Powershell script to check for disconnected sessions that have been disconnected for more then 12 hours - powershell

I am trying to write a Powershell script that I can schedule to run at 5am to kick disconnected users off my Citrix servers.
I have found this example:
foreach ($_ in get-content servers.txt) {(gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $_).Win32Shutdown(4)}
But am unsure how to edit it to find out if they have been disconnected for more then 12 hours.
If anyone could help that would be awesome.

You could use the Citrix Powershell snapin like below. This script will go through all the sessions in the farm and kick out disconnected ones. You will need to install the Citrix Powershell commands on the box you run this from. Is this for Citrix XenApp 4.5 or higher? Citrix versions below XenApp 4.5 will need to use MFCOM for this but you can still use Powershell.
Add-PSSnapin Citrix.XenApp.Commands
Get-XASession | Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Disconnected" } | Stop-XASession

if the goal is to disconnect users "after" 12 hrs, why dont you implement that in GPO rather than scheduled task?
I usually set GPO to to disconnect user after 2 hrs of idle time, then log out after 30min.


GPO settings to enable termination of a remote process using Powershell

I have a Server 2012 server with a network of windows 7 machines. I am attempting to run the following powershell code to terminate a remote process such as paint.exe:
$computer = 'some-computer'
(Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -ComputerName $computer) | ?{$_ProcessName -ilike 'mspaint*' }).Terminate()
This gives a return value of 2, which is Access Denied. I've found that this is caused by something in the GPO Baseline Windows 7 Policy because when I disable it the command works. I've tried changing dozens of GPO settings that could be related but It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Any ideas on which policy could be blocking access, or what GPO settings would enable access? Thanks!

Powershell: Re-create RDS Remote Apps by Looping?

I'm stumped. I can usually take the output of one powershell command and use it as the input to another powershell command. For example:
Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -MaxSendSize 40MB
This will loop through every mailbox and then set the maximum send size to 40 MB in Exchange 2007.
...but the same doesn't work with get-rdremoteapp and new-rdremoteapp.
Get-RDRemoteApp | new-rdremoteapp -collectionname APPSNEW -connectionbroker edge-1.mydom.local
The goal of this command is that we are preparing to Migrate from a Windows 2012 RDS environment on virtual servers to a Windows 2012 R2 environment on physical servers.
On the virtual 'edge' server, I should be able to get all the RD Remote Apps, loop through them, and then use the 'new-rdremoteapp' command to create them on the new 'edge-1' server.
What actually happens is the command runs and creates the 1st remote app, then exits without an error. It doesn't process the apps in the list.
I think I need to use foreach-object, but after reading the docs and playing around, I can't seem to get it to work.
I couldn't find an easy out. I had to specify a bunch of parameters like so:
Get-RDRemoteApp | foreach-object -process {new-rdremoteapp -collectionname APPSNEW -connectionbroker edge-1.mydom.local -displayname $_.displayname -filepath $_.filepath -alias $_.alias -commandlinesetting $_.commandlinesetting -usergroups $_.usergroups}
Time to find a job that has more bash scripting... ;)

Script to get Windows 7 backup status of multiple client computers and send email if one fails

I have looked around and not found anything about remotely checking Windows 7 backup status.
We have Windows 2008 R2 SBS running our domain with 5 Windows 7 client computers. Each client computer is backing up to a NAS (some programs we have are a huge pain to re-install if a hard drive dies, so we have a system image of each). I would like to run a PowerShell script that checks each client computer for a successful backup and if one has failed, send an email.
What I need help with the most is the part to query each computer for backup status.
There are so many way you can approach this problem. Here is one way:
You can schedule a job on each computer that runs a script which checks the status code of the backup job and if it detects failure send an email.
Now? How do you get the task results? You might use something like this (not tested)
$s = New-Object -com Schedule.Service
$au = $s.getfolder('').gettasks(0) | where {$_.name -match 'automaticbackup'}
if ( $au.LastTaskResult -ne 0) {
##send email
Depending on the version of the PowerShell you can, for example, use 'send-email' cmdlet.
Hope this helps get you started.

Measure 'Idle' time between CTRL-ALT-DEL and user typing in password and loging on -Windows 7

Windows 7 has the built in 'Boot Performance Diagnostics' and judging by the numerous reboots i've done, it does generate every now and then a detailed log on the user's login process and possible slowness.
That is not good enough for what I'm after though.
I want to measure EVERY Boot on a given machine.
There is little information however available on how to force it, except fiddling with registry keys that are System Protected so you don't tamper with them.
Some of the information can be found in the eventlogs so i switched to tracing the eventid 12
$yesterday = (get-date) - (New-TimeSpan -day 2)
$startuplog= Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable #{LogName='System'; ID=12;
StartTime=$yesterday} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
But does anyone know how one can measure when the system was ready (ctrl-alt-del) and when the user hit the enter button after typing in the password? Is there a flag that can be set to raise such an event in a (diagnostics) event log?
You can compare the power state timestamp to the "Last Interactive Logon" feature of AD DS. That feature requires a domain functional level (DFF) of Windows Server 2008 r2 to work and workstation infrastructure of windows vista or later. The "msDS-LastSuccessfulInteractiveLogonTime" attribute is what you want. It's the time stamp of the last successful interactive logon (ctrl+alt+del).
To enable Last Interactive Logon on your domain:
Command to query attribute:
$Computer = 'hostname'
Get-ADComputer -Filter "name -eq $Computer" -Properties * | Select msDS-LastSuccessfulInteractiveLogonTime
P.S. Try to get away from using "-ErrorAction". In it's place, use Try/Catch/Finally code blocks.

check for last number of users logged in to machine?

I'm trying to come up with a powershell script thatcan determine the last number of users that logged on to a machine. I'm stuck on to how to approach it. If I'm correct, using a get-wmiobject call will only get the last user. I'm wondering if maybe there is a call I can do to get the history of something like the user folder and get the last users that modified that?Or is there some simpler way?
Basically, all user logins are saved in the security log of each windows server. These are set in the log with the following eventIDs: 528 and 540. These two IDs are for a direct or a remote login to a machine. For my specific need, I have to following line in my script. If you have a similar need, be sure to read up on windows eventIDs on a site like this one
Get-EventLog -logname security -ComputerName $svr -Newest 100 | where {$_.eventID -eq 528
-or 540} | select time,user