SSRS subscription- predefined delivery - date

I just want to ask if SSRS is capable of doing a predefined delivery for subscription.
If for example, I can expect a report to be emailed to me with the data from today and last 7 days ?
Below is what the fields look like.

Yes, you can either:
Using expressions, or a dataset using the necessary logic, configure the default values of a report to populate with the values you'd need
Use Data Driven subscriptions, along with a query that will return the values you'd need. See here for some information:
At the moment, it looks like your report simply doesn't provide any defaults, so you could use something like:
Date From
=DateAdd("d", -7, Today())
Date To


ssrs/ssrb end user picks a date to filter by

I'm using sql server 2008 r2 and i'm new to building reports with ssrs. I have the reports built, but i'm trying to make it so when the end user, goes to the report on the site, they are able to pick a start and end date. So the data gets filtered by those, to look at it each quarter.
I've been looking through the interwebs for a few hours and it looks like people are able to do this, but i haven't seen anything on how yet.
Also i see there is a date picker thats greyed out, but I've read that it can only be used in web projects, is that what I'm looking for?
I don't have 2008 but in 2012 you would simply define 2 parameters as date/time and amend your dataset to include them. For example
SELECT SalesOrderID, OrderDate, Status, TotalDue
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
where orderdate between #lodate and #hidate
The datasource in this case is advicentureworks2012.
SSRS automatically adds the parameters to the report and includes a date picker.

How can I sum up values by date(month) in report builder 3.0 graphs?

I'm trying to sum the data points by Months instead of individual days. The data is originating from an SQL Query so I'm thinking this may be the only way to do that. However, I would much rather do this inside of Report Builder 3.0. Any hints on how to do this?
For example, I want to see the number of tickets for the Months of December and January as only two seperate data points.
can you create a new field ( calculated perhaps) onthe dataset and group by that?
else you should be able to create an expression on the graph's group that groups by Month of a certain field.

Using Crystal Reports year to date

I am relatively new to using Crystal Reports. I am pulling the correct information from my database however I need to only pull the information from the beginning of the month to the current date, i.e. 09/01/2013 - 09/23/2013. Could anyone give me a snipit of code on how that would look.
Much appreciated.
The best way is you need to filter the data before it is populated on reports i.e. filtering the query itself. The other option is to create new parameter for the selected field and passing the value on runtime.
In below figure you can add the records selection on the required field and add the condition similarly

Real time alert for JasperServer

I am having two input for dates as below & want to set alert for that
Alert:- If difference between StartDate & EndDate is more than 6 months,it must generate alert / prompt panel showing text "Month Period exceed than 6",
& report should not proceed further, untill & unless the user select dates between six months.
As far as I know you cannot configure this in JaperReports Server as is, you'd need to implement some logic around import control validation which might be rather complex given the fact that input control rendering is based on a single template and lots of configuration.
However, you can implement the desired validation easily in the report itself:
create another parameter datediff that contains as default expression the calculation of the date difference in months (the parameter needs to be specified below the 2 date parameters)
The way to utilize this information depends now on your particular report design, here an example:
extend your report query with where clause and 6>=$P{datediff}. This would only return results if the date difference is less or equal to 6 months
add the no data band to your report and add there the desired error message.
modify your report configuration for when no data to no data section.
redeploy your report to JasperReports Server.
The desired behavior is now available.

SSRS Report Subscription Parameters (Date Values)

I am looking to setup a report subscription in SSRS 2008 R2 where the client user can set the date parameter to whatever the individual user would like. I have been reading multiple suggestions to use =Today() in the parameters but this syntax does not work for me. Does anyone know whether is is possible to set my from date to "Today -30 days" and my to date to "today"? What is the syntax used in the subscription parameters?
As described in the above link provided by praveen the solution became to create two parameters in the report containing integer values with a label that describes the periods i would like to use in my subscription. These parameters can easily be set to "Hidden" so they are not showing when you would like to run the report by hand. I also chose to set the default value for both parameters to 1 which is my value for Today(). This mean my report will start out with having today's date selected in both of the visible date parameters.
In the two date parameters that are shown in the report you can then set the default value to a switch of the values you are able to pick in your hidden date parameters. You can now setup a subscription that will work and that looks like the following: