Customize Editview in Custom Safe Manner - sugarcrm

Is there a way to customize module(Eg:Contacts) in an custom safe manner.
My requirement is too load one javascript in editview of Contacts module.
I have currently called the js in custom/modules/Contacts/views/view.edit.php and have created an addon for same.
But when I will upload the addon , if that file custom/modules/Contacts/views/view.edit.php already present will be overridden.
Is there an other way to do the same which do not removes customizations?

You can do the following:
class CustomContactsViewEdit extends ContactsViewEdit
public function __construct(){
public function display(){
//Load your javascript file here
OR You can include your javascript file on the editviewdefs metadata.
$viewdefs['Contacts']['EditView]['templateMeta']['includes][] = array(
'file' => 'custom/modules/Contacts/CustomJs.js',
Havent checked this code but it will surely work.


Create CSS classes based on user role

Working with Moodle 3.9 and a fork of the current Academi theme.
I am trying to create a css class hook on the <body> element which is based on the user's role(s). I understand that a user's role(s) are context-driven, (maybe a student in one course, and something else in another), so I would output all the roles as classes for a given context.
Based on some extensive digging on the moodle forum I have the following:
// User role based CSS classes
global $USER, $PAGE;
$context = context_system::instance();
$roles = get_user_roles($context, $USER->id, true);
if(is_array($roles)) {
foreach($roles as $role) {
} else {
Preferably I'd like this to run on every page. From within the theme, I've tried just placing this in just about every location/function I thought could be executed early enough to modify the body element. Either I get no output at all or a warning indicating that it is too late to run add_body_class().
I've had a skim of the Page and Output APIs and I still don't have a sense of how or when to execute this code. Should this be a custom plugin instead?
Override the header() function on the core renderer of your current theme template, for instance, on theme\YOUR_THEME\classes\output\core_renderer.php:
namespace theme_YOUR_THEME\output;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
use context_system;
class core_renderer extends \theme_boost\output\core_renderer {
public function header() {
global $USER;
$roles = get_user_roles(context_system::instance(),$USER->id);
if (is_array($roles) && !empty($roles)){
foreach($roles as $role){
return parent::header();
This way, every page would call this function and have the desired css classes added to the body tag.

TYPO3 hook for saving page settings

I'm searching for a hook which is called after page settings saving or change. I tried this answer TYPO3: Hook after creating or editing page, but it does something else.
Does someone know of one?
I was solving this problem a week ago. You have to have a class ProcessCmdmap in folder Extension/Classes/Hooks/ProcessCmdmap.php which is called by hook, and this class should have a method which is called by the save. I recommend this method processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray
namespace Vendor\Extension\Hooks;
class ProcessCmdmap {
public function processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray($status, $table, $id, array &$fieldArray, \TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler &$pObj) {
And dont forget to register your hook:
$GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['processDatamapClass'][''] = 'Vendor\Extension\Hooks\ProcessCmdmap';
$GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['processCmdmapClass'][''] = 'Vendor\ Extension\Hooks\ProcessCmdmap';

Adding custom extjs module in TYPO3 backend

I'm currently trying to create a node resolver for a TCA column. I've added a resolver and an element. The render function in the element class looks like this
public function render()
$resultArray = $this->initializeResultArray();
$resultArray['requireJsModules'][] = 'MyVendor/MyExtension/MyModule';
$resultArray['html'] = 'Hallo Welt';
return $resultArray;
The extjs modules is placed in typo3conf/ext/my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/MyModule.js
When TYPO3 renders my element, it renders the html part and tries to load the extjs module with the path typo3/MyVendor/MyExtension/MyModule.js
My question now is, how can I add my custom extjs module, that is injected by require function in JavaScript?
I'm using TYPO3 7.6.15.
I'm thankful for every help :)
Just found the answer here
The module needs to have TYPO3/CMS as vendor. Than it load loaded correctly.
public function render()
$resultArray = $this->initializeResultArray();
$resultArray['requireJsModules'][] = 'TYPO3/CMS/MyExtension/MyModule';
$resultArray['html'] = 'Hallo Welt';
return $resultArray;
The module needs to be in typo3conf/ext/my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/MyModule.js

How to disable some Zend View Helpers

I'm trying to make a way to disable some view helpers that are inside "application/views/helpers"...
What I really want is to put some options on the application.ini to enable or disable some Helpers.
Example on application.ini:
Now the problem is that when a Helper is off, I want to rewrite some functions of this helper in order to return a different result on the view. In this way, I don't need to change anything in the view script.
I thought in having 2 different php files for each helper, in different locations. One with the real helper and another with the changed helper (to work when it is off on the application.ini).
The problem is that I don't know how to tell the view which one it shoul load...
Does anyone know how it could be done?
Ok, after many tries, I put it to work with the following code:
protected function _initConfigureHelpers(){
$view = $this->getResource('view');
$viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper(
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$front->registerPlugin(new Application_Plugin_ViewPlugins());
return $view;
class Application_Plugin_ViewPlugins extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request){
if (is_array($options)){
$view = $bootstrap->getResource('view');
foreach($options as $option => $value){
if ($helper){
if ($value=="off")
else if ($value!="on")
throw new Exception('The value of helpers.'.$option.' must be "on" or "off" on application.ini.');
} else {
throw new Exception("Inexistent Helper");
Modified helper example
require_once APPLICATION_HELPERS."CssCrush.php";
class Configurable_Helper_CssCrush extends Zend_View_Helper_CssCrush {
protected $__config_enabled = true;
public function __disable(){
$this->__config_enabled = false;
return $this;
public function __enable(){
$this->__config_enabled = true;
return $this;
public function cssCrush(){
if ($this->__config_enabled){
return parent::cssCrush();
} else{
return new Modified_CssCrush();
class Modified_CssCrush {
public static function file ( $file, $options = null ) {
return $file;
APPLICATION_HELPERS is defined on /public/index.php as "../application/views/helpers/".
Now, when I want to add a configurable helper, I put the original helper on "/application/views/helpers/" and then, create a modified version of it on "/library/ConfigHelpers" with the structure of the example above.
What I think you want is Dependency Injection which is coming in zf2, but not available in zf1.
With some tinkering though you can get what you need.
Configuring helpers in the bootstrap
(assumes default project structure)
View helpers paths config : application/configs/application.ini:
resources.view.helperPath.Zf_View_Helper_ = "Zf/View/Helper"
A simple configurable helper, (allows disable/enable but you can obviously add any methods you need (use this as base class for helpers that need the behaviour)
class Zf_View_Helper_Configurable extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
protected $isEnabled = true;
public function configurable()
return $this;
public function disable()
$this->isEnabled = false;
return $this;
public function enable()
$this->isEnabled = true;
return $this;
public function __toString()
if ($this->isEnabled) {
return 'Configurable is enabled';
} else {
return 'Configurable is disabled';
And configure the helpers in the bootstrap:
public function _initConfigureHelpers()
$view = $this->getResource('view');
$configurableHelper = $view->configurable();
You can add options in the .ini file and grab them in the bootstrap initConfigureHelpers() method.
If you want this behaviour from any default zf helper, do what #Ratzo said and extend those helpers and add the required behaviour and then configure them in your bootstrap.
Please take a look at the following link Zend_View link
Below is an important points you should consider from the Zend docs.
Note: Default Helper Path
The default helper path always points to the Zend Framework view
helpers, i.e., 'Zend/View/Helper/'. Even if you call setHelperPath()
to overwrite the existing paths, this path will be set to ensure the
default helpers work.
This means that you can't really turn off the helpers, unless you want to go about extending the Zend_View object and overwrite the setHelperPath method. This is not the way to go though.
Here is probably what you want to do. First though, here is my assumption.
Assumption : You want to write your own view helper that slightly alters what the current view helpers do by changing a few methods here or there.
Here is what you should do to accomplish that.
First, write your view helper. Make sure the last part of the class name is the same as the view helper you want to 'overwrite'. You don't have to, but this makes sure the original helper can't be used anymore.
class My_View_Helper_BaseUrl extends Zend_View_Helper_BaseUrl
private $_enabled = true;
public function setEnabled( $bool ){ $this->_enabled = (boolean) $bool; }
public function baseUrl(){
if( $this->_enabled ){
return 'testUrl'; //other code
else return parent::baseUrl();
Now that you have that, do the following
$view->setHelperPath('/path/to/my/helpers', 'My_View_Helper'); //1
echo $view->baseUrl(); //2
Excellent. Now you've effectively shadowed the original BaseUrl helper.
The above code will make it so that the view scans your directory
for any helpers before scanning the default zend directory. When it gets to line
2 the view will find YOUR baseUrl helper first and use THAT instead of the
original baseUrl helper. In the above example it should echo
'testurl' instead of the normal baseUrl behavior.
You can make a custom helper that extends the original helper, for example
class My_Helper_Url extends Zend_View_Helper_Url
and rewrite the methods as you need.

Call Helpers From Zend_Form

I try this codes, but not works:
$this->getView()->translate("Name"); //not work
$this->_view->translate("Name"); //not work
$this->view->translate("Name"); //not work
First of all, Zend_View is not injected into Zend_Form. So when you call $this->view or $this->_view it wont work, because there is nothing to return. Why getHelper() works? Because it fetches view via helper broker (and if your are using viewRenderer). Look below at the code:
// Zend/Form.php
public function getView()
if (null === $this->_view) {
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/HelperBroker.php';
$viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer');
return $this->_view;
This is reason why $this->_view->translate() works if you call getView() before, because it's stored as protected property.
According to this, that code should work perfectly and works for me:
class My_Form extends Zend_Form
public function init()
echo $this->getView()->translate('name'); //fires 'translate' view helper and translating value
//below will also work, because you have view now in _view: getView() fetched it.
echo $this->_view->translate("another thing");
BTW. If your using translate helper to translate labels or names of fields, you don't have to. Will be enough, if you set translator object as a static property of Zend_Form, best in your bootstrap:
And from that moment all fields names and labels will be translated automatically.
I don't no why, but when I add this function to my form, it work:
public function init() {
this line works:
View is not injected into Zend_Form (don't ask me why, when it's required for rendering). You have to extend Zend_Form and inject view inside yourself. Other option is using FrontController->getInstance() > getStaticHelper > viewRenderer and recieve view from it.