Getting value from MongoDB query - mongodb

I'm a new user to MongoDB.
When I do a find() on a db.users, I get back an object like such:
{"_id" : ObjectId("5373c8779c82e0955aadcddc"), "username": "example"}
How do I link this document to another document? I'm using the command line mongo shell.
For example, I want to associate a person in db.person with an attribute owner in a car object in

so it sounds like you're trying to do a join, which mongo does not support. what it does support is embedding. so, based on what you're trying to do, you could embed a list of cars that a person owns... for example:
id: (whatever),
username: phil,
cars: [
{make: honda, model: civic, mileage: 44000},
{make: ford, model: focus, mileage: 56000}
or, you could link to a list of IDs in your car collection:
id: (whatever),
username: phil,
cars: [
however this is less efficient, since you'll have to do more finds to get each car's info-- which is why embedding rocks!
This is described in detail here: MongoDB relationships: embed or reference?


Mongoose findOne not working as expected on nested records

I've got a collection in MongoDB whose simplified version looks like this:
Dealers = [{
Id: 123,
Name: 'Someone',
Email: '',
Vehicles: [
Id: 1234,
Make: 'Honda',
Model: 'Civic'
Id: 2345,
Make: 'Ford',
Model: 'Focus'
Id: 3456,
Make: 'Ford',
Model: 'KA'
And my Mongoose Model looks a bit like this:
const vehicle_model = mongoose.Schema({
Id: {
Type: Number
Email: {
Type: String
Vehicles: [{
Id: {
Type: Number
Make: {
Type: String
Model: {
Type: String
Note the Ids are not MongoDB Ids, just distinct numbers.
I try doing something like this:
const response = await vehicle_model.findOne({ 'Id': 123, 'Vehicles.Id': 1234 })
But when I do:
It's returned all the Vehicles nested records instead on the one I'm after.
What am I doing wrong?
This question is asked very frequently. Indeed someone asked a related question here just 18 minutes before this one.
When query the database you are requesting that it identify and return matching documents to the client. That is a separate action entirely than asking for it to transform the shape of those documents before they are sent back to the client.
In MongoDB, the latter operation (transforming the shape of the document) is usually referred to as "Projection". Simple projections, specifically just returning a subset of the fields, can be done directly in find() (and similar) operations. Most drivers and the shell use the second argument to the method as the projection specification, see here in the documentation.
Your particular case is a little more complicated because you are looking to trim off some of the values in the array. There is a dedicated page in the documentation titled Project Fields to Return from Query which goes into more detail about different situations. Indeed near the bottom is a section titled Project Specific Array Elements in the Returned Array which describes your situation more directly. In it is where they describe usage of the positional $ operator. You can use that as a starting place as follows:
"Id": 123,
"Vehicles.Id": 1234
"Vehicles.$": 1
Playground demonstration here.
If you need something more complex, then you would have to start exploring usage of the $elemMatch (projection) operator (not the query variant) or, as #nimrod serok mentions in the comments, using the $filter aggregation operator in an aggregation pipeline. The last option here is certainly the most expressive and flexible, but also the most verbose.

Storing enum to MongoDb (for managing tag names)

If we have a collection of books, we can assign tags of authors into an array as follows:
Books collection
"authors" : ["John Michaels", "Bill Williams"]
This can cause problems if an author's name changes.
Instead, I was thinking of assigning an integer value to each author and creating a 'tags' collection:
Tags collection
“tags” : [
{“John Michaels” : 0},
{“Jane Collins” : 1},
{“Bill Williams” : 2}
Here is my books collection, here we specify that ‘John Michaels’ and ‘Bill Williams’ are the authors:
“authors” : [0, 2]
If I ever needed to change the author’s name ‘Bill Williams’ to ‘Bill H. Williams’, there would be no problem because the value stored in the books collection remains unchanged.
My Question is if MongoDB has something like enums that will automatically increment the integral value or if there is something else built into MongoDB to help with this type of situation.
Thank you
This is typical use case of referencing other collections. So, you should have 2 collections:
Authors collection:
_id: ObjectId,
name: String,
... // Other fields
Books collection:
_id: ObjectId,
authors: [ ObjectId ], // References to documents from Author collection
... // Other fields
So, in authors property of the Books collection, you store _id values of all the authors. Then when you fetch book document, you can easily fetch up-to-date authors data from Authors collection.

Mongodb: findOne by ObjectId inside an array of documents

Sorry for the confusing title, I'm having a hard time describing it.
Basically, here is the document I have stored in my database:
_id: 5fcf596a27365fb14d938afa
name:"ACME Inc"
users: [ {
_id: 5fcf596a27365fb14d938afb,
id: 5fcf596a27365fb14d938af9,
Id like to find the object that contains this id: 5fcf596a27365fb14d938af9 inside the users array.
What would the query look like?
This should do the thing:
{"" : "5fcf596a27365fb14d938af9"}

Meteor Collection: find element in array

I have no experience with NoSQL. So, I think, if I just try to ask about the code, my question can be incorrect. Instead, let me explain my problem.
Suppose I have e-store. I have catalogs
Catalogs = new Mongo.Collection('catalogs);
and products in that catalogs
Products = new Mongo.Collection('products');
Then, people add there orders to temporary collection
Order = new Mongo.Collection();
Then, people submit their comments, phone, etc and order. I save it to collection Operations:
phone: "phone",
comment: "comment",
etc: "etc"
savedOrder: Order //<- Array, right? Or Object will be better?
Nice, but when i want to get stats by every product, in what Operations product have used. How can I search thru my Operations and find every operation with that product?
Or this way is bad? How real pro's made this in real world?
If I understand it well, here is a sample document as stored in your Operation collection:
clientRef: "john-001",
phone: "12345678",
other: "etc.",
savedOrder: {
"someMetadataAboutOrder": "...",
"lines" : [
{ qty: 1, itemRef: "XYZ001", unitPriceInCts: 1050, desc: "USB Pen Drive 8G" },
{ qty: 1, itemRef: "ABC002", unitPriceInCts: 19995, desc: "Entry level motherboard" },
clientRef: "paul-002",
phone: null,
other: "etc.",
savedOrder: {
"someMetadataAboutOrder": "...",
"lines" : [
{ qty: 3, itemRef: "XYZ001", unitPriceInCts: 950, desc: "USB Pen Drive 8G" },
Given that, to find all operations having item reference XYZ001 you simply have to query:
> db.operations.find({"savedOrder.lines.itemRef":"XYZ001"})
This will return the whole document. If instead you are only interested in the client reference (and operation _id), you will use a projection as an extra argument to find:
> db.operations.find({"savedOrder.lines.itemRef":"XYZ001"}, {"clientRef": 1})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c179"), "clientRef" : "john-001" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c17a"), "clientRef" : "paul-002" }
If you need to perform multi-documents (incl. multi-embedded documents) operations, you should take a look at the aggregation framework:
For example, to calculate the total of an order:
> db.operations.aggregate([
{$match: { "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c179") }},
{$unwind: "$savedOrder.lines" },
{$group: { _id: "$_id",
total: {$sum: {$multiply: ["$savedOrder.lines.qty",
{ "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c179"), "total" : 21045 }
I'm an eternal newbie, but since no answer is posted, I'll give it a try.
First, start by installing robomongo or a similar software, it will allow you to have a look at your collections directly in mongoDB (btw, the default port is 3001)
The way I deal with your kind of problem is by using the _id field. It is a field automatically generated by mongoDB, and you can safely use it as an ID for any item in your collections.
Your catalog collection should have a string array field called product where you find all your products collection items _id. Same thing for the operations: if an order is an array of products _id, you can do the same and store this array of products _id in your savedOrder field. Feel free to add more fields in savedOrder if necessary, e.g. you make an array of objects products with additional fields such as discount.
Concerning your queries code, I assume you will find all you need on the web as soon as you figure out what your structure is.
For example, if you have a product array in your savedorder array, you can pull it out like that:
Operations.find({_id: "your operation ID"},{"savedOrder.products":1)
Basically, you ask for all the products _id in a specific operation. If you have several savedOrders in only one operation, you can specify too the savedOrder _id, if you used the one you had in your local collection.
Operations.find({_id: "your_operation_ID", "savedOrder._id": "your_savedOrder_ID"},{"savedOrder.products":1)
ps: to bad-ass coders here, if I'm doing it wrong, please tell me.
I find an answer :) Of course, this is not a reveal for real professionals, but is a big step for me. Maybe my experience someone find useful. All magic in using correct mongo operators. Let solve this problem in pseudocode.
We have a structure like this:
1. Operation: {
_id: <- Mongo create this unique for us
phone: "phone1",
comment: "comment1",
savedOrder: [
_id: <- and again
productId: <- whe should save our product ID from 'products'
name: "Banana",
quantity: 100
productId: <- Another ID, that we should save if order
name: "apple",
quantity: 50
And if we want to know, in what Operation user take "banana", we should use mongoDB operator"elemMatch" in Mongo docs
db.getCollection('operations').find({}, {savedOrder: {$elemMatch:{productId: "f5mhs8c2pLnNNiC5v"}}});
In simple, we get documents our saved order have products with id that we want to find. I don't know is it the best way, but it works for me :) Thank you!

MongoDB: Is a range query possible using multikeys?

var jd = {
type: "Person",
attributes: {
name: "John Doe",
age: 30
var pd = {
type: "Person",
attributes: {
name: "Penelope Doe",
age: 26
var ss = {
type: "Book",
attributes: {
name: "The Sword Of Shannara",
author: "Terry Brooks"
db.things.ensureIndex({attributes: 1})
db.things.find({"attributes.age": 30}) // => John Doe
db.things.find({"attributes.age": 30}).explain() // => BasicCursor... (don't want a scan)
db.things.find({"attributes.age": {$gte: 18}) // John Doe, Penelope Doe (via a scan)
The goal is that all attributes be indexed and searchable via range queries and that the index actually be used (as opposed to a collection scan). There's no telling what attributes a document will have. I have read about multikeys but they seem only to work (by index) with exact-match queries.
Multikeys prefers this format for a document:
var pd = {
type: "Person",
attributes: [
{name: "Penelope Doe"},
{age: 26}
Is there a pattern where by one index I can find items by attribute using a range?
In a schemaless DB it makes sense to have potentially a limitless array of types, yet a collection name practically implies some sort of type. But if we go to the extreme, we want to allow for any number of types within a collection (so that we don't have to define a collection for every conceivable custom type a user might imagine). Searching, therefore, by attributes (of any sort) with just a single deep index (that supports ranged queries) makes this sort of thing far more feasible. Seems to me a natural fit for a schemaless DB.
Opened a ticket if you wanna vote it up:
Yes range queries work with multikeys. However multikeys are for arrays rather than embedded objects.
In the example above try
db.things.ensureIndex({"attributes.age": 1})
Range queries are possible using multikeys; however, expressing the query can be tricky.