How to start Sidekiq in RubyMine? - rubymine

I'm using RubyMine 6.3. I tried to configure Sidekiq in RubyMine but I can't start it.
How would I configure and start Sidekiq in RubyMine?

Go to Run/Debug Configurations
Add a new Gem Command
Enter 'sidekiq' as the Gem name and Executable name
Check 'Run the script in the contexst of bundle (bundle exec) under the 'Bundler' tab
Click 'Apply' and then run it.


Is there a way to run only an "external tool" in a JetBrains "run configuration"

Alle (or nearly all) "run configurations" in JetBrains IDEs provide an option to run an "external tool" as part of their execution. Is there a way to only run an external tool in a run configuration?
Not sure why you need it... I can suggest trying the Bash Support plugin ( - it has a kind of 'generic' run configuration that can be used for running arbitrary executable. See if it works for you. But note that it's a third-party plugin JetBrains is not responsible for
This has been a pain point for me for years. Here's my solution:
Run Configurations can be configured to invoke External Tools before launch, so the trick is to setup a run configuration that does absolutely nothing and then add your external tools to it.
Example: In WebStorm, I use an npm run configuration with the command set to version. Invoking this will cause all of the External Tool configurations in the Before Launch section to be executed (in order) before finally running npm version, which just generates output to the npm console.

Run "mvn clean install" in Eclipse

Title says it all.
I want to run the console command mvn clean install on my project in question directly in Eclipse, not from the command line.
It would just be more convenient for me to do this, as I already have the project open in Eclipse. It would save me time if I would not have to navigate to the folder in Windows Explorer.
Not a big deal if I can't do this... but can I? And if so, how?
It would be great if I could just right click my project, then click "mvn clean install" from the context menu.
I use eclipse STS, so the maven plugin comes pre-installed. However, if you aren't using STS (Springsource Tool Suite), you can still install the m2Eclipse plugin. Here is the link:
Once you have this installed, you should be able to run all the maven commands. To do so, from the package explorer, you would right click on either the maven project or the pom.xml in the maven project, highlight Run As, then click Maven Install.
Hope this helped.
Run a custom maven command in Eclipse as follows:
Right-click the maven project or pom.xml
Expand Run As
Select Maven Build...
Set Goals to the command, such as: clean install -X
Note: Eclipse prefixes the command with mvn automatically.
You can create external command Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration...
It will be available under Run -> External Tools and can be run using shortcuts.
Right click on pom.xml, Run As, you should see the list of m2 options if you have Maven installed, you can select Maven Clean from there
If you want to open command prompt inside your eclipse, this can be a useful approach to link cmd with eclipse.
You can follow this link to get the steps in detail with screenshots.
How to use cmd prompt inside Eclipse ?
I'm quoting the steps here:
Step 1: Setup a new External Configuration Tool
In the Eclipse tool go to Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations option.
Step 2: Click New Launch Configuration option in Create, manage and run configuration screen
Step 3: New Configuration screen for configuring the command prompt
Step 4: Provide configuration details of the Command Prompt in the Main tab
Name: Give any name to your configuration (Here it is Command_Prompt)
Location: Location of the CMD.exe in your Windows
Working Directory: Any directory where you want to point the Command prompt
Step 5: Tick the check box Allocate console
This will ensure the eclipse console is being used as the command prompt for any input or output.
Step 6: Click Run and you are there!! You will land up in the C: directory as a working directory
Just found a convenient workaround:
Package Explorer > Context Menu (for specific project) > StartExplorer > Start Shell Here
This opens the cmd line for my project.
Unless someone can provide me a better answer, I will accept my own for now.

Debug Solr code in Eclipse

New to Eclipse and Solr, I imported apache-solr-3.6.0.war into Eclipse and run Solr with tomcat plugin. Now i want to debug some existing code, however how do i import the Solr source code?
Without knowing how you imported it exactly: sounds like you are looking for Source attachment.
It might be better if you use the Solr source code directly. Check the README file included in the release, there is an ant task to init eclipse:
To setup your ide run [...] 'ant eclipse'.
Then all dependencies are loaded using ivy and you can run it from within the IDE.
You can also check out the whole Lucene/Solr source:
install Subclipse add-in
choose New... > Project...
SVN > Checkout projects from SVN...
add this link as new repository
select branch /branches/lucene_solr_3_6 (if you want last stable version. Use trunk if you want to use cutting edge source)
choose Check out as a project in a workspace and leave everything else default
Then, after the checkout completes, to complete setup, you don't have to fiddle with JARs manually, simply:
right click on main build.xml, the one in your project's root
choose Run As... > Ant build... select (in this order)
ivy-bootstrap and resolve tasks (which will download all JAR dependencies)
then run in this order: validate, clean-idea, eclipse, compile, get-maven-poms, generate-maven-artifacts (the last two only if you plan to use Maven).
And that's it, you should now see no redness in your workspace and have Lucene and Solr JARs built.
Run solr like this:
java -jar -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=1044 start.jar
Solr will start, but wait you to connect from Eclipse to continue.
Then in Eclipse, go to:
Run / Debug Configurations...
Select Remote Java Application
Press New button to create a new remote configuration
put 1044 on port
Click on Debug
This is the standard way to debug remote applications in Java
./solr start -p 8983 -f -a "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address="
Start solr with
provide app run on port 8983
provide Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket
remote ip address
and then go to eclipse

Find the command and options used by NetBeans IDE

I am using a the NetBeans 7.x IDE. I have a Netbeans Application module. I use the Build and the Run buttons from the IDE. The module runs just fine when I press Run Project or F6 button. I like to run
this from the command line. Since everything was build automatically for
me I have no idea where things are or how to run it. There are several jar files in the project/build/public-package-jars. Is there a way to see what command and options the Run Project is using ?
Go to the root of the application (or wherever there is a build.xml file) on the command line and run ant -p. That will list all of the available options for building and running the application.

Launching run configuration outside Eclipse IDE

I have a run configuration defined for my Eclipse RCP application which is saved to a .launch file. Is there a way to use this launch configuration outside the Eclipse IDE? i.e, it would be nice to be able to launch the application from the command line for continuous integration purposes.
You can get the command line Eclipse uses:
Run your program in Eclipse
Go to the "Debug" view
Right-click on the process (probably the second item in the tree) and select "Properties"
Copy shell command and delete the agentlib flag to run in bash. Unfortunately, you need to do this whenever you change the configuration.
Yes, you could create and export a product configuration based on your launch-configuration:
Create new Product Configuration (File -> New -> Other)
Name the file (e.g. myrcp.product)
Select "Use a launch configuration" on the first page of the wizard
The product editor should open automatically. In the Exporting section you should be able to export your product using the "Eclipse Product export wizard".
Resource: Eclipse FAQ - How can I deploy my RCP app
Have a look at this PDE Build tutorial. It explains how to build and test (or run) your product using Ant.
It is possible to do that with a little workaround. You can find your configuration at workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core\.launches. So, open it in text editor and find an attribute containing goals, e.g. clean install -DskipTests=true.Then, go to the root of your project and execute that by the CMD:
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
This should be similar for other goals.