this make sens?
Thank you,
While it is true that different activation functions have different merits (mainly for either biological plausibility or a unique network design like radial basis function networks), in general you be able to use any continuous squashing function and expect to be able to approximate most functions encountered in real world training data.
The two most popular choices are the hyperbolic tangent and the logistic function, since they both have easily calculable derivatives and interesting behavior around the axis.
If neither if those allows you to accurately approximate your function, my first response wouldn't be to change activation functions. Rather, you should first investigate your training set and network training parameters (learning rates, number of units in each pool, weight decay, momentum, etc.).
If your still stuck, step back and make sure your using the right architecture (feed forward vs. simple recurrent vs. full recurrent) and learning algorithm (back-propagation vs. back-prop through time vs. contrastive hebbian vs. evolutionary/global methods).
One side note: Make sure you never use a linear activation function (except for output layers or crazy simple tasks), as these have very well documented limitations, namely the need for linear separability.