Which Months Fall Between Any Two Dates? - date

I get show months only on date interval, not days.
For i=initDate to endDate
response.write month(i)
in this case the result is: 5555555666666667777777......
Is repeat months for each day in interval, but i get display result only months.
For example: 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12...

Think #John is on the right track with their answer.
But couldn't you simplify the approach by getting the start and end month from your initDate and endDate variables and stepping through the months?
Something like;
Dim initMonth, endMonth
initMonth = Month(initDate)
endMonth = Month(endDate)
For i = initMonth To endMonth
Response.Write i
If you are confident that the initDate and endDate are always Date values you could simplify it further.
For i = Month(initDate) To Month(endDate)
Response.Write i

I'm not sure I understood but maybe this will help. It stores the last month displayed in a variable (lastMonth) and only displays the month if it has changed. It shows the first month because lastMonth is set to zero when created and there should never be a month in the loop of zero.
Dim lastMonth
lastMonth = 0
For i=initDate to endDate
If lastMonth <> Month(i) Then
response.write month(i)
lastMonth = Month(i)
End If


Qlikview - arrayList

i need to calculate difference between two date excluding sunday. I have table with dates and i need to calculate number of dates of repeated days from last date.
if i have dates like that
I use this code in script
date(max(Date)) as dateMax,
date(min(Date)) as dateMin
And i get min date = 27-05-2017 and max date = 30-05-2017 then i use in expressions
=floor(((dateMax - dateMin)+1)/7)*6 + mod((dateMax - dateMin)+1,7)
+ if(Weekday(dateMin) + mod((dateMax - dateMin)+1,7) < 7, 0, -1)
And get result 3 days. Thats OK, but the problem is if I have next dates:
When use previously code I get min date = 10-05-2017 and max date = 30-05-2017 and result 18, but this is not OK.
I need to count only dates from
I need to get max date and go throw loop repeated dates and if have brake to see is that date sunday if yes then step that date and continue to count repeated dates and if i again have break and if not sunday than close loop and remember number of days.
In my case instead of 18 days i need to get 3 days.
Any idea?
I'd recommend you creating a master calendar in the script where you can apply weights or any other rule to your days. Then in your table or app you can just loop through the dates or perform operations and sum their weights (0: if sunday, 1: if not). Let's see an example:
// In this case I'll do a master calendar of the present year
LET vMinDate = Num(MakeDate(year(today()),1,1));
LET vMaxDate = Num(MakeDate(year(today()),12,31));
$(vMinDate) + Iterno() - 1 as Num,
Date($(vMinDate) + Iterno() - 1) as Date_tmp
AUTOGENERATE 1 WHILE $(vMinDate) + Iterno() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate);
Date_tmp AS Date,
Week(Date_tmp) as Week,
Year(Date_tmp) as Year,
Capitalize(Month(Date_tmp)) as Month,
Day(Date_tmp) as Day,
WeekDay(Date_tmp) as WeekDay,
'T' & ceil(num(Month(Date_tmp))/3) as Quarter,
'T' & ceil(num(Month(Date_tmp))/3) & '-' & right(year(Date_tmp),2) as QuarterYear,
date(monthStart(Date_tmp),'MMMM-YYYY') as MonthYear,
date(monthstart(Date_tmp),'MMM-YY') as MonthYear2
RESIDENT Calendar_tmp
ORDER BY Date_tmp ASC;
DROP Table Calendar_tmp;

Want to get previous date from current date

i have problem finding solution on getting previous date from current's date. but i only want the months to change. for example, now is August, i want the output to display 3 months ago = May.
Heres my code that i wrote
givenDate= "14-August-15"
DD = Day (givenDate)
'MsgBox DD
MM = Month (givenDate)
'MsgBox MM
YY = Year (givenDate)
'MsgBox YY
SysDate = DD&"/"&MM&"/"&YY
MsgBox Month(DateAdd("m", -3, "14-August-2015"))
If you just need to display the name of the month that was 3 months ago, combine DateAdd(), Month(), and MonthName(). For example:
Dim dt1, dt2
dt1 = Date() ' Use today's date, for example
dt2 = DateAdd("m", -3, dt1) ' Subtract 3 months
WScript.Echo MonthName(Month(dt2)) ' Display the name of the month
Month() returns the month number (1 - 12). MonthName() takes that number and returns the name of the month ("January" - "December").

MS Access 2010 (Design View): return Monday of the current week with Monday as 1st day of the week

I need to make my Access query always return the Monday of the current week. I have seen a few solutions on Google/StackOverflow but they are written in SQL and I am a beginner in creating Access queries (I am using the Design view to make them).
Goal: The week should be considered as M T W T F S S. Then, the query should always return the Monday of the current week. Therefore, if it is Sunday, it should still return the Monday before, NOT the next week's Monday. Can anyone explain how to do this using the Design View in Access 2010?
Keep in mind that in this context we are working with dates, so if we do Date() - 1, we will get 1 day prior to today.
Date() ~ Today's date
"w" - Weekday
Date() - Today's date
2 - vBMonday (Access assumes Sunday is the first day of the week, which is why this is necessary.)
1 - vbFirstJan1 - This gets into using the first week of the year. We could have omitted this, as 1 is the default.
-1 - Subtract 1 from the DatePart value.
Date() = 4/27/2015 (at time of this writing)
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1) = 1
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1)-1 = 0
So we have Date()-0... Okay, what's so great about that? Well, let's look at a more useful scenario where today's date is a day other than Monday.
Let's act like today is 4/28/2015 (Tuesday)
Date() = 4/28/2015
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1) = 2
DatePart("w",Date(),2,1)-1 = 1
So, from the outside, in; give me the current weekday value. (1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc.), and subtract 1 from that -> that's how many days we need to subtract from the current date to get back to the weekday value of 1 (Monday).
Here's a function that will do this:
Public Function DatePrevWeekday( _
ByVal datDate As Date, _
Optional ByVal bytWeekday As VbDayOfWeek = vbMonday) _
As Date
' Returns the date of the previous weekday, as spelled in vbXxxxday, prior to datDate.
' 2000-09-06. Cactus Data ApS.
' No special error handling.
On Error Resume Next
DatePrevWeekday = DateAdd("d", 1 - Weekday(datDate, bytWeekday), datDate)
End Function
As vbMonday is 2 and your date is today, you can use the core expression in a query:
PreviousMonday: DateAdd("d",1-Weekday(Date(),2),Date())

Check if the difference between dates is exactly 'n' months in expression SSRS

In my quarterly report Im trying to validate the two parameters StartDate and EndDate.
I first check if the difference between the dates is 2 months:
DateInterval.Month, Parameters!StartDate.Value, Parameters!EndDate.Value) <> 2,
"Error message")
Then I try to add whether the StartDate is the first day of month AND EndDate is last day of month:
And (Day(Parameters!StartDate.Value) <> 1
And Day(DATEADD(DateInterval.Day,1,Parameters!EndDate.Value)))
So the whole expression looks like this:
Switch(DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, Parameters!StartDate.Value, Parameters!EndDate.Value) <> 2
Parameters!IsQuarterly.Value = true
Day(Parameters!StartDate.Value) <> 1
"Error: Quarterly report must include 3 months")
But It works wrong when the difference between dates is still 2 months, but StartDate and EndDate are not first and last day of the whole period.
I'd appreciate any help :)
I would say just change the implementation Add another two Parameter With Quarter and Year
Quarter like Q1,Q2,Q3 & Q4 with Value 1,2,3 & 4 respectively and year 2012,2013,2014 & so on
Now based on the parameter selected Qtr & Year set Default value of start & End Date
=DateSerial(Parameters!Year.Value), (3*Parameters!Qtr.Value)-2, 1) --First day of Quarter
=DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("q",1,Parameters!Year.Value, (3*Parameters!Qtr.Value)-2, 1))) --Last day of quarter
Doing this no need to do any validation bcz its always get the correct Date Difference.
Other Reference
First day of current quarter
=DateSerial(Year(Now()), (3*DatePart("q",Now()))-2, 1)
Last day of current quarter
=DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("q",1,DateSerial(Year(Now()), (3*DatePart("q",Now()))-2, 1)))

vbscript asp - Find every Thursday in a given month

I'm trying to find all Thursdays within a given Month using VBScript.
Can anyone help?
Here is one way;
base_date = cdate("21 aug 2011")
'get 1st thursday;
thurs = dateserial(year(base_date), month(base_date), 1)
if (weekday(thurs) <> 1) then thurs = 5 - weekday(thurs) + thurs
'loop subsequent;
do until month(thurs) <> month(base_date)
msgbox thurs
thurs = dateadd("d", 7, thurs)
While the accepted answer does the job it's overly complicated for something that can be accomplished with WeekDay() function and a For loop.
Dim day
Dim startdate: startdate = CDate("21 aug 2011")
Dim enddate
'Get first day of month.
startdate = DateSerial(Year(startdate), Month(startdate), 1)
'Get last day of month.
enddate = DateAdd("m", 1, startdate) - 1
For day = startdate To enddate
If WeekDay(day) = vbThursday Then WScript.Echo day & " = " & WeekDayName(WeekDay(day))
04/08/2011 = Thursday
11/08/2011 = Thursday
18/08/2011 = Thursday
25/08/2011 = Thursday
Any Date and Time constant can be used here to look for different or multiple weekdays with a little tinkering.