Closures over not yet defined variables in CoffeeScript - coffeescript

For the following code:
inc = -> value = (value ? 0) + 1
dec = -> value = (value ? 0) - 1
print = -> console.log value ? 0
How can you make this work properly, so inc and dec close upon value instead of creating separate function-local variables, in the way other than explicitly assigning something to value?
In plain Javascript, you would just declare var value at outer scope:
var value;
function inc() { value = (value || 0) + 1; };
function dec() { value = (value || 0) - 1; };
function print() { console.log(value || 0); };
What is CoffeeScript way for exactly the same thing?

In CoffeeScript, the way to introduce a local variable is to assign to the variable in the appropriate scope.
This is simply the way that CoffeeScript was defined and as such is similar to Python or Ruby, which do not require a "variable declaration", except CoffeeScript also allows forward access. A side-effect is that one cannot shadow a lexical variable.
Just as with the placement of var in JavaScript, where this assignment is done (as long as it is in the correct scope) does not affect the scope of the variable.
x = undefined
f = -> x
// JS
var f, x;
x = void 0;
f = function() {
return x;
f = -> x
x = undefined
// JS
var f, x;
f = function() {
return x;
x = void 0;


Unable to Get Bitwise XOR to work in GameMaker 2

I'm trying to implement Zobrist hashing for a chess game and thought I was doing things correctly. However, when I try to apply XOR to a Hash value, it simply changes between 0 (the starting value for the hash) and -2147483648, in spite of conducting a bitwise XOR against a random number between 0 and 18446744073709551616.
Here's some code. I thought it was relatively simple with a struct for each entry in the Grid, a constructor function to make an entry, a function to create the Hash Table, and finally one for the Hash itself.
//Hash Table struct. This can be expanded for each new piece type
HashTableEntry = {
//A function for creating a Hash Table Entry
function toHashTableEntryStruct() constructor {
var HashUpperBound = 18446744073709551616;
QueenHash = random(HashUpperBound);
BishopHash = random(HashUpperBound);
KnightHash = random(HashUpperBound);
RookHash = random(HashUpperBound);
PawnHash = random(HashUpperBound);
KingHash = random(HashUpperBound);
//A function to create a ds_grid Hash Table of the size passed to it, which it then returns
function CreateHashTable(_width, _height){
//Copy the local variables
var width = _width;
var height = _height;
//Create the grid for the Hash Table
var NewHashTable = ds_grid_create(width, height);
//Copy the original seed and set the game's seed to create the same table each time
var OriginalSeed = random_get_seed;
//Loop through the Grid and fill each value with a HashTableEntry struct
for(var i = 0; i < width; i++;){
for(var j = 0; j < height; j++;){
var NewHash = new toHashTableEntryStruct();
ds_grid_set(NewHashTable, i, j, NewHash);
//Reset the seed
//Return the shiny new Hash Table
return NewHashTable;
//A function for creating the original Hash of a board. This should only be called on
initialising a Board as it sets the Original Hash
function CreateBoardHash(_board){
var Board = _board;
var width = ds_grid_width(Board);
var height = ds_grid_height(Board);
HashTable = CreateHashTable(width, height);
var FinalHash = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < width; i++;){
for(var j = 0; j < height; j++;){
var PieceToCheck = ds_grid_get(Board, i, j);
if(PieceToCheck == Pieces.BLANK){ continue; }
var HashEntry = ds_grid_get(HashTable, i, j);
var XorValue = MatchPieceToHashTableEntry(PieceToCheck, HashEntry);
FinalHash ^= XorValue;
if(FinalHash == 0){
//Error here
//Set the instance variable for this original Hash
OriginalHash = FinalHash;
//Add it to the Current Hash stack
CurrentHash = FinalHash;
//Return said hash for the calling function
return FinalHash;
The problem comes in the FinalHash ^= XorValue; line, where XorValue each time is a random number, but FinalHash only ever comes out as 0 or -2147483648.
Can someone help with why this is the case and what I may be doing wrong with my XOR function?
Thanks to Reddit, I have fixed this. GameMaker must be doing something weird with the ^= operator, as the solution was as follows:
FinalHash = FinalHash ^ XorValue;

What does this function actually do?

i am currently trying to do some self learning in swift just for my own interest. in the course i bought it says that we should create a function similar to this one in order to solve my problem. but I'm blankly staring trying to figure out what this function actually does?
func unknown() -> () -> Int {
var x = 0
let z: () -> Int = {
x += 1
return x
return z
It is a function that returns another function which will return an integer that will be increased everytime you call it:
let afunc = unknown()
let value1 = afunc() // 1
let value2 = afunc() // 2
let value3 = afunc() // 3
The interesting part of this is the return type. () -> Int is a function that returns an Int, which means that unknown returns a function rather than something simple, like a number.
z is then a variable of that same type and is assigned a function definition to be returned.
If you assign the result of unknown to a variable, you can then invoke the returned function.
This implementation of a high order function is an interesting way of defining generators. An infinite sequence-like class would've achieve the same thing, but with more verbosity:
class MySequence {
private var x = 0
func unknown() -> Int {
x += 1
return x
var seq = MySequence()
let unknown = seq.unknown
print(unknown()) // 1
print(unknown()) // 2
print(unknown()) // 3
// ... and so on
The main difference between the class and the anonymous closure is the storage for x: the closure captures in due to using the variables within its body, while the class declares explicit storage for the property.
Some fancy stuff can result by using high order functions, like a generator for the Fibonacci numbers:
func fibonnaciSequence() -> () -> Int? {
var a = 0, b = 1
return { let c = a; a += b; b = c; return c }
let fibo = fibonnaciSequence()
while let f = fibo() {
// this will print forever
// actually not forever, it will stop at some point due to += overflowing

swift 3 variable used before begin initialized

I have an issue with my n variable. I cannot use n in for loop. Why? n was initialized before for loop. Please, help.
import Foundation
var n: Int
var t: Int
var tt = readLine()
t = Int(tt!)!
if (t==0){
else if ( t < 0){
n = t*(-1)
else if(t > 0){
n = t
var arr : [[String]] = []
for i in 0..<n*2{
for y in 0..<n*2{
arr[i][y] = "."
A variable may be declared and not immediately initialized, as long as initialization is guaranteed before first use
The error is more subtle than at first glance. You may actually declare a property without initializing it, as long as all program flows leading to its first use ascertain initialization of it.
The issue is with the if, else if and else if block:
var n: Int // declaration
// ...
if (t == 0) {
else if (t < 0) {
n = t*(-1)
else if (t > 0){
n = t
// first use
for i in 0..<n*2 { /* ... */ }
Swift cannot not infer that this block is in fact exhaustive, and believes that there is a possibility that none of the above if statements holds, which, in the eyes of the compiler, would lead to the following program state:
program flow has not been broken (break)
and n has not been instantiated
As humans, however, we know that the if - else if - else if block above is indeed exhaustive, and can help the compiler out by simply changing the last if else statement to a simple else statement.
if (t == 0) {
else if (t < 0) {
n = t*(-1)
// if none of the above, t > 0
else {
n = t
On another note, the nested array access of non-existing array elements, arr[i][y] = "." will lead to a runtime exception, but this is another issue. In its current form, it looks as if the intent with the nested loops could be replaced with a nested array instantiation:
var arr = [[String]](repeating: [String](repeating: ".", count: 2*n), count: 2*n)
var arr = (0..<2*n).map { _ in [String](repeating: ".", count: 2*n) }
The variable n is only declared, not initialized.
To initialize the variables:
var n: Int = 0
var t: Int = 0

How can I unroll callbacks in Coffeescript?

Normally in Javascript I can do something like this:
var step;
function determineStep() {
step = 'A';
asyncCallbackA(function(result)) {
if (result.testForB) performB();
function performB() {
step = 'B';
asyncCallbackB(function(result)) {
if (result.testForC) performC();
function performC() {
step = 'C';
However Coffeescript does not allow named functions that get hoisted so I would have to define a function before calling it. This would result in them being out of order (very confusing). And if any of them have circular dependencies then it is not possible at all.
In Coffeescript I am forced to do:
step = null
determineStep =
step = 'A'
asyncCallbackA (result) ->
if result.testForB
step = 'B'
asyncCallbackB (result) ->
if result.testForC
step = 'C'
asyncCallbackC (result) ->
If you have multiple steps this can quickly get out of hand.
Is it possible to implement the Javascript pattern in Cofffeescript? If not, what is the best way to handle this scenario?
I think you're a little confused. When you say:
f = -> ...
the var f is (of course) hoisted to the top of the scope but the f = function() { ... } definition is left where it is. This means that the only order that matters is that you need to define all your functions before you determineStep().
For example, this works just fine:
f = -> g()
g = -> h()
h = -> console.log('h')
In your case:
step = null
determineStep = ->
step = 'A'
asyncCallbackA (result) -> performB() if(result.testForB)
performB = ->
step = 'B'
asyncCallbackB (result) -> performC() if(result.testForC)
performC = ->
step = 'C'
should be fine. determineStep can call performB before performB is defined (in source order) because:
The var performB is hoisted.
By the time determineStep executes, the performB = function() { ... } will have been done.
Similarly for the other functions so you don't have to worry about interdependencies amongst your functions.

coffeescript - array initialisation

I have the following code that obviously works but I am fairly sure there is a more terse way of expressing this in coffeescript:
todos = []
for i in [1..10]
todos.push App.Todo, i
todos = (, i) for i in [1..10])
The enclosing parentheses indicate a list comprehension, which collects the return values into an array and returns it.
Consider the two following examples. The enclosing parentheses change how Coffeescript interprets the loop.
# With parentheses (list comprehension)
todos = (, i) for i in [1..10])
# Without parentheses (plain old loop)
todos =, i) for i in [1..10]
And the output:
// With parentheses
todos = (function() {
var _i, _results;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 1; _i <= 10; i = ++_i) {
_results.push(, i));
return _results;
// Without parentheses
for (i = _i = 1; _i <= 10; i = ++_i) {
todos =, i);