retrieve a single email from imap by message_id - email

I am using ruby's Net::IMAP object and I can retrieve a set of emails using either:
IMAP.all ..args..
IMAP.find ..args..
But is there anyway of retrieving a specific email, preferably by the message-id header for example?
Is this possible or am I limited to all and find and trying to narrow the result set with better arguments?

I didn't understand what technology you're using with IMAP. However the IMAP Specification provides the ability to search by a variety of fields, including email headers. You can use the following IMAP command to retrieve the UID of an email with Message-Id <53513DD7.8090606#imap.local>:
0005 UID SEARCH HEADER Message-ID <53513DD7.8090606#imap.local>
This will then give you a response such as the following:
0005 OK UID completed
In my case the email with Message-Id <53513DD7.8090606#imap.local> was the first one, so the SEARCH command returned a matching UID of 1.
You can then retrieve the message using a UID FETCH command, such as the following:
Naturally, if you know the UID in advance, you can skip the UID SEARCH step, but that depends on your application.

For anybody else who is looking at this, these keys will do the trick:
keys: ['HEADER', 'MESSAGE-ID', message_id]

Just to give a full ruby solution incase it's helpful to someone else.
Bear in mind that if the message is in a subfolder you'll need to manually search through each folder to find the message you are after.
search_message_id = "<message-id-you-want-to-search-for>"
email = "youremail-or-imap-login"
password = "yourpassword"
imap ="", 993, ssl: true)
imap.login(email, password)"Inbox")["HEADER", "Message-ID", search_message_id]).each do |message_id|
envelope = imap.fetch(message_id, "ENVELOPE")[0].attr["ENVELOPE"]
puts "Id:\t#{envelope.message_id}"
puts "From:\t#{envelope.from[0].mailbox}##{envelope.from[0].host}"
puts "To:\t#{[0].mailbox}##{[0].host}"
puts "Subject:\t#{envelope.subject}"
You can change the above to search all sub-folders by doing:
folders = imap.list("", "*")
folders.each do |folder| # ...


Is there a way to fetch latest email from "Mail reader sampler" or "Beanshell Sampler"

I am able to fetch email from my email account using POP3 via "Mail Reader Sampler" listener. But its not retrieving latest email.
Is it possible to extract the latest email using Beanshell Sampler. If yes, can you please share the code if this is achievable.
As per below discussion - looks like it is not doable. But, wanted to check if this is achievable using any means?
Stackoverflow Discussion on how to fetch required email
You can do this programmatically, check out the following methods:
Folder.getMessageCount() - Get total number of messages in this Folder
Folder.getMessage(int msgnum) - Get the Message object corresponding to the given message number
According to the JavaDoc
Messages are numbered starting at 1 through the total number of message in the folder.
So the number of the last message will always be the same as the total number of messages in the given folder.
Example code which reads last email using POP3 protocol
import javax.mail.Folder
import javax.mail.Message
import javax.mail.Session
import javax.mail.Store
String host = "host"
String user = "username"
String password = "password"
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties)
Store store = session.getStore("pop3")
store.connect(host, user, password)
Folder inbox = store.getFolder("Inbox")
int msgCount = inbox.getMessageCount()
Message last = inbox.getMessage(msgCount)
//do what you need with the "last" message
I would also recommend forgetting about Beanshell, whenever you need to perform scripting - use JSR223 Elements and Groovy language as Groovy has much better performance, it is more Java-compliant and it has some nice language features. See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It guide for more details.

Get sender email address in Infopath

I have a form sent by email that travels through different persons like this.
Person A --> Person B --> Person C
I want the person A to be informed when the form is treated by person C. So Person A needs to be in copy of the email sent by person B.
Because person A isn't always the same one, I think the best way to put him/her in copy is to use the "from" field of the email received by person B and to put it in copy.
But how can I find this address with infopath and how can I place it into my email data connection ?
I had this same question today myself and could not find much in the way of answers.
So... I did some work myself and came up with a few solutions.
First I don't believe there is any way to get/set the "From" address using the InfoPath OM. This means you will have to use one of the following options:
No Code:
You will be limited to providing a field on the form where "Person A" can put their email address and use this in the CC. for subsequent stages. That's kind of the only way and while it an extra burden to the user it does have the benefit of providing flexibility.
Write your own code to send the mail using Outlook Interop or System.Net.Mail and then you will be setting all of the addresses manually anyway.
If you are using AD or something else then you could always get the email address of the current use using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.
Based on an assumption which I cannot find any documentation to back up. That InfoPath uses the account associated with the default store to send email using EmailSubmitConnection. You should be able to use Outlook Interop to find the address that InfoPath will use.
Here is a code sample:
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
public string GetDefaultSenderAddress()
// This actually opens outlook in the same way as InfoPath does to send the message.
// which can be slow.
string DefaultAddress = string.Empty;
Outlook.Application OutlookApplication = new Outlook.Application();
string DefaultStoreId = OutlookApplication.Session.DefaultStore.StoreID;
foreach (Outlook.Account Account in OutlookApplication.Session.Accounts)
if (Account.DeliveryStore.StoreID == DefaultStoreId)
DefaultAddress = Account.SmtpAddress;
// Note you probably won't want to quit if you are about to send the email.
// However I have noticed that this doesn't seem to close Outlook anyway.
return DefaultAddress;
You may have to provide a few more checks in case of different account types etc. But I believe it will work. (I tested it for my scenario and it does).
Note: Of course this opens an outlook instance which you will have to close as well. And it can be slow. Unless outlook is already open in which case it will be very quick. Anyhow when sending from InfoPath Outlook will have to be opened so if you do this just before sending then there should be no noticeable difference.
I would advise using a combination of the no code/with code options so provide a return address which is automatically complete to save the user time. But can be corrected if the user wishes to have the email returned to a different address of if there is a mistake.
Hope that you find that useful.

Get message id (not universal id) from Notes document

I want to fetch message id of the document. I tried
but it's giving null.
Check out this thread from the Notes forum. You may need to follow the advice there, which is to set the saveMessageOnSend property to true before sending and then obtain the $MessageID from the copy of the document that is saved back to the mail database.
Otherwise, you may need to add a tilde before the dollar sign:

Get the first product id in a magento system via soap api (2)?

Question: Is there a way (api call) to get the first product id in a magento install via the soap api.
I'm attempting to download all the products from a magento system and insert them into a different database (I do the conversion myself so that's not a bother) What is hard to understand though is how do I get a list of the product id's without getting all of them, if all I know is that the site is up.
Here's the info I have.
soap end point
soap username
soap apikey (aka password)
Here's what I don't know.
the id of any of the products
the date any of the products were created on or last edited.
For my initial load, I have to do a where product id in, because I expect 20 to 40k product lists won't come back in one soap call.
So I call
where id in (1 -> 100) Nope
where id in (101-> 200) Nope..
Now as you can imagine that code smells something fierce. It works, but I have to think there is a better way..
To expand my question: Is there a better way?
I can post the XML that I'm sending if that helps. The language I'm using to create the soap(xml) is vim, so I don't have code I can paste.
Try This
$client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/magento8/index.php/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('soap username', 'soap apikey');
$filters=array('entity_id'=>array(array('lt'=>'1','gt'=>'100')));//get fist 100 result
$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.list',array($filters));
for more attributes check this

How would you model an Email app in MongoDB?

How would you model an email app (like gmail) in MongoDB? Would you model a Conversation? Inbox / OutBox? or mail?
Gmail use concept of labels (like tags on stackoverflow). That mean that inbox, send mail, starred, etc normal Email object, just marked with specified label. So, there are only Email and Labels.
You can see it using search in gmail like label:inbox or label:Starred.
I'd like to suggest a fairly simple design like this:
Status {read, unread},
Labels { name, type(system, custom) },
Replies {...},
settings {
ShowInLabelsList (show, hide, showIfUnread),
ShowInMessageList (show, hide),
For sure i've missed something, but i guess it's okay to start from above schema and add more features in future if neeed.
For the 'Conversation View' i guess all replies show go to the nested collection Replies (i've update my schema). Logic is following:
Once you have received a new message you need check if email with same name already exists (for sure need to Remove 'Re', etc..) also need to check that user that has sent email in list of recipients. If above conditions is true then just add new email to nested collection of Replies otherwise add to collection of emails.